759 research outputs found

    Investigating the correlation between the frequency of using metacognitive reading strategies and non-routine problem solving successes in fifth grade students

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    The aim of this study is to examine the correlation between the frequency of using metacognitive reading strategy use and non-routine problem-solving achievements in fifth grade students. The study was conducted by using the correlational survey model, one of quantitative research methods. The participants of the study consisted of 308 fifth grade students who were studying in public schools in Istanbul and Ankara in 2017-2018 school year and were selected with convenient sampling method. The data of the study were gathered using the form for the frequency of using metacognitive reading strategy by the students and the non-routine problem solving achievement Test. In the study, the form for the frequency of using metacognitive reading strategy was applied in order to determine metacognitive reading strategies of the studies and on the following day, the achievement test including non-routine problems was then applied to the students. Simple Linear Regression Analysis and Pearson Product-Moments Correlation Analysis were used in the analysis of the data obtained in the study. According to the results of the study, there was a positive correlation between the frequency of using metacognitive reading strategy and non-routine problem-solving achievements in fifth grade students and metacognitive reading strategies were a predictor of non-routine problem-solving achievement. © 2018 by authors. All rights reserved

    Eco-tourism opportunities for rural development at Yıldız Mountains

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    Kırklareli’nin Yıldız dağlarında kalan yerleşim yerleri sosyo-ekonomik yönden Trakya bölgesinin diğer yörelerine göre daha az gelişmiştir. Köylülerin büyük bir bölümü ormancılık işlerinde çalışmakta ve orman ürünleri konusunda faaliyet göstermektedirler. Ancak kıyıya yakın olan yerleşim yerlerinde yaşayan bölge halkı ise, bu faaliyetler yanında balıkçılık ve yaz aylarında artan turizm aktiviteleri ile geçimlerini sürdürmektedir. Özellikle orman içi köylerde yaşayanların refah düzeyinin yükseltilmesi, bölgenin sürdürülebilir kalkınması açısından oldukça önemlidir. Bölgenin sahip olduğu zengin doğal kaynakları (flora, fauna) kırsal kalkınmanın sağlanmasına önemli katkılar sağlayabilir. Yazın Temmuz ve Ağustos aylarında denize girme amacıyla gelenler dışında bölgede çarpıcı bir hareketlilik yaşanmamaktadır. Bu aylar dışında da av turizmi, doğa yürüyüşleri, fotoğrafçılık, kongre turizmi, konferans vb. aktivitelerle bölge çekim merkezi haline getirilebilir. Yıldız dağlarında bulunan orman köylerinin kırsal kalkınmasının sağlanabilmesi için ekoturizm ağırlıklı turizm hareketleri geliştirilebilir. Bu bağlamda aile işletmeciliğine dayalı turizm ve ev pansiyonculuğunun geliştirilmesi önerilebilir. Köylerdeki uygun evlerin pansiyon olarak kullanılması için bölgede yaşayanlara eğitim ve kredi desteği verilmelidir. Bölgenin tanıtılması ve her mevsim ziyaretlerin yapılması teşvik edilmelidir. Bunun için festivaller düzenlenebilir, bölgede yapılan el sanatları ve manda yoğurdu, organik bal vb. yerel gıdalar tanıtılabilir. Bölgenin önemli bir turizm çekim merkezi olarak tanıtımının yapılabilmesi için, bölgede üretilen alabalık yanında, kum zambağı gibi bitki türlerinden ve longoz ormanlarındaki birçoğu endemik olan bitkilerden de yararlanılabilir. Ayrıca bölgede önemli bitki türlerinin yanında Dupnisa mağarası gibi doğal koruma alanları da bulunmaktadır. Diğer taraftan çalışmaları tamamlanan “Yıldız Dağları Biyosfer Projesi”nin sonuçları da bu bölgenin sürdürülebilir kalkınması için bir rehber oluşturabilir. Bu bölgenin bir kısmının UNESCO tarafından “Biyosfer Alanı” ilan edilmesi durumunda, marka yaratılması suretiyle yerel halkın geçim kaynaklarının genişletilmesi ve geliştirilmesi olanağı yaratılacağı düşünülmektedir.Yıldız Mountains area of Kırklareli is comparatively less developed than the rest of the Trakya region. Majority of the villagers are involved with forest related jobs but at the coastal areas the villagers are also involved with tourism and fishing. An increased level of income is crucial for the sustainable growth of the region especially for the villages which are not on the coast. Vast variety of natural resources that the region has may contribute to the rural development of the region. The area which is mostly idle except the summer months and can be a centre for attraction for activities such as hunting, hiking, congress tourism, photographing. Eco tourism centred economic activities can be developed for rural development of the area. Suitable homes in the area can be encouraged to become family hotels via financial and training supports. The region has to be promoted to attract visitors all around the year. Festivals can be a very suitable tool for the promotion of the region, hand crafts, local cuisine and such can also be used for the promotion of the region as well. The region also hosts Dupnisa cave which is a natural conservation area. “Yıldız Mountains Biosphere Project” can also be considered as a guide for the sustainable development of the region. Declaration of the region as “Biosphere area” by UNESCO may help the region to develop and increase its’ level of income by creating a brand recognitio

    Investigation of mechanical properties of boronized composites produced by electroless Ni coating

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    In this study, ceramic-metal composite production and characterization have been made in order to increase the service life of plotter tools used in soil industry. In the study Ni coated (36% AlN + 3% WC) powders were circularly shaped in uniaxial hydraulic press. These samples were sintered at 1000-1100-1200-1300-1400 °C with argon atmosphere in conventional furnaces. The highest hardness value of 112.9 Hv was obtained in the composite samples (36%AlN + 3%WC) at 1400 °C. Powder metallurgy was applied to ceramic-metal composites by using box boring in dry air atmosphere at 950 °C for 4 hours. The samples were characterized by mechanical and metallographic examination. After box boronization, hardness values were measured, their densities were calculated, the current phases were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) method and microstructures were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The highest hardness value of 1150.80 Hv was sintered at 1400 ° C and 61% Ni was obtained in the box boron composite sample (36% AlN + 3% WC). Better mechanical and metallographic results were obtained from the samples by using box boring method. The porosity decreased in the microstructure examination of the sample. Considering the advantages of non-electric Ni coating method in sintering, it can be said that improving mechanical properties is a good method. Boronizing process was effective in reducing surface porosity and increasing surface hardness up to 10 times

    WC tabanlı sert malzemeler nasıl geliştirilir

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    Tungsten carbide is known to have excellent corrosion resistance and high hardness within carbide ceramics. Due to their superior mechanical properties and wear resistance, tungsten carbide cutting tools containing Co binder have been the subject of many studies. There are a limited number of works regarding the use of Ni and Fe as a binder in tungsten carbide based composites, especially processing with microwave radiation. In this study, a composite cutting tool made of electroless nickel coated tungsten carbide ceramic powder was produced by microwave sintering. Two different tungsten carbide powder sizes of 2 µm and 10 µm were used for the production of composite cutting tool. The microwave sintering was carried out at two different temperatures of 1200 and 1400 ° C for 2 hours. Characterization of composite cutting tools was made by XRD, hardness, compression test and electron microscopy techniques.Tungsten karbür seramikler içerisinde mükemmel korozyon direnci ve yüksek sertliğe sahip olduğu bilinmektedir. Üstün mekanik özellikleri ve aşınma direncinden dolayı, Co bağlayıcı içeren tungsten karbür kesici takımlar birçok çalışmaya konu olmuştur. Tungsten karbür esaslı kompozitlerde, özellikle mikrodalga radyasyonu ile işlem yapan, Ni ve Fe'nin bağlayıcı olarak kullanımıyla ilgili sınırlı sayıda çalışma vardır. Bu çalışmada, elektriksiz nikel kaplı tungsten karbür seramik tozundan yapılmış bir kompozit kesici alet mikrodalga sinterleme ile üretildi. Kompozit kesici alet üretiminde 2 farklı tungsten karbür toz büyüklüğü 2 µm ve 10 µm kullanıldı. Mikrodalga sinterleme, 2 saat boyunca iki farklı 1200 ve 1400 ° C sıcaklıkta gerçekleştirildi. Kompozit kesici aletlerin karakterizasyonu XRD, sertlik, sıkıştırma testi ve elektron mikroskobu teknikleri ile yapılmıştı

    Sintering and characterization of SiC reinforced Ni powders in microwave furnace

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    In this study, SiC reinforced nickel matrix composites, microwave at different temperatures It is produced by sintering in oven. Nickel deposition on SiC powders was achieved by using electroless nickel plating technique. It is sintered at temperatures between 500°C, 600 °C, 700°C, 800°C and 900°C under Ar atmosphere. XRD, SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope), pressure test and hardness measurements were used to characterize the properties of sintered samples in microwave furnace. The experimental results, maximum compressive strength (σmax) and hardness (HV) were carried out at 800 °C. Microwave sintering of Ni-coated SiC powders without electric current can be a promising technique for producing ceramic-reinforced nickel composites.TUBITAK due to its contributions to this study with project no. 106T744

    5-6 yaş çocuklarına yönelik geometri ve uzaysal algı testinin geliştirilmesi

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    This study aims to develop a valid and reliable test for assessing 5-6 year olds’ geometry and spatial perception skills. The sample consisted of 500 children who were chosen by using a purposive sampling technique. The content, criterion, face and construct validity were examined according to sensitivity, consistency and stability. Item difficulty value was from .16 to .81, separability changed from .29 to .64 and total item correlations changed from .26 to .56. The criterion validity was .94, KR-20 .84 and test retest reliability value was .80 “Geometry and Spatial Perception Test” has a valid and reliable structure and can be used to assess children’s geometric skills

    Production of ni3al-fe composite and investigation of mechanical properties

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    In intermetallics high resistance to creep and oxidation, high strenght, low density are desired properties. Sintering process was used in this study by adding different amounts of Fe powder to Ni-Al powder mixture. When the properties of the sample after sintering were examined 40% weight Fe added composition was found as the most suitable ratio in terms of mechanical properties. Analyses were conducted metallographically on the samples after sintering, the densities were calculated, hardness and shear strengths were determined. According to the data 40% Fe added composition had 5,82 gr/cm3 of density, 92,8 HB hardness values and displayed 221 MPa shear strength