10 research outputs found
Density and Composition of Species Clam (Tridacna sp.) Based on Coral Cover Conditions in Wawosunggu Waters, Konawe Regency
Kima is one of the protected marine resources. It has an ecological role as a water bio-filter and a symbiotic mutualism with coral reef ecosystems. The purpose of the research was to find out of species density and composition of clams (Tridacna sp.) based on the coral coverage on the waters island of Wawosunggu, South Konawe. The study was conducted in September 2022. Sampling was carried out at 3 observation stations based on habitat characteristics. The observing method used a transect belt/swept area. Data in the form of density, relative abundance of clams, and percentage of coral cover analyze by using MS software. Excel 2010. The number of clams obtained was 155 individuals consisting of 3 types, namely Tridacna maxima, T. squamosa, and T. crocea. The totally density (totals from species and locations) was 0.10 individuals/m2. The composition of all types of clams ranges from 25-56%. The percentage of coral cover obtained was grouped into 4 categories, namely fleshy seaweed/algae, hard coral, abiotic, and other biotic. The percentage of coral cover at all stations was dominated by the hard coral category (Acropora sp. and non Acropora sp.) with water quality conditions that supported the presence of clams and coral reefs
Penguatan Kapasitas Kelompok Nelayan Wirausaha Mandiri melalui Transfer Teknologi Tepat Guna
Processing of target species do not optimal, especially the processing of the by-catch product. This is caused by the weak capacity of the fishing groups, particularly in the utilization of marine products in the dry season and the acquisition of market information, so it requires increased knowledge and transferal appropriate technology. Purpose of the study: (1) generate a group of fishermen who are skilled, creative and innovative in the processing of marine products; (2) create a group of fishermen who are good entrepreneurs with venture capital is cheap, affordable and sustainable; (3) make the fishing village groups as independent business pioneer advanced and community known as a producer and marketer of processed fish products as one of the typical souvenir of Kendari. Method of determining the sample was done by purposive sampling. This activity involves two groups of partners consisting of fishermen processors groups and fishermen fishing groups each of 20 people. The data were analyzed descriptively of the results of the implementation of the two activities, namely non-physical activities (socialization and education) and physical activity (manufacture plots hygienic drying fish and puffer fish burger-making). Action research results make a positive contribution to the strengthening of the capacity of a group of fishermen in the economic, scientific, cultural and social skills. Another positive contribution is opening insights and ways of thinking to make use of by-catch product into marketable products and process raw materials of marine fish with a hygienic manner that supports the improvement of the quality of the product to be accepted in the market, and create jobs in the village with the ability of a group of fishermen in entrepreneurship independent, which in turn can improve the economics of fishing households and assist the government in the construction of coastal villages
Penguatan Kapasitas Kelompok Nelayan Wirausaha Mandiri melalui Transfer Teknologi Tepat Guna
Processing of target species do not optimal, especially the processing of the by-catch product. This is caused by the weak capacity of the fishing groups, particularly in the utilization of marine products in the dry season and the acquisition of market information, so it requires increased knowledge and transferal appropriate technology. Purpose of the study: (1) generate a group of fishermen who are skilled, creative and innovative in the processing of marine products; (2) create a group of fishermen who are good entrepreneurs with venture capital is cheap, affordable and sustainable; (3) make the fishing village groups as independent business pioneer advanced and community known as a producer and marketer of processed fish products as one of the typical souvenir of Kendari. Method of determining the sample was done by purposive sampling. This activity involves two groups of partners consisting of fishermen processors groups and fishermen fishing groups each of 20 people. The data were analyzed descriptively of the results of the implementation of the two activities, namely non-physical activities (socialization and education) and physical activity (manufacture plots hygienic drying fish and puffer fish burger-making). Action research results make a positive contribution to the strengthening of the capacity of a group of fishermen in the economic, scientific, cultural and social skills. Another positive contribution is opening insights and ways of thinking to make use of by-catch product into marketable products and process raw materials of marine fish with a hygienic manner that supports the improvement of the quality of the product to be accepted in the market, and create jobs in the village with the ability of a group of fishermen in entrepreneurship independent, which in turn can improve the economics of fishing households and assist the government in the construction of coastal villages
Pemberdayaan Nelayan melalui Optimalisasi Karamba Tancap Multifungsi untuk Mendukung Wisata Bahari di Desa Pamata Raya, Kendari
The village of Pamata Raya is a coastal area near from tourism of Bokori Island. This community service in collaboration with students field work practice program of faculty of fisheries and marine science Halu Oleo University aimed to provide knowledge and to empowerment community through the optimize a pen culture activity into a multifunctional facilities, such as for rear of fish, marine tourism, and education. The activity was conducted for July 2017 and consists of two steps, which is technical guidance to making a pilot multifunctional pen culture and training to make various food value added products based on fish. The results of the community service programs have been built multifunctional pen culture (9 m2) which is equipped with gazebos as a tourist spot for fishing, culinary, and education. This pen culture is used to cultivated various species of reef fish (mullet fish, parrotfish, groupers, and lobsters). Furthermore, culinary tourism is carried out by training fish-based food processing by groups of women fishermen, such as of fish meat floss, fish meatballs, and fish nuggets. Successfully this program can be obtained from the increased participation of partner in program implementation, the improvement of the quality of human resources through the transfer of technology, and economically there has been an increase in fish production and fishermen’s income especially for the target groups. This multifunctional pen culture can be an alternative fishermen livelihood during high wave season. The presence of multifunctional pen culture indirectly increase the number of visitors in Bokori Island which was also beneficial to the local community
Characterization of Kowoe snail and its antioxidant activity
Gold snail is called “Kowoe” in Celebes Island. They are widely utilized by people as food. This snail also has many properties and benefits. The aims of this study were to determine the best solvent to extract the bioactive components of snails and measure the antioxidant activity. The proximate analysis was caried out, then quantitative test of antioxidant activity by DPPH method was measured. The results of morphometric measurements showed the meat yield 11.86%. The proximate analysis of fresh meat consisted of water content 65.79%, 18.14% protein, 10.49% ash, 4.14% carbohydrates, and fats 3.44%, while the moisture content of dried meat contained 40/ 04%, 38.06% protein, carbohydrates 10.66%, ash 8.53% and 2.70% fat, respectively. The yield of extraction of the active compound using chloroform (non-polar) was 1.78%, ethyl acetate (semi-polar) was 3.41% and 6.63% methanol (polar). The snails kowoe contain more the polar of active compounds. The antioxidant activity of crude extract in methanol solvent (polar) had IC50 values 111.28 ppm (moderate)
Abstrak: ÃÂ Abalon (H.asinina) adalah kelompok gastropoda laut bernilai komersial dan tersebar di perairan Soropia Sulawesi Tenggara.ÃÂ H. asinina menyukai tipe habitat khusus, seperti habitat berbatu yang ditumbuhi alga dan habitat padang lamun. Bokori dan Toronipa mewakili 2 tipe habitat khusus tersebut yang lokasinya berada di perairan Soropia. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji pertumbuhan populasi abalon (H. asinina) pada habitat yang berbeda melalui hubungan dimensi morfometrik, faktor kondisi, dan komposisi kelompok ukuran. Data pertumbuhan dianalisis dengan persamaan regresi non linier menggunakan program data analisis dalam MS. Excel 2010. Hubungan antara L dengan Wt dan L dengan Lc di 2 lokasi menunjukkan hubungan yang positif dan kuat (R2 < 70%), sedangkan hubungan antara L dengan dimensi lainnya seperti Bc, Tc, Lc, dan Vc menunjukkan hubungan yang lemah.ÃÂ Pola pertumbuhan di Bokori terdiri atas pertumbuhan isometrik dan alometrik negatif, sedangkan Toronipa, pola pertumbuhannya alometrik negatif.ÃÂ ÃÂ Faktor kondisi rata-rata berfluktuasi setiap bulan dengan nilai tertinggi di Bokori. Perairan Bokori didominasi oleh persentase kelompok juvenil sebesar 52.22% pada kelas ukuran 27.4-49.62 mm. Toronipa didominasi oleh persentase kelompok dewasa sebesar 66.67% pada kelas ukuran 50.62-84.42 mm. Keragaman tipe habitat memengaruhi parameter pertumbuhan abalon (H.asinina). Hasil penelitian diharapkan menjadi informasi penting bagi upaya merumuskan pengelolaan sumber daya abalon yang tepat.Kata Kunci: Keragaman Habitat, Pertumbuhan, H. asinina, Morfometrik, Struktur PopulasiAbstract: Abalone (Haliotis asinina) is a marine gastropod which has commercial value. Abalone spread in the waters of Soropia, Southeast Sulawesi. ÃÂ H. asinina likes special habitat types, such as rocky habitats overgrown with algae and seagrass habitats. Bokori and Toronipa represent these two special habitat types which are located in Soropia waters. The study aims to assess the growth of abalone (H. asinina) populations in different habitats through the relationship of morphometric dimensions, condition factors, and composition of size groups.ÃÂ Growth data were analyzed by non-linear regression equations using data analysis programs in MS. Excel 2010.ÃÂ The relationship between L with Wt and L with Lc at 2 locations shows a positive and strong relationship (R2 <70%), while the relationship between L and other dimensions such as Bc, Tc, Lc, and Vc shows a weak relationship.ÃÂ Growth patterns in Bokori consist of isometric and allometric negative growths, while Toronipa, the pattern of negative allometric growth. The average condition factor fluctuates in each month of observation and the highest in Bokori.ÃÂ Bokori waters are dominated by percentage of juvenile groups of 52.22%ÃÂ in the size class of 27.4-49.62 mm. Toronipa is dominated by adult or broodstock abalone of 66.67% in the size class of 50.62-84.42 mm.ÃÂ Toronipa is dominated by the percentage of the adult group at 66.67% in the size class of 50.62-84.42 mm. The diversity of habitat types affects the growth parameters of abalone (H.asinina).ÃÂ The results of study are expected to be important information for efforts to formulate appropriate abalone resource management.Keywords: Diversity of Habitat, Growth, H. asinina, Morphometric, Population structur
Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga Pemukiman Atas Rawa dengan Metode Eco-enzyme dan Eco-brick pada Kelompok Ibu PKK
PKM partners are PKK women's group AthaNia RT.24 in Berangas Timur Village, Alalak District, Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan Province. Waste management is still an environmental problem, one of which is in RT.24. Supported by the condition of partners with minimal knowledge, it adds to the problems related to waste management. The objectives of this community service activity are 1) Increase knowledge about waste management, 2) Assistance with equipment and materials to support the manufacture of waste innovation products 3) Training and assistance in the manufacture of waste innovation products, including eco-enzyme technology for organic waste and ecobricks for plastic waste. . PKM partners are a group of 13 women from PKK AthaNia RT.24 in Berangas Timur Village, Alalak District, Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan Province. The approach method used is lectures, discussions, questions and answers and training in waste management (waste recycling). The evaluation was carried out twice with the results of the 72 pres test increasing to 97.5 at the post test. Partners' knowledge and skills are increasing in waste management, such as making eco-enzymes and ecobrick
Kepadatan dan Preferensi Habitat Kerang Pokea Di Muara Sungai Laeya Sulawesi Tenggara
Kerang pokea merupakan kerang ekonomis Sulawesi yang kepadatan dan preferensi habitatnya belum diketahui secara pasti di Sungai Laeya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepadatan dan preferensi habitat kerang pokea di Sungai Laeya Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Sungai Laeya selama 1 tahun sejak bulan Maret 2016-Februari 2017. Sampel pokea diambil setiap bulan pada tiga bagian perairan menggunakan tangge (alat tangkap tradisional). Kepadatan kerang dianalisis menggunakan uji Mann whitney dan preferensi habitat dianalisis dengan analisis corespondes dan analisis kelompok menggunakan bantuan XLstat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepadatan kerang pokea pada 3 bagian perairan tidak nyata berbeda dengan nilai masing-masing pada stasiun I, II dan III yaitu 85,47±66,44, 97,03± 81,70 dan 59,84±82,31. Kepadatan tertinggi secara temporal terdapat pada bulan April-Juli dengan puncak kepadatan tertinggi pada bulan Mei dengan nilai 268,78±29,23. Kepadatan terendah terjadi pada bulan September-Februari dengan puncak kepadatan terendah di bulan Desember dengan nilai 15,12±7,08. Kepadatan kerang pokea di Sungai Laeya cenderung dipengaruhi oleh kualitas perairan diantaranya: kedalaman, TDS, TOM dan bahan organik.
Kata kunci: Indonesia, Kerang, Pokea, Preferensi, Sulawes
Length-weight relationships and condition index of Pokea clams (Batissa violacea var. celebensis, von Martens 1897) in the Laeya River, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
The length-weight relationship and condition index of pokea clams in the Laeya River are not fully known. This study was aimed to determine the length-weight relationship and condition index of pokea clams in the Laeya River, Southeast Sulawesi. This research was conducted 10 months from May 2016 to February 2017 in the Laeya River, Southeast Sulawesi. Pokea clams are collected using a shovel. The length and weight of each clam was using calipers and analytical scales with accuracy of 0.05 mm and 0.01 g, respectively. The weight of the shell and dried meat was obtained by drying the shells first using an oven and weighing using an analytical balance with an accuracy of 0.01 g and 0.0001 g, respectively. The results showed that the relationship between length and weight of pokea clams in males and females were 2.61 and 2.78, respectively; with R2 values of 0.89 and 0.93, respectively. The highest b values for males and females were found in July with values of 3.03 and 2.94, respectively. The lowest b value was found in November with values of 2.45 and 2.46, respectively. The condition index values for males and females were 4.7 ± 2.2 and 5.17 ± 2.32, respectively. The highest condition index was found in May with values of 6.00 ± 3.07 and 7.83 ± 2.55, respectively. The condition index values for males and females increased with increasing shell size. Male and female at the largest size (6.01-6.05 cm) had the highest index with values of 8.05 ± 6.41 and 9.12 ± 3.38, respectively. In conclusions, the growth was negative allometric pattern, condition index was in fat category, and had peak spawning in July and experienced partial spawning in September-February
Growth and condition index of
The somatic growth and condition index (CI) of pokea population aren’t yet fully known in the Lasolo river. This research aims to decide the somatic growth relationship between length and weight as well as the condition factor of pokea population. This research was carried out in the Lasolo river from January-December 2014. Pokea clams were taken from the river bed with traditional tool (tangge). The length and total weight of the clams were determined by employing a caliper with a precision of 0.5 cm and a digital scale with an accuracy of 0.01g. Meat and shells were then dried in an oven at 70°C about 48 hours. The dry weight of the meat and the shells of the pokea clams were weighed using a digital scale with an accuracy of 0.0001 g. Calculations obtained average b parameter values of the males and females about 2.52 and 2.70, respectively. The b values for both sex of clams were 2.37-3.05 and 2.24-3.15, respectively, which were within the negative allometric category. The CI values of the male (3.98±1.44) and female (4.27±1.52) putting them in the fat category. The condition index experienced three local peak periods in February-March, June, and November-December