294 research outputs found
Knowledge Sharing in High Technology Companies
This paper reports on the results of studying the applicability of a model for Shared Knowledge Creation (SKC). The model is based upon a previous pilot study and was tested in a New Product Development (NPD) setting involving four projects in two high technology companies located in the Nordic countries. In particular, four factors presented in the model were explored: (1) the SKC process; (2) IT infrastructure in support of the process; (3) catalysts; and (4) organizational issues and SKC. Implications are drawn for practice and for future research
Gabriel Bladh & Sofie Nilsson. Om att utveckla geografiskt tänkande i skolans geografiundervisning. S. 8–28. Forskning om undervisning och lärande, vol 11, nr 1, (2023-04-13).
Ovanstående artikel, publicerad i Forskning om undervisning och lärande, vol 11, nr 1, kräver en rättelse då det efter publicering kommit till redaktionens kännedom att en referens oavsiktligt utelämnats. Vi beklagar det inträffade.
Referenslistan på s. 26 har kompletterats med referensen till Dessen Jankell m.fl. (2021). Förnamnet på Dessen Jankell på s.23 har även ändrats från Annalotta till Lotta.
Den tillagda referensen är:
Dessen Jankell, L., Sandahl, J. & Örbring, D. (2021). Organising concepts in geography education: A model. Geography, 106(2), 66–75. https://doi.org/10.1080/00167487.2021.1919406
Detta erratum har upprättats 2023-09-11 av Inger Eriksson, huvudredaktör för
Forskning om undervisning och lärande
In this paper, we present an educational intervention carried out in one of the object organizations of our research project.1 This type of education provides users with knowledge and qualifications which can compensate defects in the IS. The method focuses on organizational communication and coordination. Five phases of intervention are described: interviews, group discussions, lectures, simulation, and personal guidance. We evaluate the method by discussing the results and effects of the intervention
Developing an Instrument for Knowledge Management Project Evaluation
Many knowledge management (KM) projects have been initiated, some of which have been successes but many have been failures. Measuring the success or failure of KM initiatives is not easy, and in order to do so some kind of measurement process has to be available. There are three points at which evaluation of KM projects can, and should be, done: (1) when deciding whether to start and where to focus, (2) once under way, following up on a project and making adjustments if needed, and (3) when completed, to evaluate the project outcomes. This paper concentrates on the first two areas by developing a general instrument for evaluation of KM projects.</p
Vill vuxna veta vad barnen tycker? : En undersökning om hur barnets åsikt kommer fram och påverkar familjerättens bedömning och tingsrättens dom i vårdnads, boende- och umgängestvister
The main purpose of this essay was to study how the child's own view appeared in the office of family law investigations and in the following municipal court verdicts and if it had influenced the judgement and the verdict. We wanted to see if the child's age was important for the possibility to make oneself heard and if there had been changes overtime related to the consideration to the child's own view in investigations- and court context. To obtain answers to the questions, we decided to execute a qualitative case study, which exclusively was based on document analyses. We selected to examine a middle-sized municipal in the southern part of Sweden. We concerned only for children in the age of 8-12 years, who was affected by a court verdict either 1999 or 2003. Our study showed, among other things, that the majority of all children were interviewed. It also showed that the age of the children didn't affect the consideration the court took to the child's opinion. We compared the results from the two different years and found a striking change. It showed that the verdicts from the court from 2003 almost completely corresponded with the child's own view in almost all cases, while only the half of the verdicts from the court from 1999 corresponded with the child's view
Reflections on Designing Field Research for Emerging IS Topics: The Case of Knowledge Management
To understand how to improve the research process for future projects, it is useful to take a retrospective view of a research project. This is especially true for emerging topics in IS where many opportunities are available to shape directions and priorities. This article presents a reflective analysis of a field research project in the area of knowledge management. The article examines the process history and assesses the decisions taken and activities carried out in the early formative stages of a field research project. With a detailed anthropological flavor, the paper describes the ins and outs of the various phases of the research process in a narrative experiential way, and analyzes what was learned. The results should be useful for future researchers. The major lessons learned were: 1. Retrospectively examining the research of others can be useful in learning how to improve one\u27s ability to do research in a particular area, such as field research in information systems. 2. Researchers wishing to develop a long term relationship with a host organization may have to be flexible in their research approaches and methods, even to the extent of sacrificing rigor for providing outcomes of use to the host organization. 3. Pilot studies should be carefully designed and executed to maximize learning for later, more extensive studies
Samband mellan tidig ålder vid avskiljning och missriktat diande hos föl
By tradition horses are weaned at an age of 5-6 months. This study illuminates weaned foals misdirected suckling behaviour, which means that they try to suckle another foal. Since no information about this issue is presented, we decided to perform a behaviour study on weaned foals. The misdirected suckling behaviour was studied on a group with 7 foals, with both fillies and colts. In the group the weaning age varied between 147 days and 215 days, and the first time we observed them, they had been separated from the mares for 12 days. We found that age at weaning is correlated with the emergence of this non-nutritional suckling behaviour. It was revealed that the older colts were most frequent to give suck.
Beside our behaviour study we review the natural relationship between mare and her offspring, natural weaning and the suckingbehaviour in foals. Suckling is an important factor for the foals´ social and emotional welfare. When human wean foals at a young age, they are exposed for stress that could lead to stereotypic and other behaviour problems
Kunskapsprodukter för lärarprofessionen – Skolforskningsinstitutets projekt 2016 och 2017
Syftet med denna artikel är att beskriva och diskutera vilka, för lärare, användbara och relevanta kunskapsprodukter som har genererats i 11 forskningsprojekt, finansierade av Skolforskningsinstitutet och beviljade år 2016 och 2017. Forskningsfrågorna är: Vad i resultaten kan ses som kunskapsprodukter och vilken karaktär har dessa? På vilka sätt har lärare medverkat i processen att ta fram dessa kunskapsprodukter? Sammantaget har 55 öppet tillgängliga granskade publikationer analyserats. Sex kvalitativt skilda kategorier av kunskapsprodukter har identifierats: 1) Kunnanden och förmågor, 2) Undervisnings- och lektionsdesign, 3) Didaktiska exempel, 4) Redskap, 5) Processer och metaperspektiv och 6) Generella eller kontextuella förutsättningar. Graden av medverkan från lärares sida har varierat avsevärt; från en aktiv medverkan, där lärare och forskare samarbetar på likvärdiga villkor, till en låg grad, där lärare primärt fungerar som bollplank eller forskningsobjekt.
Knowledge products for the teaching profession – Projects 2016 and 2017 funded by the Swedish Institute for Educational Research
This article examines the knowledge products of relevance to the teaching profession from eleven research projects funded by the Swedish Institute for Educational Research. A total of 55 openly accessible reviewed publications have been analysed. The aim is to describe and discuss which, for teachers, useful and relevant knowledge products that the research projects (granted 2016 and 2017) have yielded. The research questions are: What in the results can be interpreted as knowledge products and what is the characteristic of these? In what ways have teachers participated in the process of producing these knowledge products? Six qualitatively different categories of knowledge products have been identified as descriptions of: 1) Knowings and capabilities, 2) Teaching/lesson design, 3) Didactical examples, 4) Tools, 5) Processes and meta-perspectives, and 6) General or contextual preconditions. The degree of involvement of teachers has varied considerably, ranging from a high degree of active involvement, where teachers and researchers collaborate on equal terms, to a low degree of involvement where teachers primarily act as informants.
Keywords: Knowledge products, Swedish Institute for Educational Research, practice-based research, teacher profession, teaching developmen
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