785 research outputs found
From the Equations of Motion to the Canonical Commutation Relations
The problem of whether or not the equations of motion of a quantum system
determine the commutation relations was posed by E.P.Wigner in 1950. A similar
problem (known as "The Inverse Problem in the Calculus of Variations") was
posed in a classical setting as back as in 1887 by H.Helmoltz and has received
great attention also in recent times. The aim of this paper is to discuss how
these two apparently unrelated problems can actually be discussed in a somewhat
unified framework. After reviewing briefly the Inverse Problem and the
existence of alternative structures for classical systems, we discuss the
geometric structures that are intrinsically present in Quantum Mechanics,
starting from finite-level systems and then moving to a more general setting by
using the Weyl-Wigner approach, showing how this approach can accomodate in an
almost natural way the existence of alternative structures in Quantum Mechanics
as well.Comment: 199 pages; to be published in "La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento"
Detecting a many-body mobility edge with quantum quenches
The many-body localization (MBL) transition is a quantum phase transition
involving highly excited eigenstates of a disordered quantum many-body
Hamiltonian, which evolve from "extended/ergodic" (exhibiting extensive
entanglement entropies and fluctuations) to "localized" (exhibiting area-law
scaling of entanglement and fluctuations). The MBL transition can be driven by
the strength of disorder in a given spectral range, or by the energy density at
fixed disorder - if the system possesses a many-body mobility edge. Here we
propose to explore the latter mechanism by using "quantum-quench spectroscopy",
namely via quantum quenches of variable width which prepare the state of the
system in a superposition of eigenstates of the Hamiltonian within a
controllable spectral region. Studying numerically a chain of interacting
spinless fermions in a quasi-periodic potential, we argue that this system has
a many-body mobility edge; and we show that its existence translates into a
clear dynamical transition in the time evolution immediately following a quench
in the strength of the quasi-periodic potential, as well as a transition in the
scaling properties of the quasi-stationary state at long times. Our results
suggest a practical scheme for the experimental observation of many-body
mobility edges using cold-atom setups.Comment: v2: references added v3: minor revisions, added reference
Long-range Ising and Kitaev Models: Phases, Correlations and Edge Modes
We analyze the quantum phases, correlation functions and edge modes for a
class of spin-1/2 and fermionic models related to the 1D Ising chain in the
presence of a transverse field. These models are the Ising chain with
anti-ferromagnetic long-range interactions that decay with distance as
, as well as a related class of fermionic Hamiltonians that
generalise the Kitaev chain, where both the hopping and pairing terms are
long-range and their relative strength can be varied. For these models, we
provide the phase diagram for all exponents , based on an analysis of
the entanglement entropy, the decay of correlation functions, and the edge
modes in the case of open chains. We demonstrate that violations of the area
law can occur for , while connected correlation functions can
decay with a hybrid exponential and power-law behaviour, with a power that is
-dependent. Interestingly, for the fermionic models we provide an exact
analytical derivation for the decay of the correlation functions at every
. Along the critical lines, for all models breaking of conformal
symmetry is argued at low enough . For the fermionic models we show
that the edge modes, massless for , can acquire a mass for
. The mass of these modes can be tuned by varying the relative
strength of the kinetic and pairing terms in the Hamiltonian. Interestingly,
for the Ising chain a similar edge localization appears for the first and
second excited states on the paramagnetic side of the phase diagram, where edge
modes are not expected. We argue that, at least for the fermionic chains, these
massive states correspond to the appearance of new phases, notably approached
via quantum phase transitions without mass gap closure. Finally, we discuss the
possibility to detect some of these effects in experiments with cold trapped
ions.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure
Modular invariance in the gapped XYZ spin 1/2 chain
We show that the elliptic parametrization of the coupling constants of the
quantum XYZ spin chain can be analytically extended outside of their natural
domain, to cover the whole phase diagram of the model, which is composed of 12
adjacent regions, related to one another by a spin rotation. This extension is
based on the modular properties of the elliptic functions and we show how
rotations in parameter space correspond to the double covering PGL(2,Z)of the
modular group, implying that the partition function of the XYZ chain is
invariant under this group in parameter space, in the same way as a Conformal
Field Theory partition function is invariant under the modular group acting in
real space. The encoding of the symmetries of the model into the modular
properties of the partition function could shed light on the general structure
of integrable models.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted published versio
Dynamics of entanglement entropy and entanglement spectrum crossing a quantum phase transition
We study the time evolution of entanglement entropy and entanglement spectrum
in a finite-size system which crosses a quantum phase transition at different
speeds. We focus on the Ising model with a time-dependent magnetic field, which
is linearly tuned on a time scale . The time evolution of the
entanglement entropy displays different regimes depending on the value of
, showing also oscillations which depend on the instantaneous energy
spectrum. The entanglement spectrum is characterized by a rich dynamics where
multiple crossings take place with a gap-dependent frequency. Moreover, we
investigate the Kibble-Zurek scaling of entanglement entropy and Schmidt gap.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
Kitaev chains with long-range pairing
We propose and analyze a generalization of the Kitaev chain for fermions with
long-range -wave pairing, which decays with distance as a power-law with
exponent . Using the integrability of the model, we demonstrate the
existence of two types of gapped regimes, where correlation functions decay
exponentially at short range and algebraically at long range () or
purely algebraically (). Most interestingly, along the critical
lines, long-range pairing is found to break conformal symmetry for sufficiently
small . This is accompanied by a violation of the area law for the
entanglement entropy in large parts of the phase diagram in the presence of a
gap, and can be detected via the dynamics of entanglement following a quench.
Some of these features may be relevant for current experiments with cold atomic
ions.Comment: 5+3 pages, 4+2 figure
Phase Transitions in Gauge Models: Towards Quantum Simulations of the Schwinger-Weyl QED
We study the ground-state properties of a class of lattice
gauge theories in 1 + 1 dimensions, in which the gauge fields are coupled to
spinless fermionic matter. These models, stemming from discrete representations
of the Weyl commutator for the group, preserve the unitary
character of the minimal coupling, and have therefore the property of formally
approximating lattice quantum electrodynamics in one spatial dimension in the
large- limit. The numerical study of such approximated theories is important
to determine their effectiveness in reproducing the main features and
phenomenology of the target theory, in view of implementations of cold-atom
quantum simulators of QED. In this paper we study the cases by
means of a DMRG code that exactly implements Gauss' law. We perform a careful
scaling analysis, and show that, in absence of a background field, all
models exhibit a phase transition which falls in the Ising
universality class, with spontaneous symmetry breaking of the symmetry. We
then perform the large- limit and find that the asymptotic values of the
critical parameters approach the ones obtained for the known phase transition
the zero-charge sector of the massive Schwinger model, which occurs at negative
mass.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figure
Hybrid classical-quantum branch-and-bound algorithm for solving integer linear problems
Quantum annealers are suited to solve several logistic optimization problems
expressed in the QUBO formulation. However, the solutions proposed by the
quantum annealers are generally not optimal, as thermal noise and other
disturbing effects arise when the number of qubits involved in the calculation
is too large. In order to deal with this issue, we propose the use of the
classical branch-and-bound algorithm, that divides the problem into
sub-problems which are described by a lower number of qubits. We analyze the
performance of this method on two problems, the knapsack problem and the
traveling salesman problem. Our results show the advantages of this method,
that balances the number of steps that the algorithm has to make with the
amount of error in the solution found by the quantum hardware that the user is
willing to risk. All the results are actual runs on the quantum annealer D-Wave
Advantage.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure
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