5,613 research outputs found

    A database of circumstellar OH masers

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    We present a new database of circumstellar OH masers at 1612, 1665, and 1667 MHz in the Milky Way galaxy. The database (version 2.4) contains 13655 observations and 2341 different stars detected in at least one transition. Detections at 1612\,MHz are considered to be complete until the end of 2014 as long as they were published in refereed papers. Detections of the main lines (1665 and 1667 MHz) and non-detections in all transitions are included only if published after 1983. The database contains flux densities and velocities of the two strongest maser peaks, the expansion velocity of the shell, and the radial velocity of the star. Links are provided for about 100 stars (<<5\% of all stars with OH masers) to interferometric observations and monitoring programs of the maser emission published since their beginnings in the 1970s. Access to the database is possible over the Web (www.hs.uni-hamburg.de/maserdb), allowing cone searches for individual sources and lists of sources. A general search is possible in selected regions of the sky and by defining ranges of flux densities and/or velocities. Alternative ways to access the data are via the German Virtual Observatory and the VizieR library of astronomical catalogs.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Replaced because of faulty compilation of the pdf fil

    Detection of the first X-ray selected large AGN group

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    We have examined the spatial distribution of 856 AGN detected by the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) using a direct search for structures with the minimal spanning tree. The AGNs were compiled from an area of 7000 deg^2, in which optical identifications of RASS sources were made with the help of the digitized objective prism plates of the Hamburg Quasar Survey (HQS). Redshifts were taken from the literature or from own follow-up observations. The sample probes the spatial distribution at low redshifts, since the redshift distribution peaks at z=0.1. The application of the minimal spanning tree led to a 1.8 sigma discovery of an AGN group with 7 members in a volume V=140*75*75 h^-3Mpc^3 in the Pisces constellation. With a mean redshift z=0.27 this group is only the third discovered group at redshifts z<0.5. The RASS offers excellent possibilities to study large scale structure with AGNs at low redshifts, once these redshifts are determined.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Study of extremely reddened AGB stars in the Galactic bulge

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    Context. Extremely reddened AGB stars lose mass at high rates of >10^-5 Msun/yr. This is the very last stage of AGB evolution, in which stars in the mass range 2.0--4.0 Msun (for solar metallicity) should have been converted to C stars already. The extremely reddened AGB stars in the Galactic bulge are however predominantly O-rich, implying that they might be either low-mass stars or stars at the upper end of the AGB mass range. Aims. To determine the mass range of the most reddened AGB stars in the Galactic bulge. Methods. Using Virtual Observatory tools, we constructed spectral energy distributions of a sample of 37 evolved stars in the Galactic bulge with extremely red IRAS colours. We fitted DUSTY models to the observational data to infer the bolometric fluxes. Applying individual corrections for interstellar extinction and adopting a common distance, we determined luminosities and mass-loss rates, and inferred the progenitor mass range from comparisons with AGB evolutionary models. Results. The observed spectral energy distributions are consistent with a classification as reddened AGB stars, except for two stars, which are proto-planetary nebula candidates. For the AGB stars, we found luminosities in the range 3000--30,000 Lsun and mass-loss rates 10^-5--3x10^-4 Msun/yr. The corresponding mass range is 1.1--6.0 Msun assuming solar metallicity. Conclusions. Contrary to the predictions of the evolutionary models, the luminosity distribution is continuous, with many O-rich AGB stars in the mass range in which they should have been converted into C stars already. We suspect that bulge AGB stars have higher than solar metallicity and therefore may avoid the conversion to C-rich. The presence of low-mass stars in the sample shows that their termination of the AGB evolution also occurs during a final phase of very high mass-loss rate, leading to optically thick circumstellar shells

    OH 12.8-0.9: A New Water-Fountain Source

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    We present observational evidence that the OH/IR star OH 12.8-0.9 is the fourth in a class of objects previously dubbed "water-fountain" sources. Using the Very Long Baseline Array, we produced the first images of the water maser emission associated with OH 12.8-0.9. We find that the masers are located in two compact regions with an angular separation of ~109 mas on the sky. The axis of separation between the two maser regions is at a position angle of 1.5 deg. East of North with the blue-shifted (-80.5 to -85.5 km/s) masers located to the North and the red-shifted (-32.0 to -35.5 km/s) masers to the South. In addition, we find that the blue- and red-shifted masers are distributed along arc-like structures ~10-12 mas across oriented roughly perpendicular to the separation axis. The morphology exhibited by the water masers is suggestive of an axisymmetric wind with the masers tracing bow shocks formed as the wind impacts the ambient medium. This bipolar jet-like structure is typical of the three other confirmed water-fountain sources. When combined with the previously observed spectral characteristics of OH 12.8-0.9, the observed spatio-kinematic structure of the water masers provides strong evidence that OH 12.8-0.9 is indeed a member of the water-fountain class.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures (1 color), accepted for publication in the Ap J Letter
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