18 research outputs found

    Kasi and bikin, Two causative strategies in Melayu Tenggara Jauh (Southwest Maluku, Indonesia)

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    This paper  discusses the causative constructions found in Melayu Tenggara Jauh ‘Far Southeast Malay’ (MTJ), which is used as lingua franca in Southwest Maluku.  MTJ encodes causatives by means of MTJ features four periphrastic constructions with the verbs bikin ‘do/make’ and kasi ‘give’ that signal whether or not the CAUSER (Kemmer and Verhagen 1994) is involved in or has control over the caused event

    Dressed, undressed or both. The case of Ewaw in Southeast Maluku

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    Descriptive and Comparative LinguisticsAsian Studie

    Tentatively locating West-Damar among the languages of Southwest Maluku

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    Descriptive and Comparative Linguistic

    Petjoh: 'Indisch' Nederlands of Nederlands Maleis, feit of fictie?

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    Language Use in Past and Presen

    Change, Oblivion and Death: Three Stages in Language Endangerment

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    Language Use in Past and Presen

    East Fataluku

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    Descriptive and Comparative Linguistic