438 research outputs found

    Extragalactic science at very high spectral resolution

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    I briefly mention a few possible applications of very high spectral resolution spectroscopy with CRIRES to the study of nearby galaxies. This includes the fields of AGN, dynamically cold systems, super stellar and emission line clusters, and a more speculative program on the measurement of gravitational redshifts.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, to be published in "High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy in Astronomy", an ESO Workshop, Eds. Hans Ulrich Kaufl, Ralf Siebenmorgen and Alan Moorwoo

    Why (inner) bars are important but not sufficient

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    I briefly report on the work conducted to probe the gravitational potential of active and non-active disk galaxies using two-dimensional gas and stellar kinematics, first emphasizing the need to make a distinction between ''fuelling the nucleus'' and ''building a gas reservoir''.Comment: 4 pages. to appear in "The Interplay among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei" Proc. IAU 222 (Gramado, Brazil), eds. T. Storchi Bergmann, L.C. Ho, H.R. Schmit

    Dynamical models of NGC 3115

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    We present new dynamical models of the S0 galaxy N3115, making use of the available published photometry and kinematics as well as of two-dimensional TIGER spectrography. We first examined the kinematics in the central 40 arcsec in the light of two integral f(E,J) models. Jeans equations were used to constrain the mass to light ratio, and the central dark mass whose existence was suggested by previous studies. The even part of the distribution function was then retrieved via the Hunter & Qian formalism. We thus confirmed that the velocity and dispersion profiles in the central region could be well fit with a two-integral model, given the presence of a central dark mass of ~10^9 Msun. However, no two integral model could fit the h_3 profile around a radius of 25 arcsec where the outer disc dominates the surface brightness distribution. Three integral analytical models were therefore built using a Quadratic Programming technique. These models showed that three integral components do indeed provide a reasonable fit to the kinematics, including the higher Gauss-Hermite moments. Again, models without a central dark mass failed to reproduce the observed kinematics in the central arcseconds. This clearly supports the presence of a nuclear black hole of at least 6.5 10^8 Msun in the centre of NGC 3115. These models were finally used to estimate the importance of the dark matter in the outer part of NGC 3115, suggested by the flat stellar rotation curve observed by Capaccioli et al. (1993).Comment: 18 pages, 22 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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