8,603 research outputs found
Flying Closer: The Intersection of Circus and Dance
Dancers entering the professional industry must consider whether to be a jack of all trades, able to perform any style and any skill, or a specialized performer who has achieved mastery of one specific technique. Because commercial dancers require a greater variety of skill sets, and jobs for commercial dancers such as cruise ships, backup dancing, and Broadway shows, are increasingly asking their dancers to perform aerial arts - and circus companies such as Cirque Du Soleil, and Circa are blending circus and dance, I am arguing that a dancer entering the commercial industry has to also consider the value of circus training
Automated Test Cell for Compressed Gas
Indiana University Purdue University IndianapolisThis report details the components, decisions, and functionality to modify a manual system designed to gather data to create equations that correlate pressure and ultrasonic dB to flow. Our modifications turn the entirely manual system into a system that will automatically gather data from each sensor and write them to an Excel file. The data collected can then be used to create the equations.Electrical Engineering Technolog
Citation analysis of Canadian psycho-oncology and supportive care researchers
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to conduct a historical review of psycho-oncology and supportive care research in Canada using citation analysis and to review the clinical impact of the research conducted by the most highly cited researchers. Methods: The lifetime journal publication records of 109 psycho-oncology and supportive care researchers in Canada were subject to citation analysis using the Scopus database, based on citations since 1996 of articles deemed relevant to psychosocial oncology and supportive care, excluding selfcitations. Three primary types of analysis were performed for each individual: the number of citations for each journal publication, a summative citation count of all published articles, and the Scopus h-index. Results: The top 20 psycho-oncology/supportive care researchers for each of five citation categories are presented: the number of citations for all publications; the number of citations for first-authored publications; the most highly cited first-authored publications; the Scopus h-index for all publications; and the Scopus h-index for first-authored publications. The three most highly cited Canadian psychooncology researchers are Dr. Kerry Courneya (University of Alberta), Dr. Lesley Degner, (University of Manitoba), and Dr. Harvey Chochinov (University of Manitoba). Conclusions: Citation analysis is useful for examining the research performance of psycho-oncology and supportive care researchers and identifying leaders among the
China’s One-Child Policy: The Party’s Rationale and the People’s Response
China’s One-Child Policy has been scrutinized by many people from different countries since it was established by the Chinese Communist government in the late 1970s. The outside countries see only the fact that a husband and wife are allowed to have just one child and not the crisis that the Chinese government wanted to alleviate. Since this subject tends to be presented in different written works with a biased perspective, it can be difficult for an outsider to get a true understanding of the policy. People do not see what events in China’s history may have been the reason for the establishment of the policy, what China’s government wanted to gain from the policy and how it has changed China’s population for (what seems to be) the better. The One-Child Policy prevented economic problems for the people of China because a large number of the people were persuaded to follow the policy
The Affects That Children Diagnosed with Autism Disorder Have on Their Siblings in the Area of Behavior Development
The purpose of this study was to assess the affects that children with Autism Disorder have on their siblings in the area of behavior development specifically pertaining to: social impairment, repetitive behavior, and impaired communication. The following questions have been answered by this study: First, how extensive are the behaviors that occur in younger siblings of children with autism, next, are the same behaviors applicable to older siblings, and finally are the behaviors described simply a part of being a sibling. The participants in this study were 4 families that have a child with autism and a younger sibling, 2 families that have a child with autism and an older sibling, and a control group of 7 families that have a child that does not have autism 5 of which have an older sibling, and 5 of which have a younger sibling. Two online surveys were created, one for the test group, and one for the control group. The test group survey was sent to autism support groups via Facebook, and a list of e-mails of was compiled and the link sent to families who have a child with autism. The control group survey link was sent via email to parents in a 3-year old Sunday school class. Both survey links were posed on my personal Facebook, as well as on both of my parent’s Facebook; the links were also posted on the University of Arkansas Facebook NSSLHA wall. These surveys were used to collect the data. The analysis is descriptive
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