123 research outputs found

    Cut-edge mucoperiosteal flap for anterior fixation of palatal flap in palatoplasty

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    Introduction: This study was done at Mansoura University Children Hospital, Egypt from the period of June 2013 to June 2015 on 80 patients with incomplete intramaxillary cleft palate.Patients and methods: After oral layer closure of the cleft palate, anterior fixation of the flap is obtained by raising the anterior cut-edge of mucoperiosteal flap for about 0.5 cm then suturing the flap to the elevated cut-edge with two stitches. We divided the patients into two groups and evaluated the time needed for fixation the palatal flap anddifficulty of fixation and evaluated the incidence of anterior palatal fistula between the two groups.Results: The time used for elevation of the flap and taking the two stitches in group A ranged from 2.5 to 6 min. However, the time used for taking the two stitches without elevation of the flap in group B ranged from 2.8 to 9 min.Conclusion: We found that cut-edge mucoperiosteal flap for anterior fixation of two-flap palatoplasty is a simple step at the end of cleft palate repair procedure which allows easy fixation of the palatal flap with short time and good opposition of the tissue edges, allowing better healing.Keywords: anterior fixation palatal flap, cut-edge, palatoplast

    Comparative Evaluation for Torque Control Strategies of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Electric Vehicles

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    This paper presents a detailed analysis and comparative investigation for the torque control techniques of interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) for electric vehicles (EVs). The study involves the field-oriented control (FOC), direct torque control (DTC), and model predictive direct torque control (MPDTC) techniques. The control aims to achieve vehicle requirements that involve maximum torque per ampere (MTPA), minimum torque ripples, maximum efficiency, fast dynamics, and wide speed range. The MTPA is achieved by the direct calculation of reference flux-linkage as a function of commanded torque. The calculation of reference flux-linkage is done online by the solution of a quartic equation. Therefore, it is a more practical solution compared to look-up table methods that depend on machine parameters and require extensive offline calculations in advance. For realistic results, the IPMSM model is built considering iron losses. Besides, the IGBTs and diodes losses (conduction and switching losses) in power inverter are modeled and calculated to estimate properly total system efficiency. In addition, a bidirectional dc-dc boost converter is connected to the battery to improve the overall drive performance and achieve higher efficiency values. Also, instead of the conventional PI controller which suffers from parameter variation, the control scheme includes an adaptive fuzzy logic controller (FLC) to provide better speed tracking performance. It also provides a better robustness against disturbance and uncertainties. Finally, a series of simulation results with detailed analysis are executed for a 60 kW IPMSM. The electric vehicle (EV) parameters are equivalent to Nissan Leaf 2018 electric car

    Performance of chromID® CARBA-SMART medium and carbapenemase inhibition method for the detection of carbapenemases among Gram negative bacilli

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    Background:Early detection of carbapenemase enzymes among Gram negative bacilli (GNB) is mandatory to prevent their spread. Objective: The goal of this study was to evaluate the performance of chromID® CARBA-SMART medium and carbapenemase inhibition method (CIM) for detection of carbapenemases in GNB. Methodology: A total of 142 GNB isolates were collected and tested using Vitek-2® system for identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing The carbapenem resistant (CR) GNB were tested for carbapenemase production by phenotypic methods; chromID® CARBA-SMART medium and CIM. Carbapenemase genes (NDM-1, blaSIM-1,VIM-2, KPC-1, blaGIM-1, blaSPM-1 and OXA-48) were detected by PCR. Results: By minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC), 111 (78.17 %) of the 142 isolates were shown to be carbapenem resistant. Sensitivity and specificity of CIM and ChromID® CARBA-SMART medium were (100% and 66.7% respectively) for CIM and (86.7% and 100% respectively) for the medium. Resistance to carbapenem was associated with high percentages of resistance to many antibiotic classes. Carbapenemase genes were detected in 82% (91/111) of CR GNB with NDM-1 (58.6%) and OXA-48 (55.9 %) having the highest prevalence, followed by KPC-1 (36 %) then VIM-2 (10.8%) and lastly blaSPM-1 (3.6 %) and blaSIM-1 (1.8 %). The blaGIM-1 gene was not detected in any isolate. Conclusion:  Carbapenemase inhibition method was found to be a very sensitive, easy, and cheap test for carbapenemase detection but needs the addition of ChromID® CARBA-SMART medium to improve the specificity of the test. This study has a high prevalence of carbapenemases among isolates with potential of rapid spread necessitating need for phenotypic tests

    Upper lip myomucosal flap for the repair of anterior oronasal fistula

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    Anterior oronasal fistula after cleft palatal repair is difficult to correct and it is consider challenging to many surgeons. Many techniques were used to repair this type of fistula without guarantee for success. Upper lip myomucosal flap is an alternative technique for the repair of this type of fistula. This is a retrospective descriptive case series study which included 10 patients diagnosed with anterior oronasal fistula after cleft palatal repair. They presented to Pediatric Surgery Department at the Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University Children Hospital from the period between November 2013 and August 2014. In this technique, we do harvesting of the flap with measurement of its length and width, then baring the edge of the fistula with trying of its closure with local flaps. After that we suture the flap to the edge of the fistula and then evaluate the success rate. This study included 10 patients with age ranging from 15 to 72 months. The size of the fistula was less than 1 cm in six patients and more than 1 cm in four patients. The flap was used as an additional layer repair in seven patients and as the only layer for the repair in three patients. This technique was found to be successful in 70% of the patients with good healing without any recurrent fistula. We concluded that the use of this technique is feasible; however, its efficacy should be tested in larger number of patients to be considered as an option for the treatment of anterior oronasal fistula.Keywords: oronasal fistula, upper lip myomucosal flap, lip fla

    Cardiovascular manifestations in echocardiography in patients recently recovered from COVID-19 Infection

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    Background: As a major source of morbidity and mortality, COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) has developed. In both COVID-19 and other pneumonias, high T/I troponin levels may indicate damage to the heart. Objective: ln order to expand our understanding of COVID-19 cardiology effects, as well as provide insights into the features of people who are more prone to cardiovascular diseases. Methods: At isolation hospital in Zagazig, and the isolation hospital in Tripoli, Libya, 42 COVID-19 positive subjects were studied for their echocardiographic parameters, the study was carried out from March 5th, 2021, to September 4th 2021. Results: Arrhythmias, myocardial infarctions, valvular dysfunction, pulmonary hypertension, and right ventricular dysfunction (RVD) were found to have no statistically significant association to the severity of COVID-19. Mean of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was statistically lower among severe COVID-19 patients than moderate and mild cases but means of RV diameter (mm) was statistically higher among severe COVID-19 patients than moderate and mild cases, mean of fractional area change (FAC) was statistically lower in severe COVID-19 patients. Pulmonary hypertension was the second most common echocardiographic finding (38% of patients). There was no statistically significant difference in pulmonary hypertension across COVID-19 patients in relation to the severity (P=0.211).Conclusion: Echocardiography can provide us with important information which can help in managing of patients with COVID-19 while we must consider contamination risks as well as transmission of diseases

    Experimental analysis of the squat of ships advancing through the New Suez Canal

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    As a ship travels forward, squat of the ship may occur due to an increase in sinkage and trim. Squat is a crucial factor that restricts ship navigation in shallow water. A new division of the Suez Canal, the New Suez Canal, recently opened for international navigation. It is important to obtain accurate prediction data for ship squat to minimise the risk of grounding in this canal. To provide guidance for shipping in canals a series of experiments was conducted on a model scale of the Kriso Container Ship (KCS). The squat of the KCS was examined by measuring its sinkage and trim. A wide range of water depth to ship draft ratios at various ship speeds was investigated. Additionally, the blockage effect was studied by varying the canal width, and deep water tests were performed. The results indicated that for Froude's number based on depth (Fnh) below 0.4, measured squat value do not change with either Fnh or depth to draft ratio (H/T). The squat increases with H/T values for Froude numbers higher than 0.4. Moreover, a canal with reduced width had a negligible effect on squat, suggesting that the next segment of the Suez Canal can be built to a narrower width

    Characterization of abnormal sleep patterns in patients with obesity, type 2 diabetes, or combined

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    Introduction: Obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus have reached epidemic proportions worldwide. Abnormal sleep has been linked to both incident and prevalent obesity and type 2 diabetes. We aimed to characterize abnormal sleep patterns [ASP’s] in patients with obesity, type 2 diabetes, or both.Subjects: The study included 92 subjects divided into four groups: Group 1, 23 obese patients (BMI > 30) with type 2 diabetes mellitus; Group 2, 23 non-obese diabetic patients; group 3, 23 obese subjects without diabetes; group 4, 23 matched healthy control subjects.Methods: Waist circumference and BMI [body mass index] estimation, fasting and post challenge plasma glucose ‘‘groups 2 & 4”, HOMAIR [Homeostatic model assessment- Insulin resistance] estimation, and finally evaluation for ASP’s using a CDC [Centers for Disease Control and prevention] validated questionnaire.Results: Post-prandial glucose and BMI significantly predicted Sleep latency and sleep hours at night respectively. Both group 1 and 3 compared to group 4 showed higher prevalence of: Insomnia [p < .01], snoring [p < .01], fragmented sleep [p < .05], excessive day time sleepiness [p < .001], and daytime dysfunction [p < .001]. Group 2 compared to group 4 showed higher prevalence of: Insomnia, snoring, fragmented sleep, and finally, daytime dysfunction [All p < .01]. Group 1 compared to groups 3 and 4 had significantly less hours of sleep at night [p < .01]. Group 1 compared to group 2 showed higher prevalence of: Insomnia, fragmented sleep, excessive day time sleepiness, and daytime dysfunction [All p < .05]. Finally, group 3 compared to group 2 showed higher prevalence of: Excessive day time sleepiness, and daytime dysfunction [p < .01].Conclusion: The combination of obesity and diabetes mellitus is associated with poor quality and quantity of sleep with resultant significant daytime dysfunction. Glycemic, and adiposity measures predicted sleep latency and hours.Keywords: Type 2 diabetes, Obesity, Abnormal sleep patterns, Insulin resistance Latency period, Impaired daily activitie

    Computational Treatment of Mixing Process in Stirred Tank

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    Stirred tanks are widely used in many industrial processes. The quality of mixing process generated by the impellers can be determined using either experimental and simulation methods by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) or both methods.Numerous models and solution techniques have been developed over the years to help describe a wide variety of fluid motion. In this study computational fluid dynamics were performed to examine the flow characteristics of Mixing processes can be based on a number of mechanisms, from agitation to sparging to static flow manipulation. Agitation in a stirred tank is one of the most common operations, yet presents one of the greatest challenges in the area of computer simulationsix flat blades Rushton turbine type in cases of one impeller only and two impellers in baffled tank., Making an optimization design for mixing tank. The Multiple Reference Frame (MRF) approach was used to simulate the impeller rotation. ANSYS Fluent 15.07 solver and the RNG turbulence model Were used

    Obstacles Faced by Social Workers in Trying to Benefit from Other Sciences Related to Social Service during their Professional Practice in Schools

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    Although social workers may have studied some important interdisciplinary sciences, they do not know how to use or apply them. This led the research team to conduct the study on some social workers in schools in El-Seeb, Muscat, to identify the difficulties they face while trying to benefit from interdisciplinary knowledge. The study is considered a descriptive; data was collected through an electronic questionnaire. The results showed that social workers encounter a number of difficulties related to the professional preparation of social workers, school administrations, available school facilities, and finally social workers themselves. The study also found that there is need to train social work students to conduct interdisciplinary research on social work and related sciences