27,959 research outputs found
Measuring Supernova Neutrino Temperatures using Lead Perchlorate
Neutrino interactions with lead produce neutrons in numbers that depend on
neutrino energy and type. A detector based on lead perchlorate, for example,
would be able to measure the energy deposited by electrons and gammas in
coincidence with the number of neutrons produced. Sorting the electron energy
spectra by the number of coincident neutrons permits the identification of the
neutrino type that induced the reaction. This separation allows an analysis
which can determine the temperatures of electron neutrinos and electron
anti-neutrinos from a supernova in one experiment. The neutrino reaction
signatures of lead perchlorate and the fundamentals of using this material as a
neutrino detector are described.Comment: minor changes, reference updat
Solar Neutrinos as Background to Neutrinoless Double-beta Decay Experiments
Solar neutrinos interact within double-beta decay (\BB) detectors and
contribute to backgrounds for \BB\ experiments. Background contributions due to
charge-current solar neutrino interactions with \BB\ nuclei of Ge,
Se, Mo, Te, Xe, and Nd are evaluated.
They are shown to be significant for future high-sensitivity \BB\ experiments
that may search for Majorana neutrino masses in the inverted-hierarchy mass
region. The impact of solar neutrino backgrounds and their reduction are
discussed for future \BB\ experiments.Comment: proceedings submission for MEDEX 201
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