19 research outputs found
MOESM1 of Novel ELISA method as exploratory tool to assess immunity induced by radiated attenuated sporozoites to decipher protective immunity
Additional file 1. Sensitivity of sporozoite specific ELISA. Plates were coated with various concentrations of either intact sporozoites (panel A) or sporozoite lysate (panel B). Sporozoites were detected using a CSP-specific mAb (clone 2A10). Data are expressed as mean (SD) of two independent experiments
MOESM2 of The biological function of antibodies induced by the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine candidate is determined by their fine specificity
Additional file 2. M1 versus M2: Scatterplot comparing M1 and M2 opsonization frequency and intensity
Mean FVO growth inhibition assay results by study day and group with 95% confidence intervals.
<p>Mean FVO growth inhibition assay results by study day and group with 95% confidence intervals.</p
Mean 3D7 growth inhibition assay results by study day and group with 95% confidence intervals.
<p>Mean 3D7 growth inhibition assay results by study day and group with 95% confidence intervals.</p
Percentage of subjects with growth inhibition assay activity ≥15% against 3D7 parasites, and percentage seroconverting from below up to or above threshold 30 days after last vaccination and at one and two years after enrollment, by vaccine group.
<p>Percentage of subjects with growth inhibition assay activity ≥15% against 3D7 parasites, and percentage seroconverting from below up to or above threshold 30 days after last vaccination and at one and two years after enrollment, by vaccine group.</p
Percentage of subjects with growth inhibition assay activity ≥15% against FVO parasites, and percentage seroconverting from below up to or above threshold 30 days after last vaccination and at one and two years after enrollment, by vaccine group.
<p>Percentage of subjects with growth inhibition assay activity ≥15% against FVO parasites, and percentage seroconverting from below up to or above threshold 30 days after last vaccination and at one and two years after enrollment, by vaccine group.</p
Mean FVO growth inhibition assay result, and change from baseline to 30 days after last vaccination and one and two years after enrollment, with standard deviation (SD), by vaccine group.
<p>Mean FVO growth inhibition assay result, and change from baseline to 30 days after last vaccination and one and two years after enrollment, with standard deviation (SD), by vaccine group.</p
Trial design.
<p>Subjects were immunized week 0, 4, 8 and 24 and challenged week 28 (blue arrows). Samples for measuring cell-mediated immunity (ELISpot assay and flow cytometry) were collected at six time points (black arrows), and for measuring antibody levels (ELISA, IFA and growth inhibition assay) at similar time points plus after the DNA immunizations (gray arrows). See text for details.</p
Rank correlations between pre-existing anti-Ad5 NAb titers and ELISpot, CD4+ T cell and CD8+ T cell IFN-γ activities, ELISA and Sporozoite IFA titers.
<p>Pre-existing Ad5 NAb titers measured just prior to Ad immunization were tested for negative correlations with CSP and AMA1 activities by IFN-γ ELISpot, total IFN-γ CD4+ T cell ICS, total IFN-γ CD8+ T cell ICS, ELISA and sporozoite IFA for all volunteers (n = 15). r = rank correlation coefficient, and p = p value for the null hypothesis that the correlation is zero (two-tailed). Significant correlations are shown in bold.</p
IFN-γ ELISpot Assay: Depletion of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells.
<p>Protected volunteers v06, v10, v11 and v18, and non-protected volunteers v03, v12 and v15 were tested for ELISpot activity to CSP and AMA1 peptides after depletion of CD4+ or CD8+ T cells. Percent reduction in the number of spot forming cells per 1,000,000 PBMC following depletion of CD4+ T cells or CD8+ T cells is shown for each volunteer tested. A positive effect was defined as >20% reduction (See Reference 15). v06 and v10 were tested twice with AMA1, and v11 was tested three times with AMA1.</p