154 research outputs found

    Efficient Elastic Net Regularization for Sparse Linear Models

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    This paper presents an algorithm for efficient training of sparse linear models with elastic net regularization. Extending previous work on delayed updates, the new algorithm applies stochastic gradient updates to non-zero features only, bringing weights current as needed with closed-form updates. Closed-form delayed updates for the ℓ1\ell_1, ℓ∞\ell_{\infty}, and rarely used ℓ2\ell_2 regularizers have been described previously. This paper provides closed-form updates for the popular squared norm ℓ22\ell^2_2 and elastic net regularizers. We provide dynamic programming algorithms that perform each delayed update in constant time. The new ℓ22\ell^2_2 and elastic net methods handle both fixed and varying learning rates, and both standard {stochastic gradient descent} (SGD) and {forward backward splitting (FoBoS)}. Experimental results show that on a bag-of-words dataset with 260,941260,941 features, but only 8888 nonzero features on average per training example, the dynamic programming method trains a logistic regression classifier with elastic net regularization over 20002000 times faster than otherwise

    Modeling Word Burstiness Using the Dirichlet Distribution

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    Multinomial distributions are often used to model text documents. However, they do not capture well the phenomenon that words in a document tend to appear in bursts: if a word appears once, it is more likely to appear again. In this paper, we propose the Dirichlet compound multinomial model (DCM) as an alternative to the multinomial. The DCM model has one additional degree of freedom, which allows it to capture burstiness. We show experimentally that the DCM is substantially better than the multinomial at modeling text data, measured by perplexity. We also show using three standard document collections that the DCM leads to better classification than the multinomial model. DCM performance is comparable to that obtained with multiple heuristic changes to the multinomial model. 1
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