53 research outputs found
Growth Rate of Coral Acropora Intermedia on Media Coral Transplantation in Sironjong Gadang Island South Coast West Sumatera
This research was conducted from January to March 2016 in Sironjong Gadang Island. The island is located in the sub-district of Koto XI, in the region of South Coast Regency of West Sumatera Province. The aimed of this research was to determine the growth and the survival rate of Acropora intermedia plantations. Experimental methods were applied by measuring the growth rate and counting the survival rate of the coral transplants. Besides, the surrounding parameters of water quality were also measured in the field. The result showed that the lateral growth of the transplant was faster than the vertical one; the values were 0.748 cm and 1.512 cm consecutively. In addition, the survival rate reaches 90 %, however, bleaching coral and dead coral with algae was also found in the first 20 days of observation
Surface Sediment Composition of Western Coast of Rupat Strait Riau Province
The research was conducted in May 2014, in the western part of the Rupat Strait. The aim of study was to determine the sediment material horizontally. This samples were taken using Eckman Grab from 9 sampling points. The analysis of the organic content in the sediment was also done.The results showed that the composition of the sediment in the western part of the Strait Rupat composed of lithogenous (rocks, mica, quartz ) and biogenous ( litter and Foraminifera). Lithogenous composition of rocks dominate waters and existede evenly at each sampling point. The highest percentage found in a location close to the mainland, this was suggested that the materials carried by the tide of Malacca and ebb currents of the Sungai Masjid River piled around this sampling point. In addition, the type of rock could have also come from erosion and anthropogenic activities in water around the edge.The organic matter content of sediment was highest at the sampling point close to the mangrove area. This was due to getting the supplay of organic material from the mangrove areas
Analysis Of Organic And Anorganic Debris In Air Manis Beach, Nirwana Beach And Carolina Beach Of Padang City West Sumatera Province
This research was conducted in June 2019 to determine the kind of marine debris, source, production and the correlation with the number of tourists in Air Manis, Nirwana, and Carolina Beach of Padang City, West Sumatera. Three sampling stations were surveyed. The results showed that marine debris found in those beaches were categorized organic, such as: fruits, leaves, wood, bamboo, sea plants and else an organic especially: plastic, glass, rubber, metal, etc. Air Manis Beach had the highest production of marine debris (1340 pcs), followed by Nirwana Beach (538 pcs) and Carolina Beach (500pcs). The source of marine debris were assessed to come from visitors and from outside those beac hes carried by sea current. The total of marine debris production was 29.165 kg. Plastic was the most common type of debris found. The production of garbage in the number of visitors shows very strong relationships (Y = -94,505 + 2,018x ; r = 0,97 ). There is strong correlation between the number of visitors and marine debris production in those beaches
Distribution of Bivalves in Intertidal Zone of Belimbing Bay of Pesisir Selatan Regency, West Sumatra Province
This research was conducted in December 2015 in the Belimbing Bay coastal area of the PesisirSelatan Regency, West Sumatra Province. The purpose of study was to determine the distribution andabundance of bivalves in the intertidal zone. Bivalves samples were taken by using Quadrant TransectSampling Method, in which at each station had one line transect, divided into three plots with a size of3x3 m2, respectively. The study found the abundance of the bivalves at station I (middle zone) washigher (0.15 ind/m2) than in the lower zone (0.07 ind/m2). In station II the lower zone was 0.07 ind/m2lower while the middle zone was 0.16 ind/m2. In station III the highest abundance was in the middlezone (0.15 ind/m2) and the lowest abundance was in the lower zone (0.08 ind/m2). The highest organicmatter content in the station I was 6.97% and the lowest was in the upper zone (4.85%). The lowestorganic matter at station II was lower zone (5.48%), followed by the upper zone (5.74%), and thehighest is in the middle zone (5.96%). At station III, the highest organic matter was 5.54% andfollowed by the lower zone 5.22%, the lowest contained is in the upper zone (5.12%)
The Study of the Selection of Fishing Ground Based on Sea Surface Temperature and Klorofil-a in the Asahan Ocean Waters by Using Satellite Images Aqua Modis
The study was conducted in October 2015 in Asahan waters NorthSumatera. The aim of this research is to know the fishing ground in Asahanwaters based on conditions of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-aabundance by using Satellite Images Aqua Modis. Methods used in this researchis survey method and a visual analysis Aqua Satellite Images Modis. The resultsof the analysis by the sea surface temperatures in the Asahan waters tending tolow that is in the range highest was in June namely 32,42°C -32,7°C. From theobservation the average concentration chlorophyll-a Asahan waters 2014maximum in January with an average 4,246013 mg/m3, and the lowest in Julyreached 0.913913 mg/m3. The higher sea surface temperatures henceconcentration chlorophyll-a progressively lower. In the restive of fishing groundof Asahan waters performed on highest 30,15°C -30,38°C with the lowest in therange of SST 29,68°C-29,91°C and the highest of klorofil-a 2,70164-3,0763 mg/m3 with the lowest in the range of 1,57761-1,95228 mg /m3
Analisis Fraksi Sedimen dan Bahan Organik di Perairan Muara Sungai Dumai Provinsi Riau
The purpose of this researched was to analize the consistency of organic material and sediment fraction on estuary in dumai river. The research was with purposive sampling on four stutions. The analysis of sediment fraction in estuary in dumai river had been dominated by mud substract. The result mean size wened very fine sand, of consistency organic material is ranging 7,37 - 24,01 mg/l. The result sorting value wered poorly kurtosis value were ektremly leptokurtic, and skewness dominant value were negative. Difference of fine grafain and type of sediment on estuary in Dumai River had effect by physics and chemical factor.Keyward: sediment fraction, sediment statistic parameter and organic material
Experiment of Rinso Detergent's Effect on the Growth of Heterotrophic Bacteria in Sea Water
This research was conducted in March-April 2017 at Marine Microbiology Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine University of Riau. The purpose of this study is to determine the different concentration of detergent (0 ml/L, 1.5 ml/L, 3 ml/L, 4.5 ml/L, 6 ml/L) in different observation time (0, 5, 10, 15, 20) on the growth of heterotrophic bacteria in sea water. Completely randomized design was used in this experimental method. The results showed that bacterial growth of all treated samples decreased on the 5th day of incubation. However, the population began to increase on the 10th day of incubation. The count of maximum bacterial growth was 1.46 x 109 found in the 4.5 ml/L treated detergent, and the lowest growth was 3.73 x 107 in the 1.5 ml/L treated detergent. Statistical analysis (ANOVA) showed that the concentrations in different observation times on the growth of heterotrophic bacteria showed significant effect and the value was (P <0.005)
Vegetation Community Structure of Mangroves in Sekilak Coastal Batam Riau Islands
A study of mangrove forests in Sekilak Coastal Batam Riau Islands was conducted in February 2014. The aim of this study was to determine the species composition, dominant species of mangrove and conditions in Batam Sekilak Beach. The survey method was used in this reaserch, where the observations were made with the belt transect method / belt transects. In the mangrove ecosystem was found 5 species of mangrove, included 3 families : Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Xylocarpus granatum, and Lumnitzera littorea. Importance values was highest on the group tree Rhizophora mucronata 136,79% (Station 1), the highest importance values at station 2 was 103,37% and station 3 was 95,81%. In the group of seedling the highest INP was Rhizophora apiculata (163.68%) at Station 1, at station 2 on Rhizophora mucronata with INP 120,60%, and the highest INP at station 3, Rhizophora apiculata was 110,95%. Conditions of mangrove ecosystem at Station 1 can be categorized damaged by the criteria rarely. Station 2 and Station 3 in good condition with moderate criteria
Distribusi dan Nisbah Kelamin Kerang Lokan (Polymesoda Expansa) di Perairan Pantai Desa Sungai Bela Kecamatan Kuala Indragiri Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2014. Eksploitasi kerang lokan (P.expansa) yang dilakukan nelayan selama ini tanpa memperhatikan ukuran yangditangkap mulai dari yang besar sampai yang relatif kecil. Tujuannya untukmengetahui distribusi dan nisbah kelamin kerang lokan. Metode survey digunakanpada 3 zona intertidal, selanjutnya dilakukan analisis sampel dilaboratorium.Kelimpahan kerang lokan tertinggi ditemukan pada zona upper sedangkankelimpahan yang terendah ditemukan pada zona lower. Nisbah kelamin pada zonalower seimbang, sementara zona middle dan upper sebaliknya, namun rata-ratanyaseimbang. Pola distribusi mengelompok pada zona upper dan merata pada zona lowerdan middle (Indeks morisita 1,052 dan 0,643) Analisis Chi – square memperlihatkansebaran yang tidak acak (χ2 hitung ˂ χ2 tabel)
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