3 research outputs found
Asymmetric Homoenolate Additions to Acyl Phosphonates through Rational Design of a Tailored <i>N</i>‑Heterocyclic Carbene Catalyst
A highly selective NHC-catalyzed
synthesis of γ-butyrolactones
from the fusion of enals and α-ketophosphonates has been
developed. Computational modeling of competing transition states guided
a rational design strategy to achieve enhanced levels of enantioselectivity
with a new tailored <i>C</i><sub>1</sub>-symmetric biaryl-saturated
imidazolium-derived NHC catalyst
Asymmetric Homoenolate Additions to Acyl Phosphonates through Rational Design of a Tailored <i>N</i>‑Heterocyclic Carbene Catalyst
A highly selective NHC-catalyzed
synthesis of γ-butyrolactones
from the fusion of enals and α-ketophosphonates has been
developed. Computational modeling of competing transition states guided
a rational design strategy to achieve enhanced levels of enantioselectivity
with a new tailored <i>C</i><sub>1</sub>-symmetric biaryl-saturated
imidazolium-derived NHC catalyst
NMR Chemical Shifts of Trace Impurities: Industrially Preferred Solvents Used in Process and Green Chemistry
The <sup>1</sup>H and <sup>13</sup>C NMR chemical shifts of 48
industrially preferred solvents in six commonly used deuterated NMR
solvents (CDCl<sub>3</sub>, acetone-<i>d</i><sub>6</sub>, DMSO-<i>d</i><sub>6</sub>, acetonitrile-<i>d</i><sub>3</sub>, methanol-<i>d</i><sub>4</sub>, and D<sub>2</sub>O) are reported. This work supplements the compilation of
NMR data published by Gottlieb, Kotlyar, and Nudelman (J. Org. Chem. 1997, 62, 7512) by providing
spectral parameters for solvents that were not commonly utilized at
the time of their original report. Data are specifically included
for solvents, such as 2-Me-THF, <i>n</i>-heptane, and <i>iso</i>-propyl acetate, which are being used more frequently
as the chemical industry aims to adopt greener, safer, and more sustainable
solvents. These spectral tables simplify the identification of these
solvents as impurities in NMR spectra following their use in synthesis
and workup protocols