1,079 research outputs found
On the short-distance structure of irrational non-commutative gauge theories
As shown by Hashimoto and Itzhaki in hep-th/9911057, the perturbative degrees
of freedom of a non-commutative Yang-Mills theory (NCYM) on a torus are
quasi-local only in a finite energy range. Outside that range one may resort to
a Morita equivalent (or T-dual) description appropriate for that energy. In
this note, we study NCYM on a non-commutative torus with an irrational
deformation parameter . In that case, an infinite tower of dual
descriptions is generically needed in order to describe the UV regime. We
construct a hierarchy of dual descriptions in terms of the continued fraction
approximations of . We encounter different descriptions depending on
the level of the irrationality of and the amount of non-locality
tolerated. The behavior turns out to be isomorphic to that found for the phase
structure of the four-dimensional Villain lattice gauge theories, which
we revisit as a warm-up. At large 't Hooft coupling, using the AdS/CFT
correspondance, we find that there are domains of the radial coordinate
where no T-dual description makes the derivative expansion converge. The radial
direction obtains multifractal characteristics near the boundary of AdS.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, uses JHEP.cl
On canonical quantization of the gauged WZW model with permutation branes
In this paper we perform canonical quantization of the product of the gauged
WZW models on a strip with boundary conditions specified by permutation branes.
We show that the phase space of the -fold product of the gauged WZW model
on a strip with boundary conditions given by permutation branes is
symplectomorphic to the phase space of the double Chern-Simons theory on a
sphere with holes times the time-line with and gauge fields both
coupled to two Wilson lines. For the special case of the topological coset
we arrive at the conclusion that the phase space of the -fold product
of the topological coset on a strip with boundary conditions given by
permutation branes is symplectomorphic to the phase space of Chern-Simons
theory on a Riemann surface of the genus times the time-line with four
Wilson lines.Comment: 18 page
On Induced Gravity in 2-d Topological Theories
We study 2-d gauge theories with the objective to understand, also
at the quantum level, the emergence of induced gravity. The wave functionals -
representing the eigenstates of a vanishing flat potential - are obtained in
the representation. The composition of the space they describe is then
analyzed: the state corresponding to the singlet representation of the gauge
group describes a topological universe. For other representations a metric
which is invariant under the residual gauge group is induced, apart from
possible topological obstructions. Being inherited from the group metric it is
rather rigid.Comment: 38, tex, 160/93/e
Observational evidence for the shrinking of bright maser spots
The nature of maser emission means that the apparent angular size of an
individual maser spot is determined by the amplification process as well as by
the instrinsic size of the emitting cloud. Highly sensitive MERLIN radio
interferometry images spatially and spectrally resolve water maser clouds
around evolved stars. We measured the properties of clouds around the red
supergiant S Per and the AGB stars IK Tau, RT Vir, U Her and U Ori, to test
maser beaming theory. Spherical clouds are expected to produce an inverse
relationship between maser intensity and apparent size, which would not be seen
from cylindrical or slab-like regions. We analysed the maser properties, in
order to estimate the saturation state, and investigated the variation of
observed spot size with intensity and across the spectral line profiles.
Circumstellar masers emanate from discrete clouds from about one to 20 AU in
diameter depending on the star. Most of the maser features have negative
excitation temperatures close to zero and modest optical depths, showing that
they are mainly unsaturated. Around S Per and (at most epochs) RT Vir and IK
Tau, the maser component size shrinks with increasing intensity. In contrast,
the masers around U Ori and U Her tend to increase in size, with a larger
scatter. The water masers from S Per, RT Vir and IK Tau are mainly beamed into
spots with an observed angular size much smaller than the emitting clouds and
smallest of all at the line peaks. This suggests that the masers are
amplification-bounded, emanating from approximately spherical clouds. Many of
the masers around U Her and U Ori have apparent sizes which are more similar to
the emitting clouds and have less or no dependence on intensity, suggesting
that these masers are matter-bounded. This is consistent with an origin in
flattened clouds and these two stars have shown other behaviour indicating the
presence of shocks.Comment: 17 pages, 26 figure files, accepted by A&A 2010 Oct 2
Nonlocal Effects of Partial Measurements and Quantum Erasure
Partial measurement turns the initial superposition not into a definite
outcome but into a greater probability for it. The probability can approach
100%, yet the measurement can undergo complete quantum erasure. In the EPR
setting, we prove that i) every partial measurement nonlocally creates the same
partial change in the distant particle; and ii) every erasure inflicts the same
erasure on the distant particle's state. This enables an EPR experiment where
the nonlocal effect does not vanish after a single measurement but keeps
"traveling" back and forth between particles. We study an experiment in which
two distant particles are subjected to interferometry with a partial "which
path" measurement. Such a measurement causes a variable amount of correlation
between the particles. A new inequality is formulated for same-angle
polarizations, extending Bell's inequality for different angles. The resulting
nonlocality proof is highly visualizable, as it rests entirely on the
interference effect. Partial measurement also gives rise to a new form of
entanglement, where the particles manifest correlations of multiple
polarization directions. Another novelty in that the measurement to be erased
is fully observable, in contrast to prevailing erasure techniques where it can
never be observed. Some profound conceptual implications of our experiment are
briefly pointed out.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev. A 63 (2001). 19 pages, 12 figures,
RevTeX 3.
A Circumstellar Disc in a High-Mass Star Forming Region
We present an edge-on Keplerian disc model to explain the main component of
the 12.2 and 6.7 GHz methanol maser emission detected toward NGC7538-IRS1 N.
The brightness distribution and spectrum of the line of bright masers are
successfully modeled with high amplification of background radio continuum
emission along velocity coherent paths through a maser disc. The bend seen in
the position-velocity diagram is a characteristic signature of differentially
rotating discs. For a central mass of 30 solar masses, suggested by other
observations, our model fixes the masing disc to have inner and outer radii of
about 350 AU and 1000 AU.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter
Lattice Supersymmetry and Topological Field Theory
It is known that certain theories with extended supersymmetry can be
discretized in such a way as to preserve an exact fermionic symmetry. In the
simplest model of this kind, we show that this residual supersymmetric
invariance is actually a BRST symmetry associated with gauge fixing an
underlying local shift symmetry. Furthermore, the starting lattice action is
then seen to be entirely a gauge fixing term. The corresponding continuum
theory is known to be a topological field theory. We look, in detail, at one
example - supersymmetric quantum mechanics which possesses two such BRST
symmetries. In this case, we show that the lattice theory can be obtained by
blocking out of the continuum in a carefully chosen background metric. Such a
procedure will not change the Ward identities corresponding to the BRST
symmetries since they correspond to topological observables. Thus, at the
quantum level, the continuum BRST symmetry is preserved in the lattice theory.
Similar conclusions are reached for the two-dimensional complex Wess-Zumino
model and imply that all the supersymmetric Ward identities are satisfied {\it
exactly} on the lattice. Numerical results supporting these conclusions are
presented.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure
Exact Lattice Supersymmetry: the Two-Dimensional N=2 Wess-Zumino Model
We study the two-dimensional Wess-Zumino model with extended N=2
supersymmetry on the lattice. The lattice prescription we choose has the merit
of preserving {\it exactly} a single supersymmetric invariance at finite
lattice spacing . Furthermore, we construct three other transformations of
the lattice fields under which the variation of the lattice action vanishes to
where is a typical interaction coupling. These four
transformations correspond to the two Majorana supercharges of the continuum
theory. We also derive lattice Ward identities corresponding to these exact and
approximate symmetries. We use dynamical fermion simulations to check the
equality of the massgaps in the boson and fermion sectors and to check the
lattice Ward identities. At least for weak coupling we see no problems
associated with a lack of reflection positivity in the lattice action and find
good agreement with theory. At strong coupling we provide evidence that
problems associated with a lack of reflection positivity are evaded for small
enough lattice spacing.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures. New results at strong coupling added. Minor
corrections to text and one reference added. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.
The solution to Wheeler-DeWitt is eight
We describe a new geometrical solution to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation in two
dimensional quantum gravity. The solution is the amplitude of a surface whose
boundary consists of two tangent loops. We further discuss a new method for
estimating singular geometries amplitudes, which uses explicit recursive
counting of discrete surfaces.Comment: 10 tex pages + 5 ps figure
Weak Measurement of the Arrival Times of Single Photons and Pairs of Entangled Photons
In this paper we propose a setup for the weak measurement of photon arrival
time. It is found that the weak values of this arrival time can lie far away
from the expectation value, and in principle also in regions forbidden by
special relativity. We discuss in brief the implications of these results as
well as their reconciliation with the principle of causality. Furthermore, an
analysis of the weak arrival times of a pair of photons in a Bell state shows
that these weak arrival times are correlated.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
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