19 research outputs found

    Ettevõtlustüübid ja rahvusvahelistumine ettevõtlusõppes

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    Ettevõtlusõpet on vaja kohandada eri sihtrühmadele: neile, kes on juba loonud ettevõtte, asuvad õppeprotsessis ettevõtet looma, kavatsevad vahetult peale õpinguid ettevõtte luua või võivad enda ettevõtluspädevust rakendada kaugemas tulevikus. Artikli eesmärk on ettevõtluse olemuse tõlgendustest ja ettevõtlus tüüpide võrdlusest lähtudes ning Eesti ettevõtluse rahvusvahelistumise perspektiive arvestades pakkuda välja ettevõtlustüüpide liigitus, mis hõlmaks eri sihtrühmade õpivajadusi ja õpitulemuste rakendamise võimalusi eeskätt kõrghariduses. Ettevõtlusõppe kohandamisel sihtrühmade vajaduste järgi tuleb arvestada ettevõtluse rahvus vahelistumise võimalusi, innovaatilisusest ja kasvuambitsioonist lähtuvaid piiriülese võrgustumise vajadusi, iseseisva ja organisatsioonisisese ettevõtluse konteksti, ettevõtlustüübist sõltuvat ressursibaasi ning individuaalset ja koosloovat ettevõtlusorientatsiooni. Niisama tähtis on õppija kui potentsiaalse või juba tegutseva ettevõtja arengurada, tema valmisolek tegevuse kaudu õppida ja avatud e-õppes osaleda.  Summar

    Impact of innovation climate on individual and organisational level factors in Asia and Europe

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    Organisation climate plays an important role for the innovation of an organisation. The purpose of this paper is to investigate connections between the innovation climate and individual and organisational level factors. Surveys were conducted among Japanese, Chinese, Estonian, Czech and Slovakian enterprises. Linear regression analysis was conducted. The results of an empirical study show that the innovation climate predicts differently some individual and organisational level factors in studied countries. Two innovation climate facets – commitment and freedom predict individual level factors– attitude toward the firm in all 5 countries. In two studied Asian countries, Japan and China, commitment predicts meaning of work and job satisfaction whereas in all three new European Union member states some links between facets of the innovation climate and individual meaning of work and job satisfaction were missing. Although individual job satisfaction and meaning of work in is still shaped by to some extent different mechanisms in studied countries, implications of the innovative climate for organisation are more similar, at least in industries that are influenced by rapid technological development and globalization

    Comparing Online Social Networks Ties as Tool for Entrepreneurial Learning Readiness in Small Economies

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    Online social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn create the opportunity to expand online and face-to-face ties. Diverse online social network composed by weak and strong ties is essential for the young student entrepreneurs. Online networks off diverse learning and online ex-pertize opportunities to the young student entrepreneur. This paper explores the entrepreneurial learning leverage that young students enrolled in higher education system can get from online ties in small economies through comparing Western Balkan region and more precisely a small developing country such as Albania with a small-developed county such as Estonia. The paper explores how online ties support young student readiness to use online networking platforms for online entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurial opportunity recognition focusing in online ties established in Facebook and LinkedIn. Further online learning strategies are explored through focus group analysis, blog analysis and interviews with young experienced entrepreneurs. Young students use online ties for entrepreneurial knowledge sharing but there a difference between the Facebook tie and the LinkedIn tie. The study concludes with the suggestion of development of entrepreneurial learning orientation strategies and tools that facilitate the online learning process in both online networks focusing in specific online tie that is the group tie

    SME open innovation implicating factors in different innovation phases

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    The present study focuses on the open innovation impact factors on different phases of open innovation to create qualitative basis for quantitative research within SME-s. Study has been provided in three countries with different economies and cultures that were comparable by pair: Sweden and United Kingdom as representatives of nnovation-driven economy and Estonia and Sweden as representatives Northern European culture. The main factors like connection of the innovation processes with market innovation manager's personal capabilities and public sector innovation policy were identified by majority of experts in all three countries. Experts did not have common view about importance of the intellectual property commercialization capability for open innovation