65 research outputs found
Light Non-Abelian Vector Dark Matter Produced Through Vector Misalignment
In this paper, we examine the evolution of light, feebly interacting
non-abelian dark gauge bosons dark matter in the early universe. In the region
of the parameter space where the dark gauge coupling is too small for the gauge
bosons to be produced efficiently via the freeze-in mechanism, the observed
relic density of dark matter can be obtained via the vector misalignment
mechanism. Vector misalignment has already been discussed in the case of dark
photon dark matter. In this study, we extend the arguments to non-abelian gauge
bosons. We specifically work on a dark sector scenario with a gauge
symmetry, spontaneously broken by a scalar . For sufficiently light
and feebly interacting gauge boson,
become the dark matter candidates. The portal between the dark sector and
the Standard Model (SM) sector, in this study, is provided by the right-handed
electron charged under . After discussing the evolution of in
the early universe, we study the constraints on the model and show the allowed
region of the parameter space. Furthermore, the benchmark that can explain the
XENON1T excess is demonstrated.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure
Catching sparks from well-forged neutralinos
In this paper we present a new search technique for electroweakinos, the
superpartners of electroweak gauge and Higgs bosons, based on final states with
missing transverse energy, a photon, and a dilepton pair, . Unlike traditional electroweakino searches,
which perform best when , our search favors nearly degenerate spectra; degenerate electroweakinos
typically have a larger branching ratio to photons, and the cut effectively removes on-shell Z boson backgrounds while retaining the
signal. This feature makes our technique optimal for `well-tempered' scenarios,
where the dark matter relic abundance is achieved with inter-electroweakino
splittings of . Additionally, our strategy applies to
a wider range of scenarios where the lightest neutralinos are almost
degenerate, but only make up a subdominant component of the dark matter -- a
spectrum we dub `well-forged'. Focusing on bino-Higgsino admixtures, we present
optimal cuts and expected efficiencies for several benchmark scenarios. We find
bino-Higgsino mixtures with and can be uncovered after roughly of
luminosity at the 14 TeV LHC. Scenarios with lighter states require less data
for discovery, while scenarios with heavier states or larger mass splittings
are harder to discriminate from the background and require more data. Unlike
many searches for supersymmetry, electroweakino searches are one area where the
high luminosity of the next LHC run, rather than the increased energy, is
crucial for discovery.Comment: Updated to published version. Reference adde, discussion of other
models expanded, and typos fixed. revtex4-1, 29 pages, 9 figures, and 3
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