4 research outputs found
Involucrar a las Generaciones Jóvenes (Generación Z y Generación Y) en los Centros Culturales.
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2024
- Field of study
La presente investigación se llevó a cabo en el Palacio Quintanar, un edificio renacentista del
siglo XVI transformado en un dinámico centro multicultural en Segovia para abordar la falta
de atractivo y compromiso de las generaciones jóvenes. Basado en mi experiencia de 15
años en la industria creativa de la pintura, este informe tiene como objetivo proporcionar un
espacio en el que otros artistas puedan exhibir su talento. La cuestión principal definida por
la tesis es que estos centros no son relevantes y sostenibles debido a la baja participación de
las generaciones jóvenes.
Para abordar esta situación, los objetivos de la investigación son implementar campañas de
marketing estratégico y procesos de co-creación que inspiren la acción y que utilicen
herramientas de comunicación efectivas. Desde un enfoque holístico, la investigación se
centra no solo en incorporar un público joven, sino en promover la igualdad y la inclusión
dentro de la comunidad cultural. La metodología de la interacción con la audiencia joven se
basa en sus comportamientos y, posteriormente, se diseñará una acción específica para el
Palacio Quintanar en particular. Esta elección representa la esencia del presente informe,
especialmente en una ciudad como Segovia, donde la población tiende a ser mayor. Por lo
tanto, el deseo, o más bien el objetivo, del estudio tiene como objetivo asegurar que los
centros culturales sigan siendo relevantes y sostenibles a largo plazo, incluyendo a las
generaciones más jóvenes.Máster en Comunicación con Fines Sociale
Adding 6 months of androgen deprivation therapy to postoperative radiotherapy for prostate cancer: a comparison of short-course versus no androgen deprivation therapy in the RADICALS-HD randomised controlled trial
- Author
- Abab Julie
- Abbas Ali
- Abbassi Sara
- Abd Alazeez Mohamed
- Abdulwahid Danya
- Abdulwahid Danya
- Abed Jessy
- Adab Fawzi
- Adams Marion
- Adamson Vanessa
- Addison Anglise
- Adeyoju Adebanji
- Adinkra Victoria
- Adnaan Jamila
- Afzal Naveed
- Agdiran Didem
- Aggarwal Ajay
- Ahamadali Sheefa
- Ahmad Belal
- Ahmed Ilyas
- Ahmed Imtiaz
- Ahmed Shahida
- Aiku Abimbola
- Ainsworth Sarah
- Ainsworth Sarah
- Aitken Katherine
- Ajzensztejn Daniel
- Akhtar Naeem
- Al-Chamali Hiba
- Al-hasso Abdulla
- Al-hasso Abdulla
- Al-Samarraie Amir
- Albrecht Virginia
- Alcock Christopher
- Alder Leanne
- Alderton Kate
- Aldous Mary
- Ali Jennyfa
- Ali Maryam
- Ali Zulfiqer
- Ali Zulfiqer
- Allan Elaine
- Allan Elaine
- Allen Julie
- Allen Kirsten
- Allen Rachael
- Allen Susan
- Allison Joanna
- Allison Michele
- Alonzi Roberto
- AlRashdan Abdulla
- Alzouebi Mymoona
- Amanie John Oliver
- Ammeter Barb
- Amoaten Thomas
- Amos Claire
- Anderson Beverley
- Anderson Chris
- Anderson Jim
- Anderson John
- Anderson John
- Anderson Juliette
- Anderson Juliette
- Anderson Leanne
- Anderson Naomi
- Anderson Susan
- Anderson Susan
- Andrade Gerard
- Andrews (nee Moore) Eleanor
- Andrews Kelly
- Andrews Stephen
- Ang Daniel
- Ann Taehee
- Annan Lynda
- Ansari Jawaher
- Ansari Jawaher
- Anscombe Eleanor
- Anyamene Nicola
- Appleby Bonny
- Appleby Rowan
- Archer Denise
- Archer Denise
- Archer Simon
- Archer Simon
- Arnott Seonaid
- Arsanious Nasr
- Ashcroft Jan
- Ashworth Sue
- Ashworth Sue
- Askew Sarah
- Aslam Natasha
- Atkinson Jane
- Atkinson Lorraine
- Attlee Julie
- Auladin Raidah
- Austin (nee Glover) Gemma
- Austin Mandy
- Avery Alison
- Avis Joanne
- Aya Viviana
- Azirar Hanna
- Bachand Francois
- Bahary JeanPaul
- Bahl Amit
- Bahl Amit
- Bailey Laura
- Bailey Linda
- Baines Kizzy
- Baird Noelle
- Bak Dagmara
- Bakawala Rehana
- Baker Erin
- Baker Ivanna
- Bakija Zeljka
- Bakker Piet
- Balderson Jane
- Ball Julie
- Balogun Shaki
- Bamford Linda
- Banda Laillah-Crystal
- Barber Dave
- Baria Karin
- Barkati Maroie
- Barkati Maroie
- Barke Nyssa
- Barlow David
- Barnbrooke Sarah
- Barnes Alison
- Barnes Nicky
- Barnett Christian
- Barnett Debra
- Barron Chris
- Barron Claire
- Barter Elisa
- Barwell Lorraine
- Bashir Bashir
- Bashir Faheem
- Basu Devy
- Bateman Samantha
- Bates Emma
- Batish Cheryl
- Batz Margaret
- Bauman Glenn
- Baumber Shelley
- Baxter Matt
- Bayley Andrew J
- Beamish Neal
- Beaney Katherine
- Beaney Ronald
- Beard Karen
- Beard Karen
- Beaton Heather
- Beaton Kirsty
- Beattie Louise
- Beauchemin MarieClaude
- Beaumont Erica
- Beausoleil Rachelle
- Beazer Sarah
- Bech-Nielsen Nanette
- Bech-Nielsen Nanette
- Bedoya Luis Diaz de
- Beech Darren
- Beer Nigel
- Beesley Kate
- Beesley Katherine
- Beesley Sharon
- Beety Jane
- Bekulart Sylwia
- Belcher Rebecca
- Bell Karen
- Bellenger Katharine
- Benjaminson Patricia
- Bennett Molly
- Bennett Sarah
- Bennion Carole
- Benson Richard
- Benson Richard
- Benth Silvine
- Benton Louise
- Benton Richard
- Bentzen Lise
- Beresford Mark
- Beresford Mark
- Beresford Mark
- Bergen Leah
- Berghout Koralee
- Berlin Alejandro
- Bermingham Nicola
- Betts Chris
- Bhana Rajanee
- Bhatnagar Adityanarayan
- Bhatnagar Gagan
- Bici Julia
- Bier Bianca
- Binks Colin
- Binns Louise
- Birch Richard
- Bird Stephanie
- Birtle Alison
- Bishop Emma
- Bissa Caterina
- Bissett Donald
- Bisson MarieEve
- Blackwood Geoffrey
- Blaney Hilary
- Blight Kathy
- Blood Paul A
- Bloomfield David
- Bloomfield David
- Bloomfield Mark
- Blundell Martyn
- Blythe Tracy
- Boam Samantha
- Boardman John
- Bohra Vikram
- Bois (nee Harris) Elizabeth
- Bolger Annette
- Bolton Olivia
- Bolton Olivia
- Bond Brittany
- Bone Linzi
- Bonner Scott
- Bonner-Shand Shelagh
- Bonsu Nicole
- Boon Ian
- Borgaonkar Sudhir
- Borre Michael
- Borynec Carol
- Bott Trevor
- Bottomley David
- Bottomley David
- Bottomley David M.
- Bottomley Ian
- Bouchard Myriam
- Bourke Amie
- Bourque JeanMarc
- Boutflower Jane
- Bowen Jo
- Bowen Jo
- Bowen Katie
- Bower Lorna
- Bower Lorna C.
- Bowers Dawn
- Bowers Richard
- Bowes-Cavanagh Jeanette
- Bowling Lorna
- Bowman Sue
- Bowmer Amanda
- Bownie-Mukumbu Godfrey
- Brady Joanne
- Brady Joanne
- Brain Carol
- Branagan Jennifer
- Branagan Jenny
- Brander Mike
- Branson (née Dineen) Amy
- Brasso Klaus
- Braun Michael W
- Brawley Chris
- Breakspear Sally
- Breckin Edmund
- Breen Vivienne
- Brennan Maria
- Brewster Simon
- Briand Wayne
- Briggs Maxine
- Bristow Robert
- Brittain Paul
- Broadley Eve
- Brock Sue
- Brock Sue
- Brogan (nee Roddie) Stephanie
- Brookes Claire
- Brookman Catherine
- Broom Jane
- Broomfield Barbara
- Brough Richard
- Brough Richard
- Brough WA
- Brown Emmanuel
- Brown Grace
- Brown Joanne
- Brown Maggie
- Brown Rebecca
- Brown Richard B
- Brown Richard B
- Brown Sandra
- Brown Simon
- Brown Stephen CW
- Brown Teddy
- Brownless Caroline
- BrucePayne Kim
- Brulinski Patryk
- Brulinski Patryk
- Brundage Michael
- Bryan Rachel
- Bryant Hanna
- Brydon-Hill Ruth
- Bucci Catherine
- Buchan Jonathan
- Buckley Jon
- Buckley Julie
- Bujold Rachel
- Bunn Sarah
- Burbridge Susan
- Burgoyne Jamie-Rae
- Burlace Barbara
- Burlace Barbara
- Burns Rebecca
- Burrage Su
- Bursey Kara
- Butler-Barnes Jenny
- Butt Zainab
- Butterfield Anne
- Butterworth Caryl
- Buus Simon
- Byrne Mary Marg
- Caballes Mark
- Cadiz Lovely
- Callam Sara
- Calvert Clare
- Camara Mary Jane
- Camburn Sister Tracey
- Camilleri Philip
- Camilleri Philip
- Camilleri Philip
- Camilleri Philip
- Campbell Allister
- Campbell Audrey
- Campbell Hilary
- Campbell Yvonne
- Campos Monica
- Canavan Joycelin
- Cannon Philip
- Capaldi Lisa
- Capaldi Lisa
- Capaldi Lisa
- Carbonaro Adriana
- Carefoot Layton
- Carini Serrafina
- Carkner Amy
- Carlino Giulia
- Carlson Cindy
- Carmel Michel
- Carpenter Janice
- Carpenter Janice
- Carpio Viviana
- Carr Philippa
- Carroll Weronika
- Carruthers Ross
- Carter Adam
- Carter Vanda
- Cartwright Debbie
- Carvery Lane
- Casanova Nathalie
- Casanova Nathalie
- Casey Linda
- Casey Sue
- Catt Natalie
- Catton Charles
- Catton Charles N.
- Caumont Tom
- Cavanagh Kerrie
- Chadwick David
- Chadwick Eliot
- Chahal Rohit
- Chahine Jacqueline
- Chakraborti Prabir
- Challipalli Amarnath
- Challipalli Amarnath
- Chamberlain Shelley
- Chambers Carla
- Chan Andrew
- Chan Andrew
- Chan Heidi
- Chan Hin Fan
- Chan Olivia
- Chandrashekara Madhura
- Charnley Natalie
- Chatelain AnneMarie
- Chatfield Jenny
- Chauhan Zainab
- Chedham Alison
- Chennattukungu Indukala
- Cherepak Kathy
- Chetiyawardana Samantha
- Chetiyawardana Samantha
- Chettle Judith
- Cheung Arthur
- Cheung Patrick CF
- Chikkamuniyappa Bindu
- Chikkamuniyappa Bindu
- Chikopela Loveness
- Chilcott Helen
- Chipman Penny
- Chivers Rachael
- Chornopyski Tracy
- Choudhury Ananya
- Choudhury Ananya
- Choudhury Ananya
- Chowdhury Amitava D
- Christensen Anne Juel
- Christensen Tine
- Christmas Sallyanne
- Chrystal Melanie
- Chu William
- Chui Amadeus
- Chung Christina
- Chung Hans T
- Chung Peter
- Chung Peter W.M.
- Churn Mark
- Churn Mark
- Clancy Joanna
- Clapp Felicity
- Clark Alison
- Clark Diane
- Clark Helen
- Clark Katy
- Clark Su
- Clarke Elizabeth
- Clarke Jude
- Clarke Maria
- Clarke Noel
- Clarke Noel W.
- Clarke Peter
- Clarke Rachael
- Clarke Samantha
- Cleary Kristy
- Clements Colette
- Clements Mia AnnaMaria
- Clitheroe Pat
- Cobos-Arrivabene Marta
- Cocks Tracie
- Coe Marc
- Coffin Teresa
- Cogley Lyn
- Cogley Lyn
- Cole Aiden
- Cole David J
- Cole David J
- Collard Susan
- Colligan Steve
- Collins Gerald
- Collins Gerald
- Collins Lucy
- Commisso Angela
- Conibear John
- Connolly nee McKenna Sarah
- Connor Marie
- Conroy Ruth
- Conroy Ruth
- Conway Lisa-Jane
- Conway Rachel
- Cook Adrian
- Cook Adrian D.
- Cook Audrey
- Cook Audrey
- Cook Wendy
- Cooke Jill
- Cooke Juniebel
- Cooke Peter
- Coomber Kristy
- Coombs Sarah
- Cooper Adele
- Cooper Sophie
- Coppins Helen
- Corbett Thomas B
- Corcoran Sam
- Corderoy Helen
- Cordwell Amanda
- Corkery Danylle
- Corless Rebecca
- Cormack Margaret
- Cornaby Andrew
- Corner Victoria
- Cornthwaite Stephanie
- Corwin Charlotte
- Cossette Danielle
- Cote Genevieve
- Cotterill Lauren
- Cotts Shannon
- Coubrough Claudia
- Couch Ellie
- Coughlan Tricia
- Cousins Jane
- Cousins Rebecca
- Coutts Tim
- Coventry Thomas
- Cowan Chloe
- Cowan Chloe
- Cowan Richard
- Cowan Richard
- Cowley Sue
- Cox Adam
- Cox Christine
- Coyle Catherine
- Coyle Catherine
- Crawford Melanie
- Crawford Sister Denise
- Creelman Brianna
- Crellin Perric
- Crellin Perric
- Crook Juanita
- Cross Vanessa
- Cross William R.
- Crossley Lin
- Crowe (nee Hughes) Dawn
- Crowley Claire
- Crundwell M
- Cserbane Anita
- Cuffe Donna
- Cumming Kirsty
- Cunningham Amy
- Curtis Samantha
- Curtis Sandra
- Cusan Leonello
- Custins Laura
- Cyriac Abby
- Dabbs Marianne
- Dahar Nazeer
- Dahmane Rafika
- Dallas Nicola
- Dalton-Short Ross
- Dalton-Short Ross
- Daly Deirdre
- Danaswamy Patricia
- Danaswamy Patricia
- Daniel Amelia
- Danielson Brita
- Danjoux Cyril
- Darby Helen
- Darch Flora
- Daruwala Pallon
- Das Prantik
- Davda Reena
- Davey Alison
- Davey Elizabeth
- Davidson Cathy
- Davies Emily
- Davies Flor
- Davies Heather
- Davies Joe
- Davies Joseph
- Davies Julie-Ann
- Davies Kirstin
- Davies Llinos
- Davies Stacey
- Davies Sue
- Davies Tracey
- Davison Alison
- Davison Sue
- Dawe David
- Dawson Elizabeth
- Dawson Louise
- Dawson-Athey Linda
- Dayes Ian S
- De Silva-Minor Shiroma
- Dean Lynsey
- Dearnaley David
- Deenihan Emma
- Degendorfer Sarah
- Dekaj Fatjon
- Dell Gillian
- Dellar Conor
- Delouya Guila
- Dent Kathleen
- Desai Parth
- Desai Parth
- Desrosiers Isabelle
- Dewar Lorna
- Dharmaprasad Soney
- Dhinakaran Kathirvelu
- Di Maria Fabio
- Dias Heather
- Dickinson Peter
- Dickson Jeanette
- Dill Kendra
- DiLullo Elenor
- DiMarco Christine
- Din Omar
- Ding Ian
- Dion Helene
- Ditchfield Julie
- Dixit Sanjay
- Dixit Sanjay
- Dlodlo Jessica
- Dobson Tracey
- Dodds David
- Dodge Sister Jan
- Doherty A
- Donaghey Sally
- Donaldson David
- Donnison Michelle
- Douch Emma
- Doughty Victoria
- Dover Serena
- Downs Nichola
- Doyle Kerrie
- Drachenberg Darrel E
- Drakeley Susan
- Drew Ellen
- Drew Mary (Ellen)
- Driscoll Celine
- DSouza David
- Dubey Arbind
- Dubey Arbind
- Duckett Tracey
- Duclos Marie
- Duffy Annie
- Dufour Nathalie
- Dugas Stevie
- Duley Emma
- DuMontier Joelle
- Duncan (nee Keatley) Claire
- Duncan Graeme
- Duncan Ian
- Dunn Sharon
- Dunne Emma
- Durkan Garret
- Durrant Lisa
- Dymond Harvey
- E Choan
- Eady Robin
- Eapen Libni
- Ebacher Annie
- Eccleson Helen
- Edwards Abigail
- Edwards Albert
- Edwards Jackie
- Edwards Steve
- Edwards Steve
- Egan Lisa
- Eichenberger Lois
- El-Modir Ahmed
- El-Saghir Mohammed
- Eleftheriadis Symeon
- ElKerdawy Hala
- Ellard Rose
- Elliott Mark
- Elliott Tony
- Elliott Tony
- ElSokhn Nidale
- Elwell Christine
- Elwell Christine
- Elwell Sue
- Embleton Andrew
- Ennis Dawn
- Erskine Susan
- Escueta Vivette
- Eska Tiffani
- Etheridge Charlotte
- Evans Angela
- Evans Clary
- Evans Elizabeth
- Evans Marion
- Evans Melanie
- Evans Richard
- Eze Nancy
- Fair Kim
- Fairfax Claire
- Falconer Alison
- Fallah Fereshteh
- Fallaize Adrian
- Faria Sergio Luiz
- Farnworth Christine
- Farrar Michelle
- Farrell Helen
- Fawcitt Sara
- Fazekasne Fulep Adrienn
- Fearnley Mark
- Featherstone Wendy
- Fellows Kathryn
- Fennelly Ruth
- Ferguson Catherine
- Ferguson Catherine
- Fernandez Claire
- Ferreira Miguel
- Fiddes Kathleen
- Fielding Bethany
- Fielding Bethany
- Fildes Diane
- Finnegan Niall
- Firth Alexandra
- Firth Alexandra
- Firth Alexandra
- Firth Elizabeth
- Fish Matt
- Fish Nathan
- Flaherty Jan
- Flaherty Jan
- Flanagan Laura
- Flavin Aileen
- Fletcher Joanne
- Fletcher Julie
- Fletcher Mandy
- Flynn-Batham Marian
- Fode Kirsten
- Folkes Linda
- Follows Josh
- Foo Maxine
- Foot Jayne
- Forcat Silvia
- Forcat Silvia
- Ford Amanda
- Ford Amy
- Ford Chris
- Ford Daniel
- Ford Daniel
- Ford Nicky
- Ford Victoria
- Ford Victoria
- Forkes Janet
- Forkes Janet
- Forkes Janet
- Forman Susan
- Forrest Diane
- Forrest Diane
- Fortin Jacqueline
- Fosker Chris
- Fossey Gavin
- Foster Emma
- Foster William
- Fourt Monica
- Fox Shirley
- Foxwell Sue
- Francis Olesya
- Francis Peggy
- Francisco Cristina
- Frankland Helen
- Frankland Helen
- Franklin Alex
- Frattaroli Paul
- Frazzi Alexandra
- Frew John
- Frim Olivera
- Froese Jane
- Froude Nancy
- Funnell Sarah
- Gagne Vanessa
- Galante Joao
- Gallimore Elizabeth
- Galloway Lucy
- Galway Denise
- Gamble Tina
- Gamble Tina
- Gamez Raquel
- Ganabady Malavika
- Gao Annie
- Garcia Leni Santiago
- Gardiner Fiona
- Garner Victoria
- Garrett Gina
- Garrido-Perez Sandra
- Gauntlett Monica
- Gauthier Isabelle C
- Gearing Jennifer
- George Siny
- GeorgeChayka Danielle
- Geraghty Kerry
- Ghoul Mokhtar
- Gibbins Andrew
- Gibbins Jackie
- Gibbins Kate
- Gibbs Stephanie
- Gibson Sian
- Giddings Emma
- Gilbert Duncan
- Gilbert Duncan
- Gilbert Jeanette
- Gilby Lisa
- Gilchrist Gail
- Gill Lisa
- Gill Shafiq
- Gillatt David
- Gillatt David
- Gillesen Annelies
- Gillespie Sally
- Gillian Andrew
- Gilmartin Claire
- Gilmour Christina
- Ginnelly Helen
- Ginnelly Helen
- Giovannini Julia
- Gipson Anna
- Girolametto Carla
- Gladwell Louise
- Gladwish Adam
- Glaholm John
- Glaholm John
- Gleave Martin E
- Glen Hilary
- Glen Tracy
- Glick Daniel
- Goel Roshni
- Goh Chee
- Goh Chee L.
- Golden Sophie
- Goldenberg S Larry
- Goldstein Cindy
- Goldstein Cindy
- Goldsworthy Simon
- Gollapothu Srilakshmi
- Gomez JoseLuis
- Gomez-Marcos Raquel
- Gonzalez Celia
- Gooch Carol
- Goodhind Frances
- Goodsell Josie
- Goodsell Josie
- Goodwin Emma
- Gopaul Darindra
- Gordon Hussain
- Gore Alexandra
- Gospodarowicz Mary
- Goss Vanessa
- Gough Jessica
- Gould Aaron
- Goulden Kay
- Goulding James
- Goyena Ruby
- Grabey Jenna
- Graham Janet
- Graham Jeffrey
- Graham John
- Graham Susan
- Gramlich Colin
- Grant Anna
- Grant Cordelia
- Grant Judith
- Grant Susan
- Grant Warren
- Gratton Albert
- Grau Isabel
- Gray Emma
- Gray Emma
- Grayland Sarah
- Greedus Helen
- Green James
- Green Sara
- Green Sarah
- Green Sue
- Green Trish
- Greenland Jonathan
- Gregg Jane
- Gregorcic Emily
- Gregory Debbie
- Grieve Sylvia
- Griffen Ailsa
- Griffin Hannah
- Griffiths Dorothy
- Griffiths Leyshon
- Griffiths Theresa
- Griffiths Theresa
- Gruschy Lisa
- Guarino Robyn
- Gudelis Susan O
- Guerrero-Urbano Teresa
- Guerrero-Urbano Teresa
- Guerrero-Urbano Teresa
- Gujral Sandeep
- Gumapac Nicole
- Gunn Melanie
- Gupta Kamalnayan
- Gupta Nishi
- Gurzanski Christina
- Guy Peter
- Gwilt Julie
- Gwilt Julie
- Gwilt Julie
- Haddad Alain
- Hagan Chris
- Hague Dominic
- Haidar Imran
- Haidar Imran
- Haigh Steve
- Haldeos Anne
- Hale Jennifer
- Hall Jane
- Hall Julia
- Hall Julia
- Halperin Ross
- Hamid Abdel
- Hamill Maureen
- Hamilton Beatrice
- Hamilton Joanna
- Hamilton Ronald
- Hammonds John Christopher
- Hanna Emma
- Hannaford Zeta
- Happle Liz
- Hardie Maryon
- Harding Claudia
- Harding Joshua
- Hardman John
- Hardstaff Lisa
- Hare Jennifer A
- Hargreaves Carolyn
- Hargreaves Jeanette
- Hargreaves Jeanette
- Harinarayanan Sathish
- Harinarayanan Sathish
- Harland Keith
- Harney Jackie
- Harnwell Juliette
- Harpell Rhonda
- Harris (n. Marchant) Emily
- Harris Catherine
- Harris Sarah
- Harris-Burland Angie
- Harrison Alison
- Harrow Sister Kath
- Hart Amber
- Hart Andrew
- Harter Leah
- Hartley Jasmine
- Hartman Carrie
- Hartt Nancy
- Hartwell Lyn
- Harvey Julie
- Harvey Sally
- Harving Niels
- Haskell Annelise
- Hassall Alison
- Hassan Nebah
- Hassan Nebah
- Hathout Lara
- Hatimy Umi
- Haydock Helen
- Haydock Helen
- Hayes Jill A
- Hayward Lesley
- Healey Gail
- Healey-Mariano Jennifer
- Healey-Mariano Jennifer
- Heasley Karen
- Heath Catherine
- Heckford Louise
- Hedges Andy
- Heeley Janine
- Hefferon Billy
- Hegarty Gemma
- Hejlesen Finn
- Helou Joelle
- Hendel Debra
- Henry Ann
- Henry Ann
- Henry Ann
- Henry Ann
- Henry Joanne
- Henry Joanne
- Henson (nee Savidge) Verity
- Henson Helen
- Herasimtschuk Anna
- Herbert Chris
- Herbert Gaynor
- Heron Jane
- Hetherington Stacey
- Hicks Kimberly
- Higgins Linda
- Hijab Adham
- Hill Elaine
- Hill Judy
- Hill Pipa
- Hill Pippa
- Hillman Paul
- Hillman Paul
- Hilman Serena
- Hilman Serena
- Hindle Margaret
- Hines John
- Hoare Kathryn
- Hocking Christopher
- Hodder June
- Hodge Simon
- Hodges Samantha
- Hodgkinson Sheila
- Hodson Hayley
- Hodson Hayley
- Hogan Holly
- Hogan Vesna
- Hogbin Emma
- Hogbin Emma
- Holbrook Andy
- Holbrook Becky
- Holden Simon
- Holdsworth Amanda
- Hollenhorst Helmut
- Holliday Samantha
- Hollingdale Abigail
- Hollis Keri
- Hollister Robert
- Holloway Caroline
- Holmes Evelyn
- Holwerda Eleanor
- Homer David
- Hood Marion
- Hooper Simon
- Hooton Georgia
- Hore Brendan
- Horne Rhian
- Hornzee Gillian
- Hornzee Gillian
- Horton Sarah
- Horwich Alan
- Hoskin Peter
- Hoskin Peter
- Hoskins Ashley
- Hoskins Chloe
- Hotine Jodie
- Hough Adele
- Hough Chris
- Houghton Fionnuala
- Houle Stefanie
- House Gail
- Howard Joanna
- Howard Lucy
- Howard Lucy
- Howitt Pamela
- Hsien John
- Hubley Lynn
- Huddart Robert
- Huddart Robert
- Hudson Zoe
- Hughes Claire
- Hughes Faye
- Hughes Hayley
- Hughes Joanne
- Hughes Kathryn
- Hughes Owen
- Hughes Robert
- Hughes Simon
- Hughes-Davies Luke
- Hugill Angela
- Hugill Angela
- Humber Caroline
- Humpreys Louise
- Hunt Allison
- Hunter Catherine
- Hunter William
- Hunting Liz
- Hutchinson Camille
- Hyde Katherine
- Hyde Katherine
- Hyde Katherine
- Hynds Sharon
- Ibrahim Azman
- Ingham Jo
- Ingle Charlotte
- Inman Hayley
- Innes Helen
- Iordanidi Elina
- Iqbal Fawaad
- Irwin P
- Isaew Andrea
- Iskender Amanda
- Islam Zaheer
- Issa Rami
- Ivie Stephanie
- Jackman Dee
- Jackson Cathy
- Jackson Kim
- Jackson Sister Ann
- Jain Suneil
- Jakeman Christine
- James Naomi
- James Nicholas
- Jamieson Ceri
- Jampana Raj
- Janke Susan
- Jannapureddy Revanth
- Jarvis Claire
- Jastrzebska Patrycja
- Javle P
- Jayachandran Resmi
- Jayachandran Resmi
- Jeffcutt Nicole
- Jeffrey David
- Jelski Joseph
- Jenkins Peter
- Jenkins Suzanne
- Jenner Abigail
- Jennings Marian
- Jepson Debbie
- Jevons Cody
- Jewers Karen
- Jewers Karen
- Jeyasanger Ganesan
- Joe Howard
- John Babbin
- Johns Louise
- Johnson Arlissa
- Johnson Craig
- Johnson Joanne
- Johnson Lyndsey
- Johnson Nigel
- Johnson-Rollings Ashley
- Johnston Laurel
- Johnston Ruth
- Johnstone Dawn
- Johnstone Maria
- Joncas MarieClaude
- Jones (Birch) Janine
- Jones Andrea
- Jones Ania
- Jones Carys
- Jones Cathryn
- Jones Clare
- Jones Dawn
- Jones Gareth
- Jones Ifan
- Jones Jules
- Jones Julia
- Jones Kathryn
- Jones Katie
- Jones Lesley
- Jones Lewis
- Jones Richard
- Jones Rob
- Jones Stephanie
- Jones Stephanie
- Jones-Skipper Kay
- Jonnada Sai
- Jope Carmel
- Jose Sanal
- Joseph Joji
- Joseph Paul K
- Joshi Manisha
- Joshi Manisha
- Joslin Vicky
- Jovic Gordana
- Kaa Bach Birgit
- Kader Nicole
- Kalejaiye Odunayo
- Kaliski Alexandre
- Kalyvas Maria
- Kamran Asim
- Kanaga-Sundaram Subramanian
- Kancherla Kiran
- Kanji Femina
- Kanyi Karen
- Kapur Guarav
- Karim Omer
- Karp Stephen
- Karsera Louise
- Karunakaran Subashini
- Karvat Anand
- Kaushal Malan
- Kavanagh Roisin
- Kavanagh Roisin
- Kay Anne Marie
- Kazingizi Memory
- Keane Patrick
- Kearney S
- Kedge Liz
- Kehoe Laura
- Keith Sarah
- Keith Sarah
- Kelkar Anand
- Kellaway Joanne
- Kelly Alison
- Kelly Kay
- Kemp Gail
- Kempel Mette Moe
- Kendal Wayne S
- Keng-Koh Pek
- Keng-Koh Pek
- Keni Manjusha
- Kennedy Julie
- Kenny Shannon
- Kent Christopher
- Kent Emma
- Kenyon Lucille
- Kershaw Elizabeth
- Key Claire
- Keyes Mira
- Khaksar Sara
- Khan Omar
- Khan Yakhub
- Khaouam Nader
- Khong Rachel
- Khoo Vincent
- Khoo Vincent
- Khoo Vincent
- Khoury Ghassan
- Kiff Janet
- Kift Shannon
- Kilmartin John
- Kilroy Stephen
- Kilroy Stephen
- Kiltie Anne
- Kiltie Anne
- Kim David
- Kim TuongVan
- KimSing Charmaine
- King Amy
- King Jennifer
- King Jennifer
- King Lisa
- Kinrade Yvonne
- KirbyBello Denise
- Kirk Christine
- Kirk Sister Sarah
- Kirkbride Peter
- Kirkbride Peter
- Kirkby Amy
- Kirkby Sarah
- Kirkpatrick Suriya
- Kisanga Mary
- Kitkowski Caitlin
- Klapp Kathi
- Klotz Laurence
- Klovgaard Karina
- Knackstedt Jochen
- Knapp Jeanette
- Knight (n. Sherburn) Victoria
- Knott Helen
- Knox WF
- Kockelbergh Roger
- Koehler Ingrid
- Kokholm Kathrine Friser
- Koll Wayne
- Kong Vickie
- Kotze Michelle
- Koul Rashmi
- Koulouris Zoe
- Koupparis Anthony
- Kowalczyk-Williams Wioletta
- Kowalewska Paulina
- Kronstal Flo
- Krysta Beata
- Kuenzig Greg
- Kujawa Magda
- Kuk Joda
- Kullane Sagal
- Kumar Daniel
- Kumar Muthar
- Kumar Shiyam
- Kumar Vikaash
- Kurian-Downer Sunita
- Kurup Rahul
- Kuzyk Valerie
- Kwan Winkle
- Kyffin Phillippa
- Kynaston Howard
- Kynaston Howard
- Lacey Cathy
- Lachance Nicole
- Lactao Ranee
- Ladouceur Cynthia
- Laing Robert
- Lajoie MarieAndree
- Lake Sister Judith
- Lalani Nafisha
- Laliberte Benoit
- Lam Jacqueline
- Lambert Carole
- Lambert Katy
- Lamoureux Alexandra
- Lang Monika
- Langridge Nicole
- Laniado M
- Lao Bernadeth
- Larkins Rachel
- Larocque Stephanie
- Larouche Julie
- Larson Beverly
- Lassen Yasmin
- Last Debbie
- Lau Maurice
- Laubscher Angelique
- Laughlin Anne
- Laursen Vibeke
- Lavender Helene
- Laverick Rosaleen
- Lavertu Sophie
- Lawless Claire
- Lawless Theresa
- Lawrence nee Palmer Tara
- Lawrence Steph
- Lawrey Sarah
- Lawson Daeria
- Lazarte Jannika
- Leach Deborah
- Lebrun Benoit
- Ledger Kate
- Lee Bernard
- Lee Brenda
- Lee Vivienne
- Lees Laura
- Leitao Madalena
- Lemaire Celine
- Lemng Kruse Helle
- Lemon Nicola
- Lenton Daniel
- Leone Priscilla
- Leone Priscilla
- Leong Nelson
- Leung Michael
- Lew Tanya
- Lewington Val
- Lewis Amanda
- Lewis Christina
- Lewis Joanne
- Lewis Sion
- Ley Samantha
- Li Audrey
- Li KuanLin
- Liau Joy
- Light Teresa
- Lim Jan
- Lim Jun
- Lindberg Henriette
- Lines Yvonne
- Lipsham Margaret
- Liptrott Sarah
- Lister Debbie
- Litchfield Jayne
- Little Erin
- Little Jessica
- Littler John
- Littler Stephen
- Liu Stanley
- Livsey Jacqueline
- Livsey Jacqueline
- Lloyd-Jones Hugh
- Loblaw Douglas Andrew
- Lock Michael I
- Locke Angela
- Lockwood Carol
- Logue John
- Logue John
- Logue John
- Logue John
- Lokes Rachel
- Lokes Rachel
- Lomas Alia
- Lomas Claire
- Lomax Laurie
- London Clare
- Long Carol
- Long Heather
- Loughlin Kate
- Loughrey Carmel
- Love Clare
- Love Sally
- Lowe Amelia
- Lowi Suzy
- Lucakova Slavka
- Lukka Himu
- Lunau Anne Sofie
- Lydon Anna
- Lydon Anne Marie
- Lynch Rory
- Lyons Ciara
- Mabelin Louies
- Macavoy Tina
- Macdonald Alison
- MacDonald Angela
- MacDonald Graham
- Macefield Rhiannon
- MacGregor Barbara
- Macgregor Carol
- MacIsaac Kathy
- MacIsaac Patricia
- Mackay Rachel
- Macleod Nicholas
- MacMillan Antonia
- MacMullin Lisa
- MacRae Robert M
- Macrory Joanne
- MacVicar Jennifer
- MacVicar Karen
- Madeleine Jude
- Madhava Kudingila
- Madine John
- Magwaro Sophia
- Magwaro Sophia
- Magwaro Sophia
- Mahmood Rana
- Mahmood Rana
- Mahmood Sana
- Mahmud Aamer
- Mahoney Catriona
- Mahoney Sue
- Maitland Katrina
- Maize Christine
- Majumdar Arpita
- Makepeace Barbara
- Malde Rohit
- Malek Leila
- Malik Zafar
- Mallett Debbie
- Malone Shawn
- Malone Shawn C.
- Manetta Caroline
- Manganaro Aileen
- Mangar Stephen
- Maniatis Christos
- Manley Rachel
- Mannan Aliyah
- Manning Courtney
- Manning Kimberley
- Mansell Gemma
- Mansfield Carolyn
- Mantle Mark
- Manyangadze Sarah
- Marange Josephine
- Mardell Stephen
- Marek Kathleen
- Mariappan Param
- Marineau Line
- Mark Ian
- Markus Sarah
- Marley Hazel
- Marquis Tania
- Marriott Sue
- Marshall John
- Marshall Lynn
- MarshGray Kimberley
- Marston Kerrie
- Martin AndreGuy
- Martin Jackie
- Martin Joseph
- Martin Karen
- Martindale John
- Martindale John
- Martindale John
- Martinez Maria
- Martinou Maria
- Martins Sarah
- Marty Janet
- Mashegede Beverley
- Mason Jessica
- Mason Malcolm
- Masson Susan
- Masson Susan
- Masters Benjamin
- Masters Lindsey
- Masters Lindsey
- Matkins Ellen
- Matthews Laura
- Mattocks Lehentha
- Mayer Heather
- Mayne Barbara
- Mazhar Danish
- McAleese Jonathan
- McAlister Judy
- McAllister Jo
- McAuliffe Sarah
- McBain Hazel
- McBride Julia
- McCabe Alastair
- McCadden Angela
- McCarth Fiona
- McCartin Fiona
- McCaul Damian
- McClelland Marie
- McClements Jane
- McClurey Sister Patricia
- McCormack Anne
- McCormick Marian
- McCracken Jillian
- McCrisken Lauren
- McCrudden Sylvia
- McCully Ruby
- McCurrie Marilyn
- McFarlane Jonathan
- McFarlane Victoria
- McGarry Karen
- McGinley Shannon
- McGlynn Brian
- McGrath John
- McGrath Katherine
- McIndoe Sue
- McInerney Paul
- McInerney Sue
- McInerney Veronica
- Mcintosh Gregor
- McKee Dianne
- McKenna Karen
- McKenzie Michael
- McKernan Margaret
- McKinna Fiona
- McKinna Fiona
- McLain-Smith Susan
- McLaren Duncan
- McLarty Esther
- Mcleod Nick
- McMeekin Faith
- McMenemin Rhona
- McNally Morag
- McNish Jennifer
- McNulty Dawn
- McPhail Neil
- McWilliam Donna
- McWilliam Marie
- Meadows Lorna
- Medisetti Aruna
- Meidhal Petersen Peter
- Melcher Lucinda
- Melcher Lucinda
- Menard Cynthia
- Menard Cynthia
- Mendoza Edeliza
- Merante Pat
- Mercer Lily
- Mercier Barbara
- Merrick Richard
- Metcalf Karen
- Meyer Ralph
- Michael Elena
- Michaelidou Andriana
- Michels Jorg
- Middleton Sharon
- Mikropoulos Christos
- Mikropoulos Christos
- Millage Helen
- Miller Nikki
- Mills Jamie
- Mills Laurie
- Mills-Baldock Tina
- Milner Jessica
- Milosevic Michael
- Mirmooji Ramesh
- Mirza Arafat
- Mislang Albert
- Mistry Heena
- Mistry Leena
- Mitchell Darren
- Mitchell Donna
- Mitchell Lesley
- Mithal Natasha
- Mitra Anita
- Moelker Yvonne
- Moffatt Emily
- Mohamed Fatima
- Mohan Rita
- Mohseeni Arizoo
- Moir Rachel
- Mojidra Chintan
- Mole Lisa
- Moller Christensen Trine
- Molony-Oates Barbara
- Money-Kyrle Julian
- Montebello Joseph
- Montour Julie
- Moody Emma
- Mooney Matthew
- Moore Eleanor
- Moore Eleanor
- Moore Sally
- Moore Sister Helen
- Morales Maria
- Morales-Azofra Fabiola
- Morgan Rachel
- Morgan Scott
- Morris Stephen
- Morris Stephen L.
- Morris William James
- Morrison Andrew
- Morrison Jennifer
- Morrison MaryBeth
- Morrow Hugh
- Morton Gerard
- Morton Gerard
- Morton Susan
- Moss Sarah
- Mthethwa Thobekile
- Mui Jimmy
- Mukkath Sandra
- Mumin Anissa
- Mundy Carina
- Munson Lyndsey
- Murad Fatima
- Muraj Zaynab
- Murano Abby
- Murphy Ann
- Murphy Brenda
- Murphy Cara
- Murphy Claire
- Murphy Claire
- Murphy Karen
- Murphy Louise
- Murray Jane
- Murray Stacey
- Murtha Albert
- Musunuru Hima Bindu
- Muthukumar Dakshinamoorthy
- Myatt Alison
- Myles Sophie
- Myrehaug Sten
- Nabid Abdenour
- Nabid Abdenour
- Nagar Yoodhvir
- Naim Farhan
- Nakashima Lynne
- Nallathambi Chandran
- Nam Robert K
- Narahari Krishna
- Naraine Nicky
- Nash Dominic
- Nash Maxine
- Nashed Maged
- Natale Salvatore
- Nathan Kannon
- Nathan Kannon
- Nawrozzadeh Mohammed
- Naylor Deirdre
- Naylor Lynne
- Nazari Roonak
- Neal Amy
- Neave Farhad
- Needleman Sarah
- Nelder Matthew
- Nemirov Stephanie
- Neshiri Innocent
- Neville Sean
- Newbery Carol
- Newby Jackie
- Newman Hugh
- Newton Rachel
- Ngumo Alice
- Ngumo Alice
- Nguyen David H A
- Nguyen Julie
- Ngwenya Su
- Nichol Rhonda
- Nicholas Karen
- Nicholls Alison
- Nicholson Alastair
- Nicholson Alastair
- Nieforth Joan
- Nielsen Linda
- Nikapota Ashok
- Nikapota Ashok
- Nixon Jude
- Nobes Jenny
- Nobes Jenny
- Noble Mark
- Noel Lorilee
- Noor Dipa
- Norman Alia
- Nunney Dawn
- Nutman Chris
- Nybom Kirstine
- Nørmark Iversen Helle
- O'Beney Rachael
- O'Brien Neale
- O'Callaghan Jane
- O'Connor Kate
- O'Donnell Helen
- O'Dwyer Sister Jackie
- O'Flynn Kieran
- O'Neil Rebecca
- O'Neill Eilish
- O'Neill John
- O'Sullivan Joe
- OBrien Anna
- ODea Jamie
- Okubanjo Maryanne
- Okubanjo Maryanne
- Olabanji Matthew
- Oladimeji Janet
- Olaniyi-Oduntan Darlletta
- Olaoni Thompson
- Olha Carolynna
- Oliver Joanne
- Oliverio Carmela
- Ong Aldrich D.
- Ong Aldrich Dixon
- Oni Titilayo
- Onoge Ekugbe
- Oommen Nikhil
- Oommen Nikhil
- Oosterom Katrien
- Opitz Debbie
- Orford Sara
- Orrell Lucy
- Ostler Peter
- Ostrowski Joe
- Othman Aqilah
- Ouelette Ashley
- Overend Aldyn
- Owen Lisa
- Owen Roger
- Owen Susan
- Owen Tim
- Owens Rob
- Oxley Jon
- Pach Jackie
- Padilla-Harris Cheryl
- Page Nancy
- Pai Howard H
- Paisey Sangeeta
- Palmer Debbie
- Palmer Sarah
- Pamphlett Ian
- Pan Siew Siew
- Panades Miguel
- Panades Miguel
- Panakis Niki
- Panakis Niki
- Panakis Niki
- Panesar Pritpal
- Papakostidi Aristoula
- Parajes Cerila
- Parikh Omi
- Parikh Omi
- Parikh Omi
- Parikh Shefali
- Parker Chris
- Parker Chris C.
- Parker Shelley
- Parkinson Katrina
- Parkinson Sharron
- Parliament Matthew B
- Parmar Mahesh K.B.
- Parmar Max
- Parr Stephen
- Partington Lillian
- Partridge Kerena
- Parulekar Wendy
- Parulekar Wendy R.
- Paschalis Alec
- Pascoe Caitlin
- Pascoe Sarah
- Pashley Sarah
- Patel Anup
- Patel Chandni
- Patel DeepKumar
- Patel Malti Behn
- Patel Priyanka
- Patel Samir
- Pathmanathan Byiravey
- Patil Nikhilesh
- Patrick Julie
- Patterson Helen
- Patterson Paul
- Pattu Pugazhenthi
- Paul Nancy
- Pawaroo Renita
- Pawl Marilyn
- Payne Ann
- Payne Heather
- Payne Heather
- Peacock Michael
- Peak Lisa
- Peake Angela
- Pearcey Robert
- Pearse Kevin
- Pearson Diane
- Pearson Sandra
- Peck Suzannah
- Pedley Ian
- Peedell Clive
- Pegler Ruth
- Pegler Suzannah
- Pendrill Amy
- Penhaligon Corrine
- Pentecost Catherine
- Peres Sarin
- Periasamy Manivannan
- Perkins Lauren
- Perry Emily
- Perry Gad A
- Perry Heather
- Perry Jess
- Perry Matthew
- Perry Matthew
- Persad Raj
- Persad Rajendra A.
- Pervez Nadeem
- Peterkin Zhane
- Peters John
- Petersen Peter M.
- Peterson Jane
- Petroff Avi
- Petrovska Aleksandra
- Petsa Maria
- Pezaro Carmel
- Phan Mau-Don
- Phillips Ann
- Philp Timothy
- Phipps Charlotte
- Pickering Holly
- Pickles Thomas A
- Pigott Katherine
- Pilkington Pauline
- Pillai Sijy
- Pineda Sandra
- Pinnell Erin
- Piper Jane
- Piper Lindsay
- Pippard Lucy
- Plataniotis George
- Platt Danielle
- Plowman Kristian
- Pochini Craig
- Pocock Abigail
- Poder Lone Lund
- Pokhrel Sujata
- Pollard Kay
- Poole Abbie
- Pope Suzanne
- Porter Tim
- Potoczna Dorota
- Potterton Janet
- Potts Sally
- Pouliot Sophie
- Poultney Melissa
- Powell Hannah
- Prashant Ravi
- Pratap Bhavesh
- Pratt Claire
- Pratten Elaine
- Preece George
- Preece Kate
- Prejbisz Jan
- Prentice Lynn
- Pressdee Sandy
- Price Joanne
- Priebe Shauna
- Priestley Emilie
- Prince Jude
- Protheroe Andrew
- Pudney Delia
- Pugh Cheryl
- Purandare Laura
- Purcell Keith
- Purdon Helen
- Purves Hanna
- Putt Dawne
- Pwint Thinn
- Pwint Thinn
- Pym Julia
- Pynsent William
- Quarrell Mark
- Quintos Judy
- Quon Harvey
- Qureshi Zayn
- Rabbi Taslima
- Rabsztyn Weronika
- Rabsztyn Weronika
- Rachakonda Ramana
- Radford Liz
- Raftery Liz
- Rahman Arifur
- Rahman Syhed
- Rai Pavnish
- Raj Sanjay
- Rajan Nambi
- Ramachandra Prakash
- Raman Rakesh
- Raman Rakesh
- Raman Srinivas
- Ramanathan Dorai
- Ramani Vijay
- Ramanujachar Ramya
- Ramotar Sarah
- Ramsay Valerie
- Ramtohul Kaliyanee
- Rashid Aamna
- Rashid Jessica
- Rauchenberger Mary
- Rawlings Julie
- Reader Leanne
- Redfearn Alison
- Redshaw Catherine
- Redshaw Catherine
- Reece Sheila
- Reed Catherine
- Reed Melanie
- Rees Andrew
- Reeves MarieClaude
- Rendall Alice
- Rennie Kerry
- Reynolds Philip
- Rezkallah Sarah
- Rezkallah Sarah
- Rezkallah Sarah
- Ribeiro Helena
- Ribers Kristine
- Richards Jayne
- Richardson Harriet
- Richardson Karen
- Richardson Karen
- Riches Oscar
- Richmond-Russell Kerry
- Rickert Lauren
- Ridley Paul
- Rijt Kelsey van der
- Riley Karen
- Riley Karen
- Rimell Patricia
- Rimmer Yvonne
- Rippin Sarah
- Riseborough Danielle
- Rix Sophie
- Rizzuto Stacey
- Roach Carol
- Roach Joanne
- Roantree Alison
- Robert MarieFrance
- Roberts Fiona
- Roberts Trevor
- Roberts Verity
- Roberts Victoria
- Roberts Zara
- Robertshaw Helen
- Robertson Bryony
- Robertson Peter
- Robinson Angus
- Robinson Karen
- Robinson Lily
- Robinson Nicola
- Robinson Victoria
- Robson Paula
- Robson Peter
- Roca Mila
- Rodda Sree
- Rodda Sree
- Rodda Sree
- Rodrigues George B
- Rodwell Sue
- Rogers Brian
- Rogers Eamonn
- Rogers Heather
- Rogers Jason
- Rogers Paul
- Rogers Thomas
- Rolfe Debbie
- Rooney Paula-Joanne
- Rooprai Bali
- Rose Jim
- Rose Tina
- Rosenfelder Nicola
- Rosoman Alison
- Ross Ashley
- Ross Kristy
- Ross Liliam
- RossSmith Marleen
- Rotherham Carol
- Rousseau Pierre
- Rowe Edward
- Roxburgh Patricia
- Ruane Sarah
- Rudnicki Rayleen
- Ruiz Maria Jose Gaitan
- Russell Emily
- Russell Martin
- Russell Martin
- Russell Simon
- Russell Tamlyn
- Ruszala Elizabeth
- Rutledge Robert DH
- Rutter Charley-Anne
- Ryan Rachel
- Ryan-Smith Janet
- Ryan-Smith Janet
- Rønnengart Eva
- Saad Fred
- Saad Fred
- Sabate Kathryn
- Sabbagh Ahmad
- Sabbagh Robert
- Sabharwal Ami
- Sabharwal Ami
- Sabharwal Ami
- Sadare (Olaleye) Ibiyemi
- Sadare (Olaleye) Ibiyemi
- Sadozye Azmat
- Sahin Sarah
- Saldanha Helen
- Saleem Shamila
- Salyzyn Camryn
- Samanci Ali
- Samkange Grace
- Samra Tarandip
- Samson Julie
- Sanchez Maria
- Sanders Kay
- Sandhu Sandeep
- Sangar Vijay
- Sankighatta Naveen
- Santos Priscilla
- Sargent Sister Tracey
- Sathya Jinka R
- Saunders Daniel
- Savage Sarah
- Sax Lori
- Saxe Charlotte
- Saxton Wendy
- Sayers Ian
- Sayers Ian
- Sayers Rachel
- Scarratt Lyndsay
- Schumacher Ann
- Scrase Christopher
- Searle Claire
- Sears Alison
- Seath Ingrid
- Sebborn Kes
- Segaran Surayne
- Sellars Elizabeth
- Sells Henry
- Seray-Wurie Fatimah
- Serpanchy Rosanne
- Serra Maria
- Sewell Jane
- Sexton Tracy
- Shackley David
- Shaffer Richard
- Shaffer Richard
- Shahid Negin
- Shaji Preetha
- Shakespeare Devadasan
- Shantz Brenda S
- Sharif Shahid
- Sharma Atul
- Sharma Rajesh
- Sharman Emma
- Sharpe Simon
- Shaw Alison
- Shearer Kirsty
- Sheehan Denise
- Sheehan Denise
- Shelton Luke
- Shenfield Carey
- Shenouda George
- Shetty Kavitha
- Shewchuk Caroline
- Shimell Chris
- Shires Heather
- Shiridzinomwa Constance
- Shirley Sian
- Shobrook Bridget
- Shukla Arundhati
- Shum Poh Lin
- Shuttleworth Pam
- Sibug Sheena
- Sicard MarieEve
- Siddiqui Atif
- Sidek Norma
- Sidek Norma
- Sidi Frances
- Sierra Pala Ana
- Sim Van
- Simmonds Mary
- Simmons Elaine
- Simmons Elaine
- Simms Matthew
- Simpson Georgina
- Simpson Julie
- Simpson Robin
- Sims Hannah
- Sims Laura
- Sinclair Glenda
- Sinclair Julie-Ann
- Sinfield Melanie
- Singh Harpreet
- Singizi Bryan
- Singson Angelina
- Siu Bernard
- Sivananthan Gokulan
- Sivananthan Gokulan
- Sivoglo Virgil
- Sizer Bruce
- Skelton Amy
- Skene Anna
- Skewes Johanna
- Skwarski Michael
- Slack Jonathan
- Slessor Janet
- Slevin Kathryn
- Sloan Andrew
- Smale Daisy May
- Smallwood Sarah
- Smedley (nee McCabe) Janine
- Smedley (nee McCabe) Janine
- Smedley (nee McCabe) Janine
- Smith Beccy
- Smith Carlie
- Smith Carolyn
- Smith Dan
- Smith Gill
- Smith Jackie
- Smith Lucy
- Smith Lucy
- Smith Lucy
- Smith Margaret
- Smith Matthew
- Smith Nick
- Smith Rachel
- Smith Rowena
- Smith Sandra
- Smith Sarah-Ellen
- Smith Sister Catherine
- Smith Susan
- Smith Suzanne
- So Alan I
- Sohanpal Sundip
- Sohanpal Sundip
- Somasiri Ashane
- Sorice Vittoria
- Souhami Luis
- Southgate Elizabeth
- Spalton Catherine
- Sparrow Geoffrey
- Spearman Mary
- Speed Lesley
- Spence Rachael
- Spencer Craig
- Spencer Hazel
- Spencer Patti
- Spencer Sue
- Spickett Helen
- Spillane Maria
- Spittle Ben
- Spoor Willemijn
- Springall Christine
- Spruce Debbie
- Squires Mandy
- Sreenivasan Thiagarajan
- Sreenivasan Thiagarajan
- Srihari Narayanan
- Srinivasan Rajaguru
- Srinivasan Rajaguru
- Srinivasan Vaiku
- Stacey Wendy
- Stafferton Ruth
- Staffurth John
- Staines Nikki
- Stammers Tracey
- Stancliffe May
- Stanley Laura
- Stapleton Stephanie
- Starling Ellen
- Steele Anita
- Steffensen Kirsten
- Stephens Rebekah
- Stephenson Anna
- Stephenson Anna
- Stevens Christiaan
- Stevens Nicole
- Stevenson Garry
- Stevenson Lesley
- Stevenson Robert
- Steventon Emily
- Stewart David
- Stewart Simon
- Stewart Simon
- Stewart Simon
- Stilling Sine
- Stockdale Andrew
- Stockdale Andrew
- Stockley Emma
- Stockport Jane
- Stoddart Jonathan
- Stone Helena
- Stone Matthew
- Stone Sarah
- Storer Julie
- Storrs Sarah
- Stott Mark
- Stott Matthew
- Stower Michael
- Stranex Stephen
- Stretch Alison
- Strider Paula
- Stringer (pr. Davis) Sally
- Strong-Sheldrake Sophia
- Stuart Robert
- Subramaniam Ramachandran
- Sullivan Frank
- Sumner Lesley
- Sundar Santhanam
- Sundar Santhanam
- Sundaram Subramanian Kanaga
- Sunny Manju
- Sutherland Donna
- Swann Michelle
- Sydes Matthew
- Sydes Matthew R.
- Sylvestre Alma
- Symon Lesley
- Syndikus Isabel
- Szolin-Jones Jacob
- Szumacher Ewa
- Szymiczek Kinga
- Tahir Saad
- Tait Ellen
- Tan Matthew
- Tappenden Nancy
- Tapping Sister Hayley
- Tapping Sister Hayley
- Tarver Kathryn L.
- Tasker Lorraine
- Tate Janine
- Taussky Daniel
- Tay Jessica
- Taylor Becky
- Taylor Beverley
- Taylor Carol
- Taylor Helen
- Taylor Henry
- Taylor Jacob
- Taylor Jacob
- Taylor Jennifer
- Taylor Jill
- Taylor Jo-Anne
- Taylor Kate
- Taylor Katy
- Taylor Katy
- Taylor Lisa
- Taylor Sister Melanie
- Teahan Seamus
- Teasdale Breanne
- Tedd Gemma
- Tee Elizabeth
- Teh Chiaw Woon
- Teh Jonathan
- Telfer Sheena
- Templeton Maureen
- tenHaaf Darlene
- Tennant Virginia
- Teo Mark
- TetreaultLaflamme Audrey
- Thackray Louis
- Thallury Sheeba
- Tharahan Nanthini
- Thevarajah Vaishaali
- Thibeault Andreanne
- Thim Stine
- Thind Manreet
- Thoi Anne-Maree
- Thoi Anne-Maree
- Thoi Anne-Maree
- Thomas Carys
- Thomas Carys
- Thomas Dianne
- Thomas Heather
- Thomas Helen
- Thomas Isobel
- Thomas Jacqueline
- Thomas Rachel
- Thomas Robert
- Thomas Sister Viv
- Thomasson Georgia
- Thominson Bronwen
- Thompson Catherine
- Thompson Catherine
- Thompson Chloe-Anne
- Thompson Emma
- Thompson Jane
- Thoms John
- Thomson Alastair H
- Thomson Sister Jane
- Thornton Lorraine
- Thorogood Lucy
- Tickle Vivienne
- Tickle Vivienne
- Tiessen Kyoko
- Tighe (nee Bussey) Rachel
- Tighe Helen
- Tighe Mary
- Tikoo Archana
- Timmings Katie
- Tindall Annie
- Tippins Anna
- Tipples Karen
- Todd Anne
- Todd Joanna
- Tolan Shaun
- Toledo Jesusa
- Tomlinson Annabel
- Tomlinson Eve
- Toms Julie
- Topalovich Aleksandra
- Topps Alice
- Torin Lehmann Anna
- Torres Cynthia
- Totten Grace
- Toussi H
- Townley Barbara
- Townley Luke
- Townsend-Thorn Debra
- Towse Jo
- Toy Elizabeth
- Trakalo Kathy
- Tran Anna
- Tran Anna
- Tranter Fiona
- Tranter Helen
- Tranter Helen
- Treasure Ann
- Tree Alison
- Tree Alison
- Tree Alison C.
- Treeby Jo
- Treherne Katy
- Tremlett Jean
- Trewsmith Neil
- Tribe Lisa
- Trigg-Hogarth Kate
- Trigonis Ioannis
- Trudel Diane
- Tsakirdis Thedoros
- Tsalic Medy
- Tsang David
- Tsang Lilian
- Tsawayo Tan
- Tse Karen
- Tseng Eric Chia Lin
- Tsuji Debbie
- Tuazon Juel
- Tuck Jonathan
- Tufail Aisha
- Turley Claudia
- Turley Claudia
- Turner Christy
- Turner Nikki
- Turner Sarah
- Turriff Lisa
- Tweedle James
- Tyldesley Scott
- Tyler Jayne
- Tyner Sharah
- Uherek Maja
- Upson Susan
- Urquhart Zoe
- Uscinska Barbara
- Usmani Nawaid
- Vallieres Isabelle
- Vamplew Luke
- Van As Nicholas
- Van der Voet Hans
- Van Someren Chloe
- Van-Koutrik Lynne
- Vandal Mohammad Tanvir
- Vandborg Maria
- Vandecandalaere Elaine
- Varley Gail
- Varro Robert
- Varughese Mohini
- Varughese Mohini
- Vasanthan Subramanian
- Vaughn Jamie
- Vavassis Peter
- Velec Erin
- Vengalil Salil
- Venkatesan Varagur M
- Venkitaraman Ramachandran
- Venkitaraman Ramachandran
- Vermette Tracy
- Vesprini Danny
- Vickery Kathryn
- Vigneault Eric
- Vijayakumar Vijitha
- Vilarino-Varela Maria
- Vincent Francois
- Vincent LindaSuzanne
- Vinod Cellins
- Virgo Azarel
- Vowell Emma
- Vu Thi
- Wade Lynne
- Wade Rob
- Wadsworth Oliver
- Wakefield Shauna
- Wakelen Paula
- Waldron Eleanor
- Walker Beth
- Walker Caroline
- Walker Georgina
- Walker Georgina
- Walker Heather
- Walker Jayashree
- Walker Julia
- Walker Karen
- Walker Lori
- Walker Suzanne
- Wall Elaine
- Wallace Jan
- Wallace Kris
- Wallbutton Rebecca
- Walmsley Catherine
- Walsh Donna
- Walton Jenny
- Walton Sharon
- Ward Angela
- Ward Colin
- Warde Padraig
- Waring Lynsey
- Waring Lynsey
- Wassall Rebecca
- Watkinson Catrin
- Watson Melanie R
- Watson Michaella
- Watson-Jones Phillip
- Watts Angela
- Watts Erica
- Weaver Andrew
- Weaver Emma
- Webb Andrew
- Webb Claire
- Webb Kerrie
- Webb Paula
- Websdale Cheryl
- Webster Christine
- Wei Joyce
- Weir JoAnn
- Wellman Sandie
- Wells Paula
- Wells Paula
- Wells Tom
- Welsh Liam
- Welsh Linda
- Westley Rosalyne
- Weston Alison
- Weston Philip
- Westrop Anna
- Westrop Anna
- Westrop Anna
- Wheatley Duncan
- Wheeler Lucie
- Wheelwright Roger
- Whelan Kate
- Whillis David
- Whinn Samantha
- Whitcher Alison
- White Ann
- White Holly
- White Joanna
- Whitehouse James
- Whitehouse James
- Whiteway Chrystal
- Whittle Stacy
- Whotton Nikita
- Wiggins Sarah
- Wightman John
- Wignall Suzy
- Wild Karen
- Wilke Derek
- Wilkie Karen
- Wilkins Marie
- Wilkinson Nicola
- Williams (Née Allen) Sister Tania
- Williams Amanda
- Williams Bethan
- Williams Candra
- Williams Jo
- Williams Joanne
- Williams Rachel
- Williams Rachel
- Williams-Yesson Barbara
- Williamson Elizabeth
- Williamson Nicola
- Willing Stephanie
- Wilson David
- Wilson Jim
- Wilson Jo
- Wilson Mark
- Wilson Paula
- Wilson Paula
- Wilson Russ
- Winn Carol
- Winter Sister Helen
- Wise Marcus
- Wise Marcus
- Wise Marcus
- Wiss Elliott
- Wollaston Julie
- Woloshyn Rose
- Wong Jason W T
- Wood Allison
- Wood Catherine
- Wood Cathryn
- Wood Marian
- Wood Pauline
- Wood Pauline
- Wood Sister Kim
- Wood Sister Kim
- Wood Sister Kim
- Woodhouse Iain
- Woods Catherine
- Woods Jane
- Woods Martin
- Woodward Cathryn
- Woodward Elizabeth
- Woolf David
- Woolf David
- Workman Bridget
- Worlding Jane
- Worlding Jane
- Worsley Lucy
- Worthington Hannah
- Wright Ann
- Wright Natalie
- Wright Seonaid
- Wrigley Martha
- Wronski Sue
- Wu Helen
- Wu Min
- Wyatt Clare
- Wylie James
- Wylie James
- Wylie James
- Wylie James P.
- Wynn Hazel
- Wynn Hazel
- Yanchuk Janet
- Yarrow Sue
- Yassa Michael
- yates Victoria
- Yee Don
- Yeo Tanya
- Yoon Frederick
- Youd Sister Jill
- Young Anita
- Young Bobbie
- Young Douglas
- Young Sally
- Youngs Nora
- Yu Jason
- Yunace Lorrie
- Yusof Hilawati
- Zafar Waheed
- Zaidi Sadaf
- Zarkar Anjali
- Zarkar Anjali
- Zarkar Anjali M.
- Zaza Khaled O
- Zelley Sarah
- Zeltser Fred
- Zhang Hanbo
- Zhang Tina Wanting
- Zietz Maria
- Zilkha Helene
- Zinck Connie
- Zinyemba Vivian
- Zurakovsky Hilary
- Zwarych Darlene
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/06/2024
- Field of study
Previous evidence indicates that adjuvant, short-course androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) improves metastasis-free survival when given with primary radiotherapy for intermediate-risk and high-risk localised prostate cancer. However, the value of ADT with postoperative radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy is unclear.
RADICALS-HD was an international randomised controlled trial to test the efficacy of ADT used in combination with postoperative radiotherapy for prostate cancer. Key eligibility criteria were indication for radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer, prostate-specific antigen less than 5 ng/mL, absence of metastatic disease, and written consent. Participants were randomly assigned (1:1) to radiotherapy alone (no ADT) or radiotherapy with 6 months of ADT (short-course ADT), using monthly subcutaneous gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue injections, daily oral bicalutamide monotherapy 150 mg, or monthly subcutaneous degarelix. Randomisation was done centrally through minimisation with a random element, stratified by Gleason score, positive margins, radiotherapy timing, planned radiotherapy schedule, and planned type of ADT, in a computerised system. The allocated treatment was not masked. The primary outcome measure was metastasis-free survival, defined as distant metastasis arising from prostate cancer or death from any cause. Standard survival analysis methods were used, accounting for randomisation stratification factors. The trial had 80% power with two-sided α of 5% to detect an absolute increase in 10-year metastasis-free survival from 80% to 86% (hazard ratio [HR] 0·67). Analyses followed the intention-to-treat principle. The trial is registered with the ISRCTN registry, ISRCTN40814031, and ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT00541047.
Between Nov 22, 2007, and June 29, 2015, 1480 patients (median age 66 years [IQR 61–69]) were randomly assigned to receive no ADT (n=737) or short-course ADT (n=743) in addition to postoperative radiotherapy at 121 centres in Canada, Denmark, Ireland, and the UK. With a median follow-up of 9·0 years (IQR 7·1–10·1), metastasis-free survival events were reported for 268 participants (142 in the no ADT group and 126 in the short-course ADT group; HR 0·886 [95% CI 0·688–1·140], p=0·35). 10-year metastasis-free survival was 79·2% (95% CI 75·4–82·5) in the no ADT group and 80·4% (76·6–83·6) in the short-course ADT group. Toxicity of grade 3 or higher was reported for 121 (17%) of 737 participants in the no ADT group and 100 (14%) of 743 in the short-course ADT group (p=0·15), with no treatment-related deaths.
Metastatic disease is uncommon following postoperative bed radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy. Adding 6 months of ADT to this radiotherapy did not improve metastasis-free survival compared with no ADT. These findings do not support the use of short-course ADT with postoperative radiotherapy in this patient population
Duration of androgen deprivation therapy with postoperative radiotherapy for prostate cancer: a comparison of long-course versus short-course androgen deprivation therapy in the RADICALS-HD randomised trial
- Author
- Abab Julie
- Abbas Ali
- Abbassi Sara
- Abd Alazeez Mohamed
- Abdulwahid Danya
- Abdulwahid Danya
- Abed Jessy
- Adab Fawzi
- Adams Marion
- Adamson Vanessa
- Addison Anglise
- Adeyoju Adebanji
- Adinkra Victoria
- Adnaan Jamila
- Afzal Naveed
- Agdiran Didem
- Aggarwal Ajay
- Ahamadali Sheefa
- Ahmad Belal
- Ahmed Ilyas
- Ahmed Imtiaz
- Ahmed Shahida
- Aiku Abimbola
- Ainsworth Sarah
- Ainsworth Sarah
- Aitken Katherine
- Ajzensztejn Daniel
- Akhtar Naeem
- Al-Chamali Hiba
- Al-hasso Abdulla
- Al-hasso Abdulla
- Al-Samarraie Amir
- Albrecht Virginia
- Alcock Christopher
- Alder Leanne
- Alderton Kate
- Aldous Mary
- Ali Jennyfa
- Ali Maryam
- Ali Zulfiqer
- Ali Zulfiqer
- Allan Elaine
- Allan Elaine
- Allen Julie
- Allen Kirsten
- Allen Rachael
- Allen Susan
- Allison Joanna
- Allison Michele
- Alonzi Roberto
- AlRashdan Abdulla
- Alzouebi Mymoona
- Amanie John Oliver
- Ammeter Barb
- Amoaten Thomas
- Amos Claire
- Anderson Beverley
- Anderson Chris
- Anderson Jim
- Anderson John
- Anderson John
- Anderson Juliette
- Anderson Leanne
- Anderson Naomi
- Anderson Susan
- Anderson Susan
- Andrade Gerard
- Andrews (nee Moore) Eleanor
- Andrews Kelly
- Andrews Stephen
- Ang Daniel
- Ann Taehee
- Annan Lynda
- Ansari Jawaher
- Ansari Jawaher
- Anscombe Eleanor
- Anyamene Nicola
- Appleby Bonny
- Appleby Rowan
- Archer Denise
- Archer Denise
- Archer Simon
- Archer Simon
- Arnott Seonaid
- Arsanious Nasr
- Ashcroft Jan
- Ashworth Sue
- Ashworth Sue
- Askew Sarah
- Aslam Natasha
- Atkinson Jane
- Atkinson Lorraine
- Attlee Julie
- Auladin Raidah
- Austin (nee Glover) Gemma
- Austin Mandy
- Avery Alison
- Avis Joanne
- Aya Viviana
- Azirar Hanna
- Bachand Francois
- Bahary JeanPaul
- Bahl Amit
- Bahl Amit
- Bailey Laura
- Bailey Linda
- Baines Kizzy
- Baird Noelle
- Bak Dagmara
- Bakawala Rehana
- Baker Erin
- Baker Ivanna
- Bakija Zeljka
- Bakker Piet
- Balderson Jane
- Ball Julie
- Balogun Shaki
- Bamford Linda
- Banda Laillah-Crystal
- Barber Dave
- Baria Karin
- Barkati Maroie
- Barkati Maroie
- Barke Nyssa
- Barlow David
- Barnbrooke Sarah
- Barnes Alison
- Barnes Nicky
- Barnett Christian
- Barnett Debra
- Barron Chris
- Barron Claire
- Barter Elisa
- Barwell Lorraine
- Bashir Bashir
- Bashir Faheem
- Basu Devy
- Bateman Samantha
- Bates Emma
- Batish Cheryl
- Batz Margaret
- Bauman Glenn
- Baumber Shelley
- Baxter Matt
- Bayley Andrew J
- Beamish Neal
- Beaney Katherine
- Beaney Ronald
- Beard Karen
- Beard Karen
- Beaton Heather
- Beaton Kirsty
- Beattie Louise
- Beauchemin MarieClaude
- Beaumont Erica
- Beausoleil Rachelle
- Beazer Sarah
- Bech-Nielsen Nanette
- Bech-Nielsen Nanette
- Bedoya Luis Diaz de
- Beech Darren
- Beer Nigel
- Beesley Kate
- Beesley Katherine
- Beesley Sharon
- Beety Jane
- Bekulart Sylwia
- Belcher Rebecca
- Bell Karen
- Bellenger Katharine
- Benjaminson Patricia
- Bennett Molly
- Bennett Sarah
- Bennion Carole
- Benson Richard
- Benson Richard
- Benth Silvine
- Benton Louise
- Benton Richard
- Bentzen Lise
- Beresford Mark
- Beresford Mark
- Beresford Mark
- Bergen Leah
- Berghout Koralee
- Berlin Alejandro
- Bermingham Nicola
- Betts Chris
- Bhana Rajanee
- Bhatnagar Adityanarayan
- Bhatnagar Gagan
- Bici Julia
- Bier Bianca
- Binks Colin
- Binns Louise
- Birch Richard
- Bird Stephanie
- Birtle Alison
- Bishop Emma
- Bissa Caterina
- Bissett Donald
- Bisson MarieEve
- Blackwood Geoffrey
- Blaney Hilary
- Blight Kathy
- Blood Paul A
- Bloomfield David
- Bloomfield David
- Bloomfield Mark
- Blundell Martyn
- Blythe Tracy
- Boam Samantha
- Boardman John
- Bohra Vikram
- Bois (nee Harris) Elizabeth
- Bolger Annette
- Bolton Olivia
- Bolton Olivia
- Bond Brittany
- Bone Linzi
- Bonner Scott
- Bonner-Shand Shelagh
- Bonsu Nicole
- Boon Ian
- Borgaonkar Sudhir
- Borre Michael
- Borynec Carol
- Bott Trevor
- Bottomley David
- Bottomley David
- Bottomley David M
- Bottomley Ian
- Bouchard Myriam
- Bourke Amie
- Bourque JeanMarc
- Boutflower Jane
- Bowen Jo
- Bowen Jo
- Bowen Katie
- Bower Lorna
- Bower Lorna C
- Bowers Dawn
- Bowers Richard
- Bowes-Cavanagh Jeanette
- Bowling Lorna
- Bowman Sue
- Bowmer Amanda
- Bownie-Mukumbu Godfrey
- Brady Joanne
- Brady Joanne
- Brain Carol
- Branagan Jenny
- Brander Mike
- Branson (née Dineen) Amy
- Brasso Klaus
- Brasso Klaus
- Braun Michael W
- Brawley Chris
- Brawley Chris
- Breakspear Sally
- Breckin Edmund
- Breen Vivienne
- Brennan Maria
- Brewster Simon
- Briand Wayne
- Briggs Maxine
- Bristow Robert
- Brittain Paul
- Broadley Eve
- Brock Sue
- Brock Sue
- Brogan (nee Roddie) Stephanie
- Brookes Claire
- Brookman Catherine
- Broom Jane
- Broomfield Barbara
- Brough Richard
- Brough Richard
- Brough WA
- Brown Emmanuel
- Brown Grace
- Brown Joanne
- Brown Maggie
- Brown Rebecca
- Brown Richard B
- Brown Richard B
- Brown Sandra
- Brown Simon
- Brown Stephen CW
- Brown Teddy
- Brownless Caroline
- BrucePayne Kim
- Brulinski Patryk
- Brulinski Patryk
- Brundage Michael
- Bryan Rachel
- Bryant Hanna
- Brydon-Hill Ruth
- Bucci Catherine
- Buchan Jonathan
- Buckley Jon
- Buckley Julie
- Bujold Rachel
- Bunn Sarah
- Burbridge Susan
- Burgoyne Jamie-Rae
- Burlace Barbara
- Burlace Barbara
- Burns Rebecca
- Burrage Su
- Bursey Kara
- Butler-Barnes Jenny
- Butt Zainab
- Butterfield Anne
- Butterworth Caryl
- Buus Simon
- Byrne Mary Marg
- Caballes Mark
- Cadiz Lovely
- Callam Sara
- Calvert Clare
- Camara Mary Jane
- Camburn Sister Tracey
- Camilleri Philip
- Camilleri Philip
- Camilleri Philip
- Camilleri Philip
- Campbell Allister
- Campbell Audrey
- Campbell Hilary
- Campbell Yvonne
- Campos Monica
- Canavan Joycelin
- Cannon Philip
- Capaldi Lisa
- Capaldi Lisa
- Capaldi Lisa
- Carbonaro Adriana
- Carefoot Layton
- Carini Serrafina
- Carkner Amy
- Carlino Giulia
- Carlson Cindy
- Carmel Michel
- Carpenter Janice
- Carpenter Janice
- Carpio Viviana
- Carr Philippa
- Carroll Weronika
- Carruthers Ross
- Carter Adam
- Carter Vanda
- Cartwright Debbie
- Carvery Lane
- Casanova Nathalie
- Casanova Nathalie
- Casey Linda
- Casey Sue
- Catt Natalie
- Catton Charles
- Catton Charles N
- Caumont Tom
- Cavanagh Kerrie
- Chadwick David
- Chadwick Eliot
- Chahal Rohit
- Chahine Jacqueline
- Chakraborti Prabir
- Challipalli Amarnath
- Challipalli Amarnath
- Chamberlain Shelley
- Chambers Carla
- Chan Andrew
- Chan Andrew
- Chan Heidi
- Chan Hin Fan
- Chan Olivia
- Chandrashekara Madhura
- Charnley Natalie
- Chatelain AnneMarie
- Chatfield Jenny
- Chauhan Zainab
- Chedham Alison
- Chennattukungu Indukala
- Cherepak Kathy
- Chetiyawardana Samantha
- Chetiyawardana Samantha
- Chettle Judith
- Cheung Arthur
- Cheung Patrick CF
- Chikkamuniyappa Bindu
- Chikkamuniyappa Bindu
- Chikopela Loveness
- Chilcott Helen
- Chipman Penny
- Chivers Rachael
- Chornopyski Tracy
- Choudhury Ananya
- Choudhury Ananya
- Chowdhury Amitava D
- Christensen Anne Juel
- Christensen Tine
- Christmas Sallyanne
- Chrystal Melanie
- Chu William
- Chui Amadeus
- Chung Christina
- Chung Hans T
- Chung Hans T
- Chung Peter
- Chung Peter W M
- Churn Mark
- Churn Mark
- Clancy Joanna
- Clapp Felicity
- Clark Alison
- Clark Diane
- Clark Helen
- Clark Katy
- Clark Su
- Clarke Elizabeth
- Clarke Jude
- Clarke Maria
- Clarke Noel
- Clarke Noel W
- Clarke Peter
- Clarke Rachael
- Clarke Samantha
- Cleary Kristy
- Clements Colette
- Clements Mia AnnaMaria
- Clitheroe Pat
- Cobos-Arrivabene Marta
- Cocks Tracie
- Coe Marc
- Coffin Teresa
- Cogley Lyn
- Cole Aiden
- Cole David J
- Cole David J
- Collard Susan
- Colligan Steve
- Collins Gerald
- Collins Gerald
- Collins Lucy
- Commisso Angela
- Conibear John
- Connolly nee McKenna Sarah
- Connor Marie
- Conroy Ruth
- Conroy Ruth
- Conroy Ruth
- Conway Lisa-Jane
- Conway Rachel
- Cook Adrian
- Cook Adrian D
- Cook Audrey
- Cook Audrey
- Cook Wendy
- Cooke Jill
- Cooke Juniebel
- Cooke Peter
- Coomber Kristy
- Coombs Sarah
- Cooper Adele
- Cooper Sophie
- Coppins Helen
- Corbett Thomas B
- Corcoran Sam
- Corderoy Helen
- Cordwell Amanda
- Corkery Danylle
- Corless Rebecca
- Cormack Margaret
- Cornaby Andrew
- Corner Victoria
- Cornthwaite Stephanie
- Corwin Charlotte
- Cossette Danielle
- Cote Genevieve
- Cotterill Lauren
- Cotts Shannon
- Coubrough Claudia
- Couch Ellie
- Coughlan Tricia
- Cousins Jane
- Cousins Rebecca
- Coutts Tim
- Coventry Thomas
- Cowan Chloe
- Cowan Chloe
- Cowan Richard
- Cowan Richard
- Cowley Sue
- Cox Adam
- Cox Christine
- Coyle Catherine
- Coyle Catherine
- Crawford Melanie
- Crawford Sister Denise
- Creelman Brianna
- Crellin Perric
- Crellin Perric
- Crook Juanita
- Cross Vanessa
- Cross William R
- Crossley Lin
- Crowe (nee Hughes) Dawn
- Crowley Claire
- Crundwell M
- Cserbane Anita
- Cuffe Donna
- Cumming Kirsty
- Cunningham Amy
- Curtis Samantha
- Curtis Sandra
- Cusan Leonello
- Custins Laura
- Cyriac Abby
- Dabbs Marianne
- Dahar Nazeer
- Dahmane Rafika
- Dallas Nicola
- Dalton-Short Ross
- Dalton-Short Ross
- Daly Deirdre
- Danaswamy Patricia
- Danaswamy Patricia
- Daniel Amelia
- Danielson Brita
- Danjoux Cyril
- Darby Helen
- Darch Flora
- Daruwala Pallon
- Das Prantik
- Davda Reena
- Davey Alison
- Davey Elizabeth
- Davidson Cathy
- Davies Emily
- Davies Flor
- Davies Heather
- Davies Joe
- Davies Joseph
- Davies Julie-Ann
- Davies Kirstin
- Davies Llinos
- Davies Stacey
- Davies Sue
- Davies Tracey
- Davison Alison
- Davison Sue
- Dawe David
- Dawson Elizabeth
- Dawson Louise
- Dawson-Athey Linda
- Dayes Ian S
- De Silva-Minor Shiroma
- Dean Lynsey
- Dearnaley David
- Deenihan Emma
- Degendorfer Sarah
- Dekaj Fatjon
- Dell Gillian
- Dellar Conor
- Delouya Guila
- Dent Kathleen
- Desai Parth
- Desai Parth
- Desrosiers Isabelle
- Dewar Lorna
- Dharmaprasad Soney
- Dhinakaran Kathirvelu
- Di Maria Fabio
- Dias Heather
- Dickinson Peter
- Dickson Jeanette
- Dill Kendra
- DiLullo Elenor
- DiMarco Christine
- Din Omar
- Ding Ian
- Dion Helene
- Ditchfield Julie
- Dixit Sanjay
- Dixit Sanjay
- Dlodlo Jessica
- Dobson Tracey
- Dodds David
- Dodge Sister Jan
- Doherty A
- Donaghey Sally
- Donaldson David
- Donnison Michelle
- Douch Emma
- Doughty Victoria
- Dover Serena
- Downs Nichola
- Doyle Kerrie
- Drachenberg Darrel E
- Drakeley Susan
- Drew Ellen
- Drew Mary (Ellen)
- Driscoll Celine
- DSouza David
- Dubey Arbind
- Dubey Arbind
- Duckett Tracey
- Duclos Marie
- Duffy Annie
- Dufour Nathalie
- Dugas Stevie
- Duley Emma
- DuMontier Joelle
- Duncan (nee Keatley) Claire
- Duncan Graeme
- Duncan Ian
- Dunn Sharon
- Dunne Emma
- Durkan Garret
- Durrant Lisa
- Dymond Harvey
- E Choan
- Eady Robin
- Eapen Libni
- Ebacher Annie
- Eccleson Helen
- Edwards Abigail
- Edwards Albert
- Edwards Jackie
- Edwards Steve
- Edwards Steve
- Egan Lisa
- Eichenberger Lois
- El-Modir Ahmed
- El-Saghir Mohammed
- Eleftheriadis Symeon
- ElKerdawy Hala
- Ellard Rose
- Elliott Mark
- Elliott Tony
- Elliott Tony
- ElSokhn Nidale
- Elwell Christine
- Elwell Christine
- Elwell Sue
- Embleton Andrew
- Ennis Dawn
- Erskine Susan
- Escueta Vivette
- Eska Tiffani
- Etheridge Charlotte
- Evans Angela
- Evans Clary
- Evans Elizabeth
- Evans Marion
- Evans Melanie
- Evans Richard
- Eze Nancy
- Fair Kim
- Fairfax Claire
- Falconer Alison
- Falconer Alison
- Fallah Fereshteh
- Fallaize Adrian
- Faria Sergio Luiz
- Farnworth Christine
- Farrar Michelle
- Farrell Helen
- Fawcitt Sara
- Fazekasne Fulep Adrienn
- Fearnley Mark
- Featherstone Wendy
- Fellows Kathryn
- Fennelly Ruth
- Ferguson Catherine
- Ferguson Catherine
- Fernandez Claire
- Ferreira Miguel
- Fiddes Kathleen
- Fielding Bethany
- Fielding Bethany
- Fildes Diane
- Finnegan Niall
- Firth Alexandra
- Firth Alexandra
- Firth Alexandra
- Firth Elizabeth
- Fish Matt
- Fish Nathan
- Flaherty Jan
- Flaherty Jan
- Flanagan Laura
- Flavin Aileen
- Fletcher Joanne
- Fletcher Julie
- Fletcher Mandy
- Flynn-Batham Marian
- Fode Kirsten
- Folkes Linda
- Follows Josh
- Foo Maxine
- Foot Jayne
- Forcat Silvia
- Ford Amanda
- Ford Amy
- Ford Chris
- Ford Daniel
- Ford Daniel
- Ford Nicky
- Ford Vicky
- Ford Victoria
- Ford Victoria
- Forkes Janet
- Forkes Janet
- Forkes Janet
- Forman Susan
- Forrest Diane
- Forrest Diane
- Fortin Jacqueline
- Fosker Chris
- Fossey Gavin
- Foster Emma
- Foster William
- Fourt Monica
- Fox Shirley
- Foxwell Sue
- Francis Olesya
- Francis Peggy
- Francisco Cristina
- Frankland Helen
- Frankland Helen
- Franklin Alex
- Frattaroli Paul
- Frazzi Alexandra
- Frew John
- Frim Olivera
- Froese Jane
- Froude Nancy
- Funnell Sarah
- Gagne Vanessa
- Galante Joao
- Gallimore Elizabeth
- Galloway Lucy
- Galway Denise
- Gamble Tina
- Gamble Tina
- Gamez Raquel
- Ganabady Malavika
- Gao Annie
- Garcia Leni Santiago
- Gardiner Fiona
- Garner Victoria
- Garrett Gina
- Garrido-Perez Sandra
- Gauntlett Monica
- Gauthier Isabelle C
- Gearing Jennifer
- George Siny
- GeorgeChayka Danielle
- Geraghty Kerry
- Ghoul Mokhtar
- Gibbins Andrew
- Gibbins Jackie
- Gibbins Kate
- Gibbs Stephanie
- Gibson Sian
- Giddings Emma
- Gilbert Duncan
- Gilbert Duncan
- Gilbert Jeanette
- Gilby Lisa
- Gilchrist Gail
- Gill Lisa
- Gill Shafiq
- Gillatt David
- Gillatt David
- Gillesen Annelies
- Gillespie Sally
- Gillian Andrew
- Gilmartin Claire
- Gilmour Christina
- Ginnelly Helen
- Ginnelly Helen
- Giovannini Julia
- Gipson Anna
- Girolametto Carla
- Gladwell Louise
- Gladwish Adam
- Glaholm John
- Glaholm John
- Gleave Martin E
- Glen Hilary
- Glen Tracy
- Glick Daniel
- Goel Roshni
- Goh Chee
- Goh Chee L
- Golden Sophie
- Goldenberg S Larry
- Goldstein Cindy
- Goldsworthy Simon
- Gollapothu Srilakshmi
- Gomez JoseLuis
- Gomez-Marcos Raquel
- Gonzalez Celia
- Gooch Carol
- Goodhind Frances
- Goodsell Josie
- Goodsell Josie
- Goodwin Emma
- Gopaul Darindra
- Gordon Hussain
- Gore Alexandra
- Gospodarowicz Mary
- Goss Vanessa
- Gough Jessica
- Gould Aaron
- Goulden Kay
- Goulding James
- Goyena Ruby
- Grabey Jenna
- Graham Janet
- Graham Jeffrey
- Graham John
- Graham Susan
- Gramlich Colin
- Grant Anna
- Grant Cordelia
- Grant Judith
- Grant Susan
- Grant Warren
- Gratton Albert
- Grau Isabel
- Gray Emma
- Gray Emma
- Grayland Sarah
- Greedus Helen
- Green James
- Green Sara
- Green Sarah
- Green Sue
- Green Trish
- Greenland Jonathan
- Gregg Jane
- Gregorcic Emily
- Gregory Debbie
- Grieve Sylvia
- Griffen Ailsa
- Griffin Hannah
- Griffiths Dorothy
- Griffiths Leyshon
- Griffiths Theresa
- Griffiths Theresa
- Gruschy Lisa
- Guarino Robyn
- Gudelis Susan O
- Guerrero-Urbano Teresa
- Guerrero-Urbano Teresa
- Guerrero-Urbano Teresa
- Gujral Sandeep
- Gumapac Nicole
- Gunn Melanie
- Gupta Kamalnayan
- Gupta Nishi
- Gurzanski Christina
- Guy Peter
- Gwilt Julie
- Gwilt Julie
- Gwilt Julie
- Haddad Alain
- Hagan Chris
- Hague Dominic
- Haidar Imran
- Haidar Imran
- Haigh Steve
- Haldeos Anne
- Hale Jennifer
- Hall Jane
- Hall Julia
- Hall Julia
- Halperin Ross
- Hamid Abdel
- Hamill Maureen
- Hamilton Beatrice
- Hamilton Joanna
- Hamilton Ronald
- Hammonds John Christopher
- Hanna Emma
- Hannaford Zeta
- Happle Liz
- Hardie Maryon
- Harding Claudia
- Harding Joshua
- Hardman John
- Hardstaff Lisa
- Hare Jennifer A
- Hargreaves Carolyn
- Hargreaves Jeanette
- Hargreaves Jeanette
- Harinarayanan Sathish
- Harinarayanan Sathish
- Harland Keith
- Harney Jackie
- Harnwell Juliette
- Harpell Rhonda
- Harris (n. Marchant) Emily
- Harris Catherine
- Harris Sarah
- Harris-Burland Angie
- Harrison Alison
- Harrow Sister Kath
- Hart Amber
- Hart Andrew
- Harter Leah
- Hartley Jasmine
- Hartman Carrie
- Hartt Nancy
- Hartwell Lyn
- Harvey Julie
- Harvey Sally
- Harving Niels
- Haskell Annelise
- Hassall Alison
- Hassan Nebah
- Hassan Nebah
- Hathout Lara
- Hatimy Umi
- Haydock Helen
- Haydock Helen
- Hayes Jill A
- Hayward Lesley
- Healey Gail
- Healey-Mariano Jennifer
- Healey-Mariano Jennifer
- Heasley Karen
- Heath Catherine
- Heath Catherine M
- Heckford Louise
- Hedges Andy
- Heeley Janine
- Hefferon Billy
- Hegarty Gemma
- Hejlesen Finn
- Helou Joelle
- Hendel Debra
- Henry Ann
- Henry Ann
- Henry Ann
- Henry Ann
- Henry Joanne
- Henry Joanne
- Henson (nee Savidge) Verity
- Henson Helen
- Herasimtschuk Anna
- Herbert Chris
- Herbert Gaynor
- Heron Jane
- Hetherington Stacey
- Hicks Kimberly
- Higgins Linda
- Hijab Adham
- Hill Elaine
- Hill Judy
- Hill Pipa
- Hill Pippa
- Hillman Paul
- Hillman Paul
- Hilman Serena
- Hilman Serena
- Hindle Margaret
- Hines John
- Hoare Kathryn
- Hocking Christopher
- Hodder June
- Hodge Simon
- Hodges Samantha
- Hodgkinson Sheila
- Hodson Hayley
- Hodson Hayley
- Hogan Holly
- Hogan Vesna
- Hogbin Emma
- Hogbin Emma
- Holbrook Andy
- Holbrook Becky
- Holden Simon
- Holdsworth Amanda
- Hollenhorst Helmut
- Holliday Samantha
- Hollingdale Abigail
- Hollis Keri
- Hollister Robert
- Holloway Caroline
- Holmes Evelyn
- Holwerda Eleanor
- Homer David
- Hood Marion
- Hooper Simon
- Hooton Georgia
- Hore Brendan
- Horne Rhian
- Hornzee Gillian
- Hornzee Gillian
- Horton Sarah
- Horwich Alan
- Hoskin Peter
- Hoskins Ashley
- Hoskins Chloe
- Hotine Jodie
- Hough Adele
- Hough Chris
- Houghton Fionnuala
- Houle Stefanie
- House Gail
- Howard Joanna
- Howard Lucy
- Howard Lucy
- Howitt Pamela
- Hsien John
- Hubley Lynn
- Huddart Robert
- Huddart Robert
- Hudson Zoe
- Hughes Claire
- Hughes Faye
- Hughes Hayley
- Hughes Joanne
- Hughes Kathryn
- Hughes Owen
- Hughes Robert
- Hughes Simon
- Hughes-Davies Luke
- Hugill Angela
- Hugill Angela
- Humber Caroline
- Humpreys Louise
- Hunt Allison
- Hunter Catherine
- Hunter William
- Hunting Liz
- Hutchinson Camille
- Hyde Katherine
- Hyde Katherine
- Hyde Katherine
- Hynds Sharon
- Ibrahim Azman
- Ingham Jo
- Ingle Charlotte
- Inman Hayley
- Innes Helen
- Iordanidi Elina
- Iqbal Fawaad
- Irwin P
- Isaew Andrea
- Iskender Amanda
- Islam Zaheer
- Issa Rami
- Ivie Stephanie
- Jackman Dee
- Jackson Cathy
- Jackson Kim
- Jackson Sister Ann
- Jain Suneil
- Jakeman Christine
- James Naomi
- James Nicholas
- James Nicholas D
- Jamieson Ceri
- Jampana Raj
- Janke Susan
- Jannapureddy Revanth
- Jarvis Claire
- Jastrzebska Patrycja
- Javle P
- Jayachandran Resmi
- Jayachandran Resmi
- Jeffcutt Nicole
- Jeffrey David
- Jelski Joseph
- Jenkins Peter
- Jenkins Suzanne
- Jenner Abigail
- Jennings Marian
- Jepson Debbie
- Jevons Cody
- Jewers Karen
- Jewers Karen
- Jeyasanger Ganesan
- Joe Howard
- John Babbin
- Johns Louise
- Johnson Arlissa
- Johnson Craig
- Johnson Joanne
- Johnson Lyndsey
- Johnson Nigel
- Johnson-Rollings Ashley
- Johnston Laurel
- Johnston Ruth
- Johnstone Dawn
- Johnstone Maria
- Joncas MarieClaude
- Jones (Birch) Janine
- Jones Andrea
- Jones Ania
- Jones Carys
- Jones Cathryn
- Jones Clare
- Jones Dawn
- Jones Gareth
- Jones Ifan
- Jones Jules
- Jones Julia
- Jones Kathryn
- Jones Katie
- Jones Lesley
- Jones Lewis
- Jones Richard
- Jones Rob
- Jones Stephanie
- Jones Stephanie
- Jones-Skipper Kay
- Jonnada Sai
- Jope Carmel
- Jose Sanal
- Joseph Joji
- Joseph Paul K
- Joshi Manisha
- Joshi Manisha
- Joslin Vicky
- Jovic Gordana
- Kaa Bach Birgit
- Kader Nicole
- Kalejaiye Odunayo
- Kaliski Alexandre
- Kalyvas Maria
- Kamran Asim
- Kanaga-Sundaram Subramanian
- Kancherla Kiran
- Kanji Femina
- Kanyi Karen
- Kapur Guarav
- Karim Omer
- Karp Stephen
- Karsera Louise
- Karunakaran Subashini
- Karvat Anand
- Kaushal Malan
- Kavanagh Roisin
- Kavanagh Roisin
- Kay Anne Marie
- Kazingizi Memory
- Keane Patrick
- Kearney S
- Kedge Liz
- Kehoe Laura
- Keith Sarah
- Keith Sarah
- Kelkar Anand
- Kellaway Joanne
- Kelly Alison
- Kelly Kay
- Kemp Gail
- Kempel Mette Moe
- Kendal Wayne S
- Keng-Koh Pek
- Keng-Koh Pek
- Keni Manjusha
- Kennedy Julie
- Kenny Shannon
- Kent Christopher
- Kent Emma
- Kenyon Lucille
- Kershaw Elizabeth
- Key Claire
- Keyes Mira
- Khaksar Sara
- Khan Omar
- Khan Yakhub
- Khaouam Nader
- Khong Rachel
- Khoo Vincent
- Khoo Vincent
- Khoury Ghassan
- Kiff Janet
- Kift Shannon
- Kilmartin John
- Kilroy Stephen
- Kilroy Stephen
- Kiltie Anne
- Kiltie Anne
- Kim David
- Kim TuongVan
- Kim-Sing Charmaine
- KimSing Charmaine
- King Amy
- King Jennifer
- King Jennifer
- King Lisa
- Kinrade Yvonne
- KirbyBello Denise
- Kirk Christine
- Kirk Sister Sarah
- Kirkbride Peter
- Kirkbride Peter
- Kirkby Amy
- Kirkby Sarah
- Kirkpatrick Suriya
- Kisanga Mary
- Kitkowski Caitlin
- Klapp Kathi
- Klotz Laurence
- Klovgaard Karina
- Knackstedt Jochen
- Knapp Jeanette
- Knight (n. Sherburn) Victoria
- Knott Helen
- Knox WF
- Kockelbergh Roger
- Kodavatiganti Ravi
- Koehler Ingrid
- Kokholm Kathrine Friser
- Koll Wayne
- Kong Vickie
- Kotze Michelle
- Koul Rashmi
- Koulouris Zoe
- Koupparis Anthony
- Kowalczyk-Williams Wioletta
- Kowalewska Paulina
- Kronstal Flo
- Krysta Beata
- Kuenzig Greg
- Kujawa Magda
- Kuk Joda
- Kullane Sagal
- Kumar Daniel
- Kumar Muthar
- Kumar Shiyam
- Kumar Vikaash
- Kurian-Downer Sunita
- Kurup Rahul
- Kuzyk Valerie
- Kwan Winkle
- Kyffin Phillippa
- Kynaston Howard
- Kynaston Howard
- Lacey Cathy
- Lachance Nicole
- Lactao Ranee
- Ladouceur Cynthia
- Laing Robert
- Lajoie MarieAndree
- Lake Sister Judith
- Lalani Nafisha
- Laliberte Benoit
- Lam Jacqueline
- Lambert Carole
- Lambert Katy
- Lamoureux Alexandra
- Lang Monika
- Langridge Nicole
- Laniado M
- Lao Bernadeth
- Larkins Rachel
- Larocque Stephanie
- Larouche Julie
- Larson Beverly
- Lassen Yasmin
- Last Debbie
- Lau Maurice
- Laubscher Angelique
- Laughlin Anne
- Laursen Vibeke
- Lavender Helene
- Laverick Rosaleen
- Lavertu Sophie
- Lawless Claire
- Lawless Theresa
- Lawrence nee Palmer Tara
- Lawrence Steph
- Lawrey Sarah
- Lawson Daeria
- Lazarte Jannika
- Leach Deborah
- Lebrun Benoit
- Ledger Kate
- Lee Bernard
- Lee Brenda
- Lee Vivienne
- Lees Laura
- Leitao Madalena
- Lemaire Celine
- Lemng Kruse Helle
- Lemon Nicola
- Lenton Daniel
- Leone Priscilla
- Leone Priscilla
- Leong Nelson
- Leung Michael
- Lew Tanya
- Lewington Val
- Lewis Amanda
- Lewis Christina
- Lewis Joanne
- Lewis Sion
- Ley Samantha
- Li Audrey
- Li KuanLin
- Liau Joy
- Light Teresa
- Lim Jan
- Lim Jun
- Lindberg Henriette
- Lines Yvonne
- Lipsham Margaret
- Liptrott Sarah
- Lister Debbie
- Litchfield Jayne
- Little Erin
- Little Jessica
- Littler John
- Littler Stephen
- Liu Stanley
- Livsey Jacqueline
- Livsey Jacqueline
- Lloyd-Jones Hugh
- Loblaw Douglas Andrew
- Lock Michael I
- Locke Angela
- Lockwood Carol
- Logue John
- Logue John
- Logue John
- Logue John
- Lokes Rachel
- Lokes Rachel
- Lomas Alia
- Lomas Claire
- Lomax Laurie
- London Clare
- Long Carol
- Long Heather
- Loughlin Kate
- Loughrey Carmel
- Love Clare
- Love Sally
- Lowe Amelia
- Lowi Suzy
- Lucakova Slavka
- Lukka Himu
- Lunau Anne Sofie
- Lydon Anna
- Lydon Anne Marie
- Lynch Rory
- Lyons Ciara
- Mabelin Louies
- Macavoy Tina
- Macdonald Alison
- MacDonald Angela
- MacDonald Graham
- Macefield Rhiannon
- MacGregor Barbara
- Macgregor Carol
- MacIsaac Kathy
- MacIsaac Patricia
- Mackay Rachel
- Macleod Nicholas
- MacMillan Antonia
- MacMullin Lisa
- MacRae Robert M
- Macrory Joanne
- MacVicar Jennifer
- MacVicar Karen
- Madeleine Jude
- Madhava Kudingila
- Madine John
- Magwaro Sophia
- Magwaro Sophia
- Magwaro Sophia
- Mahmood Rana
- Mahmood Rana
- Mahmood Sana
- Mahmud Aamer
- Mahoney Catriona
- Mahoney Sue
- Maitland Katrina
- Maize Christine
- Majumdar Arpita
- Makepeace Barbara
- Malde Rohit
- Malek Leila
- Malik Zafar
- Mallett Debbie
- Malone Shawn
- Malone Shawn C
- Manetta Caroline
- Manganaro Aileen
- Mangar Stephen
- Maniatis Christos
- Manley Rachel
- Mannan Aliyah
- Manning Courtney
- <