78 research outputs found


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    Telah dibuat sebuah sistem pembayaran tol otomatis. Sistem ini memanfaatkan sensor RFID untuk mengidentifikasi kartu tol. Software sistem ini dibuat dengan menggunakan pemrograman Delphi 2010 dan database MySQL. Pembuatan software ini memanfaatkan protokol komunikasi serial sebagai penghubung antara software dengan hardwarenya. Software sistem ini terbagi menjadi dua bagian yang sangat penting, yaitu aplikasi pembayaran tol dan aplikasi isi ulang kredit tol. Aplikasi pembayaran berfungsi untuk mengoperasikan olah data transaksi pembayaran tol. Sedangkan aplikasi isi ulang kredit tol berfungsi untuk mengoperasikan transaksi isi ulang kredit yang bertujuan untuk menambah saldo. Kedua transaksi tersebut dilakukan dengan satu kartu tol. Antara aplikasi pembayaran dan aplikasi isi ulang kredit tol saling berhubungan untuk kepentingan akses data pada satu komputer server. Sarana untuk melakukan akses data tersebut adalah jaringan komunikasi Wi-Fi. Kata kunci : RFID, Delphi, database, komunikasi serial, Wi-F

    Deposition of ZnO Thin Films by Spray Coating Technique for Photocatalytic and Photochemical Degradation of Methylene Blue (MB)

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    Deposition of a thin layer of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) on glass substrates by spray coating techniques has been done. ZnO is a semiconductor with band gap energy of ~ 3.2 eV and has the properties as oxidation photo catalysts that will transform harmful compounds and toxic substances in water into harmless compounds. ZnO thin film deposition is conducted by making gel ZnO with dissolving zinc acetate dehydrate (Zn(COOCH3)2.2H2O into a solution of isopropanol ((CH3)2CHOH) and monoethanolamine (MEA: HOCH2CH2NH2) at room temperature with a concentration of 0.3 M zinc acetate and the molar ratio is 1:1. ZnO gel is placed on the spray hole and sprayed on a glass substrate which has been heated at a temperature of 250°C at a pressure of 70 psi to form a thin layer. A thin layer is sintered at a temperature of 450°C for 2 hours. A ZnO thin layer then used as a photocatalytic and photochemical degradatioan of methylene blue (MB) with and without stirring. The microstructure analysis by using XRD show that the thin layers having polycrystalline wurtzite structure with orientations (100), (002), (101) and (110). EDS characterization showed that thin layers of ZnO consists of 50.27% and 49.73% zinc and oxygen atomic, respectively. ZnO photocatalyst reaction by using ultra violet light (UV) for 3 hours has been reduces the concentration of MB until 97.05%. A high percentage of color degradation MB performed by treatment with stirring

    Tritium Transfer and Concentratifon in the Ocean

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    Environmental transport models have been developed for evaluation of radiation doses from tritium released into the atmosphere. Recently, models contain not only inhalation and skin absorption as routes of tritium transfer from the atmosphere to humans, but also the ingestion pathway. Tritium releasing to the environment is contribute to added tritium concentration in the ocean. This paper describes the tritium transfer from the environment to the human body and the possible health effects if it is taken inside the body, the factors which influence the differences of tritium concentrations in the coastal seawater, and the formula of the tritium concentration balance in the ocean surface


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    Telah dibuat sistem monitoring waktu pemberhentian dan pemberangkatan kereta api di stasiun. Software sistem memanfaatkan sensor RFID untuk mengidentifikasi kereta. Beberapa hal yang diidentifikasi adalah identitas kereta (ID_Tag, nama kereta, dan jurusan), waktu pemberhentian dan waktu pemberangkatan kereta di stasiun. Software sistem dibuat dengan menggunakan pemrograman Delphi 2010 dan database MySQL. Software sistem terbagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu modul server dan modul client. Modul client berfungsi untuk menampilkan data waktu kereta api pasca berhenti dan berangkat di stasiun. Sedangkan modul server berfungsi menyimpan data waktu kereta yang diterima dari modul client yang dilengkapi dengan beberapa sarana pendukung. Pengiriman data waktu kereta api dari modul client ke modul server dilakukan dengan menggunakan jaringan Wi-Fi. Pengiriman data waktu kereta api dari modul client ke modul server berfungsi untuk kepentingan database waktu kereta. Kata kunci : Delphi 2010, Database, RFID , Wi-F


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    Telah dilakukan pembuatan perangkat lunak sistem akusisi data temperatur dan kelembaban untuk pemantauan pada dry box kamera . Monitoring terhadap temperatur dan kelembaban ini karena kelembapan yang terlalu tinggi pada tempat penyimpanan kamera dapat menyebabkan gangguan dan tumbuhnya bibit jamur pada lensa yang dapat mengganggu kualitas lensa. Pembuatan perangkat lunak ini menggunakanbahasa pemrograman Borland Delphi 7. Akusisi data dari mikrokontroler ke computer dilakukan melalui komunikasi serial mengtgunakan komponen CPortLib. Sistem pengiriman data berdasarkan prinsip komunikasi serial 16 bit. Data yang diterima oleh komputer kemudian disimpan dalam database MySQL. Dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan, alat ini mampu menurunkan kelembapan sampai 53,3% dengan setpoint 55 % dan menurunkannya kembali ketika kelembapan naik melebihi setpoint. Kata kunci : akuisisi data, komunikasi serial, temperature, kelembaban, kamera, MySQ

    Analisis Dosis Paparan Radiasi pada Instalasi Radiologi Dental Panoramik

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    A research on the analysis of radiation dose exposure in panoramic dental radiology installations in Government General Hospital dr Kariadi Semarang, this study aims to identify and analyze the radiation dose received by workers and the general public and determine the effectiveness of radiation shielding in dental panoramic installations. Measurements were carrried out at the time of exposure using dental panoramic with surveymeter babyline. Measurements of doses exposure taken at the point operator station, waiting rooms and in the corridors employess and panoramic dental space, while measuring the effectiveness of radiation shielding in the door of the room and the operator station. Dose measurement result obtained in the operator station amounted 5,83 µSv/h, lounge area 2,4 µSv/h and at the corridor employees are not detected exposure dose when exposure using dental panoramic. For the effectiveness of radiation shielding door of the room is 12,24 % and in the operators station is 82,29 %. Can be concluded that the operator room and corridor employess fairly save from exposure to excessive radiation, while the lounge area has a value that approaches the dose limits. For radiation shielding door of the room is small and the effectiveness of the operator room is large

    Studi Pemanfaatan Sifat Pembiasan Cahaya Pada Portable Brix Meter Untuk Menganalisis Hubungan Konsentrasi Larutan Sukrosa (C12h22o11) Terhadap Ph

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    Sucrose concentration was analyzed using portable brix meter to show the acidity and alkalinity. Materials the brix were sucrose, honey, milk, and vinegar. Sucrose solution was diluted with aquades at concentration of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, while concentration solution of milk, honey, and vinegar at 5%, 10%, 15% ,20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%. Solution at each concentration was measured by Portable Brix Meters to determine the concentration of sucrose with work on the principle of light refraction. The acidity or alkalinity of each solution was measured by a pH meter, so we get the graph calculation and the relationship between the concentration of sucrose solution pH to change the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Increased concentration on pure sugar or sucrose, causing increased levels of alkalinity, while the honey, milk, and vinegar, with increased concentrations cause acidity. Data were analyzed with logarithmic graph approach. The correlation between the concentration of sucrose solution C with a pH in pure sucrose solution with R2=0.913. The correlation between the concentration of sucrose solution C with a pH in solution of honey, milk, and vinegar. with R2 = 0.792, dengan R2= 0.956, with R2= 0.407, with R2 = 0.974, with R2= 0.983. The difference of pH value and concentrations are very small

    Deposition of ZnO:Ag Photocatalyst Using Spray Coating Technique and Its Application for Methylene Blue and Methylene Orange Photodegradation

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    ZnO:Ag thin films have been successfully deposited on glass substrates by spray coating technique with various Ag content of 2%, 3%, 4% and 5%. The ZnO:Ag thin films used to photodegrade the dye methyl orange and methylene blue using ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. ZnO:Ag solution was synthesized by dissolving zinc acetate dehydrate (ZnAc) in isopropanol then monoethanolamine (MEA) and Silver nitrate added into that solution at room temperature. The concentration of zinc acetate was 0.3 M and the molar ratio of MEA : ZnAc was 1:1. The solution was stirred by a magnetic stirrer at a temperature of 70°C for 30 minutes to obtain a clear and homogeneous solution. ZnO:Ag gel was sprayed on a glass substrate and then heated at temperature of 400oC for 15 minutes. Optical properties of ZnO:Ag thin films were characterized by using UV-Vis spectroscopy. The research showed that the incorporation Ag into ZnO can enhance photocatalytic activity due to the Ag depressed the recombination rate. In addition, the higher ion Ag concentration was decreased bandgap energy. The photocatalityc activity of ZnO:Ag could degraded methyl orange dye up to 42.68% for ZnO: Ag 4%, 45.45% for ZnO: Ag 5% and the degradation of methylene blue dye is reached up to 99.21% for ZnO:Ag 4% and the ZnO: Ag 5% thin films could degraded up to 100% under UV irradiation for 10 hours

    Synthesis of Zn-Fe nanoparticles using pulse laser ablation as a contrast agent in magnetic resonance imaging

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    Synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles, iron oxide nanoparticles and Zn-Fe nanoparticles using pulse laser ablation method has been conducted. Experimentally, a pulse Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm, 7 ns, 35 mJ) was directed and focused on a metal plates of pure Zn and Fe, which are placed in the liquid medium of polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP). The PVP functions as a stabilizer agent. The results show that the produced nanoparticles have a spherical shape with an averaged diameter of Zn-Fe nanoparticles of 13 nm. FTIR and XRD test results of Zn-Fe nanoparticles show characteristics of Zn-Fe compounds. The examination of Zn-Fe nanoparticles as MRI contrast agents was carried out by varying the concentration of nanoparticles. Cenh calculation results showed the highest contrast enhancement occurred at a concentration of 1.25 mM with a value of 64.26% for T1 weighted images, and 81.52% for T2 weighted images. The SNR calculation results show the highest value at a concentration of 1.25 mM of 70.52 for T1 weighted images. The highest SNR value in the T2 weighted image at a concentration of 0.156 mM of 165.09
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