1,177 research outputs found

    Solubility, Light Output and Energy Resolution Studies of Molybdenum-Loaded Liquid Scintillators

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    The search for neutrinoless double-beta decay is an important part of the global neutrino physics program. One double-beta decay isotope currently under investigation is 100Mo. In this article, we discuss the results of a feasibility study investigating the use of molybdenum-loaded liquid scintillator. A large, molybdenum-loaded liquid scintillator detector is one potential design for a low-background, internal-source neutrinoless double-beta decay search with 100Mo. The program outlined in this article included the selection of a solute containing molybdenum, a scintillating solvent and the evaluation of the mixture's performance as a radiation detector.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    An Approach to Higher Dimensional Theories Based on Lattice Gauge Theory

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    A higher dimensional lattice space can be decomposed into a number of four-dimensional lattices called as layers. The higher dimensional gauge theory on the lattice can be interpreted as four-dimensional gauge theories on the multi-layer with interactions between neighboring layers. We propose the new possibility to realize the continuum limit of a five-dimensional theory based on the property of the phase diagram.Comment: Lattice2003(higgs

    Solar Neutrinos as Background to Neutrinoless Double-beta Decay Experiments

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    Solar neutrinos interact within double-beta decay (\BB) detectors and contribute to backgrounds for \BB\ experiments. Background contributions due to charge-current solar neutrino interactions with \BB\ nuclei of 76^{76}Ge, 82^{82}Se, 100^{100}Mo, 130^{130}Te, 136^{136}Xe, and 150^{150}Nd are evaluated. They are shown to be significant for future high-sensitivity \BB\ experiments that may search for Majorana neutrino masses in the inverted-hierarchy mass region. The impact of solar neutrino backgrounds and their reduction are discussed for future \BB\ experiments.Comment: proceedings submission for MEDEX 201

    Nuclear matrix element for two neutrino double beta decay from 136Xe

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    The nuclear matrix element for the two neutrino double beta decay (DBD) of 136Xe was evaluated by FSQP (Fermi Surface Quasi Particle model), where experimental GT strengths measured by the charge exchange reaction and those by the beta decay rates were used. The 2 neutrino DBD matrix element is given by the sum of products of the single beta matrix elements via low-lying (Fermi Surface) quasi-particle states in the intermediate nucleus. 136Xe is the semi-magic nucleus with the closed neutron-shell, and the beta + transitions are almost blocked. Thus the 2 neutrino DBD is much suppressed. The evaluated 2 neutrino DBD matrix element is consistent with the observed value.Comment: 7 pages 6 figure

    Solar Neutrinos as Background in Direct Dark Matter Searches

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    The coherent contribution of all neutrons in neutrino nucleus scattering due to the neutral current is examined considering the boron solar neutrinos. These neutrinos could potentially become a source of background in the future dark matter searches aiming at nucleon cross sections in the region well below the few events per ton per year.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Submitted for the DSU proceedings to be published by the American institute of Physics (AIP). References adde