20 research outputs found

    ANALISIS KEBERLANJUTAN PENGELOLAAN TAMAN WISATA ALAM LAUT (TWAL) PULAU WEH BERDASARKAN HUKOM ADAT LAOT (Sustainability Analysis of the Marine Recreational Park (MRP) Management in Weh Island Based on Local Customary Law of the Sea (Hukom Adat Laot)

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    AbstrakTaman Wisata Alam Laut (TWAL) Pulau Weh merupakan kawasan konservasi yang dikelola oleh Badan Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) Banda Aceh. TWA Laut Pulau Weh terletak di Desa Iboih dan masuk ke dalam Wilayah Hukom Adat Panglima Laot Lhok Iboih. Keberadaan Hukom Adat Laot memberikan dampak secara ekologi, sosial ekonomi, dan tata kelola TWA Laut Pulau Weh. Selain itu, sistem pengelolaan berdasarkan hukum adat dapat dijadikan rujukan dalam menyusun kebijakan atau strategi pengeloaan TWA Laut Pulau Weh ke depan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghitung dan mengestimasi tingkat keberlanjutan pengelolaan TWA Laut Pulau Weh berdasarkan Hukom Adat Laot Lhok Iboih. Metode yang digunakan adalah multi dimensional scalling (MDS) berdasarkan tiga dimensi yaitu ekologi, sosial ekonomi dan tata kelola. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dimensi tata kelola dan sosial ekonomi berada pada kategori cukup keberlanjutan dengan indeks 59,98 dan 56,75, sedangkan dimensi ekologi berada pada kategori kurang berkelanjutan dengan indeks 46,94. Indeks dan status keberlanjutan menunjukkan bahwa, sistem pengelolaan berdasarkan Hukom Adat Laot Lhok Iboih pada dimensi tata kelola dan sosial ekonomi cukup memberikan dampak terhadap keberlanjutan pengelolaan TWA Laut Pulau Weh.AbstractMarine Recreational Park (MRP) Weh Island is a conservation area managed by Natural Resources Conservation Agency Banda Aceh. The MRP is located at Iboih village and it is also inside the area of local customary Law of the Sea Lhok Iboih. The existence of customary Law of the Sea affects the management of MRP in terms of ecology and social economy. Apart from that, the local customary management system could be used as a reference in finalizing the policy and strategy of the management of MRP Weh Island in the future. The purpose of this research is to calculate and to estimate the sustainability level of the MRP Weh Island management based on customary Law of the Sea Lhok Iboih. The method used is multi dimensional scaling (MDS) that is based on 3 dimensions i.e. ecology, social economy, and management. The analysis result indicates that the dimension of management and social economy are arguably sustainable with index 59.98 and 56.75, while the dimension of ecology falls into less sustainable level with index 46.94. The index and sustainability status indicate that the management system based on customary Law of the Sea Lhok Iboih specifically on the dimension of management and social economy influence the sustainability of MRP Weh Island management


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    Sumber daya ikan karang di Taman Nasional Karimunjawa (TNKJ) mengalami tekanan eksploitasi seiring dengan peningkatan permintaan sumber daya ikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi ikan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis status stok ikan karang target di TNKJ. Penelitian dilakukan di TNKJ Kabupaten Jepara, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, pada April-Agustus 2015. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode survei dan observasi, mencakup data primer dan sekunder. Empat jenis ikan karang dipilih untuk mewakili ikan karang, yaitu ekor kuning, pisang-pisang, sunu macan, dan jenggot. Hasil tangkapan dianalisis dengan CPUE dan indeks musim. Mortalitas diduga dengan kurva penangkapan yang dilinierkan berdasarkan data komposisi panjang ikan. Penilaian status stok menggunakan metode analitik dengan menghitung laju eksploitasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa CPUE ikan karang mempunyai tren yang meningkat. Ikan karang secara agregat tersedia pada setiap bulan sepanjang tahun, tidak ada musim puncak penangkapan dan musim paceklik. Ikan pisang-pisang dan sunu macan telah dieksploitasi melebihi batas kelestariannya, yaitu 114,50% dan 154,00%.Coral reef fish resources in Karimunjawa National Park (KNP) are under exploitation pressure with increasing demand of fish for human consumption. This study is aimed to analyze the status of target reef fishes in KNP. Field survey was conducted in KNP District of Jepara, Central Java, in April-August 2015. Data consists of primary and secondary data was obtained by using survey and observation method.    Four species of reef fishes were chosen to represent reef fish, namely yellow tail fusilier (Caesio cuning), blue and gold fusilier (Caesio caerulaurea), highfin coral grouper (Plectropomus oligocanthus), and dash-and-dot goatfish (Parupeneus barberinus). Reef fish catch data was analyzed using catch per unit effort (CPUE) and seasonal index. Fish mortality was predicted by catch curve based on length-converted. The results indicate increasing trend of reef fishes CPUE. Reef fishes in aggregate are available every month in year-round and there is no seasonality trend. Fish length analysis reveals that status of blue and gold fusilier and highfin coral grouper have been exploited over maximum sustainable limit, with the rate of exploitation 114.50% and 154.00%, respectively.


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    Bulan April-Mei 2010 Perairan Andaman termasuk perairan Aceh mengalami kenaikan suhu permukaan air laut yang drastis. Kenaikan suhu permukaan air laut tersebut telah menyebabkan pemutihan karang di beberapa tempat di dunia, termasuk perairan utara Aceh. Survei pemutihan karang telah dilakukan untuk mengukur dampak pemutihan karang terhadap ekosistem terumbu karang yang meliputi, index pemutihan karang, tutupan karang keras dan kelimpahan ikan karang. Hasil survey menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 35% karang keras yang memutih mengalami kematian. Genera karang yang mengalami tingkat kematian yang sangat besar adalah karang keras dari Genera Acropora dan Pocillopora. Pemutihan karang yang disertai dengan tingkat kematian karang yang tinggi telah menyebabkan penurunan tutupan karang keras di Perairan Utara Aceh secara signifikan bahkan di beberapa tempat tutupan karang dari Genera Acropora mengalami kematian sebesar 100%. Selain berdampak kepada penurunan tutupan karang keras, pemutihan karang pada tahun 2010 juga berdampak pada penurunan kelimpahan ikan karang terutama ikan karang pemakan polip karang (Corallivore) yang mengalami penurunan kelimpahan secara signifikan antara tahun 2009 dengan 2011 dan 2013. Data tersebut bisa disimpulkan bahwa, pemutihan karang pada tahun 2010 di Perairan Utara Aceh merupakan peristiwa yang paling parah yang pernah dilaporkan di Indonesia khususnya di Utara Aceh.A drastic increasing in Sea Surface Temperature (SST) was happened in Andaman Sea including in Aceh region from April through end of May 2010. The recent escalations of SST have caused mass coral bleaching event in many places in the world including northern Aceh water of Indonesia. Bleaching survey was conducted in Northern Aceh to measure ecological impact of bleaching including bleaching index, coral cover and reef fish abundance. More than 35% bleached coral were died, with tremendous mortality of susceptible genera such as Acropora and Pocillopora. Coral bleaching has impact in declining coral cover in Northern Aceh significantly after coral bleaching and the evidence of loss Acropora in some area. Coral bleaching also impact to coral fishes, where fishes abundance especially coralivorous fishes has declining significantly betwen 2009 and 2011 also 2013. The 2010 bleaching event is one of the most severe events reported for Indonesia including in Northern Aceh

    Shark and ray monitoring on the marine critical habitat in Aceh Province

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    Aceh is the leading province in Indonesia, where the marine protection area for juvenile sharks and rays was first established, precisely in Aceh Jaya waters. Rigaih is the fishing port located closest to Aceh Jaya waters, where the angler fish closely with the marine protected area and even intersect with the juvenile’s habitat. This study aimed to examine shark and ray catches in Aceh Jaya before and after establishing the marine protection area. We conducted landing monitoring from 2017 to 2019 (before establishing a conservation area) and monitored in 2020 when the conservation area was established. We recorded that 73% of sharks and ray caught on set gill net. The composition of sharks and rays landed at PPI Rigaih consisted of Sphyrna lewini (75%, n=1783), Chiloscyllium punctatum (8%), Neotrygon caeruleopunctata (7%, n =175), and other species (10%). This study aimed to provide scientific recommendations to support shark conservation action in Aceh Jaya Waters. We found that Aceh Jaya waters are an important area for the life stages of several threatened species, including Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks (S.lewini) and Bottlenose Wedgefish (R.australiae) that are listed in Critically Endangered and listed in Appendix II CITES. Management to support the conservation action needs to be strengthened not only limited to Marine Protected Areas but also fisheries management to reduce the incidental catch of threatened sharks and ray species. Further studies need to be conducted to delineate the habitat range of threatened shark and ray species and identify fishing behaviours that pose a risk for incidental catches of sharks and rays


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    Sebanyak 62 titik penyelaman dilakukan untuk memberi gambaran mengenai ikan karang yang terdapat di wilayah perbatasan Propinsi NTT dan Maluku di Indonesia. Tutupan karang hidup menunjukan umumnya kondisi tutupan karang berada pada kategori baik dengan nilai rata-rata 62,51%. Ikan karang yang ditemukan dalam survei ini terdiri dari 468 spesies dalam 47 Famili ikan karang dimana biomassa ikan karang tertinggi terdapat Kab. MBD (Rata-rata 12.476,32 Kg/Ha) sedangkan yang terendah terdapat di Kab. Flores Timur (rata-rata 652,83 Kg/Ha). Nilai Kelimpahan ikan karang tertinggi terdapat di Kab. MBD (rata-rata 13.308 Ind/Ha) dan yang terendah terdapat di Kab. Flores Timur (rata-rata 1.502.23 Ind/Ha). Struktur komunitas ikan karang berdasarkan indeks shanon-weinner (H’) berada kategori sedang, nilai indeks keseragaman (E) masuk kategori labil dan nilai dominansi (C) masuk dominansi rendah sehingga ekosistem masih dalam kondisi baik. Kesamaan spesies ikan karang menggunakan hasil cluster analysis pada taraf penskalaan 66,37 % dan MDS (Multi Dimensional Scalling) mengelompokkan ikan karang kedalam 2 grup yaitu ikan karang di wilayah Kab. Alor dan Flores Timur dan Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya di kolompok lainnya. Hasil dari analisis klatser dan MDS memperlihatkan Kab. Alor dan Flores timur di Provinsi NTT yang masuk wilayah geografis Lesser Sunda memiliki perbedaan ikan karang dengan Kab. Maluku Barat Daya di Provinsi Maluku yang secara geografis masuk area Banda seascapes. Secara keseluruhan ikan karang di Kab. MBD memiliki potensi yang sangat tinggi dilihat dari kelimpahan, biomasa dan nilai ekologi lainnya. Lokasi ini bisa dikembangkan menjadi sumber protein hewani yang potensial bagi masyarakat disana maupun tingkat nasional.Kata kunci: Ikan karang, Biomassa, kelimpahan, Lesser sunda, Flores Timur, Alor, Maluku Barat Daya. REEF FISHES BIODIVERSITY OF LESSER SUNDA-BANDA SEASCAPE (EAST FLORES, ALOR AND SOUTH WEST MALUKU DISTRICT) IN INDONESIAABSTRACT A total of 62 dive sites were made to provide an overview of reef fish found in the border region of the Province of NTT and Maluku in Indonesia. Live coral cover shows the general condition of the coral cover is in good category with an average value of 62.51%. Reef fish found in this survey consists of 468 species in 47 Famili reef fish reef where fish biomass is highest Kab. MBD (average 12.476,32 kg.ha-1), while the lowest was in the district. East Flores (an average of 652,83 kg.ha-1). The value of reef fish abundance is highest in the district MBD (average 13.308 ind.ha-1) and the lowest was in the district East Flores (average 1.502,23 ind.ha-1). Reef fish community structure based-weinner Shannon index (H') was the medium category, evenness indice value (E) in the category volatile and the value of dominance (C) enters a low dominance so that the ecosystem is still in good condition. The similarity of species of reef fish using cluster analysis results at the level of scaling 66.37% and MDS (Multi Dimensional Scaling) breaks down into two groups of reef fish that reef fish in the district Alor and East Florest and district of Southwest Maluku in other group. Results of the cluster analysis and MDS showed Alor and East Flores regency in NTT Prvince incoming Lesser Sunda seascapes have different reef fish by the District of Southwest Maluku in Maluku Province incoming Sunda Banda seascapes. Overall reef fish in the district. MBD has a very high potential views of abundance, biomass and other ecological values. This location can be developed into a potential source of animal protein for the people there as well as national level. Keywords: Reef fishes, biomass, abundance, Lesser Sunda, sunda banda seascap

    Opportunities and challenges in value chain analysis for sustainable management of sharks and rays

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    Studies on elasmobranch trade have often focused on a single commodity, shark fins. Such a narrow focus can result in an incomplete understanding of the socio-cultural importance of sharks, limiting discussion on the range and efficacy of potential management interventions. Assessments must be performed across the value chain from fisher to retail vendor to better conserve vulnerable elasmobranch species, offering a broader view of capture, use, and trade. Here, we collate insights from shark value chain assessments conducted in eight countries (Mexico, Peru, Guinea-Bissau, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Fiji) spanning five continents. Approaches and processes implemented in a shark value chain analysis (VCA) were reviewed to: (1) understand better approaches and tools and (2) collate shared experiences. Our results demonstrate that VCAs broaden the outlook of fishery and trade assessments when capturing a more comprehensive range of economic and socio-cultural aspects (e.g., livelihoods, cultural use of commodities) of trade in all shark commodities. Time invested in various components of assessments produced different outcomes, with considerable returns from stakeholder selection, survey design, and assessor/stakeholder relationship building. Contrastingly, results demonstrated that efforts in communication with stakeholder groups and policymakers could be further streamlined to focus on key results using a variety of communication formats. Outcomes from this study offer guidance to those embarking on shark VCAs, facilitating improving the assessment process and outcomes

    Contrasting Patterns of Coral Bleaching Susceptibility in 2010 Suggest an Adaptive Response to Thermal Stress

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    Background: \ud Coral bleaching events vary in severity, however, to date, the hierarchy of susceptibility to bleaching among coral taxa has been consistent over a broad geographic range and among bleaching episodes. Here we examine the extent of spatial and temporal variation in thermal tolerance among scleractinian coral taxa and between locations during the 2010 thermally induced, large-scale bleaching event in South East Asia.\ud \ud Methodology/Principal Findings: \ud Surveys to estimate the bleaching and mortality indices of coral genera were carried out at three locations with contrasting thermal and bleaching histories. Despite the magnitude of thermal stress being similar among locations in 2010, there was a remarkable contrast in the patterns of bleaching susceptibility. Comparisons of bleaching susceptibility within coral taxa and among locations revealed no significant differences between locations with similar thermal histories, but significant differences between locations with contrasting thermal histories (Friedman = 34.97; p,0.001). Bleaching was much less severe at locations that bleached during 1998, that had greater historical temperature variability and lower rates of warming. Remarkably, Acropora and Pocillopora, taxa that are typically highly susceptible, although among the most susceptible in Pulau Weh (Sumatra, Indonesia) where respectively, 94% and 87% of colonies died, were among the least susceptible in Singapore, where only 5% and 12% of colonies died.\ud \ud Conclusions/Significance: \ud The pattern of susceptibility among coral genera documented here is unprecedented. A parsimonious explanation for these results is that coral populations that bleached during the last major warming event in 1998 have adapted and/or acclimatised to thermal stress. These data also lend support to the hypothesis that corals in regions subject to more variable temperature regimes are more resistant to thermal stress than those in less variable environments

    Analisis Keberlanjutan Pengelolaan Taman Wisata Alam Laut (Twal) Pulau Weh Berdasarkan Hukom Adat Laot (Sustainability Analysis of the Marine Recreational Park (Mrp) Management in Weh Island Based on Local Customary Law of the Sea (Hukom Adat Laot)

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    Taman Wisata Alam Laut (TWAL) Pulau Weh merupakan kawasan konservasi yang dikelola oleh Badan Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) Banda Aceh. TWA Laut Pulau Weh terletak di Desa Iboih dan masuk ke dalam Wilayah Hukom Adat Panglima Laot Lhok Iboih. Keberadaan Hukom Adat Laot memberikan dampak secara ekologi, sosial ekonomi, dan tata kelola TWA Laut Pulau Weh. Selain itu, sistem pengelolaan berdasarkan hukum adat dapat dijadikan rujukan dalam menyusun kebijakan atau strategi pengeloaan TWA Laut Pulau Weh ke depan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghitung dan mengestimasi tingkat keberlanjutan pengelolaan TWA Laut Pulau Weh berdasarkan Hukom Adat Laot Lhok Iboih. Metode yang digunakan adalah multi dimensional scalling (MDS) berdasarkan tiga dimensi yaitu ekologi, sosial ekonomi dan tata kelola. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dimensi tata kelola dan sosial ekonomi berada pada kategori cukup keberlanjutan dengan indeks 59,98 dan 56,75, sedangkan dimensi ekologi berada pada kategori kurang berkelanjutan dengan indeks 46,94. Indeks dan status keberlanjutan menunjukkan bahwa, sistem pengelolaan berdasarkan Hukom Adat Laot Lhok Iboih pada dimensi tata kelola dan sosial ekonomi cukup memberikan dampak terhadap keberlanjutan pengelolaan TWA Laut Pulau Weh

    Genetic connectivity of the scalloped hammerhead shark Sphyrna lewini across Indonesia and the Western Indian Ocean.

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    Scalloped Hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) is an endangered species which its populations have been declining globally including in Indonesia, the world's top shark fishing country. However, there is a lack of information on the recent population structure of this species to promote proper management and its conservation status. This study aimed to investigate the genetic diversity, population structure, and connectivity of the S. lewini population, in three major shark landing sites: Aceh (n = 41), Balikpapan (n = 30), and Lombok (n = 29). Meanwhile, additional sequences were retrieved from West Papua (n = 14) and the Western Indian Ocean (n = 65) populations. From the analyses of the mitochondrial CO1 gene, a total of 179 sequences of S. lewini, with an average size of 594 bp, and 40 polymorphic loci in four and eight haplotypes for the Indonesian population and the Western Indian Ocean population were identified. The overall values of genetic diversity were high (h = 0.717; π = 0.013), with the highest values recorded in Aceh (h = 0.668; π = 0.002) and the lowest in Papua (h = 0.143; π = 0.000). On the contrary, the overall value was fairly low in the Western Indian Ocean (h = 0.232; π = 0.001). Furthermore, AMOVA and FST showed three significant subdivisions in Indonesia (FST = 0.442; P < 0.001), with separated populations for Aceh and West Papua, and mixed between Balikpapan and Lombok (FST = 0.044; P = 0.091). In contrast, genetic homogeneity was observed within the population of the Western Indian Ocean (FST = -0.013; P = 0.612). The establishment of a haplotype network provided evidence of a significantly different population and a limited genetic distribution between the Indonesian and the Western Indian Ocean populations (FST = 0.740; P < 0.001). This study showed the presence of a complex population of S. lewini with limited connectivity only in Indonesia separated from the Western Indian Ocean and requiring specific management measures based on the population structure at the regional level

    Universal closed-tube barcoding for monitoring the shark and ray trade in megadiverse conservation hotspots

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    Summary: Trade restrictions for endangered elasmobranch species exist to disincentivise their exploitation and curb their declines. However, trade monitoring is challenging due to product variety and the complexity of import/export routes. We investigate the use of a portable, universal, DNA-based tool which would greatly facilitate in-situ monitoring. We collected shark and ray samples across the Island of Java, Indonesia, and selected 28 commonly encountered species (including 22 CITES-listed species) to test a recently developed real-time PCR single-assay originally developed for screening bony fish. In the absence of a bespoke elasmobranch identification online platform in the original FASTFISH-ID model, we employed a deep learning algorithm to recognize species based on DNA melt-curve signatures. By combining visual and machine-learning assignment methods, we distinguished 25/28 species, 20 of which were CITES-listed. With further refinement, this method can improve monitoring of the elasmobranch trade worldwide, without a lab or species-specific assays