32 research outputs found
Effect of Film Thickness and Domain Spacing on Defect Densities in Directed Self-Assembly of Cylindrical Morphology Block Copolymers
Directed assembly of block copolymer thin films is recognized as a high-throughput, low-cost complement to optical lithography with the ability to overcome the 32 nm natural resolution limit of conventional lithographic techniques. For bulk block copolymer systems, desired feature sizes ranging from 5 to 100 nm can be obtained by controlling the molecular weight and composition of a block copolymer, as long as the bulk order–disorder temperature (ODT) is such that the copolymer is well-segregated at the processing conditions. However, our studies on graphoepitaxially aligned cylindrical morphology block copolymer monolayer and bilayer films demonstrate that, as domain sizes are reduced, the block copolymer becomes increasingly susceptible to an unacceptably high density of thermally generated defects, resulting in a significant reduction of the ODT. Thus, in thin films, the minimum feature spacing accessible is limited by thermal defect generation and not by the bulk ODT. Our experimental studies on monolayer films of cylindrical morphology polystyrene-<i>b</i>-poly(2-vinyl pyridine) with microdomain spacings approaching 20 nm reveal that defect densities and the ODT are surprisingly sensitive to variations as small as 2 nm in the microdomain spacing. Additionally, the monolayer and bilayer ODT differ by nearly 100 °C when the monolayer domain spacing is 20 nm, while the difference is only 20 °C when the monolayer domain spacing is 22 nm. We explain this behavior using a quantitative estimation of the energetic cost of defect production in terms of the domain spacing, χ<i>N</i>, and block copolymer composition. These studies reveal unexpected consequences on the equilibrium defect densities of thin film block copolymers which must be accounted for when designing a block-copolymer-based directed-assembly process
Bicontinuous Block Copolymer Morphologies Produced by Interfacially Active, Thermally Stable Nanoparticles
Polymeric bicontinuous morphologies were created by thermal annealing mixtures of poly(styrene-<i>b</i>-2-vinylpyridine) (PS-<i>b</i>-P2VP) block copolymers and stabilized Au-core/Pt-shell (Au–Pt) nanoparticles. These Au–Pt nanoparticles have a cross-linked polymeric shell to promote thermal stability and are designed to adsorb strongly to the interface of the PS-<i>b</i>-P2VP block copolymer due to the favorable interaction between P2VP block and the exterior of the cross-linked shell of the nanoparticle. The interfacial activity of these Au–Pt nanoparticles under thermal annealing conditions leads to decrease in domain size of the lamellar diblock copolymer. As nanoparticle volume fraction ϕ<sub>p</sub> was increased, a transition from a lamellar to a bicontinuous morphology was observed. Significantly, the effect of these shell-cross-linked Au–Pt nanoparticles under thermal annealing conditions was similar to those of traditional polymer grafted Au nanoparticles under solvent annealing conditions reported previously. These results suggest a general strategy for producing bicontinuous block copolymer structures by thermal processing through judicious selection of polymeric ligands, nanoparticle core, and block copolymer
Morphology Evolution of PS-<i>b</i>-P2VP Diblock Copolymers via Supramolecular Assembly of Hydroxylated Gold Nanoparticles
We report on the strong segregation of core–shell
Au nanoparticles, with a shell layer consisting of a random copolymer
brush of styrene and vinylphenol (PS-<i>r</i>-PVPh-SH),
in polyÂ(styrene-<i>b</i>-2-vinylpyridine) (PS-<i>b</i>-P2VP) diblock copolymer. Because of the formation of multiple hydrogen
bonds between the hydroxyl groups within the shell of the nanoparticles
and the pyridine group in PS-<i>b</i>-P2VP, the Au nanoparticles
were strongly localized into P2VP domains with a very high volume
fraction of nanoparticles (ϕ<sub>p</sub> ∼ 0.53). The
spatial distribution of Au nanoparticles, observed by transmission
electron microscopy (TEM), is compared with results of previous experiments
where homopolymers were blended with block copolymers. If the diameter <i>d</i> of the nanoparticles is much less than the width <i>D</i> of the P2VP lamellar domains, these nanoparticles are
more uniformly distributed across the P2VP domain than if <i>d</i> is comparable to <i>D</i>, in which case the
nanoparticles are pushed toward the center of the P2VP domains. This
behavior is similar to that observed when homopolymers are blended
with block copolymers. Novel morphological transitions from spherical
to cylindrical P2VP morphologies and from lamellae to cylindrical
PS morphologies were observed during coassembly of these functional
nanoparticles with block copolymers
Phase Separated Morphology of Ferroelectric–Semiconductor Polymer Blends Probed by Synchrotron X‑ray Methods
Control of the domain size and morphology
of ferroelectric-semiconductor
polymer blend thin films is essential for producing working organic
ferroelectric resistive switches that can be used for low-cost, flexible
memory applications. However, improvements in characterization techniques
that can selectively probe these polymers are still needed. The unique
core-level absorption profiles of these polymers make synchrotron
based soft X-ray techniques ideal to achieve contrast and chemical
sensitivity between polymers and characterize thin film morphology.
Transmission soft X-ray microscopy and scattering reveal that a phase
separated structure exists through the bulk for a blend of a semicrystalline
semiconducting polythiophene with a functionalized side chain and
a well-studied ferroelectric polymer. Surface sensitive soft X-ray
spectroscopy and wide-angle X-ray scattering suggest a potential enhancement
of polythiophene at the film surface, and that the surface layer is
more amorphous in character. This work demonstrates the utility of
soft X-rays to characterize ferroelectric-semiconductor polymer blends
both in the bulk and at the film surface. Understanding differences
in composition and morphology between the bulk and thin film interfaces
is critical to further improve organic-based memory technology
Surface Organization of a Perfluorocarbon-Functionalized Polystyrene Homopolymer
We use the perfluorocarbon-functionalized polymer, polyÂ(4-((1<i>H</i>,1<i>H</i>,2<i>H</i>,2<i>H</i>-perfluorodecyl)Âoxycarbonyl)Âstyrene) [PPFOCS], as a model system
with both surface molecular segregation and molecular orientation
to test the capabilities of a near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure
(NEXAFS) spectroscopy analysis scheme for polymer surfaces. Both NEXAFS
spectroscopy and angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
show segregation of the −(CF<sub>2</sub>)<sub>7</sub>CF<sub>3</sub> chain to the air/polymer interface with the styrenic portion
underneath. Postedge analysis of the NEXAFS spectra indicates a low
carbon atom density surface layer, of thickness 1.0–1.4 nm,
due to the overlayer of perfluorocarbon chains. An analysis of the
NEXAFS C 1s → π*<sub>CC</sub> and C 1s →
σ*<sub>C–F</sub> transitions accounting for the different
depth distributions of the phenyl rings and fluorocarbon helices reveals
strong orientational ordering with the orientational order parameter <i>S</i><sub>CC</sub> for the phenyl ring equal to −0.27
and for the C–F bonds in the fluorocarbon helix <i>S</i><sub>C–F</sub> equal to −0.13. The <i>S</i><sub>CC</sub> and <i>S</i><sub>C–F</sub> determined for the polymer with the ester-linked side chain are
considerably higher than those reported previously (−0.039
and 0, respectively) for a polymer [polyÂ(4-(1<i>H</i>,1<i>H</i>,2<i>H</i>,2<i>H</i>-perfluorodecyl)Âoxymethylstyrene)]
with an identical side chain that was ether linked to the styrene
phenyl ring. We tentatively attribute
the high orientation in the PPFOCS to the partial conjugation between
the ester group and the phenyl ring providing a relatively stiff linkage
between the perfluorocarbon helix and the phenyl ring
Temperature Dependence of the Diffusion Coefficient of PCBM in Poly(3-hexylthiophene)
Interest in new functional small molecule and polymer
blends, such
as polymer–fullerene bulk heterojunction (BHJ) organic solar
cells motivates the development of new methods to measure the diffusion
coefficient of molecular species (e.g., PCBM) in polymers. The aim
of this study is to systematically improve our understanding of the
relevant material and processing parameters needed to control the
microstructure of BHJ organic solar cells in order to develop a more
complete understanding of how to improve its power conversion efficiency.
Here, we fabricate a terraced monolayer–bilayer sample of P3HT
and P3HT/PCBM and use this structure to quantify both the volume fraction
of miscible PCBM in P3HT and the diffusion coefficient of disordered
PCBM in disordered P3HT. Our findings reveal that the diffusion coefficient
for disordered PCBM in P3HT is strongly dependent on the annealing
temperature (i.e., increasing by 3 orders of magnitude when doubling
the annealing temperature) and weakly dependent on the PCBM concentration.
The temperature-dependent diffusion coefficients were fit with an
Arrhenius relationship to determine an activation energy for the diffusion
of disordered PCBM through P3HT. Ultimately, this report demonstrates
that the self-assembly of the P3HT:PCBM BHJ solar cell during annealing
and cooling is not limited by the diffusion of deuterated PCBM in
P3HT with the nanostructure of PCBM being controlled by the relative
volume fractions of ordered and disordered P3HT
Polymer Side Chain Modification Alters Phase Separation in Ferroelectric-Semiconductor Polymer Blends for Organic Memory
Side chain modification of a semiconducting
polythiophene changes
the resulting phase separation length scales when blended with a ferroelectric
polymer for use in organic ferroelectric resistive switches. The domain
size of the semiconducting portion of blends of polyÂ[3-(ethyl- 5-pentanoate)Âthiophene-2,5-diyl]
(P3EPT) and polyÂ(vinylidene fluoride-<i>co</i>-trifluoroethylene)
(PVDF-TrFE) in thin film blends are smaller than previously reported
and easily controllable in size through simple tuning of the weight
fraction of the semiconducting polymer. Furthermore, P3EPT has a relatively
high degree of crystallinity and bimodal crystallite orientations,
as probed by wide-angle X-ray scattering. Resistive switches fabricated
from blends of P3EPT and PVDF-TrFE show memristive switching behavior
over a wide range of polythiophene content and good ON/OFF ratios
Crystalline Polymorphs of [6,6]-Phenyl‑C<sub>61</sub>-butyric Acid <i>n</i>‑Butyl Ester (PCBNB)
The thermotropic behavior of [6,6]-phenyl-C<sub>61</sub>-butyric
acid <i>n</i>-butyl ester (PCBNB) in powder and thin film
form was investigated using X-ray diffraction and transmission electron
microscopy. Upon heating PCBNB powder above its glass-transition temperature,
an amorphous-to-crystalline transition (i.e., cold crystallization)
and a subsequent melting of these crystals were observed. A thin film
of PCBNB was observed to order on a simple hexagonal lattice (HEX)
with the <i>c</i> axis preferentially oriented normal to
film at an annealing temperature of 180 °C but became disordered
above 200 °C, consistent with the powder results. However, when
annealed at 160 °C, the PCBNB thin film ordered on a superlattice
of the HEX as indicated both by electron diffraction and high-angle
annular dark field scanning TEM (HAADF-STEM) images. The formation
of the HEX superlattice polymorph was independent of both solvent
and substrate and could be formed both on heating from the amorphous
as cast state and by cooling from the HEX structure formed at a higher
temperature. HAADF-STEM shows that the superlattice corresponds to
a regular deficiency of PCBNB molecules on every fifth (1 1Ì…
0 0) plane of the HEX structure
Producing Small Domain Features Using Miktoarm Block Copolymers with Large Interaction Parameters
We demonstrate that small domain
features (∼13 nm) can be
obtained in a series of polystyrene (PS) and polyÂ(lactic acid) (PLA)
block copolymers, PS–(PLA)<sub>2</sub> and (PS)<sub>2</sub>–(PLA)<sub>2</sub>, that combine miktoarm molecular architectures
with large interaction parameters. To supplement the experimental
work, we used self-consistent field theory in tandem with the random
phase approximation to explore and contrast the phase behavior of
AB<sub><i>n</i></sub> and A<sub><i>n</i></sub>B<sub><i>n</i></sub> types of miktoarm block copolymers.
Specifically, AB<sub>2</sub> and A<sub>2</sub>B<sub>2</sub> were found
to be effective molecular architectures for inducing strong shifts
in phase boundaries with copolymer composition and to simultaneously
tune domain feature sizes. The performance of these systems is markedly
different from the corresponding linear diblock copolymers and indicates
the potential of macromolecular architecture control for future applications
in lithography
Nanostructured Supramolecular Block Copolymers Based on Polydimethylsiloxane and Polylactide
self-assembly has been demonstrated with diblock copolymers
comprising polyÂ(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) and polyÂ(lactide) (PLA) with
supramolecular, 4-fold hydrogen-bonding junctions. PDMS with a single
ureidoguanosine unit at the end was synthesized by a postpolymerization
strategy. PLA with a single 1,7-diamidonaphthyridine was synthesized
by ring-opening polymerization from the appropriate functional initiator.
Selective association of the end groups to form distinct, noncovalent
connections between the respective homopolymers in blends was established
by <sup>1</sup>H NMR spectroscopy. The orthogonal self-assembly of
the resulting pseudoblock copolymer, driven by immiscibility between
the polymer constituents was demonstrated. Bulk polymer blends were
prepared that have approximately symmetric composition and a 1:1 end-group
stoichiometry. Small angle X-ray scattering combined with differential
scanning calorimetry and transmission electron microscopy provide
unambiguous evidence for the adoption of a lamellar morphology having
long-range order, nanoscopic domain dimensions (20 nm pitch), and
a sharp domain interface defined by the supramolecular building blocks