4,238 research outputs found
Can an Islamic Model of Housing Finance Cooperative Elevate the Economic Status of the Underprivileged?.
This paper was refined during my sabbatical study at James Madison University (JMU). I appreciate the hospitality of JMU particularly that of Ehsan Ahmed. I have benefited from the critical comments of the participants of the seminars at James Madison University; University of Birmingham; University of Glasgow; the 2006 Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance (in Cyprus); the 2007 IIUM International Conference (in Malaysia); at the 2007 Workshop on Default Risk and Financial Distress (in Rennes, France), the 2007 Product Development and Management Association Conference (in Bangalore, India); the 2008 International Conference on Business and Finance (in Hyderabad, India); the 2008 International AREUEA Conference (in Istanbul, Turkey); the 2008 Workshop of European Network of the Economics of Religion (in Edinburgh, UK); and the 2008 Symposium on Religion, Markets and Society (in Nottingham, UK) on earlier drafts of the paper. I am also grateful to the following individuals for their helpful suggestions: Bruce Brunton, Humayon Dar, Mohammad Omar Farooq, Diana Mitlin, Kelly Morris, Peter Oliver, Barkley Rosser, Peer Smets, Ghulam Sorwar, Rafal Wojakowski and Robert Young. All remaining errors are mine.ASCRA, Asset Bubble, Mutual Bank, Inflation, Mortgage Design,and ROSCA.
Optimization of Green-Times at an Isolated Urban Crossroads
We propose a model for the intersection of two urban streets. The traffic
status of the crossroads is controlled by a set of traffic lights which
periodically switch to red and green with a total period of T. Two different
types of crossroads are discussed. The first one describes the intersection of
two one-way streets, while the second type models the intersection of a two-way
street with an one-way street. We assume that the vehicles approach the
crossroads with constant rates in time which are taken as the model parameters.
We optimize the traffic flow at the crossroads by minimizing the total waiting
time of the vehicles per cycle of the traffic light. This leads to the
determination of the optimum green-time allocated to each phase.Comment: 8 pages, 6 eps figures, more explanation added. To appear in EPJ
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