424 research outputs found
Helicity amplitudes for the small--angle process e^-e^{\pm}\to e^-\gamma\gamma + e^{\pm} with both photons along one direction and its cross channel
We study the small--angle double bremsstrahlung in scattering for
a jet kinematics where both photons move along the electron direction. This
region gives the main contribution to the cross section. We present analytic
expressions for all 64 amplitudes with arbitrary helicity states of the initial
and final leptons and the produced photons convenient for analytic and
numerical studies. The accuracy of the obtained amplitudes is given omitting
only terms of the order of m^2/E_j^2, \theta_j^2 and \theta_j m/E_j. The
helicity amplitudes for the cross channel \gamma e^\pm \to \gamma e^+e^- +
e^\pm are given. Several limits for the helicity amplitudes of hard or soft
final particles are considered.Comment: 20 pp, LaTeX, 7 EPS figs, uses elsart packag
NLO inclusive jet production in --factorization
The inclusive production of jets in the central region of rapidity is studied
in -factorization at next-to-leading order (NLO) in QCD perturbation
theory. Calculations are performed in the Regge limit making use of the NLO
BFKL results. A jet cone definition is introduced and a proper phase--space
separation into multi-Regge and quasi-multi-Regge kinematic regions is carried
out. Two situations are discussed: scattering of highly virtual photons, which
requires a symmetric energy scale to separate the impact factors from the gluon
Green's function, and hadron-hadron collisions, where a non--symmetric scale
choice is needed.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures. Version to be published in JHEP. Some typos
Testing the RRPP vertex of effective Regge action
In frames of effective Regge action the vertices describing conversion of two
reggeized gluons to one two and three ordinary gluons was constructed. The
self-consistency: Bose symmetry and gauge invariance properties checks was
shown to be fulfilled. The simplest one with creation of a single gluon was
intensively verified in programs of experimental and theoretical treatment
since it determine the kernel of of the known BFKL equation. Here we discuss
the possibility to check the vertex with creation of two real gluons, which can
reveal itself in process of scalar mesons production in high energy peripheral
nucleons collisions. We show that the mechanisms which include emission of two
gluons in the same effective vertex contribution dominate compared with one
with the creation of two separate gluons. Numerical estimations of cross
section of pair of charged pions production for LHC facility give the value or
order . As well we estimate the excess of production of positively
charged muons (as a decay of pions) created by cosmic ray proton collisions
with the atmosphere gas nuclei to be in a reasonable agreement with modern
data.Comment: 9 page
Near threshold radiative 3 production in annihilation
We consider the final state in electron-positron
annihilation at cms energies not far from the threshold. Both initial and final
state radiations of the hard photon is considered but without interference
between them. The amplitude for the final state radiation is obtained by using
the effective Wess-Zumino-Witten Lagrangian for pion-photon interactions valid
for low energies. In real experiments energies are never such small that
and mesons would have negligible effect. So a phenomenological
Breit-Wigner factor is introduced in the final state radiation amplitude to
account for the vector mesons influence. Using radiative 3 production
amplitudes, a Monte Carlo event generator was developed which could be useful
in experimental studies.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, 6 figures. Misprints corrected. Version to be
published in JHE
New sum rules for nucleon and trinucleon total photoproduction cross-sections
Two new sum rules are derived relating Dirac radii and anomalous magnetic
moments of the considered strongly interacting fermions with the convergent
integral over a difference of the total proton and neutron, as well as
and , photoproduction cross-sections.Comment: 1 eps figure. Contribution presented at the PHOTON'03, April 7-11,
2003, Frascati (Roma), Ital
Recoil proton distribution in high energy photoproduction processes
For high energy linearly polarized photon--proton scattering we have
calculated the azimuthal and polar angle distributions in inclusive on recoil
proton experimental setup. We have taken into account the production of lepton
and pseudoscalar meson charged pairs. The typical values of cross sections are
of order of hundreds of picobarn. The size of polarization effects are of order
of several percents. The results are generalized for the case of
electroproduction processes on the proton at rest and for high energy proton
production process on resting proton.Comment: LaTeX2e, 4 pages, 3 figure
Quark contribution to the reggeon-reggeon-gluon vertex in QCD
The quark loop contribution to the reggeon-reggeon-gluon vertex is calculated
in QCD, where the reggeon is the reggeized gluon. Compared with the vertex in
the Born approximation, this contribution exhibits a new spin structure as well
as the gluon loop one. A remarkable but not complete cancellation between gluon
and quark contributions to this new spin structure takes place for the case of
three massless quark flavours.Comment: 19 pages + 2 figures(appended as a postscript file), Late
Diffusion and the BFKL Pomeron
We study the high energy behaviour of elastic scattering amplitudes within
the leading logarithm approximation. In particular, we cast the amplitude in a
form which allows us to study the internal dynamics of the BFKL Pomeron for
general momentum transfer. We demonstrate that the momentum transfer acts as an
effective infrared cut-off which ensures that the dominant contribution arises
from short distance physics.Comment: 15 pages (LaTeX), 8 postscript figure
Cross section of the processes , , , in the energy region 200 MeV 3 GeV
The cross section for different processes induced by annihilation,
in the kinematical limit
, is
calculated taking into account first order corrections to the amplitudes and
the corrections due to soft emitted photons, with energy in the center of mass of the colliding beams. The results
are given separately for charge--odd and charge--even terms in the final
channels and . In case of pions, form
factors are taken into account. The differential cross sections for the
processes: , , have been calculated and the
corresponding formula are given in the ultrarelativistic limit . For a quantitative evaluation of the
contribution of higher order of the perturbation theory, the production of
, including radiative corrections, is calculated in the approach of
the lepton structure functions. This allows to estimate the precision of the
obtained results as better than 0.5% outside the energy region corresponding to
narrow resonances. A method to integrate the cross section, avoiding the
difficulties which arise from singularities is also described.Comment: 25 pages 3 firgur
Radiative corrections to the background of decay
Radiative muon decay in the kinematics similar to the neutrinoless decay
is considered. Radiative corrections due to 1-loop virtual
photons and emission of additional soft or hard photons are taken into account.
Analytical expressions and numerical estimations are presented.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, misprints in Eqs.(9,12,14) fixe
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