112 research outputs found
Analisa Kurva Percentage Depth Dose (Pdd) dan Profile Dose untuk Lapangan Radiasi Simetri dan Asimetri pada Linear Accelerator (Linac) 6 dan 10 Mv
External radiotheraphy uses either symmetry or asymmetry radiation field. Percentage Depth Dose (PPD) and Dose Profile on either symmetry or asymmetry radiation field is an important parameter in conducting external therapy that is to analyze the result of parameters used for measurement, whether it is adjusted according to the specified tolerance limit. If the field size 10 X 10 cm2 is still in specified tolerance limit or it has been exceeding the limit.The techique used to collect the data was comparing whether dose distribution taken on the surface of either symmetry or asymmetry radiation field with maximum depth gained from Percentage Depth Dose (PPD) measurement and in the depth of 2 cm. By using device Linear Accelerator (LINAC) energy foton 6 and 10 MV in the radiation field with condition field no off-set and off-set 1 cm, off-set 3 cm and off-set 5 cm with Source Surface Distance (SSD) value 100 cm and in radiation field 10 X 10 cm2.The measurement result showed a change depth on Percentage Depth Dose (PPD) value in the off-set of radiation field 5 cm, on both kinds of energy caused by beam hardening, with value of symmetry and flatness 1.43% and 9.28%, for energy 6 MV and 2.2%, 6.59% for energy 10 MV. There was a change in file profile that caused declining value of flatness, and symmetry. Dose distribution because of this asymmetry radiation field should be concerned in clinical for application of asymmetry radiation field USAge
Pengaruh Perubahan Faktor Eksposi Terhadap Nilai Ct Number
CT Number valuehad been conducted with various of exposurefactoronCT. Testingwas conducted to test the CTNumber value changeswith varioues of exposure factorsthencompare it withthe recommendedtolerance. Testing was doneby usingsome objectthere arewater phantom, plasticwaterphantom, chickenblood, chicken (breast part) andchickenbone(thigh). Performedwithtwoscanning, axialandhelicalscanning methods. Various of exposurefactors used the voltage 80 kVp to 140kVp, current100 mA to 180mAandexposure time0.6 second to 2second. Collimatorwith alargeselection and slice thickness 5mm. From the test resultshave known thatchangesof the exposurefactorswill affectedCTNumber value. CT Number value obtain from the test results by using water phantom -2,50 HU until -4,99 HU, plastic water phantom -6,99 HU until +6,99 HU, blood +31,01 HU until +36,70 HU, chiken (soft tissue) +48,33 HU until +66,61 HU and bone +800,15 HU until +1188,28 HU.Thevalue is stillwell withinthe recommendedtolerancesareforwater phantom andplasticwaterphantom0±7HU, blood+30 HU to+45HU, soft tissue+37 HUto+300 HU andbone+700HUto+3000 HU
Design of Non-Invasive Glucometer Using Microcontroller ATMega-8535
Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) or diabetes could be indicated by measuring blood sugar levels in the body. One of the health technology to detect blood sugar in non-invasive is to utilize the absorption of laser light and oxymeter sensor capable of generating a voltage change on a variety of fluid medium. This study has been designed using the blood sugar measuring device microcontroller ATMega 8535 as a minimum system in controlling the value of output in the form of data digital. System/equipment to be fabricated in this study is a non-invasive method (without injuring the patient's body when taking a blood sample) to determine the blood sugar content by exploiting the physical properties of absorption of laser sensors on a variety of blood sugar content. To improve the quality of the test data used 8-bit microcontroller that is capable of separating the output data 256 bits (binary). Each of these bit values can be used to replace manual sensor test results that have analogue voltage output of the data. This analogue data will then be converted to analogue to digital converter (ADC) into digital values are displayed in the liquid crystal display (LCD) that is directly readable by the measured/patients in a short period of time less than 5 minutes. The results of the research can be developed into a national program providing portable medical test equipment is cheap and movable
Analisis Pendapatan dan Nilai Tukar Petani Karet Rakyat di Desa Air Sekamanak Kecamatan Ketahun Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara
This research was aimed to estimate income from rubber farming folk and envistige rubber farmer buying power through term of trade indicators. This research is conducted at Village Air Sekamanak District Ketahun North Bengkulu. Eighty nine labourfarmers were selected using Stratified Random Sampling method. The result of this research found that the farmers terms of trade is 1.43 in May and 1.45 in June. These results indicate that in the month May and June of rubber farmers in the study area during the month were categorized into levels of prosperity.Average farm income of smallholder rubber farmers in the study area is Rp 1,945,690.37 Ut in May, while the average income in June amounted to Rp 1,945,117.34 Ut
Nilai Kehidupan dan Moral dalam Novel Ranah 3 Warna Karya Ahmad Fuadi
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai kehidupan dan moral dalam novel Ranah 3 Warna karya Ahmad Fuadi. Penelitian ini berbentuk deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi. Sumber data menggunakan buku-buku yang relevan sebagai landasan teori dan juga novel Ranah 3 Warna. Uji validitas menggunakan triangulasi data. Teknik analisis menggunakan model analisis mengalir, yaitu 1) reduksi data; 2) penyajian data; dan 3) simpulan. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa: 1) ada keterjalinan antarunsur nilai kehidupan dan moral dalam novel Ranah 3 Warna karya Ahmad Fuadi. 2) terdapat dua belas unsur nilai kehidupan dalam novel Ranah 3 Warna karya Ahmad Fuadi. 3) terdapat tiga unsur nilai moral dalam novel Ranah 3 Warna karya Ahmad Fuadi.Kata Kunci: Novel Ranah 3 Warna, nilai kehidupan dan moral
Analisa Pengaruh Faktor Eksposi Terhadap Entrance Surface Air Kerma (Esak)
The research has been analyzed of the effect of exposure factors at the entrance surface air kerma (ESAK) of the thorax radiographs. This research uses anthropomorphic phantom, multipurpose detectors, FFD 100 cm, with radiation field 25 cm × 25 cm. irradiation conditions is given by the variation of expose factors using tube voltage 50-100 kV and tube current-time 2-20 mAs. The results of research showed that the effect of the tube voltages to the entrance surface air kerma experience is increase a specific approximated by an polynomial equation with a correlation coefficient value R2 = 1 and the variation of the tube current-time increased linearly approximated by a approach linear equation R2 = 1, uses of tube current time under 4 mAs with resulted lower the entrance surface air kerma based on IAEA Safety Series No. 115 (1996) is 0.4 mGy at examination of thorax radiographic, and conducted a calculation uncertainly value of every expose factors using variations of tube voltage and tube current-time based on scenarios three of IAEA Technical Report Series No. 457(2007)
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