11,986 research outputs found
[Review of] Carmelo Mesa-lago, The Economy of Socialist Cuba: A Two-Decade Appraisal
It\u27s not unusual for partisans of opposing viewpoints about Cuba to spark each other to flaming argument, while those who prefer less heat and more light can easily find adventure enough just in following the course of the Western Hemisphere\u27s most important social experiment since the Mexican Revolution. Shouldn\u27t a book about twenty years of post-revolutionary Cuba be exciting, especially when it comes to us from Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Cuban native, an early supporter of the revolution and also an early emigre to the United States, and now, as Professor of Economics at the University of Pittsburgh, one of only a handful of distinguished students of Cuba in this country? His book is a product of a good deal of effort over a long period of time. It is detailed, precise, balanced, and informative. It is easily understood, so that non-experts can profit from reading it even though its wealth of hard-to-get data makes it an indispensable reference work for professional Latin Americanists. It is all this, but it is not exciting
Two-Dimensional Conformal Models of Space-Time and Their Compactification
We study geometry of two-dimensional models of conformal space-time based on
the group of Moebius transformation. The natural geometric invariants, called
cycles, are used to linearise Moebius action. Conformal completion of the
space-time is achieved through an addition of a zero-radius cycle at infinity.
We pay an attention to the natural condition of non-reversibility of time arrow
in order to get a correct compactification in the hyperbolic case.Comment: 8 pages,AMS-LaTeX, 18 PS figures; v2--small corrections; v3--add two
coments on notations and multidimensional generalisation
Point particle in general background fields vs. free gauge theories of traceless symmetric tensors
Point particle may interact to traceless symmetric tensors of arbitrary rank.
Free gauge theories of traceless symmetric tensors are constructed, that
provides a possibility for a new type of interactions, when particles exchange
by those gauge fields. The gauge theories are parameterized by the particle's
mass m and otherwise are unique for each rank s. For m=0, they are local gauge
models with actions of 2s-th order in derivatives, known in d=4 as "pure spin",
or "conformal higher spin" actions by Fradkin and Tseytlin. For nonzero m, each
rank-s model undergoes a unique nonlocal deformation which entangles fields of
all ranks, starting from s. There exists a nonlocal transform which maps m > 0
theories onto m=0 ones, however, this map degenerates at some m > 0 fields
whose polarizations are determined by zeros of Bessel functions. Conformal
covariance properties of the m=0 models are analyzed, the space of gauge fields
is shown to admit an action of an infinite-dimensional "conformal higher spin"
Lie algebra which leaves gauge transformations intact.Comment: 21 pages, remarks on nonlinear generalization added, a mistake in the
discussion of degenerate solutions correcte
The body in the library: adventures in realism
This essay looks at two aspects of the virtual ‘material world’ of realist fiction: objects encountered by the protagonist and the latter’s body. Taking from Sartre two angles on the realist pact by which readers agree to lend
their bodies, feelings, and experiences to the otherwise ‘languishing signs’ of the text, it goes on to examine two sets of first-person fictions published between 1902 and 1956 — first, four modernist texts in which banal objects defy and then gratify the protagonist, who ends up ready and almost able to write; and, second, three novels in which the body of the protagonist is indeterminate in its sex, gender, or sexuality. In each of these cases, how do we as readers make texts work for us as ‘an adventure of the body’
Superselection Structure of Massive Quantum Field Theories in 1+1 Dimensions
We show that a large class of massive quantum field theories in 1+1
dimensions, characterized by Haag duality and the split property for wedges,
does not admit locally generated superselection sectors in the sense of
Doplicher, Haag and Roberts. Thereby the extension of DHR theory to 1+1
dimensions due to Fredenhagen, Rehren and Schroer is vacuous for such theories.
Even charged representations which are localizable only in wedge regions are
ruled out. Furthermore, Haag duality holds in all locally normal
representations. These results are applied to the theory of soliton sectors.
Furthermore, the extension of localized representations of a non-Haag dual net
to the dual net is reconsidered. It must be emphasized that these statements do
not apply to massless theories since they do not satisfy the above split
property. In particular, it is known that positive energy representations of
conformally invariant theories are DHR representations.Comment: latex2e, 21 pages. Final version, to appear in Rev. Math. Phys. Some
improvements of the presentation, but no essential change
An analytical study of electric vehicle handling dynamics
Hypothetical electric vehicle configurations were studied by applying available analytical methods. Elementary linearized models were used in addition to a highly sophisticated vehicle dynamics computer simulation technique. Physical properties of specific EV's were defined for various battery and powertrain packaging approaches applied to a range of weight distribution and inertial properties which characterize a generic class of EV's. Computer simulations of structured maneuvers were performed for predicting handling qualities in the normal driving range and during various extreme conditions related to accident avoidance. Results indicate that an EV with forward weight bias will possess handling qualities superior to a comparable EV that is rear-heavy or equally balanced. The importance of properly matching tires, suspension systems, and brake system front/rear torque proportioning to a given EV configuration during the design stage is demonstrated
Testing the Hubble Law with the IRAS 1.2 Jy Redshift Survey
We test and reject the claim of Segal et al. (1993) that the correlation of
redshifts and flux densities in a complete sample of IRAS galaxies favors a
quadratic redshift-distance relation over the linear Hubble law. This is done,
in effect, by treating the entire galaxy luminosity function as derived from
the 60 micron 1.2 Jy IRAS redshift survey of Fisher et al. (1995) as a distance
indicator; equivalently, we compare the flux density distribution of galaxies
as a function of redshift with predictions under different redshift-distance
cosmologies, under the assumption of a universal luminosity function. This
method does not assume a uniform distribution of galaxies in space. We find
that this test has rather weak discriminatory power, as argued by Petrosian
(1993), and the differences between models are not as stark as one might expect
a priori. Even so, we find that the Hubble law is indeed more strongly
supported by the analysis than is the quadratic redshift-distance relation. We
identify a bias in the the Segal et al. determination of the luminosity
function, which could lead one to mistakenly favor the quadratic
redshift-distance law. We also present several complementary analyses of the
density field of the sample; the galaxy density field is found to be close to
homogeneous on large scales if the Hubble law is assumed, while this is not the
case with the quadratic redshift-distance relation.Comment: 27 pages Latex (w/figures), ApJ, in press. Uses AAS macros,
postscript also available at
A Unified Treatment of the Characters of SU(2) and SU(1,1)
The character problems of SU(2) and SU(1,1) are reexamined from the
standpoint of a physicist by employing the Hilbert space method which is shown
to yield a completely unified treatment for SU(2) and the discrete series of
representations of SU(1,1). For both the groups the problem is reduced to the
evaluation of an integral which is invariant under rotation for SU(2) and
Lorentz transformation for SU(1,1). The integrals are accordingly evaluated by
applying a rotation to a unit position vector in SU(2) and a Lorentz
transformation to a unit SO(2,1) vector which is time-like for the elliptic
elements and space-like for the hyperbolic elements in SU(1,1). The details of
the procedure for the principal series of representations of SU(1,1) differ
substantially from those of the discrete series.Comment: 31 pages, RevTeX, typos corrected. To be published in Journal of
Mathematical Physic
Nonlinear thermal control in an N-terminal junction
We demonstrate control over heat flow in an N-terminal molecular junction.
Using simple model Hamiltonians we show that the heat current through two
terminals can be tuned, switched, and amplified, by the temperature and
coupling parameters of external gating reservoirs. We discuss two models: A
fully harmonic system, and a model incorporating anharmonic interactions. For
both models the control reservoirs induce thermal fluctuations of the
transition elements between molecular vibrational states. We find that a fully
harmonic model does not show any controllability, while for an anharmonic
system the conduction properties of the junction strongly depend on the
parameters of the gates. Realizations of the model system within nanodevices
and macromolecules are discussed
Turning Brownfields into Jobfields
A handbook for practitioners and citizens on making brownfields development work
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