2,497 research outputs found
A proof of the Kramers degeneracy of transmission eigenvalues from antisymmetry of the scattering matrix
In time reversal symmetric systems with half integral spins (or more
concretely, systems with an antiunitary symmetry that squares to -1 and
commutes with the Hamiltonian) the transmission eigenvalues of the scattering
matrix come in pairs. We present a proof of this fact that is valid both for
even and odd number of modes and relies solely on the antisymmetry of the
scattering matrix imposed by time reversal symmetry.Comment: 2 page
Proof of the Ergodic Theorem and the H-Theorem in Quantum Mechanics
It is shown how to resolve the apparent contradiction between the macroscopic
approach of phase space and the validity of the uncertainty relations. The main
notions of statistical mechanics are re-interpreted in a quantum-mechanical
way, the ergodic theorem and the H-theorem are formulated and proven (without
"assumptions of disorder"), followed by a discussion of the physical meaning of
the mathematical conditions characterizing their domain of validity.Comment: English translation by Roderich Tumulka of J. von Neumann: Beweis des
Ergodensatzes und des H-Theorems. 41 pages LaTeX, no figures; v2: typos
corrected. See also the accompanying commentary by S. Goldstein, J. L.
Lebowitz, R. Tumulka, N. Zanghi, arXiv:1003.212
A model for the condensation of a dusty plasma
A model for the condensation of a dusty plasma is constructed by considering
the spherical shielding layers surrounding a dust grain test particle. The
collisionless region less than a collision mean free path from the test
particle is shown to separate into three concentric layers, each having
distinct physics. The method of matched asymptotic expansions is invoked at the
interfaces between these layers and provides equations which determine the
radii of the interfaces. Despite being much smaller than the Wigner-Seitz
radius, the dust Debye length is found to be physically significant because it
gives the scale length of a precipitous cut-off of the shielded electrostatic
potential at the interface between the second and third layers. Condensation is
predicted to occur when the ratio of this cut-off radius to the Wigner-Seitz
radius exceeds unity and this prediction is shown to be in good agreement with
experiments.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, to appear in Physics of Plasmas.
Manuscript revised on May 1, 2004 to take into account accuracy of Mie
scattering dust grain diameter measurement method used in Hayashi/Tachibana
experiment. Model now compared to Hayashi/Tachibana experiment using measured
rather than fitted dust grain diameter and using higher estimate for Te/Ti
(two new references added; revisions made to two paragraphs in Sec. VII, to
bottom plot of Fig. 3, and to right-most column of Table 1
What is tested when experiments test that quantum dynamics is linear
Experiments that look for nonlinear quantum dynamics test the fundamental
premise of physics that one of two separate systems can influence the physical
behavior of the other only if there is a force between them, an interaction
that involves momentum and energy. The premise is tested because it is the
assumption of a proof that quantum dynamics must be linear. Here variations of
a familiar example are used to show how results of nonlinear dynamics in one
system can depend on correlations with the other. Effects of one system on the
other, influence without interaction between separate systems, not previously
considered possible, would be expected with nonlinear quantum dynamics. Whether
it is possible or not is subject to experimental tests together with the
linearity of quantum dynamics. Concluding comments and questions consider
directions our thinking might take in response to this surprising unprecedented
situation.Comment: 14 pages, Title changed, sentences adde
Dark matter: A spin one half fermion field with mass dimension one?
We report an unexpected theoretical discovery of a spin one half matter field
with mass dimension one. It is based on a complete set of eigenspinors of the
charge conjugation operator. Due to its unusual properties with respect to
charge conjugation and parity it belongs to a non standard Wigner class.
Consequently, the theory exhibits non-locality with (CPT)^2 = - I. Its dominant
interaction with known forms of matter is via Higgs, and with gravity. This
aspect leads us to contemplate it as a first-principle candidate for dark
matter.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex, v2: slightly extended discussion, new refs. and note
Wigner-Araki-Yanase theorem on Distinguishability
The presence of an additive conserved quantity imposes a limitation on the
measurement process. According to the Wigner-Araki-Yanase theorem, the perfect
repeatability and the distinguishability on the apparatus cannot be attained
simultaneously. Instead of the repeatability, in this paper, the
distinguishability on both systems is examined. We derive a trade-off
inequality between the distinguishability of the final states on the system and
the one on the apparatus. The inequality shows that the perfect
distinguishability of both systems cannot be attained simultaneously.Comment: To be published in Phys.Rev.
Excitations and Quantum Fluctuations in Site Diluted Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnets
We study the effect of site dilution and quantum fluctuations in an
antiferromagnetic spin system on a square lattice within the linear spin-wave
approximation. By performing numerical diagonalization in real space and
finite-size scaling, we characterize the nature of the low-energy spin
excitations for different dilution fractions up to the classical percolation
threshold. We find nontrivial signatures of fractonlike excitations at high
frequencies. Our simulations also confirm the existence of an upper bound for
the amount of quantum fluctuations in the ground state of the system, leading
to the persistence of long-range order up to the percolation threshold. This
result is in agreement with recent neutron-scattering experimental data and
quantum Monte Carlo numerical calculations. We also show that the absence of a
quantum critical point below the classical percolation threshold holds for a
large class of systems whose Hamiltonians can be mapped onto a system of
coupled noninteracting massless bosons.Comment: RevTex 4, 16 pages, 8 EPS figures, typos corrected, data from Ref. 9
added, few minor changes in the text, to appear in Phys. Rev.
Instabilities in complex mixtures with a large number of components
Inside living cells are complex mixtures of thousands of components. It is
hopeless to try to characterise all the individual interactions in these
mixtures. Thus, we develop a statistical approach to approximating them, and
examine the conditions under which the mixtures phase separate. The approach
approximates the matrix of second virial coefficients of the mixture by a
random matrix, and determines the stability of the mixture from the spectrum of
such random matrices.Comment: 4 pages, uses RevTeX 4.
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