638 research outputs found
Renormalization of the tunnel splitting in a rotating nanomagnet
We study spin tunneling in a magnetic nanoparticle with biaxial anisotropy
that is free to rotate about its anisotropy axis. Exact instanton of the
coupled equations of motion is found that connects degenerate classical energy
minima. We show that mechanical freedom of the particle renormalizes magnetic
anisotropy and increases the tunnel splitting.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Macroscopic quantum effects generated by the acoustic wave in a molecular magnet
We have shown that the size of the magnetization step due to resonant spin
tunneling in a molecular magnet can be strongly affected by sound. The
transverse acoustic wave can also generate macroscopic quantum beats of the
magnetization during the field sweep.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure
Self-organized patterns of macroscopic quantum tunneling in molecular magnets
We study low temperature resonant spin tunneling in molecular magnets induced
by a field sweep with account of dipole-dipole interactions. Numerical
simulations uncovered formation of self-organized patterns of the magnetization
and of the ensuing dipolar field that provide resonant condition inside a
finite volume of the crystal. This effect is robust with respect to disorder
and should be relevant to the dynamics of the magnetization steps observed in
molecular magnets.Comment: 4 Phys. Rev. pages, 5 figure
Excitation modes of vortices in sub-micron magnetic disks
Classical and quantum theory of spin waves in the vortex state of a
mesoscopic sub-micron magnetic disk has been developed with account of the
finite mass density of the vortex. Oscillations of the vortex core resemble
oscillations of a charged string in a potential well in the presence of the
magnetic field. Conventional gyroscopic frequency appears as a gap in the
spectrum of spin waves of the vortex. The mass of the vortex has been computed
that agrees with experimental findings. Finite vortex mass generates a
high-frequency branch of spin waves. Effects of the external magnetic field and
dissipation have been addressed.Comment: 12 page
Electromechanical Magnetization Switching
We show that the magnetic moment of a composite multiferroic torsional
oscillator can be switched by the electric field. The 180 switching arises
from the spin-rotation coupling and is not prohibited by the different symmetry
of the magnetic moment and the electric field as in the case of a stationary
magnet. Analytical equations describing the system have been derived and
investigated numerically. Phase diagrams showing the range of parameters
required for the switching have been obtained.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure
Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling in Small Antiferromagnetic Particles: Effects of a Strong Magnetic Field
We consider an effect of a strong magnetic field on the ground state and
macroscopic coherent tunneling in small antiferromagnetic particles with
uniaxial and biaxial single-ion anisotropy. We find several tunneling regimes
that depend on the direction of the magnetic field with respect to the
anisotropy axes. For the case of a purely uniaxial symmetry and the field
directed along the easy axis, an exact instanton solution with two different
scales in imaginary time is constructed. For a rhombic anisotropy the effect of
the field strongly depends on its orientation: with the field increasing, the
tunneling rate increases or decreases for the field parallel to the easy or
medium axis, respectively. The analytical results are complemented by numerical
simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure
Theory of magnetic deflagration
Theory of magnetic deflagration (avalanches) in crystals of molecular magnets
has been developed. The phenomenon resembles the burning of a chemical
substance, with the Zeeman energy playing the role of the chemical energy.
Non-destructive reversible character of magnetic deflagration, as well as the
possibility to continuously tune the flammability of the crystal by changing
the magnetic field, makes molecular magnets an attractive toy system for a
detailed study of the burning process. Besides simplicity, new features, as
compared to the chemical burning, include possibility of quantum decay of
metastable spin states and strong temperature dependence of the heat capacity
and thermal conductivity. We obtain analytical and numerical solutions for
criteria of the ignition of magnetic deflagration, and compute the ignition
rate and the speed of the developed deflagration front.Comment: 17 Pages, 17 Figure caption
Interaction of a Nanomagnet with a Weak Superconducting Link
We study electromagnetic interaction of a nanomagnet with a weak
superconducting link. Equations that govern coupled dynamics of the two systems
are derived and investigated numerically. We show that the presence of a small
magnet in the proximity of a weak link may be detected through Shapiro-like
steps caused by the precession of the magnetic moment. Despite very weak
magnetic field generated by the weak link, a time-dependent bias voltage
applied to the link can initiate a non-linear dynamics of the nanomagnet that
leads to the reversal of its magnetic moment. We also consider quantum problem
in which a nanomagnet interacting with a weak link is treated as a two-state
spin system due to quantum tunneling between spin-up and spin-down states.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
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