28,267 research outputs found
Decay of Z into Three Pseudoscalar Bosons
We consider the decay of the boson into three pseudoscalar bosons in a
general two-Higgs-doublet model. Assuming to be very small, and that of
the two physical neutral scalar bosons and , only couples to
through , we find the branching fraction to be negligible
for moderate values of , if there is no term in the Higgs potential; otherwise there
is no absolute bound but very large quartic couplings (beyond the validity of
perturbation theory) are needed for it to be observable.Comment: 8 pages including 1 fi
Originalism: A Critical Introduction
The theory of originalism is now well into its second wave. Originalism first came to prominence in the 1970s and 1980s as conservative critics reacted to the decisions of the Warren Court, and the Reagan Administration embraced originalism as a check on judicial activism. A second wave of originalism has emerged since the late 1990s, responding to earlier criticisms and reconsidering earlier assumptions and conclusions. This Article assesses where originalist theory currently stands. It outlines the points of agreement and disagreement within the recent originalist literature and highlights the primary areas of continuing separation between originalists and their critics
Distribution of Fishes in Reference Streams Within Arkansas\u27 Ecoregions
The State of Arkansas has been subdivided into six ecoregions based on the homogeneity of land surface forms, potential natural vegetation, soil types and land uses. Reference streams of various sizes, excluding the large rivers, and with the least amount of point source and non-point source disturbances were selected for intensive physical, chemical and biological sampling. These data are to be used to characterize the streams and establish water quality criteria which will protect all stream uses. Fish communities of the reference streams were distinctively different among the ecoregions and can easily be used to characterize the waters of different ecoregions. Although composed of different species, the composition of trophic feeding levels of the fish community was very similar among the ecoregions. The average number of species collected per sample site was similar among the ecoregions; however, the Arkansas River Valley and the Gulf Coastal ecoregions had the greatest species richness and the Delta ecoregion was the lowest in species richness. Species of fish sensitive to environmental change comprised near 50% or more of the community relative abundance in the Boston Mountains, Ozark Highlands and Ouachita Mountains ecoregions. Delta ecoregion fish populations contained less than 1% sensitive species. Comparisons of the ten most abundant species from each ecoregion by use of a similarity index shows very little similarity among the ecoregions. The Ouachita Mountains and Boston Mountains communities were most similar and the Ozark Highlands community versus Delta and Ozark Highlands versus Gulf Coastal were least similar
Free Speech and the Diverse University
There are those who think that free speech and inclusivity on college campuses are inconsistent. The notion that the two values are in tension with one another has become a common framing for thinking about the modern campus. A Gallup-Knight Foundation poll of college students asked respondents not only whether they valued free speech or diversity but also to choose between them and indicate which was “more important for colleges.” When forced to choose, a substantial minority of students said they would prioritize inclusivity over the freedom to express “viewpoints that are offensive” on campus. Following the Gallup-Knight poll the American Council on Education put a similar question to college presidents. University leaders overwhelmingly insisted that if forced to choose they would prioritize allowing students “to be exposed to all types of speech.” Those pollsters were hardly alone in wanting to focus attention on “when core values collide.” Much of the debate surrounding campus free speech in recent years has assumed that choices must be made between speech and inclusivity and has moved on to argue over which should take priority. This Article proceeds in three Parts. Part I explores the need for universities to clearly articulate their position on free speech. Part II explains why it is crucial to integrate community members into an inclusive intellectual culture. And Part III identifies discrete administrative steps that must be taken to implement these policies
How to Use a Business Library
Speech delivered on the Bryant\u27s View radio program by Miss Dorothy E. Keith, Bryant College Librarian, on the Bryant\u27s View radio program, Thursday, May 10, 1956, Station WPRO
Seeding of Strange Matter with New Physics
At greater than nuclear densities, matter may convert into a mixture of
nucleons, hyperons, dibaryons, and strangelets, thus facilitating the formation
of strange matter even before the onset of the quark-matter phase transition.
From a nonstrange dibaryon condensate, it may even be possible to leapfrog into
strange matter with a certain new interaction, represented by an effective
six-quark operator which is phenomenologically unconstrained.Comment: 7 pages, no figure (Talk given at SQM97
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