14,466 research outputs found
Effects of simulated lightning on composite and metallic joints
The effects of simulated lightning strikes and currents on aircraft bonded joints and access/inspection panels were investigated. Both metallic and composite specimens were tested. Tests on metal fuel feed through elbows in graphite/epoxy structures were evaluated. Sparking threshold and residual strength of single lap bonded joints and sparking threshold of access/inspection panels and metal fuel feed through elbows are reported
Wide-angle flat field telescope
Described is an unobscured three mirror wide angle telescopic imaging system comprised of an input baffle which provides a 20 deg (Y axis) x 30 deg (X axis) field of view, a primary mirror having a convex spherical surface, a secondary mirror having a concave ellipsoidal reflecting surface, a tertiary mirror having a concave spherical reflecting surface. The mirrors comprise mirror elements which are offset segments of parent mirrors whose axes and vertices commonly lie on the system's optical axis. An iris diaphragm forming an aperture stop is located between the secondary and tertiary mirror with its center also being coincident with the optical axis and being further located at the beam waist of input light beams reflected from the primary and secondary mirror surfaces. At the system focus following the tertiary mirror is located a flat detector which may be, for example, a TV imaging tube or a photographic film. When desirable, a spectral transmission filter is placed in front of the detector in close proximity thereto
Transitions through Critical Temperatures in Nematic Liquid Crystals
We obtain âdynamicâ estimates for critical nematic liquid crystal (LC) temperatures with a slowly varying temperature-dependent control variable. We focus on two critical temperatures : the supercooling temperature below which the isotropic phase loses stability and the superheating temperature above which the ordered nematic states do not exist. In contrast to the static problem, the isotropic phase exhibits a memory effect below the supercooling temperature. This delayed loss of stability is independent of the rate of change of temperature and depends purely on the initial value of the temperature
Keck IR Spectroscopy of WZ Sge: Detection of Molecular Emission from the Accretion Disk
Time-resolved IR spectroscopy of WZ Sge was obtained using NIRSPEC on Keck
II. We detect CO and H emission from the accretion disk placing WZ
Sge into a rarefied class of astronomical objects including YSOs and high
luminosity early-type stars. During the eclipse phase, the molecular emission
greatly weakens but no firm evidence for the secondary star is seen allowing
new limits on its luminosity to be determined. The detection of molecular
emission provides physical properties within the outer disk of T=3000K and
N cm. Such a cool, dense region, not associated with areas
of H I and He I emission, provides the first observational confirmation of
predictions made by accretion disk models.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter
On the gravitational wave background from compact binary coalescences in the band of ground-based interferometers
This paper reports a comprehensive study on the gravitational wave (GW)
background from compact binary coalescences. We consider in our calculations
newly available observation-based neutron star and black hole mass
distributions and complete analytical waveforms that include post-Newtonian
amplitude corrections. Our results show that: (i) post-Newtonian effects cause
a small reduction in the GW background signal; (ii) below 100 Hz the background
depends primarily on the local coalescence rate and the average chirp
mass and is independent of the chirp mass distribution; (iii) the effects of
cosmic star formation rates and delay times between the formation and merger of
binaries are linear below 100 Hz and can be represented by a single parameter
within a factor of ~ 2; (iv) a simple power law model of the energy density
parameter up to 50-100 Hz is sufficient to be used
as a search template for ground-based interferometers. In terms of the
detection prospects of the background signal, we show that: (i) detection (a
signal-to-noise ratio of 3) within one year of observation by the Advanced LIGO
detectors (H1-L1) requires a coalescence rate of for binary neutron stars (binary black holes); (ii) this limit on
could be reduced 3-fold for two co-located detectors, whereas the
currently proposed worldwide network of advanced instruments gives only ~ 30%
improvement in detectability; (iii) the improved sensitivity of the planned
Einstein Telescope allows not only confident detection of the background but
also the high frequency components of the spectrum to be measured. Finally we
show that sub-threshold binary neutron star merger events produce a strong
foreground, which could be an issue for future terrestrial stochastic searches
of primordial GWs.Comment: A few typos corrected to match the published version in MNRA
Gradient Photonic Materials Based on OneâDimensional Polymer Photonic Crystals
In nature, animals such as chameleons are wellâknown for the complex color patterns of their skin and the ability to adapt and change the color by manipulating sophisticated photonic crystal systems. Artificial gradient photonic materials are inspired by these color patterns. A concept for the preparation of such materials and their function as tunable mechanochromic materials is presented in this work. The system consists of a 1D polymer photonic crystal on a centimeter scale on top of an elastic poly(dimethylsiloxane) substrate with a gradient in stiffness. In the unstrained state, this system reveals a uniform red reflectance over the entire sample. Upon deformation, a gradient in local strain of the substrate is formed and transferred to the photonic crystal. Depending on the magnitude of this local strain, the thickness of the photonic crystal decreases continuously, resulting in a positionâdependent blue shift of the reflectance peak and hence the color in a rainbowâlike fashion. Using more sophisticated hardâsoftâhardâsoftâhard gradient elastomers enables the realization of stripeâlike reflectance patterns. Thus, this approach allows for the tunable formation of reflectance gradients and complex reflectance patterns. Envisioned applications are in the field of mechanochromic sensors, telemedicine, smart materials, and metamaterials
Ultra-fast mission analysis routine for Apollo Block 2 environmental control system radiators Final report
Computer program for rapid mission analysis of Apollo Block 2 environmental control system radiator
High spectral resolution time-resolved optical spectroscopy of V893 Sco
We present high resolution time-resolved optical spectra of the high
inclination short orbital period dwarf nova V893 Sco. We performed spectral
analysis through radial velocity measurements, Doppler mapping, and ratioed
Doppler maps. Our results indicate that V893 Sco's accretion disk is dissimilar
to WZ Sge's accretion disk, and does not fit any of the current accretion disk
models. We derive the system parameters M1 and i, and present evidence for V893
Sco as a very young cataclysmic variable and an ER UMa star. We advance the
hypothesis that all ER UMa stars may be newly formed cataclysmic variables.Comment: 23 pages (total), 8 figures, accepted by Ap
CCD photometry of 2060 Chiron, 1991 January
Observations of 2060 Chiron was performed on 7 to 8 Jan. 1991 with the Mt. Palomar 1.52 m telescope in the Gunn-R passband. On-chip field stars were used to perform differential reductions. The repeatability of the 5.9 hour light curve was excellent, both within a night and from night to night. No evidence for short-term secular variations similar to those seen last year by both Luu and Jewitt (1990) and Buratti and Dunbar (1991) is seen in the new light curve. Chiron's rotational light curve appears strikingly similar to that obtained a year earlier by Luu and Jewitt (1990), both in amplitude and shape. Both light curves show strongly correlated changes over a timescale of perhaps 15 minutes. These same features were marginally visible in the 1986 light curve. Such behavior is believed to be evidence that Chiron may be more aspherical than the 4 percent intensity variation might otherwise indicate, and favors a viewing geometry where the subearth latitude is rather low. Chiron was much fainter in 1985, when a partial light curve was obtained by Marcialis. Due to the lower sampling rate of these early data, no conclusions can be made regarding the high-frequency light curve structure back then. All three of these light curves differ significantly from that obtained by Buratti and Dunbar (1991), one week before the observations of Luu and Jewitt. The Chiron field was calibrated using Landolt standards on Ut 15 Mar. 1991. A mean R-magnitude of 15.6 + or - 0.1 was found. Variability of 2060 Chiron was demonstrated over timescales of minutes, hours, and years. An intense campaign was urged to monitor the photometric behavior of Chiron throughout the 1990s
Flight test and evaluation of Omega navigation in a general aviation aircraft. Volume 2: Appendices
Detailed documentation for each flight of the Omega Flight Evaluation study is presented, including flight test description sheets and actual flight data plots. Computer programs used for data processing and flight planning are explained and the data formats utilized by the Custom Interface Unit are summarized
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