7,199 research outputs found
Development of vibration design procedures for representative structural types Final technical report, Sep. 1965 - Jul. 1966
Effects of multimode and damping on random fatigue of cantilever beams and bracket
Performance of Particle Identification with the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker
The ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) is the outermost of the three
sub-systems of the ATLAS Inner Detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
In addition to its tracking capabilities, the TRT provides particle
identification (PID) ability through the detection of transition radiation
X-ray photons. The latter functionality provides substantial discriminating
power between electrons and hadrons in the momentum range from 1 to 200 GeV. In
addition, the measurement of an enhancement of signal time length, which is
related to high specific energy deposition (dE/dx), can be used to identify
highly ionizing particles, increasing the electron identification capabilities
at low momentum and improving the sensitivity of searches for new physics. This
talk presents the commissioning of TRT PID during early 2010 7 TeV data taking.
Performance in 2010 and 2011 demonstrating the TRT's ability to identify
electrons, complementary to calorimeter based identification methods, will also
be shown.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Conference proceedings for the Meeting of the
Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society (DPF), 201
A Large Mass of H_2 in the Brightest Cluster Galaxy in Zwicky 3146
We present the Spitzer/IRS mid-infrared spectrum of the infrared-luminous (L_(IR) = 4 × 10^(11) L_☉) brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in the X-ray-luminous cluster Zwicky 3146 (Z3146; z = 0.29). The spectrum shows strong aromatic emission features, indicating that the dominant source of the infrared luminosity is star formation. The most striking feature of the spectrum, however, is the exceptionally strong molecular hydrogen (H_2) emission lines, which seem to be shock-excited. The line luminosities and inferred warm H_2 gas mass (~10^(10) M_☉) are 6 times larger than those of NGC 6240, the most H_2-luminous galaxy at z ≲ 0.05. Together with the large amount of cold H_2 detected previously (~10^(11) M_☉), this indicates that the Z3146 BCG contains disproportionately large amounts of both warm and cold H_2 gas for its infrared luminosity, which may be related to the intracluster gas cooling process in the cluster core
Searching for potential binding partners of Arabidopsis β-amylase2 using yeast 2-hybridization
BAM2 is a chloroplast-targeted member of the β-amylase gene family that currently has an unknown function in starch hydrolysis. Previous research indicated that BAM2 did not have significant catalytic activity, but, because the gene is highly conserved and there is a starch-excess phenotype in older plants lacking BAM2, it was hypothesized that BAM2 may instead have a regulatory function. Many regulatory proteins function by interacting with other proteins, so we wanted to test for potential protein binding partners for BAM2 using the yeast two-hybrid system. A plasmid containing the BAM2 gene from Arabidopsis thaliana was co-transformed into Y190-strain yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) along with a second plasmid from a library of plasmids containing cDNA of mRNA isolated from mature Arabidopsis leaves and roots. If BAM2 interacts with any of the proteins encoded within the cDNA library, transcription in that co-transformed yeast is activated for certain reporter genes whose expression is monitored by growth on selective media and a colorimetric assay. We observed 23 colonies with expression of both reporter genes from the first cDNA library screen and 55 colonies from a second screen. Plasmids containing cDNA were extracted from these colonies and are being tested further for false positives. The cDNA insert in plasmids from 45 potential positive results were sequenced and analyzed to provide information about the validity of interaction with BAM2. One putative positive was identified as an uncharacterized chloroplastic protein, which, after further validation, may represent a previously unidentified protein involved in starch metabolism and may reveal the function of BAM2 in the process of starch hydrolysis
A comparison of academic achievement of athletes and non-athletes
Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University, 1949. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive
Remote sensing of directional wave spectra using the surface contour radar
A unique radio-oceanographic remote sensing instrument was developed. The 36 GHz airborne Surface Contour Radar (SCR) remotely produces a real-time topographical map of the sea surface beneath the aircraft. It can routinely produce ocean directional wave spectra with off-line data processing. The transmitter is a coherent dual-frequency device that uses pulse compression to compensate for the limited available power at Ka band. The radar has selectable pulse widths of 1, 2, 4, and 10 nanoseconds. The transmitting antenna is a 58 lambda horn fed dielectric lens whose axis is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. It illuminates an elliptical mirror which is oriented 45 deg to the lens' longitudinal axis to deflect the beam towards the region beneath the aircraft. The mirror is oscillated in a sinusoidal fashion through mechanical linkages driven to a variable speed motor to scan the transmitter beam (1.2 deg X 1.2 deg) with + or - 16 deg of the perpendicular to the aircraft wings in the plane perpendicular to the aircraft flight direction
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