1,563 research outputs found
Particle production by the thick-walled bubble
The spectrum of created particles during the tunneling process, leading to
the decay of a false vacuum state, is studied numerically in the thick-wall
approximation. It is shown that in this case the particle production is very
intensive for small momenta. The number of created particles is nearly constant
for .Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
On second-order differential equations with highly oscillatory forcing terms
We present a method to compute efficiently solutions of systems of ordinary differential equations that possess highly oscillatory forcing terms. This approach is based on asymptotic expansions in inverse powers of the oscillatory parameter,and features two fundamental advantages with respect to standard ODE solvers: rstly, the construction of the numerical solution is more efficient when the system is highly oscillatory, and secondly, the cost of the computation is essentially independent of the oscillatory parameter. Numerical examples are provided, motivated by problems in electronic engineering
Improved Crank-Nicolson method for modelling diffusion of electromagnetic fields in hysteretic soft magnetic laminations
Efficient integration of the variational equations of multi-dimensional Hamiltonian systems: Application to the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice
We study the problem of efficient integration of variational equations in
multi-dimensional Hamiltonian systems. For this purpose, we consider a
Runge-Kutta-type integrator, a Taylor series expansion method and the so-called
`Tangent Map' (TM) technique based on symplectic integration schemes, and apply
them to the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU-) lattice of nonlinearly
coupled oscillators, with ranging from 4 to 20. The fast and accurate
reproduction of well-known behaviors of the Generalized Alignment Index (GALI)
chaos detection technique is used as an indicator for the efficiency of the
tested integration schemes. Implementing the TM technique--which shows the best
performance among the tested algorithms--and exploiting the advantages of the
GALI method, we successfully trace the location of low-dimensional tori.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure
Spectral Semi-discretisations of Weakly Non-linear Wave Equations over Long Times
The long-time behaviour of spectral semi-discretisations of weakly non-linear wave equations is analysed. It is shown that the harmonic actions are approximately conserved for the semi-discretised system as well. This permits to prove that the energy of the wave equation along the interpolated semi-discrete solution remains well conserved over long times and close to the Hamiltonian of the semi-discrete equation. Although the momentum is no longer an exact invariant of the semi-discretisation, it is shown to be approximately conserved. All these results are obtained with the technique of modulated Fourier expansion
Supersymmetric Langevin equation to explore free energy landscapes
The recently discovered supersymmetric generalizations of Langevin dynamics
and Kramers equation can be utilized for the exploration of free energy
landscapes of systems whose large time-scale separation hampers the usefulness
of standard molecular dynamics techniques. The first realistic application is
here presented. The system chosen is a minimalist model for a short alanine
peptide exhibiting a helix-coil transition.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, RevTeX 4 v2: conclusive section enlarged,
references adde
The time evaluation of resistance probability of a closed community against to occupation in a Sznajd like model with synchronous updating: A numerical study
In the present paper, we have briefly reviewed Sznajd's sociophysics model
and its variants, and also we have proposed a simple Sznajd like sociophysics
model based on Ising spin system in order to explain the time evaluation of
resistance probability of a closed community against to occupation. Using a
numerical method, we have shown that time evaluation of resistance probability
of community has a non-exponential character which decays as stretched
exponential independent the number of soldiers in one dimensional model.
Furthermore, it has been astonishingly found that our simple sociophysics model
is belong to the same universality class with random walk process on the
trapping space.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Added a paragraph and 1 figure. To be published
in International Journal of Modern Physics
A Symmetric Integrator for non-integrable Hamiltonian Relativistic Systems
By combining a standard symmetric, symplectic integrator with a new step size
controller, we provide an integration scheme that is symmetric, reversible and
conserves the values of the constants of motion. This new scheme is appropriate
for long term numerical integrations of geodesic orbits in spacetime
backgrounds, whose corresponding Hamiltonian system is non-integrable, and, in
general, for any non-integrable Hamiltonian system whose kinetic part depends
on the position variables. We show by numerical examples that the new
integrator is faster and more accurate i) than the standard symplectic
integration schemes with or without standard adaptive step size controllers and
ii) than an adaptive step Runge-Kutta scheme.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 3 table
Numerical integration of variational equations
We present and compare different numerical schemes for the integration of the
variational equations of autonomous Hamiltonian systems whose kinetic energy is
quadratic in the generalized momenta and whose potential is a function of the
generalized positions. We apply these techniques to Hamiltonian systems of
various degrees of freedom, and investigate their efficiency in accurately
reproducing well-known properties of chaos indicators like the Lyapunov
Characteristic Exponents (LCEs) and the Generalized Alignment Indices (GALIs).
We find that the best numerical performance is exhibited by the
\textit{`tangent map (TM) method'}, a scheme based on symplectic integration
techniques which proves to be optimal in speed and accuracy. According to this
method, a symplectic integrator is used to approximate the solution of the
Hamilton's equations of motion by the repeated action of a symplectic map ,
while the corresponding tangent map , is used for the integration of the
variational equations. A simple and systematic technique to construct is
also presented.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
Fourier methods for the perturbed harmonic oscillator in linear and nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations
We consider the numerical integration of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a
potential trap given by a time-dependent harmonic potential or a small
perturbation thereof. Splitting methods are frequently used with Fourier
techniques since the system can be split into the kinetic and remaining part,
and each part can be solved efficiently using Fast Fourier Transforms. To split
the system into the quantum harmonic oscillator problem and the remaining part
allows to get higher accuracies in many cases, but it requires to change
between Hermite basis functions and the coordinate space, and this is not
efficient for time-dependent frequencies or strong nonlinearities. We show how
to build new methods which combine the advantages of using Fourier methods
while solving the timedependent harmonic oscillator exactly (or with a high
accuracy by using a Magnus integrator and an appropriate decomposition).Comment: 12 pages of RevTex4-1, 8 figures; substantially revised and extended
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