464 research outputs found
Entanglement assisted alignment of reference frames using a dense covariant coding
We present a procedure inspired by dense coding, which enables a highly
efficient transmission of information of a continuous nature. The procedure
requires the sender and the recipient to share a maximally entangled state. We
deal with the concrete problem of aligning reference frames or trihedra by
means of a quantum system. We find the optimal covariant measurement and
compute the corresponding average error, which has a remarkably simple close
form. The connection of this procedure with that of estimating unitary
transformations on qubits is briefly discussed.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, Version to appear in PR
The Glue Around Quarks and the Interquark Potential
The quarks of quark models cannot be identified with the quarks of the QCD
Lagrangian. We review the restrictions that gauge field theories place on any
description of physical (colour) charges. A method to construct charged
particles is presented. The solutions are applied to a variety of applications.
Their Green's functions are shown to be free of infra-red divergences to all
orders in perturbation theory. The interquark potential is analysed and it is
shown that the interaction responsible for anti-screening results from the
force between two separately gauge invariant constituent quarks. A fundamental
limit on the applicability of quark models is identified.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, talk given at Montpellier meeting QCD9
Asymptotic Dynamics in Quantum Field Theory
A crucial element of scattering theory and the LSZ reduction formula is the
assumption that the coupling vanishes at large times. This is known not to hold
for the theories of the Standard Model and in general such asymptotic dynamics
is not well understood. We give a description of asymptotic dynamics in field
theories which incorporates the important features of weak convergence and
physical boundary conditions. Applications to theories with three and four
point interactions are presented and the results are shown to be completely
consistent with the results of perturbation theory.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure
The Structure of Screening in QED
The possibility of constructing charged particles in gauge theories has long
been the subject of debate. In the context of QED we have shown how to
construct operators which have a particle description. In this paper we further
support this programme by showing how the screening interactions arise between
these charges. Unexpectedly we see that there are two different gauge invariant
contributions with opposite signs. Their difference gives the expected result.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe
Minimal measurements of the gate fidelity of a qudit map
We obtain a simple formula for the average gate fidelity of a linear map
acting on qudits. It is given in terms of minimal sets of pure state
preparations alone, which may be interesting from the experimental point of
view. These preparations can be seen as the outcomes of certain minimal
positive operator valued measures. The connection of our results with these
generalized measurements is briefly discussed
Collective vs local measurements in qubit mixed state estimation
We discuss the problem of estimating a general (mixed) qubit state. We give
the optimal guess that can be inferred from any given set of measurements. For
collective measurements and for a large number of copies, we show that the
error in the estimation goes as 1/N. For local measurements we focus on the
simpler case of states lying on the equatorial plane of the Bloch sphere. We
show that standard tomographic techniques lead to an error proportional to
, while with our optimal data processing it is proportional to
.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, minor style changes, refs. adde
Communication of Spin Directions with Product States and Finite Measurements
Total spin eigenstates can be used to intrinsically encode a direction, which
can later be decoded by means of a quantum measurement. We study the optimal
strategy that can be adopted if, as is likely in practical applications, only
product states of -spins are available. We obtain the asymptotic behaviour
of the average fidelity which provides a proof that the optimal states must be
entangled. We also give a prescription for constructing finite measurements for
general encoding eigenstates.Comment: 4 pages, minor changes, version to appear in PR
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