292 research outputs found

    An evaluation of unethical business practices in Australia's China inbound tourism market

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    This paper examines the prevalence of unethical practices within the business sector operating in the China to Australia tourism market. The range and nature of the practices is outlined in the context of the structure of outbound operations in China and inbound operations in Australia, taking account of the roles of the respective governments. The prospective impact of the practices on the growth of the market is evaluated. An estimation is provided of the potentially negative impacts of word-of-mouth recommendations on future China to Australia tourism flows


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    Yield Measures for Special-Interest Australian Inbound Tourism Markets

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    Different tourism stakeholders mean different things by ‘yield’ and this presents a barrier to communication and policy discussion. Primarily, this paper provides an overview of different concepts of yield. It also operationalizes several of these measures using inbound tourism expenditure data for Australia so that the origin markets and market segments identified as generating high yields under the various measures can be compared. The paper further identifies the manner in which the concept of yield can be broadened to embrace sustainable yield by incorporating measures of environmental and social impact. It concludes with a discussion of the policy implications of the study


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    Najsveobuhvatniji pristup integriranju ekonomskih, okolišnih i društvenih aspekata u osnovnu poslovnu aktivnost je model trostruke bilance (Triple Bottom Line, TBL). Ovaj rad razmatra probleme primjene modela TBL i izvještavanja, s osobitim osvrtom na tvrtke koje se bave turizmom. Rad predstavlja dvije glavne vrste razloga zbog kojih je dobro da turističke tvrtke koriste model TBL te razmatra potencijalne koristi koje od njega mogu imati destinacije i tvrtke vezane uz njih. Predstavit ćemo i neke probleme s kojima se turističke tvrtke suočavaju prilikom primjene modela TBL. Zaključak rada je da bi izvještavanje pomoću modela TBL trebalo biti ključnim dijelom opće strategije poticanja turističkih tvrtki, vladinih tijela i drugih organizacija u tome da i same preuz mu odgovornost za održivi razvoj.The most comprehensive approach to integrating economic, environmental, and social thinking into core business activities is the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) approach. The paper discusses the nature of TBL implementation and reporting with special attention to tourism firms. It presents two main types of justifi cation for tourism firms’ adoption of TBL, and discusses the potential benefi ts to destinations and constituent fi rms from TBL reporting. Several challenges to TBL implementation and reporting by tourism fi rms are discussed. The paper concludes that TBL reporting should be a vital part of an overall strategy aimed at encouraging tourism businesses, government bodies, and other organizations to assume responsibility for sustainable development


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    Sve se više pozornosti posvećuje utvrđivanju osobina ‘idealnog turista’. Iako niti jedna defi nicija nema potpunu podršku svih istraživača, atributi ‘idealnog turista’obuhvaćaju ‘visoku potrošnju’, ‘odgovornost’, ‘brigu’, ‘uključenost’, ‘ekološku svijest’, ‘kulturnu osjetljivost’, ‘traganje za vrijednim društvenim susretima’, itd. U radu se tvrdi da različite ekonomske mjere služe različitim svrhama te da su ionako nedovoljne za točno određivanje ‘idealnog turista’. Predstavlja se okvir za određivanje bitnog društvenog i ekološkog ponašanja koja uz ekonomske mjere unaprjeđuju kako pojam idealnog turista tako i njegovo uvrštavanja u polje ‘održivosti’. Raspravlja se i o nekim mogućim tehnikama vrednovanja, kao i o inherentnim izazovima provođenja u praksu koncepta ‘održivog prinosa/doprinosa’ (sustainable yield). U zaključku rada razmatraju se implikacije pojma ‘idealnog turista’ za planiranje i strategije u turizmu.Increasing attention is being given to identifying the characteristics of the ‘ideal tourist’. While no single defi nition has the support of all researchers, attributes of the ‘ideal tourist’ commonly advanced include features such as ‘high spending’, ‘responsible’, ‘caring’, ‘involved’, ‘environmentally aware’, ‘culturally sensitive’, ‘seeking meaningful social encounters’ and so on. It is argued that different economic measures serve different purposes, and in any case, are insufficient to specify the ‘ideal tourist’. A framework for identifying important social and environmental behaviours is presented which, taken together with economic measures, advance both the concept of the ideal tourist and its measurement into the ‘sustainability’ arena. Some potential evaluation techniques are discussed as are the underlying challenges to operationalise a concept of ‘sustainable yield’. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of the ‘ideal tourist’ concept for tourism planning and strategy

    Computable general equilibrium modelling: an important tool for tourism policy analysis

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    Purpose – Economic impact analysis in tourism has recently undergone a profound change in approach. In contrast to earlier emphasis on input-output (I-O) models, computable general equilibrium (CGE) models, are being used worldwide to estimate the resulting net macroeconomic and industry effects and for tourism policy analysis. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the role that computable general equilibrium modelling is playing and can play in estimating the economic impacts of tourism shocks and in tourism policy formulation and implementation by destination managers. Design – The study discusses the nature of CGE modelling to project the economic impacts of tourism demand shocks, comparing its advantages over standard I-O analysis. It then identifies several studies where CGE analysis provides insights to tourism researchers that could not be revealed using the standard I-O technique. The importance of CGE analysis for tourism policy analysis is highlighted. Methodology and Approach – The study reviews important contributions to CGE modelling in tourism contexts, including many of the authors publications Findings – The paper discusses applications of CGE modelling to tourism, identifying several areas where tourism analysis and policy have been suitably informed as a result of such modelling. Particular insights that CGE modelling has brought to tourism planning, forecasting and policy analysis are identified. Originality of the research – Due to its technical nature, tourism researchers are generally unaware of the advantages of CGE modelling compared to standard economic impact analysis using I-O models. This study identifies and discuss the key reasons why CGE modelling should be accorded greater attention by governments and their agencies, consultants and researchers associated with tourism analysis and policy
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