429 research outputs found
Semiclassical Dynamics of Dirac particles interacting with a Static Gravitational Field
The semiclassical limit for Dirac particles interacting with a static
gravitational field is investigated. A Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation which
diagonalizes at the semiclassical order the Dirac equation for an arbitrary
static spacetime metric is realized. In this representation the Hamiltonian
provides for a coupling between spin and gravity through the torsion of the
gravitational field. In the specific case of a symmetric gravitational field we
retrieve the Hamiltonian previously found by other authors. But our formalism
provides for another effect, namely, the spin hall effect, which was not
predicted before in this context
L’École entre évaluation et contrôle
Dans le milieu éducatif, au cours de ces dernières décennies, les contrôles eurent mauvaise presse et semblaient archaïques. Ils disparurent en partie ou se firent très discrets. C’est alors que l’évaluation, surtout qualitative, prit un essor considérable. Trente ans après, une page se tourne. L’important développement de l’évaluation, sa variété et son omniprésence contribuent aujourd’hui à ternir son lustre et à accorder progressivement aux contrôles une place nouvelle et de plus en plus i..
Simple model for the vibrations of embedded elastically cubic nanocrystals
The purpose of this work is to calculate the vibrational modes of an
elastically anisotropic sphere embedded in an isotropic matrix. This has
important application to understanding the spectra of low-frequency Raman
scattering from nanoparticles embedded in a glass matrix. First some low
frequency vibrational modes of a free cubically elastic sphere are found to be
nearly independent of one combination of elastic constants. This is then
exploited to obtain an isotropic approximation for these modes which enables to
take into account the surrounding isotropic matrix. This method is then used to
quantatively explain recent spectra of gold and copper nanocrystals in glasses.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
Comment on "Estimate of the vibrational frequencies of spherical virus particles"
This comment corrects some errors which appeared in the calculation of an
elastic sphere eigenenergies. As a result, the symmetry of the mode having the
lowest frequency is changed. Also a direction for calculating the damping of
these modes for embedded elastic spheres is given.Comment: comment L. H. Ford Phys. Rev. E 67 (2003) 05192
Oil palm biotechnology: progress and prospects
Today, a range of biotechnological approaches, from somatic embryogenesis to biomolecular research, play an increasingly important role in breeding strategies for oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). Clonal micropropagation. Methods of cloning by in vitro culture led to the development of a micropropagation technique for oil palm based on somatic embryogenesis which was tested at the pilot stage on elite genotypes, thus enabling the production of high oil yielding clones. This phase allowed the identification of limiting factors associated with scaling-up, with respect in particular to the scale of mass production required to meet the needs of planters and to the problem of ensuring genetic fidelity in the regenerated plant material. These two concerns led researchers to look further into the underlying physiological and/or molecular mechanisms involved in somatic embryogenesis and the somaclonal variation events induced by the in vitro cloning procedure. Structural and functional genomics. Marker-assisted breeding in oil palm is a long-term multi-stage project including: molecular analysis of genetic diversity in both E. guineensis and E. oleifera germplasms; large scale development of PCR-based microsatellite markers; and parallel development of three genome mapping and QTL detection projects studying key agronomic characters. Post-genomics. In order to tackle the problem of the mantled flowering abnormality, which is induced during the micropropagation process, studies of gene expression have been carried out in tissue cultures as a means of establishing an early clonal conformity testing procedure. It is important to assess what kind of methodology is the most appropriate for clonal conformity testing by comparing RNA, protein and DNA (PCR) based approaches. Parallel studies on genomic DNA methylation changes induced by tissue culture suggest that the latter may play an important role in the determination of the mantled abnormality. (Résumé d'auteur
Long-lived submicrometric bubbles in very diluted alkali halide water solutions
Solutions of LiCl and of NaCl in ultrapure water were studied through
Rayleigh/Brillouin scattering as a function of the concentration (molarity, M)
of dissolved salt from 0.2M to extremely low concentration (2.10^-17 M ). The
Landau-Placzek ratio, R/B, of the Rayleigh scattering intensity over the total
Brillouin, was measured thanks to the dynamically controlled stability of the
used Fabry-Perot interferometer. It was observed that the R/B ratio follows two
stages as a function of increasing dilution rate: after a strong decrease
between 0.2M and 2.10^-5 M, it increases to reach a maximum between 10^-9 M and
10^-16 M. The first stage corresponds to the decrease of the Rayleigh
scattering by the ion concentration fluctuations with the decrease of salt
concentration. The second stage, at lower concentrations, is consistent with
the increase of the Rayleigh scattering by long-lived sub-microscopic bubbles
with the decrease of ion concentration. The origin of these sub-microscopic
bubbles is the shaking of the solutions which was carried out after each
centesimal dilution. The very long lifetime of the sub-microscopic bubbles and
the effects of aging originate in the electric charge of bubbles. The increase
of R/B with the decrease of the low salt concentration corresponds to the
increase of the sub-microscopic bubble size with the decrease of concentration,
that is imposed by the bubble stability due to the covering of the surface
bubble by negative ions.Comment: 6 figures. To be published in Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics
Specificity of the metabolic signatures of fish from cyanobacteria rich lakes
International audienceThe liver metabolomes of fish from cyanobacterial-dominated ponds were investigated. Cyanobacterial metabolites were only be detected in cyanobacterial dominated ponds. The metabolomes of the 2 fish species exhibit similar correlation with cyanobacteria occurrence. Correlations between the levels of some metabolites and phycocyanin or pH were observed. a b s t r a c t With the increasing impact of the global warming, occurrences of cyanobacterial blooms in aquatic ecosystems are becoming a main worldwide ecological concern. Due to their capacity to produce potential toxic metabolites, interactions between the cyanobacteria, their cyanotoxins and the surrounding freshwater organisms have been investigated during the last past years. Non-targeted metabolomic analyses have the powerful capacity to study simultaneously a high number of metabolites and thus to investigate in depth the molecular signatures between various organisms encountering different environmental scenario, and potentially facing cyanobacterial blooms. In this way, the liver metabolomes of two fish species (Perca fluviatilis and Lepomis gibbosus) colonizing various peri-urban lakes of theĂŽle-de-France region displaying high biomass of cyanobacteria, or not, were investigated. The fish metabolome hydrophilic fraction was analyzed by 1 H NMR analysis coupled with Batman peak treatment for the quantification and the annotation attempt of the metabolites. The results suggest that similar metabolome profiles occur in both fish species, for individuals collected from cyanobacterial blooming lakes compared to organism from non-cyanobacterial dominant environments. Overall, such environmental metabolomic pilot study provides new research perspectives in ecology and ecotoxicology fields, and may notably provide new information concerning the cyanobacteria/fish eco-toxicological interactions
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