10 research outputs found
Motivational Influences to Pursue Graduate Studies in Secondary Music Education
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'University of Alberta'
- Publication date
- 01/07/2006
- Field of study
Motivational influences on the decision to pursue graduate studies in secondary music education were investigated. The population of secondary music education graduate students in one large Canadian university (N=13) completed a survey that included both open-ended and closed-ended response items. The greatest motivational influences to pursue graduate studies were found to be: (a) intellectual development, (b) personal development, and (c) professional development. The motivational influence Need to Refresh showed the most diversity and elicited the most prose response. Standard deviations indicated that on most items the response group was homogeneous. All results were consistent across gender and degree program, master’s or doctoral. In contrast to similar studies of educators in general, the influence of Potential Monetary Gain was not identified as important. Demographic information supplied by respondents indicated that the typical secondary music education graduate student in this university was 30 or more years of age and had five to 14 years of teaching experience. Results of this study cannot be generalized beyond the population from which the data were collected.Cette recherche porte sur les motivations qui influencent la décision de poursuivre des études supérieures en enseignement de la musique au secondaire. Des étudiants aux études supérieures inscrits à une grande université canadienne (N=13) en enseignement de la musique au secondaire ont complété une enquête impliquant des questions ouvertes et fermées. Les facteurs qui influencent le plus la décision de poursuivre des études supérieures se sont avérés être les suivants : (a) développement intellectuel, (b) développement personnel, et (c) développement professionnel. Les réponses les plus longues et les plus diversifiés évoquaient l’influence de « Need to Refresh ». Les écarts-types indiquent que pour la plupart des questions, les réponses du groupe de sujets étaient homogènes. Tous les résultats étaient cohérents pour les variables du sexe et du programme (maîtrise ou doctorat). Contrairement à d’autres études semblables auprès d’enseignants, l’influence du facteur « gain monétaire potentiel » ne s’est pas avéré important. Les données démographiques fournies par les répondants démontrent que l’étudiant diplômé type en enseignement de la musique à cette université était âgé de 30 ans ou plus et avait entre 5 et 14 années d’expérience en enseignement. Les résultats de cette recherche ne peuvent être appliqués qu’au groupe expérimental à l’étude
Impact of renal impairment on outcomes after autologous stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma: a multi-center, retrospective cohort study
- Author
- A Mahindra
- Alexandra Böhm
- AS Levey
- AS Levey
- C Scheid
- CC Chow
- CG Winearls
- Daniel Lechner
- David Nachbaur
- Ella Willenbacher
- F van Rhee
- Felix Keil
- G MartÃn Reyes
- Heinz Gisslinger
- Hermine Agis
- Hildegard Greinix
- J Bladé
- JF San Miguel
- K Carlson
- LM Knudsen
- M Kleber
- M Kleber
- M Krejci
- M Mohty
- M Tonelli
- MA Dimopoulos
- MA Dimopoulos
- MA Dimopoulos
- Maria-Theresa Krauth
- Marlies Antlanger
- Max Gornicec
- ML Salter
- MS Raab
- Nina Worel
- R Bellomo
- RA Kyle
- RL Mehta
- Roman Weger
- SH Nasr
- SM Korbet
- Susanne Rasoul-Rockenschaub
- SV Rajkumar
- Thomas Reiter
- TM Wildes
- Tobias Dust
- V Eleutherakis-Papaiakovou
- Werner Rabitsch
- WM Michels
- Wolfgang W. Lamm
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Systematic Investigation of Polyamidoamine Dendrimers Surface-Modified with Poly(ethylene glycol) for Drug Delivery Applications: Synthesis, Characterization, and Evaluation of Cytotoxicity
- Author
- Boas U.
- Boas U.
- Carnahan M. A.
- Chandrasekar D.
- Chapman T. M.
- Chen H.-T.
- Choi J. S.
- Chun D.
- Conner S. D.
- De Jesús O. L.
- Duncan R.
- Duncan R.
- Dust J. M.
- D’Emanuele A.
- Esfand R.
- Fischer D.
- Gajbhiye V.
- Gillies E. R.
- Gillies E. R.
- Gillies E. R.
- Gillies E. R.
- Gillies E. R.
- Gitsov I.
- Gitsov I.
- Grayson S. M.
- Greenwald R. B.
- Guillaudeu S. J.
- Haag R.
- Haensler J.
- Harris J. M.
- Hawker C. J.
- Huang R.-Q.
- Iyer A. K.
- Jevprasesphant R.
- Jevprasesphant R.
- Johnson M. A.
- Kang H.
- Khalil I. A.
- Kim Y.
- Kim Y.
- Kim Y. H.
- Kojima C.
- Kojima C.
- Kolhatkar R. B.
- Kono K.
- Krämer M.
- Lee C. C.
- Lee H.
- Lee I.
- Lee J. H.
- Liu M.
- Luo D.
- Majoros I. J.
- Majoros I. J.
- Malik N.
- Mamedova L. K.
- Morgan M. T.
- Newkome G. R.
- Patri A. K.
- Peterson J.
- Pistolis G.
- Quintana A.
- Ringsdorf H.
- Shabat D.
- Shi X.
- Shukla S.
- Stiriba S.-E.
- Svenson S.
- Takahashi T.
- Tang M. X.
- Thomas T. P.
- Tomalia D. A.
- Tomalia D. A.
- Tomalia D. A.
- Van Vlerken L. E.
- Wood K. C.
- Yang H.
- Yang H.
- Yang H.
- Yu D.
- Zalipsky S.
- Zeng F.
- Zhou J.
- Publication venue
- 'American Chemical Society (ACS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Shoddy heap: a material history between waste and manufacture
- Author
- Andrews Arthur
- Bailey Brian
- Berg Maxine
- Berg Maxine
- Bischoff James
- Bunker Gary
- Burrows Hermann
- Carlyle Thomas
- Clapp B. W
- Clark Hazel
- Cooper Tim
- Devil’s Dust
- Edgerton David
- Engels Friedrich
- Floud Roderick
- Fontaine Laurence
- Griffin Emma
- Haigh Malcolm
- Hanna Rose Shell
- Head George
- Heaton Herbert
- Hudson Pat
- Jenkins D. T.
- Jenkins D. T.
- Jones Ann Rosalind
- Jubb Samuel
- Jørgensen Finn Arne
- Landes David S
- Lemire Beverly
- Linebaugh Peter
- Lévi-Strauss Claude
- MacBride Samantha
- Marx Leo
- Mayhew Henry
- McCulloch J. R.
- McGaw Judith A
- Megraw Robert H.
- Norris Lucy
- Oliver Thomas
- Radcliffe J. W
- Roche Daniel
- Scanlan John
- Shell Hanna Rose
- Shell Hanna Rose
- Simmonds Peter Lund
- Simmonds PL
- Stachiw Myron O.
- Stobart Jon
- Strasser Susan
- Stuart John A. Erskine
- Stuart John A. Erskine
- The Batley Rag and Shoddy Sales
- The Labeling Bills in Congress
- The Woollen and Worsted Trade of Great Britain
- Thompson E. P
- Wild John Peter
- Wilson Mark R
- Winter James
- Zimring Carl A.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Management in unternehmerischen Unternehmen
- Author
- A. Bhide
- A. Caruana
- A. Dunk
- A. Engelen
- A. Engelen
- A. Engelen
- A. Engelen
- A. Fusfeld
- A. Gupta
- A. Henderson
- A. Kirca
- A. Shipman
- A. Thomas
- B. Barringer
- B. Bass
- B. Brown
- B. Gibson
- B. Gould
- B. Jaworski
- B. Jaworski
- B. Jaworski
- B. M. Bass
- C. Axtell
- C. C. Miller
- C. Chwallek
- C. Homburg
- C. Homburg
- C. O’Reilly
- C. O’Reilly
- C. Scholz
- C. Wang
- D. C. Hambrick
- D. C. Hambrick
- D. De Clercq
- D. Jennings
- D. K. Datta
- D. K. Rigby
- D. Miller
- D. Packard
- D. Slevin
- E. Hippel
- E. Monsen
- E. Olson
- E. Schein
- F. Delmar
- F. E. Fiedler
- G. Balabanis
- G. Barczak
- G. Dess
- G. Dess
- G. Jouret
- G. Lumpkin
- G. Moore
- G. Schreyögg
- G. Zaltman
- H Mintzberg
- H. Hungenberg
- H. Koontz
- H. Larson
- H. Steinmann
- J. A Conger
- J. A. Conger
- J. A. Pearce
- J. Becker
- J. Berthel
- J. Birkinshaw
- J. Bono
- J. Brinckmann
- J. Burns
- J. C. Hayton
- J. Covin
- J. Covin
- J. Fisher
- J. G. Covin
- J. G. Covin
- J. Goodale
- J. H. Dyer
- J. Henri
- J. Hirshberg
- J. Jenssen
- J. Livingston
- J. M. Howell
- J. Messersmith
- J. Mullins
- J. Nahapiet
- J. Poselka
- J. S. Hornsby
- J. S. Hornsby
- J. S. Hornsby
- J. Shuman
- J. Sullivan
- J. Timmons
- J. W. G. Dyer
- K. Atuahene-Gima
- K. Kahn
- K. M. Eisenhardt
- L. C. Troy
- L. Smeltzer
- L. Yuan
- M. Abernethy
- M. Abernethy
- M. Brettel
- M. Brettel
- M. Entrialgo
- M. H. Morris
- M. H. Morris
- M. H. Morris
- M. Morris
- M. Porter
- M. S. Yadav
- M. Song
- M. Treier
- M. Tushman
- N. Bosma
- N. Foss
- N. Ibrahim
- N. Kumar
- N. Washburn
- O. C. Richard
- O. C. Richard
- P. Abatti
- P. Abatti
- P. Brews
- P. F. Anderson
- P. Miller
- P. Podsakoff
- P. Verhoef
- R. Bunduchi
- R. Burgelman
- R. Burt
- R. Deshpandé
- R. Deshpandé
- R. Hurley
- R. Hurley
- R. Miles
- R. Morgan
- R. Quinn
- R. Schmelter
- R. Simons
- R. Simons
- R. Simons
- R. Stock-Homburg
- S. A. Zahra
- S. A. Zahra
- S. D. Anthony
- S. Dust
- S. Fernandez
- S. Hanks
- S. Jap
- S. Sarin
- S. Scheytt
- T. Burns
- T. D. Kuczmarski
- T. Deal
- T. Ho
- T. K. Lant
- T. Peters
- V. Gupta
- W. Baker
- W. Baker
- W. Bruggeman
- W. Ouchi
- W. Ouchi
- W. Stam
- W. Wales
- X. Luo
- X. Luo
- Y. A. N. Ling
- Y. Li
- Z. Simsek
- Z. Tang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Paintings of the Freer Divan
- Author
- Adamova A. T.
- Anonymous
- Asian Civilisations Museums
- Aslanapa Oktay.
- Atıl Esin.
- AÄŸa-OÄŸlu Mehmet.
- Baldick Julian.
- Bayani Mahdi.
- Beeston A. F. L.
- Binyon Laurence
- Blair Sheila S.
- Blair Sheila S.
- Bloom Jonathan.
- Brend Barbara.
- Caiozzo Anna.
- Canby Sheila R.
- Carboni Stefano.
- Christie’s London
- Clapp Anne de Coursey.
- Corbin Henri
- Davis Dick.
- Duda Dorothea.
- Dust-Muhammad
- Déroche François.
- Edwards Holly
- Farhad Massumeh
- Farhad Massumeh.
- Gacek Adam.
- George Alain.
- Gonnella Julia
- Gray Basil.
- Gray Basil.
- Gray Basil.
- Grube Ernst J.
- Grube Ernst J.
- Henshaw Julia P.
- Hillenbrand Robert.
- Hillenbrand Robert.
- Husayni Mahdi.
- Ä°pÅŸiroÄŸlu M. Åž.
- Ä°pÅŸiroÄŸlu M. Åž.
- Karatay Edhem Fehmi.
- Karatay Fehmi Edhem.
- Keshavarz Fateme.
- Khvafi Fasih Ahmad b.
- Klimburg-Salter Deborah E.
- Lentz Thomas W.
- Martin F.R.
- Mehran Farhad.
- Nakhjivani Muhammad b. Hindushah.
- Necipoğlu Gülru.
- North Carolina Museum of Art
- Porter Yves.
- Qadi Ahmad b. Mir-Munshi al-Husayni
- Qadi Ahmad b. Mir-Munshi al-Husayni
- Rauch Christoph.
- Rettig Simon.
- Richard Francis.
- Richard Francis.
- Robinson B. W.
- Roxburgh David J.
- Roxburgh David J.
- Roxburgh David J.
- Roxburgh David J.
- Rührdanz Karin.
- Sakisian Erménag Beg.
- Schmitz Barbara
- Sims Eleanor
- Soucek Priscilla P.
- Soucek Priscilla P.
- Soucek Priscilla P.
- Stchoukine Ivan.
- Tanındı Zeren.
- Tanındı Zeren.
- Thompson Henry Y.
- Titley Norah M.
- Tucci Giuseppe.
- Wing Patrick.
- Wright Elaine.
- Wright Elaine.
- Çağman Filiz
- Çağman Filiz
- Ölçer Nazan.
- Åžahi Seracettin
- Åžahi Seracettin.
- Ê¿Attar Farid al-Din.
- Ê¿Attar Farid al-Din.
- Ê¿Attar Farid al-Din.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- A. Gray
- A. John Clark
- A. Lopez
- A. Malik
- A. Mathieu
- A. N. Sandier
- A. N. Vannelli
- A. Ohlsson
- Adriene Gelb
- Akitomo Matsuki
- Alastair Ewen
- Aleksandr Rovner
- Alfred C. Pinchak
- Alfred Pinchak
- Alison S. Carr
- Altagracia M. Chavez
- Andor Petras
- Andrew J. Baker
- Andrew Thio
- Angelica M. Fargas-Babjak
- Ann McNeill
- Arnold H. Morscher
- B. Asokumar
- B. Gosdin
- B. Martin
- Barry A. Flnegan
- Basem I. Naser
- Benjamin W. S. McKay
- Bernard J. Mezon
- Berton Braverman
- Beverley A. Orser
- Bhawan D. Lekhak
- Bibiana Cujec
- Bisharad M. Shrestha
- Blair D. Goranson
- Brenda Dusek
- Brian Milne
- Bruce A. Macpherson
- C. Abdallah
- C. Blouin
- C. David Mazer
- C. H. Rorabeck
- C. L. Baron
- C. M. Baron
- C. M. Feindel
- C. Peniston
- C. Polosa
- C. William Cole
- Cameron B. Guest
- Carlos Botero
- Carol A. Moote
- Carol Pattee
- Catherine Penney
- Catherine R. Bachman
- Cathy Cody
- Charles Cruise
- Charles E. Smith
- Charles MacAdams
- Chikwendu Ibebunjo
- Christina Michaloliakou
- Christina Mundi
- Christopher Hawkes
- Claude Trépanier
- Curt Holbrook
- D. A. Yee
- D. Boisvert
- D. C. H. Cheng
- D. Cuillerier
- D. DeBoer
- D. Doblar
- D. J. McKnight
- D. J. Steward
- D. K. Rose
- D. Mickle
- D. R. Miller
- D. Singer
- D. Thiessen
- Dan F. Wigglesworth
- Daniel Boudreault
- David F. Vener
- David H. Morison
- David P. Archer
- David R. Drover
- David R. Grant
- David Smith
- David T. Wong
- Davy Cheng
- Demetrius Litwin
- Dennis D. Doblar
- Dennis Reid
- Dinesh Ranjan
- Dominique Girard
- Donald E. Hancock
- Donald Miller
- Dylan A. Taylor
- E. A. Peter
- E. Reddy
- E. Redmond
- Earnest Cutz
- Edward Podufal
- Edward T. Crosby
- Elizabeth J. Hartley
- Eric Hollebone
- Eva S. Werstiuk
- F. E. Ralley
- F. N. McKenzie
- Frances Chung
- Frank Costello
- François Donati
- Frederick J. Carmicheal
- G. Kantor
- G. L. Bryson
- G. Plourde
- G. R. Robbins
- Gary F. Morris
- George A. Doig
- George Klein
- George Shorten
- Georgia C. Hirst
- Georgios Koutsoukos
- Gerald Goresky
- Gilbert Blaise
- Gilles Lacroix
- Glenn P. McGuire
- Gordon Whatley
- Graeme Smith
- Greg Bryson
- Gregory J. Gordon
- Guy J. Lavoie
- Gwen Dawe
- H. Braden
- H. Nierenberg
- H. P. Grocott
- H. Unruh
- Hanna M. Pappius
- Harley Wong
- Harry Hopkins
- Heinz Reimer
- Helen M. Holtby
- Hiroaki Koh
- Hironori Ishihara
- Hossam El-Beheiry
- I. R. Thomson
- I. W. C. White
- J. A. Doyle
- J. B. Kitts
- J. Boylan
- J. Brendan Mullen
- J. Carroll
- J. Colin Kay
- J. Conway
- J. Cox
- J. David Cassidy
- J. Doyle
- J. E. Zamora
- J. Earl Wynands
- J. F. Boylan
- J. Flynn
- J. Harada
- J. K. Maryniak
- J. Karski
- J. Katz
- J. M. Murkin
- J. Ronderos
- J. Tong
- J. V. Frei
- J. W. Donald Knox
- Jacek M. Karski
- Jaime R. Ronderos
- James Au
- James E. Baker
- James E. Brown
- James Enns
- James G. Ferguson
- Jan Shields-Thomson
- Janet M. van Vlymen
- Jarmila Rausa
- Jean-Yves Dupuis
- Jean-Yves Dupuls
- Jeffrey Sloan
- Jeisane M. Gollagher
- Jennifer E. Froelich
- Jerrold Lerman
- Jin Ni
- Jo Swartz
- Joanne Lind
- Joel L. Parlow
- John A. Ogden
- John F. MacDonald
- John H. Tucker
- John Kitts
- John P. Koller
- John Tucker
- John W. R. Mclntyre
- Joseph Woo
- JS Smith
- Judy L. Kutt
- Julio Militzer
- K. Amankwah
- K. Fong
- K. Nakajima
- K. Takakura
- Kanji Nakatsu
- Kathryn Hull
- Kenneth M. LeDez
- Kevin Bailey
- Kush N. Duggal
- L. Dubé
- L. Van Obbergh
- Leena Patel
- Lesley-Ann Crone
- Louise Patterson
- Lu-Wang Yang
- Luc Frenette
- Lucy C. Southeriand
- Lulz G. R. DeLima
- M -L. Ryan
- M. Boatwright
- M. Cheang
- M. F. Murphy
- M. F. X. Glynn
- M. Francoeur
- M. H. Smith
- M. Hennessy
- M. J. Curran
- M. Joanne Douglas
- M. L. Crossan
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- M. M. Cohen
- M. P. Lindsay
- M. R. Graham
- M. Rosenbloom
- M. West
- Manuel Gomez
- Marc Derouin
- Margaret K. Vandervoort
- Maria A. Markakis
- Maria Bertlik
- Mark Cleland
- Mark Levine
- Martin Allard
- Martin J. Stockwell
- Martin Lessard
- Masao Yamashita
- Mashallah Goodarzi
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- Melanie Armstrong
- Michael Adams
- Michael Bourke
- Michael Curran
- Michael D. McHugh
- Michael G. Grace
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- Mike Tierney
- Mitchel B. Sosis
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- Narendra B. Basnyat
- Nicolas Fauvel
- Nicte Ha Shier
- Nilesh Patel
- Nileshkumar Patel
- Norbert Froese
- Norman J. Snow
- O. P. Rosaeg
- O. R. Hung
- P. Glanc
- P. Harley
- P. R. Bragg
- Pamela M. Merrick
- Patricia M. Cruchley
- Patrick Sullivan
- Patty Lindsay
- Paul A. Gulig
- Paul B. Langevin
- Paul McDonagh
- Peter Cox
- Peter H. Gregson
- Peter T. Newton
- Philip Blew
- Phillip LaLande
- Pierre Bergeron
- Pierre Couture
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- Raymond Yee
- Richard I. Hall
- Richard L. Knill
- Richard P. Kramer
- Robert Cirone
- Robert J. Byrick
- Robert M. K. W. Lee
- Ronald Seegobin
- S. B. Backman
- S. Cheema-Dhadli
- S. Gal
- S. Halpern
- S. J. MacDonald
- S. J. Teasdale
- S. Kowalskl
- S. Levytam
- S. Marion
- S. Pancham
- S. Pytka
- S. Roger
- S. White
- Sarah Henderson
- Scott A. Lang
- Sean Wharton
- Shantha Paramanathar
- Sharad Sharma
- Shared K. Sharma
- Sheldon H. Roth
- Shirley Huchcroft
- Smita Parikh
- Steve Poplawski
- Steve Yentis
- Steven J. Barker
- Susan Belo
- Susan D. O’Leary
- Susan E. Belo
- Suzanne Ullyot
- T. David
- T. Horan
- T. Myhr
- T. Winton
- Tammy Peddle
- Tanya Duke B. Vet
- Teresa Novick
- Thomas Elwood
- Thomas Long
- Tsukasa Kondo
- Tunde Gondocz
- Vytas Zulys
- W. A. C. Mutch
- W. Demajo
- W. Dobkowski
- W. E. Komar
- W. Singer
- Walter J. Montanera
- Walter Snedden
- Wanda Doyle
- Wendy L. Gore-Hickman
- William A. Tweed
- William Blazek
- William J. Wall
- William N. Dust
- William P. S. McKay
- Wojciech B. Dobkowski
- Wynn M. Rigal
- Y. Goto
- Y. Sugiura
- Yin James Kao
- Yong C. Lim
- Yuki Shimodate
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Role of Nanostructure in Electrochemical Corrosion and High Temperature Oxidation: A Review
- Author
- A. Aledresse
- A. Barbucci
- A. Gebert
- A. Hernando
- A. Michels
- A. Nikfahm
- A. Vinogradov
- A.A. El-Moneim
- A.A. El-Moneim
- A.A. El-Moneim
- A.A. Karimpoor
- A.M. Stoneham
- A.P. Zhilyaev
- A.P. Zhilyaev
- A.Q. Lu
- A.S. Khan
- B. V. Mahesh
- B. Zhang
- B.S. Murthy
- C. Suryanarayana
- C. Suryanarayana
- C. Wagner
- C.C. Koch
- C.C. Koch
- C.E. Krill
- C.H. Liebert
- C.H. Moelle
- C.T. Kwok
- D. Cheng
- D. Sebayang
- D. Segers
- D. Zander
- D.H. Boone
- D.H. Boone
- D.S. Richeby
- E. Bonetti
- E. Bonetti
- E. Sobczak
- E.E. Oguzie
- F. Gonzalez
- F. Wang
- F.H. Stott
- G. Chen
- G. Gupta
- G. Ji
- G. Meng
- G. Palumbo
- G. Song
- G. Wallner
- G.C. Hadjipanayis
- G.D. Hibbard
- G.E. Fougere
- G.F. Chen
- G.J. Thomas
- G.R. Argade
- H. Fecht
- H. Fischmeister
- H. Gleiter
- H. Gleiter
- H. Jung
- H. Jung
- H. Lou
- H. Lou
- H. Lou
- H. Natter
- H. Natter
- H. Tanimoto
- H.B. Lu
- H.B. Lu
- H.E. Evans
- H.H. Tian
- H.J. Fecht
- H.N. Fraze
- H.V. Swygenhoven
- H.Y. Tong
- I. Kim
- J. Balogh
- J. Bhattarai
- J. Horvath
- J. Joardar
- J. Stringer
- J. Stringer
- J. Weissmuller
- J. Zhang
- J.H. Seo
- J.R. Nicholls
- J.X. Song
- J.X. Zhang
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Comparative QSAR: Radical Reactions of Benzene Derivatives in Chemistry and Biology
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- Field of study
Voicing, De-voicing and Self-Silencing: Charles Kingsley's Stuttering Christian Manliness
- Author
- Anderson
- Bourdieu
- Buck-Morss
- Catherine Gallagher makes this observation in her magisterial and paradigmatic reading of the novel in The Industrial Reformation of English Fiction 1832–1876 (Chicago and London: Chicago University Press 1985) 89–110. She attributes Kingsley’s divided narratorial voice to two contrary philosophical states: his Coleridgean romanticism and the empirical determinism of his social reform agenda
- Cited in Hall 7. (See note to 3)
- Cited in Stammering and Stuttering: Their Nature and Treatment 242
- Cited in Steven Connor Dumbstruck A Cultural History of Ventriloquism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), 333
- Cited in Susan Chitty’s The Beast And The Monk A Life of Charles Kingsley (New York Mason/Charter, 1976), 196
- Diary accounts suggest a sustained profound and vigorous engagement with his parish, particularly at times of sickness. John Martineau, who spent a year with Kingsley as a 13-year-old, remembers how the sight of suffering affected him: ‘The cholera of 1849 had just swept through England and though it had not reached Eversley, a severe kind of low fever did. [It was] a season of much sickness and many deaths. His senses were acute to an almost painful degree. The sight of suffering, the foul scent of a sick room – well-used as he was to both – would haunt him for hours’, Letters, vol.1, 241
- Dr James Hunt’s 1854 treatise on stammering was re-published as Stammering and Stuttering
- Dumbstruck A Cultural History of Ventriloquism 189
- For a discussion of the later prefaces to Alton Locke and their place in self-consciously re-shaping history see David Amigoni, Victorian Biography Intellectuals and the Ordering of Discourse (New York: St Martin’s Press, 1993), 75–78. Thanks to Adelene Buckland, co-organiser of the Print Culture and the Novel conference in Jan. 2007 for a very stimulating post-conference email discussion on Kingsley’s endless editing. Kingsley’s unhappiness about committing words to a page for public consumption is revealed in a letter to J. Conington in December, 1848: ‘I am so dissatisfied with Yeast. It was finished or rather cut short to please Fraser.’ Letters, vol.1, 191
- For discussions of Kingsley and Ludlow’s short-lived journal Politics For The People in the aftermath of the Kennington Common rally see Ian Haywood, The Revolution in Popular Literature (Cambridge: CUP, 2004), 218–242 and Donald. E. Hall ‘On the making And unmaking of Monsters: Christian Socialism, muscular Christianity, and the metaphorization of class conflict’ in Donald. E. Hall ed. Muscular Christianity Embodying The Victorian Age (Cambridge: CUP, 1994). On physical force Chartism see David Jones, Chartism And The Chartists (London: Allen Lane, 1975), chapter 5
- Fraser’s Magazine July 1859
- Gallagher notes that Alton Locke is also excessively conscious of its own ‘bookness’ (109)
- He was writing Yeast ‘at night when the day’s work was over and the house was still.’ Cited in The Apostle of the Flesh, 167
- In a letter to John Bullar January 23, 1857, Kingsley wrote :‘At twenty, I found out tobacco. The spectres vanished
- Interestingly Mary Barton does the opposite for Jem in Gaskell’s novel and testifies on his behalf in court. See chapter 32
- Kingsley
- Kingsley
- Kingsley
- Kingsley
- Kingsley
- Letter to J M Ludlow December 30, 1855, in vol.1 of Charles Kingsley His Letters & Memories of His Life Edited By His Wife (London: King, 1877), 459. For an account of the reception and publication of Westward Ho!, see John Sutherland, Victorian Novelists & Publishers (London: Athlone Press, 1976)
- LML i. 173
- Louise Lee
- Martin
- See Thomas Hughes ‘A Prefatory Memoir’ in Charles Kingsley, Alton Locke, Tailor And Poet An Autobiography (London: Macmillan, 1876), 8, and J. M. I. Klaver, The Apostle of the Flesh A Critical Life of Charles Kingsley (Leiden: Brill 2006), chapter six
- See ‘On the making and unmaking of monsters’ 45–65 (See note to 3)
- The Beast And The Monk 160. See also The Apostle of the Flesh, 133 and 442
- The Beast And The Monk 196
- The Beast And The Monk 196. (See note to 22)
- The Dust of Combat (See note to 33) 213
- The Industrial Reformation of English Fiction 109
- The Irrationale of Speech’ 11 & 6. See also The Apostle of The Flesh, 441–442 for a detailed discussion of Kingsley’s stammering life
- The novel was first published in Fraser’s Magazine between July and December 1848 and in volume form in 1851
- The reciprocity of ideas between Hunt and Kingsley is particularly noticeable in the early 1860s. In Hunt’s introduction to Stammering he cites Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1689), arguing the necessity of the correct use of language and the ‘mistakes and confusion that are spread in the world by an ill-use of words’ (11). This is a central motif in Alton Locke, with its marked questioning of the efficacy of words as bearers of meaning. But there are scientific as well as literary cross-overs between the two men: while Hunt is more restrained in tone on the subject of how to cure a stutter, he patently shares a number of Kingsley’s views on exercise, self-determination and keeping up bodily health
- This is an image used in Yeast A Problem (1851): ‘Let it be enough that my puppets have retreated in good order’
- Yeast begins with Lancelot breaking his leg by falling off a horse head-first into a ditch
- Yeast 188
- ‘On the making and unmaking of monsters’ 46. Hall’s phrase employs the neologism ‘figur(e-)ative’
- ‘Prefatory Memoir’ 44
- ‘Prefatory Memoir’ 44. This thorn-in-the-side image is used again in Alton Locke when Alton is moved to tears at Dulwich Picture Gallery at seeing Guido’s depiction of St Sebastien, the wounded saint with a quivering spear in his side. While some critics have argued that Alton’s tears are the epiphany of a working class man’s first encounter with middle class culture, I want to suggest another reading. What Alton sees is a pictorial representation of his own wounded self: ‘The helplessness of the bound arms, the arrow quivering in the shrinking side, … and parted lips which seemed to ask … ‘O, Lord, how long?’ (53). In terms of the novel, this is not just a physical wound, but a vocal one
- Publication venue
- 'Edinburgh University Press'
- Publication date
- Field of study