140 research outputs found

    Closed Strings in Misner Space: Stringy Fuzziness with a Twist

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    Misner space, also known as the Lorentzian orbifold R1,1/boostR^{1,1}/boost, is the simplest tree-level solution of string theory with a cosmological singularity. We compute tree-level scattering amplitudes involving twisted states, using operator and current algebra techniques. We find that, due to zero-point quantum fluctuations of the excited modes, twisted strings with a large winding number ww are fuzzy on a scale logw\sqrt{\log w}, which can be much larger than the string scale. Wave functions are smeared by an operator exp(Δ(ν)+)\exp(\Delta(\nu) \partial_+ \partial_-) reminiscent of the Moyal-product of non-commutative geometry, which, since Δ(ν)\Delta(\nu) is real, modulates the amplitude rather than the phase of the wave function, and is purely gravitational in its origin. We compute the scattering amplitude of two twisted states and one tachyon or graviton, and find a finite result. The scattering amplitude of two twisted and two untwisted states is found to diverge, due to the propagation of intermediate winding strings with vanishing boost momentum. The scattering amplitude of three twisted fields is computed by analytic continuation from three-point amplitudes of states with non-zero p+p^+ in the Nappi-Witten plane wave, and the non-locality of the three-point vertex is found to diverge for certain kinematical configurations. Our results for the three-point amplitudes allow in principle to compute, to leading order, the back-reaction on the metric due to a condensation of coherent winding strings.Comment: 29 pages, Latex2e, uses JHEP3.cls; v3: minor corrections, final version to appear in JCA

    The Medicare and Medicaid Anti-Kickback Statute: Safe Harbors Eradicate Ambiguity

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    This Note will briefly explore the history of the Medicare and Medicaid programs including the introduction of the PPS. Next, the Note will detail the legislative history surrounding the adoption of the MMAKS and the judicial interpretation applied to its elements. The Note will follow with an analysis of the purpose, goals, and disagreements relating to the MMPPPA\u27s Safe Harbor regulations, resolving their alleged ambiguity against the medical profession. Finally, the Note will advocate support of the recently proposed Health Care Cost Containment and Reform Act of 1992 with emphasis on increasing the budget and size of the staff within the Office of the Inspector General

    Quantum evolution across singularities

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    Attempts to consider evolution across space-time singularities often lead to quantum systems with time-dependent Hamiltonians developing an isolated singularity as a function of time. Examples include matrix theory in certain singular time-dependent backgounds and free quantum fields on the two-dimensional compactified Milne universe. Due to the presence of the singularities in the time dependence, the conventional quantum-mechanical evolution is not well-defined for such systems. We propose a natural way, mathematically analogous to renormalization in conventional quantum field theory, to construct unitary quantum evolution across the singularity. We carry out this procedure explicitly for free fields on the compactified Milne universe and compare our results with the matching conditions considered in earlier work (which were based on the covering Minkowski space).Comment: revised with an emphasis on local counterterm subtraction rather than analyticity; version to be submitted for publicatio

    Wavelet transforms in a critical interface model for Barkhausen noise

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    We discuss the application of wavelet transforms to a critical interface model, which is known to provide a good description of Barkhausen noise in soft ferromagnets. The two-dimensional version of the model (one-dimensional interface) is considered, mainly in the adiabatic limit of very slow driving. On length scales shorter than a crossover length (which grows with the strength of surface tension), the effective interface roughness exponent ζ\zeta is 1.20\simeq 1.20, close to the expected value for the universality class of the quenched Edwards-Wilkinson model. We find that the waiting times between avalanches are fully uncorrelated, as the wavelet transform of their autocorrelations scales as white noise. Similarly, detrended size-size correlations give a white-noise wavelet transform. Consideration of finite driving rates, still deep within the intermittent regime, shows the wavelet transform of correlations scaling as 1/f1.51/f^{1.5} for intermediate frequencies. This behavior is ascribed to intra-avalanche correlations.Comment: RevTeX, 10 pages, 9 .eps figures; Physical Review E, to be publishe

    Signature of effective mass in crackling noise asymmetry

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    Crackling noise is a common feature in many dynamic systems [1-9], the most familiar instance of which is the sound made by a sheet of paper when crumpled into a ball. Although seemingly random, this noise contains fundamental information about the properties of the system in which it occurs. One potential source of such information lies in the asymmetric shape of noise pulses emitted by a diverse range of noisy systems [8-12], but the cause of this asymmetry has lacked explanation [1]. Here we show that the leftward asymmetry observed in the Barkhausen effect [2] - the noise generated by the jerky motion of domain walls as they interact with impurities in a soft magnet - is a direct consequence of a magnetic domain wall's negative effective mass. As well as providing a means of determining domain wall effective mass from a magnet's Barkhausen noise our work suggests an inertial explanation for the origin of avalanche asymmetries in crackling noise phenomena more generally.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Nature Physic

    Finite driving rates in interface models of Barkhausen noise

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    We consider a single-interface model for the description of Barkhausen noise in soft ferromagnetic materials. Previously, the model had been used only in the adiabatic regime of infinitely slow field ramping. We introduce finite driving rates and analyze the scaling of event sizes and durations for different regimes of the driving rate. Coexistence of intermittency, with non-trivial scaling laws, and finite-velocity interface motion is observed for high enough driving rates. Power spectra show a decay ωt\sim \omega^{-t}, with t<2t<2 for finite driving rates, revealing the influence of the internal structure of avalanches.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, RevTeX, final version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Time Dependent Cosmologies and Their Duals

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    We construct a family of solutions in IIB supergravity theory. These are time dependent or depend on a light-like coordinate and can be thought of as deformations of AdS_5 x S^5. Several of the solutions have singularities. The light-like solutions preserve 8 supersymmetries. We argue that these solutions are dual to the N=4 gauge theory in a 3+1 dimensional spacetime with a metric and a gauge coupling that is varying with time or the light-like direction respectively. This identification allows us to map the question of singularity resolution to the dual gauge theory.Comment: 13 pages REVTeX and AMSLaTeX. v2: corrected typos and made some clarifications; reference added; v3: more clarifications, references adde

    String spectra near some null cosmological singularities

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    We construct cosmological spacetimes with null Kasner-like singularities as purely gravitational solutions with no other background fields turned on. These can be recast as anisotropic plane-wave spacetimes by coordinate transformations. We analyse string quantization to find the spectrum of string modes in these backgrounds. The classical string modes can be solved for exactly in these time-dependent backgrounds, which enables a detailed study of the near singularity string spectrum, (time-dependent) oscillator masses and wavefunctions. We find that for low lying string modes(finite oscillation number), the classical near-singularity string mode functions are non-divergent for various families of singularities. Furthermore, for any infinitesimal regularization of the vicinity of the singularity, we find a tower of string modes of ultra-high oscillation number which propagate essentially freely in the background. The resulting picture suggests that string interactions are non-negligible near the singularity.Comment: Latex, 30pgs; v2. minor clarifications, references adde

    Barkhausen noise from zigzag domain walls

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    We investigate the Barkhausen noise in ferromagnetic thin films with zigzag domain walls. We use a cellular automaton model that describes the motion of a zigzag domain wall in an impure ferromagnetic quasi-two dimensional sample with in-plane uniaxial magnetization at zero temperature, driven by an external magnetic field. The main ingredients of this model are the dipolar spin-spin interactions and the anisotropy energy. A power law behavior with a cutoff is found for the probability distributions of size, duration and correlation length of the Barkhausen avalanches, and the critical exponents are in agreement with the available experiments. The link between the size and the duration of the avalanches is analyzed too, and a power law behavior is found for the average size of an avalanche as a function of its duration.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Nonstationary dynamics of the Alessandro-Beatrice-Bertotti-Montorsi model

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    We obtain an exact solution for the motion of a particle driven by a spring in a Brownian random-force landscape, the Alessandro-Beatrice-Bertotti-Montorsi (ABBM) model. Many experiments on quasi-static driving of elastic interfaces (Barkhausen noise in magnets, earthquake statistics, shear dynamics of granular matter) exhibit the same universal behavior as this model. It also appears as a limit in the field theory of elastic manifolds. Here we discuss predictions of the ABBM model for monotonous, but otherwise arbitrary, time-dependent driving. Our main result is an explicit formula for the generating functional of particle velocities and positions. We apply this to derive the particle-velocity distribution following a quench in the driving velocity. We also obtain the joint avalanche size and duration distribution and the mean avalanche shape following a jump in the position of the confining spring. Such non-stationary driving is easy to realize in experiments, and provides a way to test the ABBM model beyond the stationary, quasi-static regime. We study extensions to two elastically coupled layers, and to an elastic interface of internal dimension d, in the Brownian force landscape. The effective action of the field theory is equal to the action, up to 1-loop corrections obtained exactly from a functional determinant. This provides a connection to renormalization-group methods.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure