569 research outputs found
Beyond transparency: computational reliabilism as an externalist epistemology of algorithms
This chapter is interested in the epistemology of algorithms. As I intend to approach the topic, this is an issue about epistemic justification. Current approaches to justification emphasize the transparency of algorithms, which entails elucidating their internal mechanisms –such as functions and variables– and demonstrating how (or that) these produce outputs. Thus, the mode of justification through transparency is contingent on what can be shown about the algorithm and, in this sense, is internal to the algorithm. In contrast, I advocate for an externalist epistemology of algorithms that I term computational reliabilism (CR). While I have previously introduced and examined CR in the field of computer simulations ([42, 53, 4]), this chapter extends this reliabilist epistemology to encompass a broader spectrum of algorithms utilized in various scientific disciplines, with a particular emphasis on machine learning applications. At its core, CR posits that an algorithm’s output is justified if it is produced by a reliable algorithm. A reliable algorithm is one that has been specified, coded, used, and maintained utilizing reliability indicators. These reliability indicators stem from formal methods, algorithmic metrics, expert competencies, cultures of research, and other scientific endeavors. The primary aim of this chapter is to delineate the foundations of CR, explicate its operational mechanisms, and outline its potential as an externalist epistemology of algorithms
Computer Science and Philosophy
There is a widely extended image of computer software as some sort of ‘black box,’ where it does not matter how it internally works, but rather what sort of results are obtained given certain input values. By approaching computer software this way, many philosophical issues are hidden, neglected, or simply misunderstood. This article discusses three units of analysis of computer software, namely, specifications, algorithms, and computer processes. The aim is to understand the scientific and engineering practices supporting each unit of analysis, as well as to analyze their methodology, ontology, and epistemology
Machine learning, justification, and computational reliabilism
This article asks the question, ``what is reliable machine learning?'' As I intend to answer it, this is a question about epistemic justification. Reliable machine learning gives justification for believing its output. Current approaches to reliability (e.g., transparency) involve showing the inner workings of an algorithm (functions, variables, etc.) and how they render outputs. We then have justification for believing the output because we know how it was computed. Thus, justification is contingent on what can be shown about the algorithm, its properties, and its behavior. In this paper, I defend computational reliabilism (CR). CR is a computationally-inspired off-shoot of process reliabilism that does not require showing the inner workings of an algorithm. CR credits reliability to machine learning by identifying reliability indicators external to the algorithm (validation methods, knowledge-based integration, etc.). Thus, we have justification for believing the output of machine learning when we have identified the appropriate reliability indicators. CR is advanced as a more suitable epistemology for machine learning. The main goal of this article is to lay the groundwork for CR, how it works, and what we can expect as a justificatory framework for reliable machine learning
Beyond transparency: computational reliabilism as an externalist epistemology of algorithms
This chapter is interested in the epistemology of algorithms. As I intend to approach the topic, this is an issue about epistemic justification. Current approaches to justification emphasize the transparency of algorithms, which entails elucidating their internal mechanisms –such as functions and variables– and demonstrating how (or that) these produce outputs. Thus, the mode of justification through transparency is contingent on what can be shown about the algorithm and, in this sense, is internal to the algorithm. In contrast, I advocate for an externalist epistemology of algorithms that I term computational reliabilism (CR). While I have previously introduced and examined CR in the field of computer simulations ([42, 53, 4]), this chapter extends this reliabilist epistemology to encompass a broader spectrum of algorithms utilized in various scientific disciplines, with a particular emphasis on machine learning applications. At its core, CR posits that an algorithm’s output is justified if it is produced by a reliable algorithm. A reliable algorithm is one that has been specified, coded, used, and maintained utilizing reliability indicators. These reliability indicators stem from formal methods, algorithmic metrics, expert competencies, cultures of research, and other scientific endeavors. The primary aim of this chapter is to delineate the foundations of CR, explicate its operational mechanisms, and outline its potential as an externalist epistemology of algorithms
Analysis of the violation of effective judicial protection due to the influence of external criteria -cognitive biases- in the judicial decision.
En esta investigación se señala que los criterios externos, como lo es, el estado de ánimo y haber comido o no, afecta la imparcialidad del juez, toda vez que, estos sesgos cognitivos influencian el razonamiento que hace el juez al momento de tomar una decisión judicial, afectando, por ende, la tutela judicial efectiva. Para lograr lo anterior, se acudió ante el tipo de investigación jurÃdica, con un enfoque cualitativo de investigación; ello en razón de que se hizo necesario analizar las figuras jurÃdicas de la decisión judicial, imparcialidad y tutela judicial efectiva, asà como también los sesgos cognitivos externos de lo jurÃdico. Como resultado de la investigación se tiene que las decisiones judiciales deben estar alejadas de cualquier sesgo o elemento que afecte la imparcialidad del juez, toda vez que, si se permite dicha influencia se afecta la tutela judicial efectiva de las personas que acceden a la administración de justicia.This research shows that external criteria, such as mood and having eaten or not, affect the impartiality of the judge, since these cognitive biases influence the reasoning of the judge at the time of making a judicial decision, thus affecting the effective judicial protection. To achieve the above, the type of legal research was used, with a qualitative research approach, since it was necessary to analyze the legal figures of the judicial decision, impartiality and effective judicial protection, as well as the external cognitive biases of the legal. As a result of the research, judicial decisions must be free from any bias or element that affects the impartiality of the judge, since, if such influence is allowed, the effective judicial protection of the persons who have access to the administration of justice is affected
Relevance of bacterial secretion systems Type III and Type VI in the Bradyrhizobium-Lupinus simbiosis
One of the most studied models in plant-microbe interaction is the symbiosis Rhizobium-legume. This symbiosis is highly specific and depends on several molecular signals produced by both partners. Some of these signals are bacterial proteins named effectors that are translocated into the plant cells by secretion systems similar to contractile nanomachines (injectisomes). The injectosomes puncture and deliver the effectors into the target cell. The two main injectiosomes are the secretion system type III (T3SS) and the secretion system type VI (T6SS). The genome of many rhizobia encodes T3SS and/or T6SS but their role in symbiosis is mostly unknown. The aim of this work is to study the symbiotic relevance of T3SS and T6SS of Bradyrhizobia that nodulate lupins that thrive in alkaline (Lupinus mariae-josephae) and acid soils (L. angustifolius) in the Iberian Peninsul
Épocas de nacimiento basadas en un Ãndice climático para el ajuste de modelos estadÃsticos para peso vivo de ganado bovino en México
ArtÃculo de investigación cientÃfica publicado en revista indizada.El objetivo fue comparar los efectos de una metodologÃa para la clasificación de épocas climáticas, que tradicionalmente son utilizadas para establecer épocas de nacimiento (EN) en estudios y experimentos estadÃsticos. Esta metodologÃa se basa en un Ãndice de aridez (IA) para clasificar las EN utilizando información meteorológica histórica. Se trabajó una base de datos con un pedigrà de 7,460 animales, se ajustaron dos modelos para peso al nacimiento y peso al destete en bovinos Charolais manejados en pastoreo extensivo. Los modelos incluyeron el efecto fijo de grupo contemporáneo (GC= subclase de hato, sexo, año y EN) y edad de la madre. Los mismos modelos se compararon utilizando una clasificación tradicional de estaciones del año para clasificar las EN. Al estimar los componentes de varianza y valores genéticos (DEP) con sus exactitudes, los modelos fueron diferentes de acuerdo a la prueba de razón de verosimilitudes (P<0.01). El número de GC se redujo en 25 % para la EN basada en el IA, con GC con mayor número de individuos. El principal efecto observado en los modelos analizados fue el cambio en la jerarquización de las DEP para ambas caracterÃsticas. Este método de clasificación de épocas de nacimiento, puede ayudar a mejorar el ajuste de modelos estadÃsticos en los sistemas ganaderos manejados en pastoreo extensivo
Initial clinical and treatment patterns of advanced differentiated thyroid cancer: ERUDIT study
Advanced differentiated thyroid cancer; Epidemiological study; Survival prognostic factorsCáncer de tiroides diferenciado avanzado; Estudio epidemiológico; Factores pronósticos de supervivenciaCà ncer de tiroide diferenciat avançat; Estudi epidemiològic; Factors pronòstics de supervivènciaBackground
Up to 30% of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) will develop advanced-stage disease (aDTC) with reduced overall survival (OS).
The aim of this study is to characterize initial diagnosis of aDTC, its therapeutic management, and prognosis in Spain and Portugal.
A multicentre, longitudinal, retrospective study of adult patients diagnosed with aDTC in the Iberian Peninsula was conducted between January 2007 and December 2012. Analyses of baseline characteristics and results of initial treatments, relapse- or progression-free survival ((RP)FS) from first DTC diagnosis, OS, and prognostic factors impacting the evolution of advanced disease were evaluated.
Two hundred and thirteen patients (median age: 63 years; 57% female) were eligible from 23 hospitals. Advanced disease presented at first diagnosis (de novo aDTC) included 54% of patients, while 46% had relapsed from early disease (recurrent/progressive eDTC). At initial stage, most patients received surgery (98%) and/or radioiodine (RAI) (89%), with no differences seen between median OS (95% CI) (10.4 (7.3–15.3) years) and median disease-specific-survival (95% CI) (11.1 (8.7–16.2) years; log-rank test P = 0.4737). Age at diagnosis being <55 years was associated with a lower risk of death (Wald chi-square (Wc-s) P < 0.0001), while a poor response to RAI to a higher risk of death ((Wc-s) P < 0.05). In the eDTC cohort, median (RP)FS (95% CI) was of 1.7 (1.0–2.0) years after RAI, with R0/R1 surgeries being the only common significant favourable factor for longer (RP)FS and time to aDTC ((Wc-s) P < 0.05).
Identification of early treatment-dependent prognostic factors for an unfavourable course of advanced disease is possible. An intensified therapeutic attitude may reverse this trend and should be considered in poor-performing patients. Prospective studies are required to confirm these findings.ERUDIT study was sponsored and funded by Eisai Farmacéutica S.A. (Madrid, Spain)
Estudio preliminar de la hidrodiversidad de humedales andaluces de origen kárstico-evaporÃtico
Los resultados preliminares obtenidos muestran una gran variedad de facies
hidroquÃmicas (Fig. 3 y 4) y un amplio rango de mineralización de las aguas (Fig. 3 y
Tab. 1). Los valores isotópicos de δ18O y δD de las muestras (Fig. 5) indican un
enriquecimiento isotópico y presentan un claro desvÃo con respecto a las lÃneas
meteóricas local y global. Ello demuestra la influencia de la evaporación sobre el agua
de los humedales estudiados, más patente en el caso de lagunas estacionales con
periodo de inundación prolongado que en aquellas con un hidroperiodo más efÃmero.
Las aguas de las lagunas permanentes, pese a estar expuestas de forma continua
a la evaporación, se sitúan en la figura 5 en una posición intermedia, lo que podrÃa
deberse a la mezcla de aguas evaporadas con otras de aporte subterráneo.
Los humedales de génesis kárstico-evaporÃtica, pese a tener un origen similar,
presentan una gran diversidad geomorfológica, hidrológica e hidrogeológica como
consecuencia de condiciones topográficas y geológicas particulares asà como de su
ubicación dentro de sistemas de flujo subterráneo locales, intermedios o regionales.
Dichas particularidades han de ser tomadas en consideración a la hora de gestionar
estas áreas naturales y plantear medidas de conservación y restauración, por lo que
es necesario profundizar en el conocimiento hidrogeológico de los CCS y de la
relación de las aguas subterráneas con los humedales formados en este contexto.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucÃa Tech. Grupo Español de la Asociación Internacional de Hidrogeólogo
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