425 research outputs found
Analysis of the mean squared derivative cost function
In this paper, we investigate the mean squared derivative cost functions that
arise in various applications such as in motor control, biometrics and optimal
transport theory. We provide qualitative properties, explicit analytical
formulas and computational algorithms for the cost functions. We also perform
numerical simulations to illustrate the analytical results. In addition, as a
by-product of our analysis, we obtain an explicit formula for the inverse of a
Wronskian matrix that is of independent interest in linear algebra and
differential equations theory.Comment: 28 page
Real-time Optimal Resource Allocation for Embedded UAV Communication Systems
We consider device-to-device (D2D) wireless information and power transfer
systems using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) as a relay-assisted node. As the
energy capacity and flight time of UAVs is limited, a significant issue in
deploying UAV is to manage energy consumption in real-time application, which
is proportional to the UAV transmit power. To tackle this important issue, we
develop a real-time resource allocation algorithm for maximizing the energy
efficiency by jointly optimizing the energy-harvesting time and power control
for the considered (D2D) communication embedded with UAV. We demonstrate the
effectiveness of the proposed algorithms as running time for solving them can
be conducted in milliseconds.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. This paper is accepted for publication
on IEEE Wireless Communications Letter
Clean Energy and Sustainable Development lab activity report, 2014-09-31 to 2015-12-31
The Clean Energy and Sustainable Development laboratory – CleanED – was established in December 2014 with support from USTH and French Embassy in Hanoi. In September 2015, CleanED lab counted five researchers from France and Vietnam, five doctoral fellows and two internationally qualified staff. This international and interdisciplinary research team gets the mission to contribute to the green growth of the energy sector in Vietnam. Its expertise ranges from engineering to public policy on:Natural resources characterization and managementBiomass and waste to energy conversion process technologiesEnergy systems optimization from smart grid to national plan
Costs and Benefits of a Greener Alternative for the Development of Vietnam's power sector
International audienceIn this study, BAU (a scenario based on current trends) and ALT (a greener alternative with more renewables, higher energy efficiency) are developed. The external costs of CO 2 , NOx, SO 2 and PM 10 in the Vietnamese power sector are estimated at 20, 1328, 2047 and 1460 US compared with 974 billion US); lower local pollution costs (73 vs 137 billion US). The outcomes of ALT are in accord with the targets in the most recent Green Growth Strategy of Vietnam
Perspective of CO2 capture & storage (CCS) development in Vietnam: Results from expert interviews
International audienceThis paper summarizes expert opinions regarding crucial factors that mayinfluence Vietnam’s future use of carbon capture and storage (CCS) based onface-to-face interviews in December 2013 with 16 CCS-related experts fromthe Vietnamese government, research institutes, universities and the energyindustrial sector. This study finds that financial incentives and climate policyare the most important factors for the development of CCS technologies inVietnam in the next two decades. Financial incentives involve direct subsidiesfrom the government, such as tax exemptions for land use and the importationof CCS-related equipment. In addition, all the experts agree that internationalfinancial support is important to initiate a large deployment of CCStechnologies in Vietnam by implementing demonstrative/pilot projects to proveCCS’s working efficiency
Active learning (AL) is widely implemented in Asia including Vietnam. However, to date, research on this method seems to be scarce, particularly in the context of Vietnam. This study aims to investigate teachers' perceptions of AL and its principles in teaching English speaking. In addition, the study also explores teachers’ attitudes about AL implementation and their concerns about applying this method to their teaching context. Ten teachers of English teaching at a university in the Mekong Delta, South of Vietnam participated in the study. A semi-structured interview activity was employed to collect data. The results showed that the teachers generally had a high level of understanding of AL teaching principles and showed positive attitudes toward the implementation of it. The results also revealed teachers’ concerns about implementing AL. In particular, three problems of large class size, students’ mixed language proficiency and time limitation were addressed. Accordingly, possible suggestions for a better implementation of AL in teaching English speaking in Vietnam and similar contexts elsewhere will be provided. Article visualizations
Low Carbon Scenario for the Power Sector of Vietnam: Externality and Comparison Approach
International audienceIn this paper, BAU (a scenario based on current trends) and ALT (a greener alternative with more renewables, higher energy efficiency) are developed. The external costs of CO2, NOx, SO2 and PM10 in the Vietnamese power sector are estimated at 20, 1328, 2047 and 1460 US compared with 974 billion US); lower local pollution costs (73 vs 137 billion US). The outcomes of ALT are in accord with the targets in the most recent Green Growth Strategy of Vietnam and the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) of the country to UNFCCC and COP21
Mở rộng tâm trí để thúc đẩy sáng tạo
Nếu nhìn qua lăng kính lý thuyết mindsponge, thông tin trong thế giới vật lý là khách quan, nhưng cách mà con người hiểu và tận dụng thông tin đó sẽ bị ảnh hưởng bởi các yếu tố chủ quan. Trong thực tế, mức độ mà con người có thể hiểu và tận dụng một vật hoặc sự kiện phụ thuộc vào khả năng tư duy của họ để tưởng tượng các khả năng có thể xảy ra. Khả năng tư duy này bị hạn chế bởi tập hợp thông tin tồn tại trong tâm trí, tạo ra một ranh giới chủ quan (subjective boundary) cho sự tưởng tượng
Hiểu về Khả Năng Bền Bỉ và Phục Hồi: Định Nghĩa, Sự Phức Tạp, và Góc Nhìn Xử Lý Thông Tin
Khi chúng ta nhìn nhận khả năng bền bỉ và phục hồi như một quá trình xử lý thông tin, chúng ta có thể hiểu được cách mà các yếu tố nội tại và ngoại vi tương tác để ảnh hưởng đến quá trình phục hồi ở mỗi cá nhân hoặc tổ chức. Từ đó, chúng ta có cơ hội hiểu rõ hơn về cách mà cá nhân và tổ chức phản ứng và thích ứng với căng thẳng và khả năng phục hồi mà không bị ảnh hưởng bởi niềm tin và những quan điểm xã hội đa dạng. Điều này sẽ mang lại lợi ích lớn trong việc nghiên cứu và áp dụng các biện pháp hỗ trợ và can thiệp để tăng cường khả năng phục hồi và chống lại ảnh hưởng của căng thẳng trong xã hộ
Socio-economic impacts of co-firing in Vietnam: The case of Ninh Binh Coal Power Plant
International audienceCo-firing biomass with coal is a relatively low-cost technology to utilize biomass for electricity production compared to dedicated biomass power plant. Co-firing could help to reduce the negative impact of coal power plants to economy, environment and society. Vietnam has potential to develop co-firing base on the abundant of biomass resources and because Vietnam will continue to build more coal-fired power plant in the next 2 decades as stated in the latest National Power Development Plan.Among the co-firing technologies, direct co-firing is the most suitable for Vietnam context. Despite of low biomass ratio, direct co-firing offers low investment cost and could utilize most of the biomass feedstock. Vietnam has huge biomass potential, especially the agriculture and forestry residues. These biomasses should be considered first as feedstock for co-firing. Biomass pellets is also a good choice in term of technical features and local supply. However, the price of pellets is not yet competitive with coal or agricultural residues.Economic benefit of co-firing would be higher in the plants that has following features: assess to stable biomass supply, biomass price competitive with coal, incentives and support in term of market for renewable energy utilization and waste reduction. Vietnam should start experimenting co-firing in the coal power plants that located in the area where biomass resource is available, easy to collect and deliver to the plant, using imported coal such as Vinh Tan 2, Duyen Hai 1, Long Phuoc 1…; or the plants that are soon or already depreciated such as Ninh Binh, Uong Bi or Pha Lai to utilize the existing infrastructures.The case study of co-firing 5% rice straw with coal in Ninh Binh Coal Power Plant shows that co-firing could bring benefit to the plant owner in the condition that lack supporting mechanism for co-firing as well as with the absent of carbon credit. Farmers and workers that work in biomass supply chain also benefit from co-firing, especially farmers. In addition, co-firing provide significant positive externalities, in which the most notable is health benefit from reducing air-borne pollutants. Greenhouse gas emissions reduction adds a small part to the overall benefit of co-firing
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