134 research outputs found
Theory of Lattice and Electronic Fluctuations in Weakly Localized Spin-Peierls Systems
A theoretical approach to the influence of one-dimensional lattice
fluctuations on electronic properties in weakly localized spin-Peierls systems
is proposed using the renormalization group and the functional integral
techniques. The interplay between the renormalization group flow of correlated
electrons and one-dimensional lattice fluctuations is taken into account by the
one-dimensional functional integral method in the adiabatic limit. Calculations
of spin-Peierls precursor effects on response functions are carried out
explicitely and the prediction for the temperature dependent magnetic
susceptibility and nuclear relaxation is compared with available experimental
data for (TMTTF)PF.Comment: 15 pages, 7 Encapsulated Postscript figure
High-impedence NbSi TES sensors for studying the cosmic microwave background radiation
Precise measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are crucial in
cosmology, because any proposed model of the universe must account for the
features of this radiation. Of all CMB measurements that the scientific
community has not yet been able to perform, the CMB B-mode polarization is
probably the most challenging from the instrumental point of view. The
signature of primordial gravitational waves, which give rise to a B-type
polarization, is one of the goals in cosmology today and amongst the first
objectives in the field. For this purpose, high-performance low-temperature
bolometric cameras, made of thousands of pixels, are currently being developed
by many groups, which will improve the sensitivity to B-mode CMB polarization
by one or two orders of magnitude compared to the Planck satellite HFI
detectors. We present here a new bolometer structure that is able to increase
the pixel sensitivities and to simplify the fabrication procedure. This
innovative device replaces delicate membrane-based structures and eliminates
the mediation of phonons: the incoming energy is directly captured and measured
in the electron bath of an appropriate sensor and the thermal decoupling is
achieved via the intrinsic electron-phonon decoupling of the sensor at very low
temperature. Reported results come from a 204-pixel array of NbSi
transition edge sensors with a meander structure fabricated on a 2-inch silicon
wafer using electron-beam co-evaporation and a cleanroom lithography process.
To validate the application of this device to CMB measurements, we have
performed an optical calibration of our sample in the focal plane of a dilution
cryostat test bench. We have demonstrated a light absorption close to 20% and
an NEP of about 7 W/, which is highly encouraging
given the scope for improvement in this type of detectors.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with
arXiv:1005.0555 by other author
Zuid-West-Vlaanderen Energieneutraal in 2050: naar een regionale energiestrategie
Dit cahier bevat een voorstel voor een regionale energiestrategie voor Zuid-West-Vlaanderen: Zuid-West-Vlaanderen energieneutraal in 2050. Het biedt een denkkader over hoe Zuid-West-Vlaanderen de komende decennia met energie moet omgaan. Het cahier formuleert een visie, plus een aantal concrete acties om de visie op korte termijn in de praktijk te brengen. Het is de neerslag van een uitgebreid proces dat Leiedal opstartte, in samenwerking met de regionale energiestuurgroep en thematisch verdiept aan de hand van verschillende expertenworkshops en regionale energiefora
Restauration myope d'images pour l'inspection des ouvrages d'art par un systÚme de vision embarqué sur drÎne
- Cet article prĂ©sente les premiers rĂ©sultats d'une Ă©tude de faisabilitĂ© du dĂ©veloppement d'un systĂšme aĂ©rien de vision pour l'inspection des structures de gĂ©nie civil telles que des ponts, tunnels. L'objectif final est d'effectuer l'inspection Ă l'aide d'un dispositif de vision embarquĂ© sur un drĂŽne Ă©voluant Ă l'extĂ©rieur, ou mĂȘme Ă l'intĂ©rieur des ouvrages d'art. Les images acquises par un tel systĂšme de vision embarquĂ© sont inĂ©vitablement dĂ©gradĂ©es. Les dĂ©gradations sont dues au comportement dynamique du drĂŽne ou aux conditions opĂ©rationnelles pendant l'inspection de la structure. Ils se traduisent essentiellement par un flou de mouvement qui peut ĂȘtre combinĂ© avec un flou de dĂ©focalisation sur les images acquises. Dans la pratique, ils sont tous les deux inconnus. Nous simulons expĂ©rimentalement les dĂ©gradations qui peuvent affecter la qualitĂ© des images acquises par un tel systĂšme de vision embarquĂ© sur drĂŽne. Nous considĂ©rons ensuite leur restauration numĂ©rique. La restauration est rĂ©alisĂ©e au moyen d'un systĂšme de traitement myope. Elle inclut deux modules de traitement, un pour identifier la PSF et un autre pour la restauration de l'image. L'identification et l'Ă©valuation de la PSF est rĂ©alisĂ©e en utilisant le critĂšre de la validation croisĂ©e gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e et une contrainte de douceur sur l'image. L'Ă©tape de restauration utilise une rĂ©gularisation de type Tikhonov-Miller. Les premiers rĂ©sultats prouvent que ce systĂšme donne des rĂ©sultats plutĂŽt bons sur les diverses configurations (statique, dynamique) d'acquisition des images. Il est tout Ă fait efficace sur les images flouĂ©es et bruitĂ©es, sans connaissance a priori des caractĂ©ristiques de bruit ou de l'image
Niobium Silicon alloys for Kinetic Inductance Detectors
We are studying the properties of Niobium Silicon amorphous alloys as a
candidate material for the fabrication of highly sensitive Kinetic Inductance
Detectors (KID), optimized for very low optical loads. As in the case of other
composite materials, the NbSi properties can be changed by varying the relative
amounts of its components. Using a NbSi film with T_c around 1 K we have been
able to obtain the first NbSi resonators, observe an optical response and
acquire a spectrum in the band 50 to 300 GHz. The data taken show that this
material has very high kinetic inductance and normal state surface resistivity.
These properties are ideal for the development of KID. More measurements are
planned to further characterize the NbSi alloy and fully investigate its
potential.Comment: Accepted for publication on Journal of Low Temperature Physics.
Proceedings of the LTD15 conference (Caltech 2013
Bi-layer Kinetic Inductance Detectors for space observations between 80-120 GHz
We have developed Lumped Element Kinetic Inductance Detectors (LEKID)
sensitive in the frequency band from 80 to 120~GHz. In this work, we take
advantage of the so-called proximity effect to reduce the superconducting gap
of Aluminium, otherwise strongly suppressing the LEKID response for frequencies
smaller than 100~GHz. We have designed, produced and optically tested various
fully multiplexed arrays based on multi-layers combinations of Aluminium (Al)
and Titanium (Ti). Their sensitivities have been measured using a dedicated
closed-circle 100 mK dilution cryostat and a sky simulator allowing to
reproduce realistic observation conditions. The spectral response has been
characterised with a Martin-Puplett interferometer up to THz frequencies, and
with a resolution of 3~GHz. We demonstrate that Ti-Al LEKID can reach an
optical sensitivity of about ~ (best pixel), or
~ when averaged over the whole array. The optical
background was set to roughly 0.4~pW per pixel, typical for future space
observatories in this particular band. The performance is close to a
sensitivity of twice the CMB photon noise limit at 100~GHz which drove the
design of the Planck HFI instrument. This figure remains the baseline for the
next generation of millimetre-wave space satellites.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, submitted to A&
SICANE: a Detector Array for the Measurement of Nuclear Recoil Quenching Factors using Monoenergetic Neutron Beam
SICANE is a neutron scattering multidetector facility for the determination
of the quenching factor (ratio of the response to nuclear recoils and to
electrons) of cryogenic detectors used in direct WIMP searches. Well collimated
monoenergetic neutron beams are obtained with inverse (p,n) reactions. The
facility is described, and results obtained for the quenching factors of
scintillation in NaI(Tl) and of heat and ionization in Ge are presented.Comment: 30 pages, Latex, 11 figures. Submitted to NIM
Le risque : un modÚle conceptuel d'intégration
The following project report is the first of a sequence which will focus on integrated risk management. This report presents a conceptual model which goal is to define the concept of risk. This conceptual model integrates the definitions of multiple domains having an interest in risk management. With the model, a terminology is proposed. This conceptual model is a foundation upon which it will be possible to exchange methods and measures of risk between domains. Ce rapport de projet est le premier d'une série qui s'intéressera à la gestion intégrée du risque. Dans l'objectif de répondre à la question « qu'est-ce que le risque? », un modÚle conceptuel définissant le concept du risque est proposé. Ce modÚle conceptuel intÚgre les définitions du risque de différentes disciplines. Une terminologie a été élaborée pour accompagner le modÚle. Ce modÚle conceptuel tente d'élaborer une base à partir de laquelle pourra se faire l'échange de méthodes et de mesures entre les domaines s'intéressant au risque.Risk, integrated risk management, definition, integration, Risque, gestion intégrée du risque, définition, intégration
Critical revision of the ZEPLIN-I sensitivity to WIMP interactions
The ZEPLIN collaboration has recently published its first result presenting a
maximum sensitivity of picobarn for a WIMP mass of
60 GeV. The analysis is based on a discrimination method using the
different time distribution of scintillation light generated in electron recoil
and nuclear recoil interactions. We show that the methodology followed both for
the calibration of the ZEPLIN-I detector response and for the estimation of the
discrimination power is not reliable enough to claim any background
discrimination at the present stage. The ZEPLIN-I sensitivity appears then to
be in the order of 10 picobarn, three orders of magnitude above the
claimed 1.1 10 picobarn.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, minor corrections, two references updated, final
version accepted in Physics Letters
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