1,371 research outputs found
Effects of scattering and dust grain size on the temperature structure of protoplanetary discs: A three-layer approach
The temperature in the optically thick interior of protoplanetary discs is
essential for the interpretation of millimeter observations of the discs, for
the vertical structure of the discs, for models of the disc evolution and the
planet formation, and for the chemistry in the discs. Since large icy grains
have a large albedo even in the infrared, the effect of scattering of the
diffuse radiation in the discs on the interior temperature should be examined.
We have performed a series of numerical radiation transfer simulations
including isotropic scattering by grains with various typical sizes for the
diffuse radiation as well as for the incident stellar radiation. We also have
developed an analytic model including isotropic scattering to understand the
physics concealed in the numerical results. With the analytic model, we have
shown that the standard two-layer approach is valid only for grey opacity (i.e.
grain size \ga10 \micron) even without scattering. A three-layer
interpretation is required for grain size \la10 \micron. When the grain size
is 0.1--10 \micron, the numerical simulations show that isotropic scattering
reduces the temperature of the disc interior. This reduction is nicely
explained by the analytic three-layer model as a result of the energy loss by
scatterings of the incident stellar radiation and of the warm diffuse radiation
in the disc atmosphere. For grain size \ga10 \micron (i.e. grey scattering),
the numerical simulations show that isotropic scattering does not affect the
interior temperature. This is nicely explained by the analytic two-layer model;
the energy loss by scattering in the disc atmosphere is exactly offset by the
"green-house effect" due to scattering of the cold diffuse radiation in the
interior.Comment: MNRAS accepte
A semi-analytical model of disk evaporation by thermal conduction
The conditions for disk evaporation by electron thermal conduction are
examined, using a simplified semi--analytical 1-D model. The model is based on
the mechanism proposed by Meyer & Meyer-Hofmeister (1994) in which an advection
dominated accretion flow evaporates the top layers from the underlying disk by
thermal conduction. The evaporation rate is calculated as a function of the
density of the advective flow, and an analysis is made of the time scales and
length scales of the dynamics of the advective flow. It is shown that
evaporation can only completely destroy the disk if the conductive length scale
is of the order of the radius. This implies that radial conduction is an
essential factor in the evaporation process. The heat required for evaporation
is in fact produced at small radii and transported radially towards the
evaporation region.Comment: 9 pages, 4 postscript figures, accepted for publication in A&
Radiative transfer in very optically thick circumstellar disks
In this paper we present two efficient implementations of the diffusion
approximation to be employed in Monte Carlo computations of radiative transfer
in dusty media of massive circumstellar disks. The aim is to improve the
accuracy of the computed temperature structure and to decrease the computation
time. The accuracy, efficiency and applicability of the methods in various
corners of parameter space are investigated. The effects of using these methods
on the vertical structure of the circumstellar disk as obtained from
hydrostatic equilibrium computations are also addressed. Two methods are
presented. First, an energy diffusion approximation is used to improve the
accuracy of the temperature structure in highly obscured regions of the disk,
where photon counts are low. Second, a modified random walk approximation is
employed to decrease the computation time. This modified random walk ensures
that the photons that end up in the high-density regions can quickly escape to
the lower density regions, while the energy deposited by these photons in the
disk is still computed accurately. A new radiative transfer code, MCMax, is
presented in which both these diffusion approximations are implemented. These
can be used simultaneously to increase both computational speed and decrease
statistical noise. We conclude that the diffusion approximations allow for fast
and accurate computations of the temperature structure, vertical disk structure
and observables of very optically thick circumstellar disks.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&
Planetesimal formation during protoplanetary disk buildup
Models of dust coagulation and subsequent planetesimal formation are usually
computed on the backdrop of an already fully formed protoplanetary disk model.
At the same time, observational studies suggest that planetesimal formation
should start early, possibly even before the protoplanetary disk is fully
formed. In this paper, we investigate under which conditions planetesimals
already form during the disk buildup stage, in which gas and dust fall onto the
disk from its parent molecular cloud. We couple our earlier planetesimal
formation model at the water snow line to a simple model of disk formation and
evolution. We find that under most conditions planetesimals only form after the
buildup stage when the disk becomes less massive and less hot. However, there
are parameters for which planetesimals already form during the disk buildup.
This occurs when the viscosity driving the disk evolution is intermediate
() while the turbulent mixing of the dust is
reduced compared to that (), and with the assumption
that water vapor is vertically well-mixed with the gas. Such scenario could be expected for layered accretion, where the gas flow
is mostly driven by the active surface layers, while the midplane layers, where
most of the dust resides, are quiescent.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, minor changes
due to language editio
Can dust coagulation trigger streaming instability?
Streaming instability can be a very efficient way of overcoming growth and
drift barriers to planetesimal formation. However, it was shown that strong
clumping, which leads to planetesimal formation, requires a considerable number
of large grains. State-of-the-art streaming instability models do not take into
account realistic size distributions resulting from the collisional evolution
of dust. We investigate whether a sufficient quantity of large aggregates can
be produced by sticking and what the interplay of dust coagulation and
planetesimal formation is. We develop a semi-analytical prescription of
planetesimal formation by streaming instability and implement it in our dust
coagulation code based on the Monte Carlo algorithm with the representative
particles approach. We find that planetesimal formation by streaming
instability may preferentially work outside the snow line, where sticky icy
aggregates are present. The efficiency of the process depends strongly on local
dust abundance and radial pressure gradient, and requires a super-solar
metallicity. If planetesimal formation is possible, the dust coagulation and
settling typically need ~100 orbits to produce sufficiently large and settled
grains and planetesimal formation lasts another ~1000 orbits. We present a
simple analytical model that computes the amount of dust that can be turned
into planetesimals given the parameters of the disk model.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in A&A (minor
corrections with respect to v1
An efficient algorithm for two-dimensional radiative transfer in axisymmetric circumstellar envelopes and disks
We present an algorithm for two-dimensional radiative transfer in
axisymmetric, circumstellar media. The formal integration of the transfer
equation is performed by a generalization of the short characteristics (SC)
method to spherical coordinates. Accelerated Lambda Iteration (ALI) and Ng's
algorithm are used to converge towards a solution. By taking a logarithmically
spaced radial coordinate grid, the method has the natural capability of
treating problems that span several decades in radius, in the most extreme case
from the stellar radius up to parsec scale. Flux conservation is guaranteed in
spherical coordinates by a particular choice of discrete photon directions and
a special treatment of nearly-radially outward propagating radiation. The
algorithm works well from zero up to very high optical depth, and can be used
for a wide variety of transfer problems, including non-LTE line formation, dust
continuum transfer and high temperature processes such as compton scattering.
In this paper we focus on multiple scattering off dust grains and on non-LTE
transfer in molecular and atomic lines. Line transfer is treated according to
an ALI scheme for multi-level atoms/molecules, and includes both random and
systematic velocity fields. The algorithms are implemented in a multi-purpose
user-friendly radiative transfer program named RADICAL. We present two example
computations: one of dust scattering in the Egg Nebula, and one of non-LTE line
formation in rotational transitions of HCO in a flattened protostellar
collapsing cloud.Comment: 18 pages, 32 figure
Size-sorting dust grains in the surface layers of protoplanetary disks
Aims: We wish to investigate what the effect of dust sedimentation is on the
observed 10 mum feature of protoplanetary disks and how this may affect the
interpretation of the observations.
Methods: Using a combination of modeling tools, we simulated the
sedimentation of a dust grain size distribution in an axisymmetric 2-D model of
a turbulent protoplanetary disk, and we used a radiative transfer program to
compute the resulting spectra.
Results: We find that the sedimentation can turn a flat feature into a pointy
one, but only to a limited degree and for a very limited set of particle size
distributions. Only if we have a bimodal size distribution, i.e. a very small
grain population and a bigger grain population, do we find that the
transformation from a flat to a pointy feature upon dust sedimentation is
strong. However, our model shows that, if sedimentation is the sole reason for
the variety of silicate feature strengths observed in protoplanetary disks,
then we would expect to find a correlation such that disks with weak mid- to
far-infrared excess have a stronger 10 mum silicate feature than disks with a
strong mid- to far-infrared excess. If this is contrary to what is observed,
then this would indicate that sedimentation cannot be the main reason for the
variety of 10 mum silicate features observed in protoplanetary disks.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres
Interferometer predictions with triangulated images: solving the multi-scale problem
Interferometers play an increasingly important role for spatially resolved
observations. If employed at full potential, interferometry can probe an
enormous dynamic range in spatial scale. Interpretation of the observed
visibilities requires the numerical compu- tation of Fourier integrals over the
synthetic model images. To get the correct values of these integrals, the model
images must have the right size and resolution. Insufficient care in these
choices can lead to wrong results. We present a new general-purpose scheme for
the computation of visibilities of radiative transfer images. Our method
requires a model image that is a list of intensities at arbitrarily placed
positions on the image-plane. It creates a triangulated grid from these
vertices, and assumes that the intensity inside each triangle of the grid is a
linear function. The Fourier integral over each triangle is then evaluated with
an analytic expression and the complex visibility of the entire image is then
the sum of all triangles. The result is a robust Fourier trans- form that does
not suffer from aliasing effects due to grid regularities. The method
automatically ensures that all structure contained in the model gets reflected
in the Fourier transform.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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