79 research outputs found
Higher intensity walking improves global cognition during inpatient rehabilitation: A secondary analysis of a randomized control trial
Cognitive deficits are common poststroke. Cognitive rehabilitation is typically used to improve cognitive deficits. It is unknown whether higher doses of exercise to promote motor recovery influence cognitive outcomes. Our recent trial, Determining Optimal Post-Stroke Exercise (DOSE), shows more than double the steps and aerobic minutes can be achieved during inpatient rehabilitation versus usual care, and translates to improved long-term walking outcomes. Thus, the secondary analysis aim was to determine the effect of the DOSE protocol on cognitive outcomes over 1-year poststroke. The DOSE protocol progressively increased step number and aerobic minutes during inpatient stroke rehabilitation over 20 sessions. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST), and Trail Making Test B were completed at baseline, post-intervention, and 6- and 12-months poststroke, administered using standardized guidelines. Using the DOSE data, we used mixed-effect spline regression to model participants\u27 trajectories of cognitive recovery, controlling for relevant covariates. Participants (Usual Car
Control intervention design for preclinical and clinical trials: consensus-based core recommendations from the third Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable
Control comparator selection is a critical trial design issue. Preclinical and clinical investigators who are doing trials of stroke recovery and rehabilitation interventions must carefully consider the appropriateness and relevance of their chosen control comparator as the benefit of an experimental intervention is established relative to a comparator. Establishing a strong rationale for a selected comparator improves the integrity of the trial and validity of its findings. This Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable (SRRR) taskforce used a graph theory voting system to rank the importance and ease of addressing challenges during control comparator design. "Identifying appropriate type of control" was ranked easy to address and very important, "variability in usual care" was ranked hard to address and of low importance, and "understanding the content of the control and how it differs from the experimental intervention" was ranked very important but not easy to address. The CONtrol DeSIGN (CONSIGN) decision support tool was developed to address the identified challenges and enhance comparator selection, description, and reporting. CONSIGN is a web-based tool inclusive of seven steps that guide the user through control comparator design. The tool was refined through multiple rounds of pilot testing that included more than 130 people working in neurorehabilitation research. Four hypothetical exemplar trials, which span preclinical, mood, aphasia, and motor recovery, demonstrate how the tool can be applied in practice. Six consensus recommendations are defined that span research domains, professional disciplines, and international borders.</p
Control intervention design for preclinical and clinical trials: Consensus-based core recommendations from the third Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable
Control comparator selection is a critical trial design issue. Preclinical and clinical investigators who are doing trials of stroke recovery and rehabilitation interventions must carefully consider the appropriateness and relevance of their chosen control comparator as the benefit of an experimental intervention is established relative to a comparator. Establishing a strong rationale for a selected comparator improves the integrity of the trial and validity of its findings. This Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Roundtable (SRRR) taskforce used a graph theory voting system to rank the importance and ease of addressing challenges during control comparator design. “Identifying appropriate type of control” was ranked easy to address and very important, “variability in usual care” was ranked hard to address and of low importance, and “understanding the content of the control and how it differs from the experimental intervention” was ranked very important but not easy to address. The CONtrol DeSIGN (CONSIGN) decision support tool was developed to address the identified challenges and enhance comparator selection, description, and reporting. CONSIGN is a web-based tool inclusive of seven steps that guide the user through control comparator design. The tool was refined through multiple rounds of pilot testing that included more than 130 people working in neurorehabilitation research. Four hypothetical exemplar trials, which span preclinical, mood, aphasia, and motor recovery, demonstrate how the tool can be applied in practice. Six consensus recommendations are defined that span research domains, professional disciplines, and international borders
Implementation of increased physical therapy intensity for improving walking after stroke: Walk 'n Watch protocol for a multi-site stepped-wedge cluster randomized controlled trial
Clinical practice guidelines support structured, progressive protocols for improving walking after stroke. Yet, practice is slow to change, evidenced by the little amount of walking activity in stroke rehabilitation units. Our recent study (n=75) found that a structured, progressive protocol integrated with typical daily physical therapy improved walking and quality of life measures over usual care. Research therapists progressed the intensity of exercise by using heart rate and step counters worn by the participants with stroke during therapy. To have the greatest impact, our next step is to undertake an implementation trial to change practice across stroke units where we enable the entire unit to use the protocol as part of standard of care. What is the effect of introducing structured, progressive exercise (termed the Walk 'n Watch protocol) to standard of care on the primary outcome of walking in adult participants with stroke over the hospital inpatient rehabilitation period? Secondary outcomes will be evaluated and include quality of life.Methods and sample size estimates: This national, multisite clinical trial will randomize 12 sites using a stepped-wedge design where each site will be randomized to deliver Usual Care initially for 4, 8, 12 or 16-months (three sites for each duration). Then, each site will switch to the Walk 'n Watch phase for the remaining duration of a total 20-month enrolment period. Each participant will be exposed to only one of Usual Care or Walk 'n Watch. The trial will enrol a total of 195 participants with stroke to achieve a power of 80% with a Type I error rate of 5%, allowing for 20% dropout. Participants will be medically stable adults post-stroke and able to take 5 steps with a maximum physical assistance from one therapist. The Walk 'n Watch protocol focuses on completing a minimum of 30-minutes of weight-bearing, walking-related activities (at the physical therapists' discretion) that progressively increases in intensity informed by activity trackers measuring heart rate and step number.Study outcome(s): The primary outcome will be the change in walking endurance, measured by the Six-Minute Walk Test, from Baseline (T1) to 4-weeks (T2). This change will be compared across Usual Care and Walk 'n Watch phases using a linear mixed-effects model. Additional physical, cognitive, and quality of life outcomes will be measured at T1, T2, and 12-months post-stroke (T3) by a blinded assessor. The implementation stepped-wedge cluster-randomized trial enables the protocol to be tested under real-world conditions, involving all clinicians on the unit. It will result in all sites and all clinicians on the unit to gain expertise in protocol delivery. Hence, a deliberate outcome of the trial is facilitating changes in best practice to improve outcomes for participants with stroke in the trial, and for the many participants with stroke admitted after the trial ends
Blood pressure trajectory of inpatient stroke rehabilitation patients from the Determining Optimal Post-Stroke Exercise (DOSE) trial over the first 12 months post-stroke
BackgroundHigh blood pressure (BP) is the primary risk factor for recurrent strokes. Despite established clinical guidelines, some stroke survivors exhibit uncontrolled BP over the first 12 months post-stroke. Furthermore, research on BP trajectories in stroke survivors admitted to inpatient rehabilitation hospitals is limited. Exercise is recommended to reduce BP after stroke. However, the effect of high repetition gait training at aerobic intensities (>40% heart rate reserve; HRR) during inpatient rehabilitation on BP is unclear. We aimed to determine the effect of an aerobic gait training intervention on BP trajectory over the first 12 months post-stroke.MethodsThis is a secondary analysis of the Determining Optimal Post-Stroke Exercise (DOSE) trial. Participants with stroke admitted to inpatient rehabilitation hospitals were recruited and randomized to usual care (n = 24), DOSE1 (n = 25; >2,000 steps, 40–60% HRR for >30 min/session, 20 sessions over 4 weeks), or DOSE2 (n = 25; additional DOSE1 session/day) groups. Resting BP [systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP)] was measured at baseline (inpatient rehabilitation admission), post-intervention (near inpatient discharge), 6- and 12-month post-stroke. Linear mixed-effects models were used to examine the effects of group and time (weeks post-stroke) on SBP, DBP and hypertension (≥140/90 mmHg; ≥130/80 mmHg, if diabetic), controlling for age, stroke type, and baseline history of hypertension.ResultsNo effect of intervention group on SBP, DBP, or hypertension was observed. BP increased from baseline to 12-month post-stroke for SBP (from [mean ± standard deviation] 121.8 ± 15.0 to 131.8 ± 17.8 mmHg) and for DBP (74.4 ± 9.8 to 78.5 ± 10.1 mmHg). The proportion of hypertensive participants increased from 20.8% (n = 15/72) to 32.8% (n = 19/58). These increases in BP were statistically significant: an effect [estimation (95%CI), value of p] of time was observed on SBP [0.19 (0.12–0.26) mmHg/week, p < 0.001], DBP [0.09 (0.05–0.14) mmHg/week, p < 0.001], and hypertension [OR (95%CI): 1.03 (1.01–1.05), p = 0.010]. A baseline history of hypertension was associated with higher SBP by 13.45 (8.73–18.17) mmHg, higher DBP by 5.57 (2.02–9.12) mmHg, and 42.22 (6.60–270.08) times the odds of being hypertensive at each timepoint, compared to those without.ConclusionBlood pressure increased after inpatient rehabilitation over the first 12 months post-stroke, especially among those with a history of hypertension. The 4-week aerobic gait training intervention did not influence this trajectory
Robotic Rehabilitation and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Children With Bilateral Cerebral Palsy
AimTo identify challenges of combining robotic upper extremity rehabilitation with tDCS in children with upper extremity bilateral cerebral palsy (CP) by assessing feasibility, tolerability and safety.MethodsThis was an unblinded, open-label, pilot clinical trial. Participants completed 10 × 1 h sessions of robotic rehabilitation combined with motor cortex anodal tDCS. Feasibility, acceptability and practicality, were assessed including the number of participants completing the protocol, factors limiting participation, time required for sessions, and completion of functional assessments and tolerability scales. To assess safety, standardized clinical and robotic measures of sensorimotor function were performed. The trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov (NCT04233710).ResultsEight children were recruited (mean age 8y ± 1.8y, range 6–11 years) and 5 completed the intervention. There were no serious adverse events. One child developed focal seizures 6 weeks after the trial that were deemed to be unrelated. Barriers to completion included time and scheduling demands and patient factors, specifically cognitive/behavioral impairments and dyskinesia. No decline in clinical function was appreciated.ConclusionsRobotic upper extremity rehabilitation combined with tDCS may be feasible in children with bilateral CP. Careful participant selection, family engagement, and protocol adaptations are recommended to better understand the feasibility and tolerability of future trials
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