1,394 research outputs found

    Logarithmic corrections to scaling in turbulent thermal convection

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    We use an analytic toy model of turbulent convection to show that most of the scaling regimes are spoiled by logarithmic corrections, in a way consistent with the most accurate experimental measurements available nowadays. This sets a need for the search of new measurable quantities which are less prone to dimensional theories.Comment: Revtex, 24 pages, 7 figure

    Momentum transport and torque scaling in Taylor-Couette flow from an analogy with turbulent convection

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    We generalize an analogy between rotating and stratified shear flows. This analogy is summarized in Table 1. We use this analogy in the unstable case (centrifugally unstable flow v.s. convection) to compute the torque in Taylor-Couette configuration, as a function of the Reynolds number. At low Reynolds numbers, when most of the dissipation comes from the mean flow, we predict that the non-dimensional torque G=T/ν2LG=T/\nu^2L, where LL is the cylinder length, scales with Reynolds number RR and gap width η\eta, G=1.46η3/2(1η)7/4R3/2G=1.46 \eta^{3/2} (1-\eta)^{-7/4}R^{3/2}. At larger Reynolds number, velocity fluctuations become non-negligible in the dissipation. In these regimes, there is no exact power law dependence the torque versus Reynolds. Instead, we obtain logarithmic corrections to the classical ultra-hard (exponent 2) regimes: G=0.50η2(1η)3/2R2ln[η2(1η)R2/104]3/2. G=0.50\frac{\eta^{2}}{(1-\eta)^{3/2}}\frac{R^{2}}{\ln[\eta^2(1-\eta)R^ 2/10^4]^{3/2}}. These predictions are found to be in excellent agreement with available experimental data. Predictions for scaling of velocity fluctuations are also provided.Comment: revTex, 6 Figure

    Fast Numerical simulations of 2D turbulence using a dynamic model for Subgrid Motions

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    We present numerical simulation of 2D turbulent flow using a new model for the subgrid scales which are computed using a dynamic equation linking the subgrid scales with the resolved velocity. This equation is not postulated, but derived from the constitutive equations under the assumption that the non-linear interactions of subgrid scales between themselves are equivalent to a turbulent viscosity.The performances of our model are compared with Direct Numerical Simulations of decaying and forced turbulence. For a same resolution, numerical simulations using our model allow for a significant reduction of the computational time (of the order of 100 in the case we consider), and allow the achievement of significantly larger Reynolds number than the direct method.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figure

    A LES-Langevin model for turbulence

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    We propose a new model of turbulence for use in large-eddy simulations (LES). The turbulent force, represented here by the turbulent Lamb vector, is divided in two contributions. The contribution including only subfilter fields is deterministically modeled through a classical eddy-viscosity. The other contribution including both filtered and subfilter scales is dynamically computed as solution of a generalized (stochastic) Langevin equation. This equation is derived using Rapid Distortion Theory (RDT) applied to the subfilter scales. The general friction operator therefore includes both advection and stretching by the resolved scale. The stochastic noise is derived as the sum of a contribution from the energy cascade and a contribution from the pressure. The LES model is thus made of an equation for the resolved scale, including the turbulent force, and a generalized Langevin equation integrated on a twice-finer grid. The model is validated by comparison to DNS and is tested against classical LES models for isotropic homogeneous turbulence, based on eddy viscosity. We show that even in this situation, where no walls are present, our inclusion of backscatter through the Langevin equation results in a better description of the flow.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    On non-linear hydrodynamic instability and enhanced transport in differentially rotating flows

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    In this paper we argue that differential rotation can possibly sustain hydrodynamic turbulence in the absence of magnetic field. We explain why the non-linearities of the hydrodynamic equations (i.e. turbulent diffusion) should not be neglected, either as a simplifying approximation or based on boundary counditions. The consequences of lifting this hypothesis are studied for the flow stability and the enhanced turbulent transport. We develop a simple general model for the energetics of turbulent fluctuations in differentially rotating flows. By taking into account the non-linearities of the equations of motions, we give constraints on the mean flow properties for the possible development of shear instability. The results from recent laboratory experiments on rotating flows show -- in agreement with the model -- that the pertinent parameter for stability appears to be the Rossby number Ro. The laboratory experiments seem to be compatible with Ro 1 in the inviscid or high rotation rates limit. Our results, taken in the inviscid limit, are coherent with the classical linear stability analysis, in the sense that the critical perturbation equals zero on the marginal linear stability curve. We also propose a prescription for turbulent viscosity which generalize the beta-prescription derived in Richard & Zahn 1999.Comment: Accepted for publication in "Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Global vs local energy dissipation: the energy cycle of the turbulent von K\'arm\'an flow

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    In this paper, we investigate the relations between global and local energy transfers in a turbulent von K\'arm\'an flow. The goal is to understand how and where energy is dissipated in such a flow and to reconstruct the energy cycle in an experimental device where local as well as global quantities can be measured. We use PIV measurements and we model the Reynolds stress tensor to take subgrid scales into account. This procedure involves a free parameter that is calibrated using angular momentum balance. We then estimate the local and global mean injected and dissipated power for several types of impellers, for various Reynolds numbers and for various flow topologies. These PIV estimates are then compared with direct injected power estimates provided by torque measurements at the impellers. The agreement between PIV estimates and direct measurements depends on the flow topology. In symmetric situations, we are able to capture up to 90% of the actual global energy dissipation rate. However, our results become increasingly inaccurate as the shear layer responsible for most of the dissipation approaches one of the impellers, and cannot be resolved by our PIV set-up. Finally, we show that a very good agreement between PIV estimates and direct measurements is obtained using a new method based on the work of Duchon and Robert which generalizes the K\'arm\'an-Howarth equation to nonisotropic, nonhomogeneous flows. This method provides parameter-free estimates of the energy dissipation rate as long as the smallest resolved scale lies in the inertial range. These results are used to evidence a well-defined stationary energy cycle within the flow in which most of the energy is injected at the top and bottom impellers, and dissipated within the shear layer. The influence of the mean flow geometry and the Reynolds number on this energy cycle is studied for a wide range of parameters

    Wave turbulence description of interacting particles: Klein-Gordon model with a Mexican-hat potential

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    In field theory, particles are waves or excitations that propagate on the fundamental state. In experiments or cosmological models one typically wants to compute the out-of-equilibrium evolution of a given initial distribution of such waves. Wave Turbulence deals with out-of-equilibrium ensembles of weakly nonlinear waves, and is therefore well-suited to address this problem. As an example, we consider the complex Klein-Gordon equation with a Mexican-hat potential. This simple equation displays two kinds of excitations around the fundamental state: massive particles and massless Goldstone bosons. The former are waves with a nonzero frequency for vanishing wavenumber, whereas the latter obey an acoustic dispersion relation. Using wave turbulence theory, we derive wave kinetic equations that govern the coupled evolution of the spectra of massive and massless waves. We first consider the thermodynamic solutions to these equations and study the wave condensation transition, which is the classical equivalent of Bose-Einstein condensation. We then focus on nonlocal interactions in wavenumber space: we study the decay of an ensemble massive particles into massless ones. Under rather general conditions, these massless particles accumulate at low wavenumber. We study the dynamics of waves coexisting with such a strong condensate, and we compute rigorously a nonlocal Kolmogorov-Zakharov solution, where particles are transferred non-locally to the condensate, while energy cascades towards large wave numbers through local interactions. This nonlocal cascading state constitute the intermediate asymptotics between the initial distribution of waves and the thermodynamic state reached in the long-time limit

    Intermittency in the homopolar disk-dynamo

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    We study a modified Bullard dynamo and show that this system is equivalent to a nonlinear oscillator subject to a multiplicative noise. The stability analysis of this oscillator is performed. Two bifurcations are identified, first towards an `` intermittent\rq\rq state where the absorbing (non-dynamo) state is no more stable but the most probable value of the amplitude of the oscillator is still zero and secondly towards a `` turbulent\rq\rq (dynamo) state where it is possible to define unambiguously a (non-zero) most probable value around which the amplitude of the oscillator fluctuates. The bifurcation diagram of this system exhibits three regions which are analytically characterized

    Entropy production and multiple equilibria: the case of the ice-albedo feedback

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    Nonlinear feedbacks in the Earth System provide mechanisms that can prove very useful in understanding complex dynamics with relatively simple concepts. For example, the temperature and the ice cover of the planet are linked in a positive feedback which gives birth to multiple equilibria for some values of the solar constant: fully ice-covered Earth, ice-free Earth and an intermediate unstable solution. In this study, we show an analogy between a classical dynamical system approach to this problem and a Maximum Entropy Production (MEP) principle view, and we suggest a glimpse on how to reconcile MEP with the time evolution of a variable. It enables us in particular to resolve the question of the stability of the entropy production maxima. We also compare the surface heat flux obtained with MEP and with the bulk-aerodynamic formula.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure