194 research outputs found

    Healthy lifestyle and life expectancy free of major chronic diseases at age 40 in China

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    Whether a healthy lifestyle helps achieve gains in life expectancy (LE) free of major non-communicable diseases and its share of total LE in Chinese adults remains unknown. We considered five low-risk lifestyle factors: never smoking or quitting for reasons other than illness, no excessive alcohol use, being physically active, healthy eating habits and healthy body fat levels. Here we show that after a median follow-up of 11.1 years for 451,233 Chinese adults, the LE free of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases (95% confidence interval) at age 40 years for individuals with all five low-risk factors was on average 6.3 (5.1–7.5) years (men) and 4.2 (3.6–5.4) years (women) longer than those with 0–1 low-risk factors. Correspondingly, the proportion of disease-free LE to total LE increased from 73.1% to 76.3% for men and from 67.6% to 68.4% for women. Our findings suggest that promoting healthy lifestyles could be associated with gains in disease-free LE in the Chinese population

    Household air pollution and risk of incident lung cancer in urban China: a prospective cohort study

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    Household air pollution (HAP) is associated with the development of lung cancer, yet few studies investigated the exposure patterns and joint associations with tobacco smoking. In this study, we included 224,189 urban participants from China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB), 3,288 of which diagnosed with lung cancer during the follow-up. Exposure to four HAP sources (solid fuels for cooking/heating/stove, and environmental tobacco smoke exposure) was assessed at baseline. Distinct HAP patterns and their associations with lung cancer were examined through latent class analysis (LCA) and multivariable Cox regression. A total of 76.1% of the participants reported regular cooking and 52.2% reported winter heating, of which 9% and 24.7% used solid fuels, respectively. Solid fuel heating increased lung cancer risk (Hazards ratio [HR]: 1.25, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.08-1.46). LCA identified three HAP patterns; the "clean fuel cooking & solid fuel heating" pattern significantly increased lung cancer risk (HR: 1.25, 95%CI: 1.10-1.41), compared with low HAP pattern. An additive interaction was observed between heavy smoking and "clean fuel cooking & solid fuel heating" (relative excess risk [RERI]: 1.32, 95%CI: 0.29-2.47, attributable proportion [AP]: 0.23, 95%CI: 0.06-0.36). Cases resulting from solid fuel account for ~4% of total cases (population attribute fraction [PAF] overall: 4.31%, 95% CI: 2.16%-6.47%, PAF ever smokers: 4.38%, 95%CI: 1.54%-7.23%). Our results suggest that in urban China, solid fuel heating increased the risk of lung cancer, particularly among heavy smokers. The whole population could benefit from cleaner indoor air quality by reducing using solid fuels, especially smokers

    Association between frequency of muscle-strengthening exercise and depression symptoms among middle and high school students: cross-sectional survey study

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    Background: Existing literature on the association between the frequency of muscle-strengthening exercise (MSE) and depression among adolescents is limited and contradictory. Objective: This study aimed to elucidate the association of MSE frequency with depression symptoms among middle and high school students in China. Methods: A total of 27,070 students in grades 7-12 from 376 middle and high schools were surveyed using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire between April and June 2022. Information on engaging in MSE was self-reported, and depression symptoms were assessed using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Poisson regression was used to examine the association between MSE frequency and depression symptoms. Results: Among the 27,006 eligible students, 51.6% (n=13,933) were boys, and the mean age was 15.6 (SD 1.7) years. The overall prevalence of meeting MSE recommendations (ie, engaging in MSE ≥3 days/week) was 34.6% (95% CI 32.6%-36.6%; n=9145); the prevalence was higher in boys (43.8%, 95% CI 41.8%-45.8%; 6067/13,933) than in girls (24.3%, 95% CI 22%-26.6%; 3078/13,073; P Conclusions: The overall prevalence of meeting MSE recommendations among Chinese adolescents is low. The frequency of MSE was inversely associated with depression symptoms

    A high-resolution haplotype-resolved Reference panel constructed from the China Kadoorie Biobank Study

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    Precision medicine depends on high-accuracy individual-level genotype data. However, the whole-genome sequencing (WGS) is still not suitable for gigantic studies due to budget constraints. It is particularly important to construct highly accurate haplotype reference panel for genotype imputation. In this study, we used 10 000 samples with medium-depth WGS to construct a reference panel that we named the CKB reference panel. By imputing microarray datasets, it showed that the CKB panel outperformed compared panels in terms of both the number of well-imputed variants and imputation accuracy. In addition, we have completed the imputation of 100 706 microarrays with the CKB panel, and the after-imputed data is the hitherto largest whole genome data of the Chinese population. Furthermore, in the GWAS analysis of real phenotype height, the number of tested SNPs tripled and the number of significant SNPs doubled after imputation. Finally, we developed an online server for offering free genotype imputation service based on the CKB reference panel (https://db.cngb.org/imputation/). We believe that the CKB panel is of great value for imputing microarray or low-coverage genotype data of Chinese population, and potentially mixed populations. The imputation-completed 100 706 microarray data are enormous and precious resources of population genetic studies for complex traits and diseases

    Modeling biological age using blood biomarkers and physical measurements in Chinese adults

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    Background This study aimed to: 1) assess the associations of biological age acceleration based on Klemera and Doubal's method (KDM-AA) with long-term risk of all-cause mortality; and 2) compare the association of KDM-AA with all-cause mortality among participants potentially at different stages of the cardiovascular disease (CVD) continuum. Methods The present study was based on a subpopulation of the China Kadoorie Biobank, with baseline survey during 2004–08. A total of 12,377 participants free of ischemic heart disease, stroke, or cancer at baseline were included, in which 8180 participants were identified to develop major coronary event (MCE), ischemic stroke (IS), intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) or subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), and 4197 remained free of these cardiovascular diseases before 1 January 2014. These participants were followed up until 1 Jan 2018. KDM-AA was calculated by regressing biological age measurement, which was constructed based on baseline 16 physical and 9 biochemical markers using Klemera and Doubal's method, on chronological age. We estimated the associations of KDM-AA with the mortality risk using the hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) from Cox proportional hazard models. We assessed discrimination performance by Harrell's C-index and net reclassification index (NRI). Findings The participants who developed MCE (mean KDM-AA = 0.1 year, standard deviation [SD] = 1.6 years) or ICH/SAH (0.3 ± 1.5 years) during subsequent follow-up showed accelerated aging at baseline compared to those of IS (0.0 ± 1.2 years) and control (−0.3 ± 1.3 years) groups. The KDM-AA was positively associated with long-term risk of all-cause mortality (HR = 1.20; 95% CI: 1.17, 1.23), and the association was robust for participants potentially at different stages of the CVD continuum. Adding KDM-AA improved mortality prediction compared to the model only with sociodemographic and lifestyle factors in whole participants, with the Harrell's C-index increasing from 0.813 (0.807, 0.819) to 0.821 (0.815, 0.826) (NRI = 0.011; 95% CI: 0.003, 0.019). Interpretation In this middle-aged and elderly Chinese population, the KDM-AA is a promising measurement for biological age, and can capture the difference in cardiovascular health and predict the risk of all-cause mortality over a decade. Funding This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (82192904, 82192901, 82192900, 81941018). The CKB baseline survey and the first re-survey were supported by a grant from the Kadoorie Charitable Foundation Hong Kong. The long-term follow-up is supported by grants from the UK Wellcome Trust (212946/Z/18/Z, 202922/Z/16/Z, 104085/Z/14/Z, 088158/Z/09/Z), grants (2016YFC0900500) from the National Key R&D Program of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China (81390540, 91846303), and Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (2011BAI09B01)

    Healthy lifestyle, DNA methylation age acceleration, and incident risk of coronary heart disease

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    Background DNA methylation clocks emerged as a tool to determine biological aging and have been related to mortality and age-related diseases. Little is known about the association of DNA methylation age (DNAm age) with coronary heart disease (CHD), especially in the Asian population. Results Methylation level of baseline blood leukocyte DNA was measured by Infinium Methylation EPIC BeadChip for 491 incident CHD cases and 489 controls in the prospective China Kadoorie Biobank. We calculated the methylation age using a prediction model developed among Chinese. The correlation between chronological age and DNAm age was 0.90. DNA methylation age acceleration (Δage) was defined as the residual of regressing DNA methylation age on the chronological age. After adjustment for multiple risk factors of CHD and cell type proportion, compared with participants in the bottom quartile of Δage, the OR (95% CI) for CHD was 1.84 (1.17, 2.89) for participants in the top quartile. One SD increment in Δage was associated with 30% increased risk of CHD (OR = 1.30; 95% CI 1.09, 1.56; Ptrend = 0.003). The average number of cigarette equivalents consumed per day and waist-to-hip ratio were positively associated with Δage; red meat consumption was negatively associated with Δage, characterized by accelerated aging in those who never or rarely consumed red meat (all P  Conclusions We first identified the association between DNAm age acceleration and incident CHD in the Asian population, and provided evidence that unfavorable lifestyle-induced epigenetic aging may play an important part in the underlying pathway to CHD

    Prevalence and risk factors of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among adults aged 50 years and above—ten CKB studies areas, China, 2020–2021

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    What is already known about this topic? The COPD prevalence in Chinese aged 50 years and above was obviously higher than that in younger adults, which risk factors were unclear. What is added by this report? Prevalences were estimated 12.8% and 5.7% for males and females over 50 in 2020- 2021, with confirmed risk factors of cigarette smoking, family history of respiratory diseases, respiratory symptoms, and history of cough or respiratory diseases during childhood. What are the implications for public health practice? The findings may help clinicians and the public to identify individuals at high risk of COPD and take targeted measures in time
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