2,814 research outputs found
Agglomeration of microparticles in complex plasmas
Agglomeration of highly charged microparticles was observed and studied in
complex plasma experiments carried out in a capacitively coupled rf discharge.
The agglomeration was caused by strong dust density waves triggered in a
particle cloud by decreasing neutral gas pressure. Using a high-speed camera
during this unstable regime, it was possible to resolve the motion of
individual microparticles and to show that the relative velocities of some
particles were sufficiently high to overcome the mutual Coulomb repulsion and
hence to result in agglomeration. After stabilising the cloud again through the
increase of the pressure, we were able to observe the aggregates directly with
a long-distance microscope. We show that the agglomeration rate deduced from
our experiments is in good agreement with theoretical estimates. In addition,
we briefly discuss the mechanisms that can provide binding of highly charged
microparticles in a plasma.Comment: submitted to Phys. Plasm
Channeling of particles and associated anomalous transport in a 2D complex plasma crystal
Implications of recently discovered effect of channeling of upstream extra
particles for transport phenomena in a two-dimensional plasma crystal are
discussed. Upstream particles levitated above the lattice layer and tended to
move between the rows of lattice particles. An example of heat transport is
considered, where upstream particles act as moving heat sources, which may lead
to anomalous heat transport. The average channeling length observed was 15 - 20
interparticle distances. New features of the channeling process are also
Identification of the melting line in the two-dimensional complex plasmas using an unsupervised machine learning method
Machine learning methods have been widely used in the investigations of the
complex plasmas. In this paper, we demonstrate that the unsupervised
convolutional neural network can be applied to obtain the melting line in the
two-dimensional complex plasmas based on the Langevin dynamics simulation
results. The training samples do not need to be labeled. The resulting melting
line coincides with those obtained by the analysis of hexatic order parameter
and supervised machine learning method
Ternary Compression for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning
Learning over massive data stored in different locations is essential in many
real-world applications. However, sharing data is full of challenges due to the
increasing demands of privacy and security with the growing use of smart mobile
devices and IoT devices. Federated learning provides a potential solution to
privacy-preserving and secure machine learning, by means of jointly training a
global model without uploading data distributed on multiple devices to a
central server. However, most existing work on federated learning adopts
machine learning models with full-precision weights, and almost all these
models contain a large number of redundant parameters that do not need to be
transmitted to the server, consuming an excessive amount of communication
costs. To address this issue, we propose a federated trained ternary
quantization (FTTQ) algorithm, which optimizes the quantized networks on the
clients through a self-learning quantization factor. A convergence proof of the
quantization factor and the unbiasedness of FTTQ is given. In addition, we
propose a ternary federated averaging protocol (T-FedAvg) to reduce the
upstream and downstream communication of federated learning systems. Empirical
experiments are conducted to train widely used deep learning models on publicly
available datasets, and our results demonstrate the effectiveness of FTTQ and
T-FedAvg compared with the canonical federated learning algorithms in reducing
communication costs and maintaining the learning performance
Structure and dynamics of a glass-forming binary complex plasma with non-reciprocal interaction
In this letter, we present the first numerical study on the structural and
dynamical properties of a quasi-two-dimensional (q2D) binary complex plasma
with Langevin dynamics simulation. The effect of interaction with
non-reciprocity on the structure is investigated by comparing systems with pure
Yukawa and with point-wake Yukawa interactions. The long-time alpha-relaxation
for the latter system is revealed by plotting and analyzing the intermediate
scattering function. The results clearly indicate that a q2D binary complex
plasma is a suitable model system to study the dynamics of a glass former. The
non-reciprocity of the interactions shifts the glass formation significantly
but leads to the same qualitative signatures as in the reciprocal case
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