13 research outputs found
Multiscale compression-induced restructuring of stacked lipid bilayers: From buckling delamination to molecular packing.
Lipid membranes in nature adapt and reconfigure to changes in composition, temperature, humidity, and mechanics. For instance, the oscillating mechanical forces on lung cells and alveoli influence membrane synthesis and structure during breathing. However, despite advances in the understanding of lipid membrane phase behavior and mechanics of tissue, there is a critical knowledge gap regarding the response of lipid membranes to micromechanical forces. Most studies of lipid membrane mechanics use supported lipid bilayer systems missing the structural complexity of pulmonary lipids in alveolar membranes comprising multi-bilayer interconnected stacks. Here, we elucidate the collective response of the major component of pulmonary lipids to strain in the form of multi-bilayer stacks supported on flexible elastomer substrates. We utilize X-ray diffraction, scanning probe microscopy, confocal microscopy, and molecular dynamics simulation to show that lipid multilayered films both in gel and fluid states evolve structurally and mechanically in response to compression at multiple length scales. Specifically, compression leads to increased disorder of lipid alkyl chains comparable to the effect of cholesterol on gel phases as a direct result of the formation of nanoscale undulations in the lipid multilayers, also inducing buckling delamination and enhancing multi-bilayer alignment. We propose this cooperative short- and long-range reconfiguration of lipid multilayered films under compression constitutes a mechanism to accommodate stress and substrate topography. Our work raises fundamental insights regarding the adaptability of complex lipid membranes to mechanical stimuli. This is critical to several technologies requiring mechanically reconfigurable surfaces such as the development of electronic devices interfacing biological materials
Multiscale compression-induced restructuring of stacked lipid bilayers: From buckling delamination to molecular packing
Lipid membranes in nature adapt and reconfigure to changes in composition, temperature, humidity, and mechanics. For instance, the oscillating mechanical forces on lung cells and alveoli influence membrane synthesis and structure during breathing. However, despite advances in the understanding of lipid membrane phase behavior and mechanics of tissue, there is a critical knowledge gap regarding the response of lipid membranes to micromechanical forces. Most studies of lipid membrane mechanics use supported lipid bilayer systems missing the structural complexity of pulmonary lipids in alveolar membranes comprising multi-bilayer interconnected stacks. Here, we elucidate the collective response of the major component of pulmonary lipids to strain in the form of multi-bilayer stacks supported on flexible elastomer substrates. We utilize X-ray diffraction, scanning probe microscopy, confocal microscopy, and molecular dynamics simulation to show that lipid multilayered films both in gel and fluid states evolve structurally and mechanically in response to compression at multiple length scales. Specifically, compression leads to increased disorder of lipid alkyl chains comparable to the effect of cholesterol on gel phases as a direct result of the formation of nanoscale undulations in the lipid multilayers, also inducing buckling delamination and enhancing multi-bilayer alignment. We propose this cooperative short- and long-range reconfiguration of lipid multilayered films under compression constitutes a mechanism to accommodate stress and substrate topography. Our work raises fundamental insights regarding the adaptability of complex lipid membranes to mechanical stimuli. This is critical to several technologies requiring mechanically reconfigurable surfaces such as the development of electronic devices interfacing biological materials
X-ray scattering analysis of lipid films.
Reconfiguration of SLM films as a function of compression. A) 2D GIWAXS diffraction patterns of DPPC films before and after compression by 10%. The brackets denote a family of planes hkl. The inset are schematics of the changes in layer alignment corresponding with changes in correlation length ξ induced in the DPPC SLM by compression. B) Linear integration of the GIWAXS data. C) Schematic of GIWAXS peak shift and widening related to the effect of compression at the hydrocarbon chain length scale. D) Schematic of DPPC hexagonal phase from GIWAXS data which displays changes in lattice spacing a and increased disorder of lipid tails.</p
Effect of compression on lipid tilt.
A) Color coded representation of the simulated DPPC systems at three compressive strains. The color represents lipid orientation (tilt) angle with respect to z-axis. The box represents the simulation unit cell. B) The tilt angle distributions of the Lβ phase DPPC lipids. The inset shows the average order parameter values.</p
Optical analysis of hydrocarbon chain order of DPPC SLM films upon compression.
A) Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) images of DPPC-Laurdan SLM films adsorbed onto PDMS before and B) after compression by 20%.Low–ordered hydrocarbon chains fluorescence in magenta (excitation laser at 405 nm/detection wavelength 475–700 nm) and high–ordered hydrocarbon chains fluorescence in green (excitation laser at 405 nm/detection wavelength 400–-456 nm). C) and D) 1D intensity profiles along the dash gray line in (A) uncompressed and (B) compressed films respectively of each Laurdan dye channel (high–ordered hydrocarbon chains fluorescence in green and low–ordered hydrocarbon chains fluorescence in magenta).</p