64 research outputs found

    On a theorem of Scholze-Weinstein

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    Let G be the Tate module of a p-divisble group H over a perfect field k of characteristic p. A theorem of Scholze-Weinstein describes G (and therefore H itself) in terms of the Dieudonne module of H; more precisely, it describes G(C) for "good" semiperfect k-algebras C (which is enough to reconstruct G). In these notes we give a self-contained proof of this theorem and explain the relation with the classical descriptions of the Dieudonne functor from Dieudonne modules to p-divisible groups.Comment: Some typos correcte

    On a conjecture of Kashiwara

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    Kashiwara conjectured that the hard Lefshetz theorem and the semisimplicity theorem hold for any semisimple perverse sheaf M on a variety over a field of characteristic 0. He also conjectured that if you apply to such M the nearby cycle functor corresponding to some function then the successive quotients of the monodromy filtration are semisimple. We prove that these conjectures would follow from de Jong's conjecture on representations modulo l of the arithmetic fundamental group of a variety over a finite field.Comment: 16 pages, Latex; added references to works by Simpson and Sabba

    DG quotients of DG categories

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    Keller introduced a notion of quotient of a differential graded category modulo a full differential graded subcategory which agrees with Verdier's notion of quotient of a triangulated category modulo a triangulated subcategory. This work is an attempt to further develop his theory. More than a half of the text is devoted to an overview of "well known" definitions and results. As a result, the e-print is essentially self-contained.Comment: 50 pages, Latex; an error in the proof of Lemma 13.5 is correcte

    On algebraic spaces with an action of G_m

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    Let Z be an algebraic space of finite type over a field, equipped with an action of the multiplicative group GmG_m. In this situation we define and study a certain algebraic space equipped with an unramified morphism to A1×Z×ZA^1\times Z\times Z, where A1A^1 is the affine line. (If Z is affine and smooth this is just the closure of the graph of the action map Gm×Z→ZG_m\times Z\to Z.) In articles joint with D.Gaitsgory we use this set-up to prove a new result in the geometric theory of automorphic forms and to give a new proof of a very important theorem of T. Braden.Comment: Appendix C adde

    Fourier transform of algebraic measures

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    These are notes of a talk based on the work arXiv:1212.3630 joint with A. Aizenbud. Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space over a local field F of characteristic 0. Let f be a function on V of the form f(x)=ψ(P(x))f(x)= \psi (P(x)), where P is a polynomial on V and ψ\psi is a nontrivial additive character of F. Then it is clear that the Fourier transform of f is well-defined as a distribution on V∗V^*. Due to J.Bernstein, Hrushovski-Kazhdan, and Cluckers-Loeser, it is known that the Fourier transform is smooth on a non-empty Zariski-open conic subset of V∗V^*. The goal of these notes is to sketch a proof of this result (and some related ones), which is very simple modulo resolution of singularities (the existing proofs use D-module theory in the Archimedean case and model theory in the non-Archimedian one).Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of the conference in honour of Gerard Laumon's 60th birthda

    On the pro-semisimple completion of the fundamental group of a smooth variety over a finite field

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    Let Π\Pi be the fundamental group of a smooth variety X over FpF_p. Given a non-Archimedean place λ\lambda of the field of algebraic numbers which is prime to p, consider the λ\lambda-adic pro-semisimple completion of Π\Pi as an object of the groupoid whose objects are pro-semisimple groups and whose morphisms are isomorphisms up to conjugation by elements of the neutral connected component. We prove that this object does not depend on λ\lambda. If dim X=1 we also prove a crystalline generalization of this fact. We deduce this from the Langlands conjecture for function fields (proved by L. Lafforgue) and its crystalline analog (proved by T. Abe) using a reconstruction theorem in the spirit of Kazhdan-Larsen-Varshavsky. We also formulate two related conjectures, each of which is a "reciprocity law" involving a sum over all ll-adic cohomology theories (including the crystalline theory for l=pl=p).Comment: Typo correcte

    On the Grinberg - Kazhdan formal arc theorem

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    Let X be an algebraic variety over a field k, and L(X) be the scheme of formal arcs in X. Let f be an arc whose image is not contained in the singularities of X. Grinberg and Kazhdan proved that if k has characteristic 0 then the formal neighborhood of f in L(X) admits a decomposition into a product of an infinite-dimensional smooth piece and a piece isomorphic to the formal neighborhood of a closed point of a scheme of finite type. We give a short proof of this theorem without the characteristic 0 assumption.Comment: 4 pages, Late

    On the notion of geometric realization

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    We explain why geometric realization commutes with Cartesian products and why the geometric realization of a simplicial set (resp. cyclic set) is equipped with an action of the group of orientation preserving homeomorphisms of the segment [0,1] (resp. the circle). Our approach is very similar to that of A. Besser and D. Grayson.Comment: Corrected a mistake. (The mistake is described in the "Warning" on p.9.

    On a conjecture of Deligne

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    Let X be a smooth variety over FpF_p. Let E be a number field. For each nonarchimedean place λ\lambda of E prime to p consider the set of isomorphism classes of irreducible lisse Eˉλ\bar{E}_{\lambda}-sheaves on X with determinant of finite order such that for every closed point x in X the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius FxF_x has coefficents in E. We prove that this set does not depend on λ\lambda. The idea is to use a method developed by G.Wiesend to reduce the problem to the case where X is a curve. This case was treated by L. Lafforgue.Comment: Minor changes in Appendix

    A stacky approach to crystals

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    Inspired by a theorem of Bhatt-Morrow-Scholze, we develop a stacky approach to crystals and isocrystals on "Frobenius-smooth" schemes over F_p . This class of schemes goes back to Berthelot-Messing and contains all smooth schemes over perfect fields of characteristic p. To treat isocrystals, we prove some descent theorems for sheaves of Banachian modules, which could be interesting in their own right
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