336 research outputs found
Cell-like resolutions preserving cohomological dimensions
We prove that for every compactum X with dim_Z X = 2 there is a
cell-like resolution r: Z --> X from a compactum Z onto X such that dim Z <= n
and for every integer k and every abelian group G such that dim_G X = 2
we have dim_G Z <=k. The latter property implies that for every simply
connected CW-complex K such that e-dim X <= K we also have e-dim Z <= K.Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at
Rational acyclic resolutions
Let X be a compactum such that dim_Q X 1. We prove that there is a
Q-acyclic resolution r: Z-->X from a compactum Z of dim < n+1. This allows us
to give a complete description of all the cases when for a compactum X and an
abelian group G such that dim_G X 1 there is a G-acyclic resolution r:
Z-->X from a compactum Z of dim < n+1.Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at
Maps to the projective plane
We prove the projective plane \rp^2 is an absolute extensor of a
finite-dimensional metric space if and only if the cohomological dimension
mod 2 of does not exceed 1. This solves one of the remaining difficult
problems (posed by A.N.Dranishnikov) in extension theory. One of the main tools
is the computation of the fundamental group of the function space
\Map(\rp^n,\rp^{n+1}) (based at inclusion) as being isomorphic to either
or for . Double surgery and the above fact
yield the proof.Comment: 17 page
The LS category of the product of lens spaces
We reduced Rudyak's conjecture that a degree one map between closed manifolds
cannot raise the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category to the computation of the
category of the product of two lens spaces with relatively
prime and . We have computed for values of
. It turns out that our computation supports the conjecture.
For spin manifolds we establish a criterion for the equality which is a K-theoretic refinement of the Katz-Rudyak criterion for . We apply it to obtain the inequality
for all and odd relatively prime and
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