17 research outputs found
Blast results, GO annotations, GO annotation terms, associated microsatellites (including motif, primer and product size for each SSR) for each of the contigs and for both tax
Echinogammarus veneris, transcriptome shotgun assembly
Echinogammarus veneris, transcriptome shotgun assembl
FASTAQ file for Echinogammarus veneris
FASTAQ file for Echinogammarus veneri
R scripts to perform the Mantel tests for detecting isolation-by-distance and isolation by-environment patterns using the ecodist packag
Raw SNP data called from transcriptome accession no.: JV134525–JV157085 TSA NCBI, and inferred SNP data using the software PHAS
Shell scripts and results of the STRUCTURE analysis with K=1 to
Sequences (raw data) on which primer design for KASP assay was based and SNPs therei
A list of environmental variables characterizing the four studied sites from southern France (Ventoux, Lure, Issole and VĂ©subie
Lambert 3 coordinates and altitude of all sampled individual
A series of files containing common garden data (budburst, survival and growth) from a nursery tests (see Sagnard et al. 2002) and R scripts to perform the Qst-Fst tests with the QstFstComp packag