3 research outputs found
Manjisthadi Lepa as Vedanasthapana in soft tissue injury with special reference to Ankle Sprain
Background: Demanding lifestyle has boosted the incidence of trauma/soft tissue injury. One among such conditions is sprain with site predominance as Ankle accounting for 75%. Most sprains are sports related injuries and treatment for which is PRICE (pain killers, rest, icepack, compression and elevation) in allied science. In the United States it is estimated that 23,000 people per day, necessitate medical care for ankle sprains including athletes and non-athletes. Achayra Sushruta in the context of Bhagna Chikitsa explained Manjisthadi Lepa to combat Vedana (pain). Objective of the study: To evaluate the Vedanasthapana effect of Manjisthadi Lepa in soft tissue injuries with special reference to Ankle sprain. Materials: 40 patients of Ankle sprain were selected from OPD and IPD of BVVS Ayurved Medical Hospital, Bagalkot based on the inclusive criteria. Study design: Single group, open clinical study. Method: Lepa was applied at affected site twice daily for 07 days and removed before it dried. Follow up: on 15th, 30th and 45th day. Observation: Age distribution showed 40% of patients were between 20-30 years with female predominance of 67.5%. Occupation wise students ranked more. Mode of injury dominates to getting down the stairs 80% with inversion of foot 85% especially left sided majority of 82.5% having grade I injury. Interpretation and conclusion: The study showed 88.2% improvement in pain, 85.7% in tenderness, 71.8% in swelling and 100% in loss of function and discoloration respectively by a period of one week treatment. Ankle range of movements showed 100% improvement with p value <0.001